Saturday, July 28, 2007

Midterm Review

More than half of 2007 has passed, and it may be a good time to review my resolutions for 2007.
  • Do well in MAT357 Real Analysis and ECO100 Economics (2006 Spring)
    • I worked very hard for MAT357 and the result turned out to be good, and I indeed learned a lot from the course. Working on a homework for a whole weekend was a pain during the term, but somewhat memorable in retrospect. Specials thanks to Jay, Sheng, and Andrew for all the enlightening discussions.
    • ECO100 was pretty easy and I seldom attended lectures after the first test due to the low entropy rate in lectures. But I did get a good understanding on the basic stuff and result was satisfactory too.
    • Status update: DONE.
  • Perform well at Altera
    • It was a memorable 12 months. I learned a lot, worked hard and had lots of fun there.
    • Status update: DONE
  • Take GRE
    • Status update: DONE (awaiting AW score for final approval)
  • Have a good summer research experience
    • The work in Professor Kschischang's group is very fun and so far I have made some progresses. But more to be done before any real achievement.
    • Status update: IN PROGRESS
  • Get my driver's license
    • Status update: TBA
  • Pick a good design project topic
    • I choose Universal Portfolio, under the supervision of Professor Wei Yu. We have a very strong group, consisting people with strong technical or business background. I am very optimistic about our final result.
    • Status update: IN PROGRESS
  • Do well in the 2007 Fall
    • I am looking forward to it!
    • Status update: TBA
  • Make profit in Forex trading
    • Nope, no profit so far. And my trading is in a dormant state as I don't really know how to make profit consistently. I may resume this when I get more time and more experienced.
    • Status update: DEPRECATED
In summary, so far not bad. But there is at least one more important task --- apply for graduate schools and I will work hard on it too.


Life is an opportunity to do something.

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Littlemoon said...

good luck !!

2:03 AM, August 16, 2007  

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