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History 2P91: Implementing Reforms I: Urban Reform and Rebellion in the 1520s
secondary sources | primary sources | linksMoving away from the religious per se and into the social aspects of the reformation we can begin to discuss what kind of problems reformers and their followers had in implementing the social reforms they sought within European christianity.
Additional Reading Lists
Lorna J. Abray, The People's Reformation: Magistrates, Clergy, and Commons in Strasbourg, 1550-1598 (Oxford: Blackwell, 1985).
C. Andersson, 'Polemical Prints in Reformation Nuremberg', in New Perspectives on the Art of Renaissance Nuremberg, ed. J. C. Smith (Austin: University of Texas at Austin, 1985), .
N. Birnbaum, 'The Zwinglian Reformation in Zurich,' Past & Present no.15 (1959): 27-47.
Peter Blickle, 'The Popular Reformation', in Handbook of European History 1400-1600, ed. Thomas A. Brady, Heiko A. Oberman and James D. Tracy (: , 1995), 161-185.
Thomas A. Brady, 'In search of the Godly city', in the German People and the Reformation, ed. Ronald Po-Chia Hsia (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988), .
Thomas A. Brady, 'Princes' Reformation versus urban liberty: Strasbourg and the restoration in Wurttemberg, 1534', in Stadtische Gesellschaft und Reformation, ed. I. Batori (Stuttgart: , 1980), 265-291.
Thomas A. Brady, Ruling Class, Regime and Reformation at Strasbourg, 1520-1555 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1978).
Thomas A. Brady, Turning Swiss: Cities and Empire, 1450-1550 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985).
S. Brigden, London and the Reformation (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989).
Philip Broadhead, 'Politics and expediency in the Augsburg Reformation', in Reformation Principle and Practice, ed. Peter N. Brooks (London: , 1980), .
Philip Broadhead, 'Self-Interest and Security: Relations between Nuremberg and its Territory in the Early Sixteenth Century,' German History 11 (1993): .
Miriam U. Chrisman, Lay culture, learned culture: books and social change in Strasbourg, 1480-1599 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982).
Miriam U. Chrisman, 'Lay response to the protestant reformation in Germany, 1520-1528', in Reformation Principle and Practice: Festschrift for Geoffrey Dickens, ed. Peter N. Brooks (London: Scolar Press, 1980), .
Miriam U. Chrisman, Strasbourg and the Reform (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967).
Miriam U. Chrisman, 'Women and the Reformation in Strasbourg, 1490-1530,' Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte 64 (1972): 143-168.
P. Collinson & John Craig ed., The Reformation in English Towns 1500-1640 (Houndmills: MacMillan, 1998).
Natalie Z. Davis, 'The Sacred and the Body Social in Sixteenth Century Lyon,' Past & Present no.90 (1981): 40-70.
C. S. Dixon, 'The German Reformation and the Territorial City,' German History 14 (1996): .
E.W. Gritsch, Luther and the State: Post Reformation Ramifications (: , ).
Gerhard Hirschmann, 'The Second Nuremberg Church Visitation', in The Social History of the Reformation, ed. L. P. Buck and J. W. Zophy (Columbus: , 1972), .
R. Jussen & C. Koslofsky ed., Kulturelle Reformation: Sinnformationen im Umbruch 1400-1600 (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1999).
Susan Karant-Nunn, 'What was preached in German cities in the early years of the Reformation?', in The Process of Change in Early Modern Europe, ed. Philip N. Bebb and Sherrin Marshall (Athens, Ohio: University of Ohio Press, 1988), .
Robert M. Kingdon, 'Calvin and the establishment of consistory discipline in Geneva: the institution and the men who directed it,' Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis 70 (1990): 158-172.
Robert M. Kingdon, 'Calvin and the Government of Geneva', in Calvinus ecclesiae Genevensis custos, ed. W. H. Neusner (Frankfurt: , 1984), 49-67.
Bernd Moeller, Imperial Cities and the Reformation (Durham: , 1982).
William Monter, 'Crime and punishment in Calvin's Geneva,' Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte (1973): 281-287.
William G. Naphy, Calvin and the consolidation of the Genevan Reformation (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1994).
Steven E. Ozment, Reformation in the Cities (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1975).
Ronald Po-Chia Hsia, 'Münster and the Anabaptists', in The German People and the Reformation, ed. Idem (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988), .
Ronald Po-Chia Hsia ed., The German People and the Reformation (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988).
H.-C. Rublack, 'Is there a new history of the urban Reformation?', in Politics and Society in Reformation Europe, ed. E. I. Kouri and Thomas Scott (London: , 1987), .
H.-C. Rublack, 'Martin Luther and the Urban Social Experience,' Sixteenth Century Journal 16 no.1 (1985): 15-43.
Paul Russell, Lay Theology in the Reformation: popular pamphleteers in southwest Germany, 1521-25 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986).
Heinz Schilling, 'The Reformation in the Hanseatic cities,' Sixteenth Century Journal 14 (1983): .
Robert W. Scribner, 'Civic unity and the Reformation in Erfurt,' Past & Present no.66 (1975): .
Robert W. Scribner, 'Why was there no Reformation in Cologne?,' Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research no.49 (1975): 217-241.
Gerald Strauss, Nuremberg in the Sixteenth Century (Columbus, OH: Ohio University Press, 1966).
R. Tittler, The Reformation and the Towns in England (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993).
J.R. Tyson, 'A Protestant City Handbook from the Mid-Sixteenth Century,' Sixteenth Century Journal 24 no.1 (1993): 3-20.
Gunther Volger, 'Imperial City Nuremberg, 1524-1525: The Reform movement in transition,' (1988): .
G. K. Waite, 'Vernacular Drama and the Early Urban Reformation,' Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 21 (1991): 187-206.
Jeffrey Watt, 'Women and the consistory in Calvin's Geneva', in , ed. (: , 1993), 429-439.
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- » Changes to Religious Life I: Iconoclasm and Worship
- » Changes to Religious Life II: Christian Community
- » Implementing Reforms I: Urban Reform and Rebellion in the 1520s
- » Implementing Reform II: Kings and Princes
- » Implementing Reforms III: Without Princes?
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