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History 2P91: Catholic or Counter-Reform?
main reading | required reading | secondary sources | primary sources | linksShared Reading
- C. Lindberg, The European Reformations (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996). read pages 335-356
Reading for Groups
- 1. Paul III , Sublimis Deus (1537)
- 2. Decree on Seminaries (1563)
- 3. Tridentine Creed
- 4. Cajetan, On Faith and Works
- 5. Ignatius Loyola, Spiritual Exercises: Rules for thinking with the Church
Additional Reading Lists
J. Bossy, 'The Counter-Reformation and the People of Catholic Europe,' Past & Present no.47 (1970): 51-70.
T.W. Casteel, 'Calvin and Trent: Calvin's Reaction to the Council of Trent in the Context of His Conciliar Thought,' Harvard Theological Review 63 no.1 (1970): 91-117.
R. A. Crofts, 'Printing, reform and the Catholic Reformation in Germany (1521-1545),' Sixteenth Century Journal 16 (1985): .
J. Delumeau, Catholicism between Luther and Voltaire (London: Burns and Oates, 1977).
A.G. Dickens, The Counter Reformation (New York: Norton & Co., 1968).
H.O. Evenett, The Spirit of the Counter-Reformation (: Cambridge University Press, ).
E. Gleason, 'Catholic Reformation, Counter Reformation and Papal Reform in the Sixteenth Century', in Handbook of European History 1400-1600, ed. Thomas A. Brady, Heiko A. Oberman and James D. Tracy (: , 1995), 317-430.
W.V. Hudon, 'Two Instructions to Preachers from the Tridentine Reformation,' Sixteenth Century Journal 20 no.3 (1989): 457-470.
P. Humpfrey, 'Altarpieces and Altar Dedication in Counter Reformation Venice and Veneto,' Renaissance Studies 15 no.1 (1996): 99-116.
D. Loades, 'The Spirituality of the Restored Catholic Church (1553-1558) in the Context of the Counter Reformation', in The Reckoned Expense: Edmund Campion and the Early English Jesuits, ed. T.M. McCoog (Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell Press, 1996), 3-19.
J.F. McCue, 'The Doctrine of Transubstantiation from Berengar through Trent: The Point at Issue,' Harvard Theological Review 61 (1968): 385-430.
F.J. McGuiness, 'Roma Sancta and the Saint: Eucharist, Chastity, and the Logic of Catholic Reform,' Historical Reflections 15 no.1 (1988): .
J.C. Olin ed., The Autobiography of St. Ignatius Loyola (New York: Fordham University Press, 1992).
R.W. Richgels, 'Scholasticism Meets Humanism in the Counter-Reformation the Clash of Cultures in Robert Bellarmine's Use of Calvin in the Controversies,' Sixteenth Century Journal 6 no.1 (1975): 53-66.
E. Russell, 'Marian Oxford and the Counter-Reformation', in The Church in Pre-Reformation Society, ed. C.M. Barron and C. Harper-Bill (Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell Press, 1985), 212-227.
M. Tausiet, 'Excluded Souls: The Wayward and Excommunicated in Counter-Reformation Spain,' (2003): 437-450.
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