Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Goodbye ETS

Just received my GRE score today and got to know my AW score is 5.0 (out of 6), which is quite acceptable for me. So finally I don't need to worry about this, which is good.

Recently I have been moving as my parents bought a house and it is such a hassle... most of my evenings and weekends are devoted to cleaning up and organizing stuff.. hopefully I can get over this soon...

Life is an opportunity to do something.

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Littlemoon said...

Moving does take a lot of time. Best to take a few days off and get things over with... Hope I don't have to move too often in the future, but then, people in Canada move every 5 years on average.... so scary..

congrats on GRE!!!

2:05 AM, August 16, 2007 said...


8:34 AM, August 16, 2007  
人小月 said...

Do you know about this? He's in Canada too. Interesting.

5:15 AM, September 07, 2007  

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