History 2P91: Europe's Reformations
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Date: Tue. Apr. 15 09:00 - 11:00 WCDVIS

The Final will be two hours long, and the date set by the exams office. It will consist of two sections. The first will be exactly like the midterm, choosing four terms from among a set of 12, identifying them and explaining their historical significance in the light of the themes discussed from week 8's lecture and seminar, and will be 40% of the final exam mark. The second half will be a traditional long essay format, where you will select one question out of a set of five, and will be 60% of the final exam mark.

The terms in the final will be drawn from 10 of those listed below. In order to prepare for the midterm do some practice runs! Envisage 2/3 of a page of lined paper, and write your answer in roughly two sections: a) Identify the term, b) and give its significance. Try to think about it as an encyclopedia entry rather than as an essay. Section a) should roughly be around 1/3 of your answer. Give dates if possible, audience, title, authorship, context / place, who was involved etc. Section b) should be the remainder of your answer (2/3), and should explain clearly why the term is important to those involved in it at the time, and then more widely why the term is important to the course as a whole thus far. Emphasis in marking will be on section b) and its analytical development, though obvious errors and omissions from section a) will be noted as well.

  • St Bartholomew's Day
  • Alumbrados
  • Edict of Nantes
  • Patronato
  • Praemunire
  • Muhlberg
  • Variata Augsburg Confession
  • Heidelberg
  • Clerical Marriage
  • Augsburg Interim
  • The Massacre of Weinsberg
  • Ximenes de Cisneros
  • The Spanish Inquisition
  • Hedge-preaching
  • William of Orange
  • Marguerite of Navarre (or Angouleme)
  • Guillaume Briconnet
  • Auto de Fe
  • Surplices
  • Peasants' War
  • Confessionalism
  • Sigismund II of Poland
  • Catechism of Rakow
  • Anna Bathory
  • Partium
  • Jacques Lefebvre d'Etaples
  • Henry of Guise
  • Vassy
  • Henry of Navarre
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