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History 2P91: The Early Reformation - The Luther Affair and Zwingli in Zurich
secondary sources | primary sources | linksIn the initial stages of the Reformation immediately following Luther's posting of his 95 Theses and the preaching of Zwingli in Zurich, it was clear that the Latin church was going to 'fall apart'. The early reformation, though, was more than simply Luther and Zwingli - it involved dramatic social upheavals and developments when the positions put forward by these men were extrapolated and mixed with social angst in the mid-1520s.
Additional Reading Lists
R. B. Barnes, Prophecy and Gnosis: Apocalypticism in the Wake of the Lutheran Reformation (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988).
J. Beyer, 'A Lubeck Prophet in Local and Lutheran Context', in Popular Religion in Germany and Central Europe, ed. Robert W. Scribner and T. Johnson (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996), .
Peter Bietenholz, 'Erasmus and the German Public, 1518-1520,' Sixteenth Century Journal 8 (1977): .
Peter Blickle, The Revolution of 1525 (London: , 1981).
H. Bornkamm, Luther in Mid-career, 1521-1530 (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1983).
Thomas A. Brady, 'Phases and strategies of the Schmalkaldic League,' Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte 74 (1983): 162-181.
Martin Brecht, Martin Luther, his Road to Reformation (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1985).
Henry J. Cohn, 'Anticlericalism in the German Peasants' War,' Past & Present no.83 (1979): 3-31.
A.G. Dickens, The German Nation and Martin Luther (London: Edward Arnold, 1974).
C. S. Dixon & Robert W. Scribner, The German Reformation (: , ).
C. S. Dixon, The Reformation and Rural Society: The Parishes of Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach, 1528-1603 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996).
Richard Friedenthal, Luther (London: , 1970).
Irmgard Hoss, 'The Lutheran Church of the Reformation: Problems of its organization and formation', in The Social History of the Reformation, ed. L. P. Buck and J. W. Zophy (Columbus: , 1972), 317-339.
R. Kolb, For all the Saints: Changing Perceptions of Martyrdom and Sainthood in the Lutheran Reformation (: , 1987).
J. Maarbjerg, 'Iconoclasm in the Thurgau: Two Related Incidents in the Summer of 1524,' Sixteenth Century Journal 24 (1993): 577-59.
C. Marsh, The Family of Love in English Society, 1550-1630 (Cambridge: , 1994).
Bernd Moeller, Imperial Cities and the Reformation (Durham: , 1982).
Heiko A. Oberman, 'Teufelsdreck: Eschatology and Scatology in the "Old" Luther,' Sixteenth Century Journal 19 no.3 (1988): 435-450.
Christopher Ocker, Church Robbers And Reformers in Germany, 1525-1547: Confiscation And Religious Purpose in the Holy Roman Empire (: , ).
Andrew Pettegree ed., The Early Reformation in Europe (: , ).
G.R. Potter, Zwingli (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976).
Helga Robinson-Hammerstein, 'Luther and the Laity', in The Transmission of Ideas in the Lutheran Reformation, ed. Idem (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1989), .
Helga Robinson-Hammerstein, The Transmission of Ideas in the Lutheran Reformation (Dublin: , 1989).
Alec Ryrie, Evangelicals in the Early English Reformation (: , ).
J. Schofield, Philip Melanchthon and the English Reformation (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006).
Thomas Scott, Freiburg and the Breisgau: Town-Country Relations in the Age of Reformation and Peasants' War (Oxford: , 1986).
Thomas Scott, 'The common people in the German Reformation,' Historical Journal 34 (1990): 183-192.
Thomas Scott, 'The Peasants' War: a historiographical review,' Historical Journal 22 (1979): 693-720, 953-974.
Robert W. Scribner, For the Sake of Simple Folk: Popular Propaganda for the German Reformation (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994).
Robert W. Scribner, 'Oral Culture and the Diffusion of Reformation Ideas,' History of European Ideas no.5 (1984): 1-20.
Robert W. Scribner , Religion and Culture in Germany (1400-1800), ed. Lyndal Roper (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2001).
Robert W. Scribner, 'Ritual and Popular Religion in Catholic Germany at the Time of the Reformation,' Journal of Ecclesiastical History 35 (1984): 47-77.
Robert W. Scribner & G. Benecke, The German Peasant War: New Viewpoints (London: , 1979).
Robert W. Scribner, The German Reformation (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press International, 1986).
Robert W. Scribner & P. Johnston ed., The Reformation in Germany and Switzerland (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
Lewis W. Spitz, 'Humanism and the Reformation', in Transition and Revolution, ed. Robert M. Kingdon (: , 1974), .
W.P. Stephens, Zwingli: an Introduction to his Thought (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992).
Lee P. Wandel, 'Envisioning God: Image and Liturgy in Reformation Zurich,' Sixteenth Century Journal 24 (1993): 19-40.
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