History 2P91: Europe's Reformations
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Shared Reading
  • C. Lindberg, The European Reformations (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996).  read pages 135-168, 199-228

Reading for Groups

Additional Reading Lists

  • Michael G. Baylor ed., The Radical Reformation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991).
  • A.J. Beachy, The concept of grace in the radical reformation (Nieuwkoop: De Graaf, 1977).
  • Claus-Peter Clasen, Anabaptism: a social history (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1972).
  • C. P. Clasen, Anabaptism: A Social History, 1525-1618 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1972).
  • Henry J. Cohn, 'Anticlericalism in the German Peasants' War,' Past & Present no.83 (1979): 3-31.
  • K. Depperman, 'The Anabaptists and the state churches', in Religion and Society in Early Modern Europe, ed. Kaspar von Greyerz (London: , 1984), .
  • A. Fix, 'Radical Reformation and Second Reformation in Holland: The Intellectual Consequences of the Sixteenth-Century Religious Upheaval and the Coming of a Rational World View,' Sixteenth Century Journal 18 no.1 (1987): 63-80.
  • Hans-Jürgen Goertz, The Anabaptists (London: , 1996).
  • W. Klaasen, Living at the End of the Ages: Apocalyptic Expectations in the Radical Reformation (Lanham, MD: , 1992).
  • R. E. McLaughlin, Caspar Schwenckfeld, Reluctant Radical: His Life to 1540 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986).
  • Werner O. Packull, Hutterite Beginnings: Communitarian Experiments during the Reformation (: , ).
  • Werner O. Packull, 'In search of the "Common Man" in early German Anabaptist ideology,' Sixteenth Century Journal 17 (1986): 51-65.
  • Werner O. Packull, 'The beginning of Anabaptism in southern Tyrol,' Sixteenth Century Journal 22 (1991): 717-726.
  • P. Peachey, 'Marxist Historiography of the Radical Reformation: Causality or Covariation?,' Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies 1 (1970): 1-16.
  • H. W. Pipkin & John H. Yoder ed., Balthasar Hubmaier: Theologian of Anabaptism (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1989).
  • H. W. Pipkin, 'The Baptismal Theology of Balthasar Hubmaier,' Mennonite Quarterly Review 65 no.1 (1991): 34-53.
  • Ronald Po-Chia Hsia, 'Münster and the Anabaptists', in The German People and the Reformation, ed. Idem (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988), .
  • J. D. Roth & James M. Stayer, A companion to Anabaptism and spiritualism, 1521-1700 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2007).
  • Thomas Scott, Thomas Muntzer: Theology and Revolution in the German Reformation (London: , 1989).
  • Robert W. Scribner, 'Practical Utopias: pre-modern communism and the Reformation,' Comparative Studies in Society and History 38 (1994): 743-774.
  • C. A. Snyder, Anabaptist History and Theology (Kitchener, On.: , 1995).
  • C. A. Snyder, 'The Schleitheim Articles in the light of the revolution of the common man: continuation or departure?,' Sixteenth Century Journal 16 (1985): 419-430.
  • James M. Stayer, Anabaptists and the Sword (Lawrence, KA: , 1976).
  • James M. Stayer, 'The Anabaptists and the sects', in The New Cambridge Modern History, ed. G.R. Elton (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990), .
  • James M. Stayer & Werner O. Packull, The Anabaptists and Thomas Müntzer (Waterloo, On: , 1980).
  • James M. Stayer, The German Peasants' War and Anabaptist Community of Goods (London: , 1994).
  • James M. Stayer, 'The Radical Reformation', in Handbook of European History, ed. Thomas A. Brady, Heiko A. Oberman and James D. Tracy (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1995), .
  • G. K. Waite, David Joris and Dutch Anabaptism (Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1990).
  • G. H. Williams, 'Radical Reformation', in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation, ed. H. Hillerbrand (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996), .
  • G. H. Williams, The Radical Reformation (Kirksville, Missouri: , 1992).
  • Samme Zijlstra, 'Menno Simons and David Joris,' Mennonite Quarterly Review 62 no.3 (1988): 249-256.

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