Dennis E-journal

Just a place for me to write a few words down

Saturday, June 21, 2003

Good Morning All!! today selene and I are going to the SARS concert....and despite what my parents think, it's not a concert to GET SARS =). We're going shopping at the Bay of course cause everyone gets an additional 10% off on top of their great deals =) hee hee I sound like a bad commercial =). Anyways yesterday I went for my CSIE interview with Nick and Martin for the Speakers Director position for the steering committee for the CSIE conference 2005 in T.O. =) Hopefully I get the position of either Speakers Director or Professional Development Director. I saw Liz there =) but too bad she didn't go to Ilan and Gina's Birthday party which I went to after my interivew. It was at the Marche =). The food is alright there....a bit pricey for the type of food but it's alright =)....who was there....erhan, richa, their Windsor crew =), Paul, Ilan, gina, jon, gina's sister angie, and her Bf Peter, kavi, selene and myself =)....we didn't go clubbing after cause selene's tummy wasn't feeling well cause apparently she ate like 9 PINK mcnuggets.....*sigh* =)....and here I wanted to go party =) *kidding*.

Anyways I'm actually just here killing time waiting for selene to get all preped up to go to the mall and then to the concert. She's actually just about ready so I better get offline =)

Later and please do get out and enjoy this lovely weather that we are have.....go to a patio, throw back a couple beers and just relax !!!! Life is GOOD =)

Thursday, June 19, 2003

hey hey =) ok can I just say that radio broadcasters are numb as logs and to think kids are using these guys has role models. At first I thought it's maybe because I'm an engineer. But then I continued to think and any dumb nut should be able to solve that question. Let's see if you can figure it out?

So today on Z103.5 they were talking about some IQ test question. Get this:
two cars are facing away from each other. Both start driving in opposite directions for 6km. Then they both turn left and drive for 8 km. How far apart are they?

Both DJs said it was 26!!!! How the hell do they get that. It was so messed up. I was like it's 20 km for godsake......They were doing all this weird stuff, dividing by 2, taking half, times the was all crazy. And these are the role models kids like justin are listening to. Scary......I felt like stopping the car and calling them to tell them they are freaking idiots. And the worst thing was they both apparently scored "genius" level on the IQ test. My god =) no wonder half the world is "gifted" =)

Anyways enough on that rant =)

So I bought a danier leather jacket yesterday. It was awesome...they were having really crazy sales and I just so happened to walk in there. One of the things that I swore I'd get myself when I was working was a leather jacket. But who knew I would find one so affordable. It's a 3/4 jacket, black and the perfect weight for me....not too heavy so that I'm boiling in it. Nows the right time to get a leather jacket cause it's getting warm and people aren't looking for jackets. I mean for men it's easy cause jackets don't really go out of style. Anyways have a look at it. Of course it looks better on me than the model =) *smirk* MY JACKET Guess how much it was......$149!!!! what a steal.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

can i just say that american idol 2 was awesome....and canadian idol is totally different. Overall the calibre of singers is higher, but it isn't as funny to watch the crazy people make asses of themselves. And is it just me or are the judges suppose to be like copies of the American idol judges??? Oh yeah....this time we get to VOTE =) hee hee

Also I was watching that show For Love or Money??? These women are such money diggers and guess what??? Next week they tell the guy that the woman he chooses win's a million dollars. but there's a twist....the woman he chooses has to choose between him and the money....hahahahah I love it how Hollywood screws with people's minds =) it's so cruel...but of course I'm going to watch it =) hahahahahaha

Our lives are so boring we have to look to tv for help....sad =)

Monday, June 16, 2003

On Saturday Selene and I went to the St. Lawrence Market to check out the good eats =). Get this...they had a beer festival and a BBQ Ribs cookoff =)....that with excellent weather....well this was just the perfect day to go. We ate ribs and sampled some interesting beers =). We tried coffee beer, apple beer, blue berry mead....among others =). It was an awesome event and for 1 dollar per 4 oz can you go wrong. Well 20 ounces later....and in one hour might I add, Selene and I were quite...ummmm what's the word....happy =)....we did a little shopping around in the market and decided to go to the Eaton's Again =). I'm looking in to buying a leather jacket for the fall cause now's the time to buy them because everything is 50% of more =). I ended up buying two dress shirts from the Bay for 23 bucks =)....and they were arrow and mantles brand names =)..

After we went back to my home and had an awesome dinner my dad cooked with steak and mussels =)....mmm....DELICIOUS =)....

On sunday it was pretty quite, all I did was go to church and went went rollerblading to the bank to pay my huge ass visa bill and to grab a slurpie from Macs Milk. =)....I was bored in the afternoon so I watched the Green Mile...because even though I had the VHS, I never actually sat down and watched it =). It was a good movie. =). Then I looked at some old OSCamp pictures and high school pictures......I don't know why...I guess I was thinking about my sister graduating and I was just remembering what it was like...when I saw the OSCamp pictures I thought of Vivek....yes yes vivek I know you want me to scan some pictures of you and the ol' school crew to throw it on my website but I DON'T HAVE A SCANNER =)...You buy me one and I'll scan them and put them up for you =).

Dennis =)

Thursday, June 12, 2003

So this week has be crazy!!! =)...that's why I haven't really been posting anything on the site. So here's the recap
Went downtown to help out with the INDY day at U of T. Saw Gill, Talyn, and Saman there. Talked to some potential first years and ate a lot of pizza =). After I just relaxed, went to mass at st. barts, picked up adriane and then selene and went to Mongolian Grill with them and henry and his friends. Let's just say that I had the meat sweats =). After we went back to Adriane's house to watch the 3rd period of game 6 of the stanley cup. Very fun day!!!

Went grocery shopping with my mom, lunch, and then went shopping at Zellers (dropped 80 bucks there), stopped off at Costco to pick up some steaks, and then had dinner.....meat sweats again =) hahahhahaha.......One thing that's sick about costco is that you can buy like 60 condoms for like 10 bucks!!! Who needs that many condoms......GOD......that's freaking disgusting....although I'd like to see anyone bet that price per unit =)

Well that's it...and I don't wanna bore you so LATER!!!!!

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Just wanted to say hi to everyone and that I can't wait for the weekend =)

Later y'all!

mmmmm I seem to be having problems posting blogs??? well this is no good

Monday, June 02, 2003

This weekend was pretty relaxing.
On Friday Selene and I went out with Mark, Gill, Erhan, and Paul. We went to Erhan's place for some pre-drinks and just hung out. Then we decided to go to the Bedford Ballroom for some MORE drinks and bumped into Nick. Then we went bar hopping to the Madison, and then end up at the James Joyce Irish pub and grill!!!.....Man I love that place. That was one of the first places I went to with selene =) before we started dating =). They had a singer there that was really good for a old balding man =). He had the good tunes and sang some good drinking songs. After we went back to Erhans house and hung out until 4am......Here are some phrases that remind of me of the nite:

Wow that's a lot of beer bottles. Alright N64 Mario Tennis, Let's not talk about work. Where the hell is Nick? Too much Swiss Chalet. hmmmm a keyboard in the elevator...we'll come back to that. Gill are you drunk? Bedford Ballroom, Madison, and James Joyce.....geez that was a lot of walking. Place in Toronto I've never seen before. Taking a U path is not the shortest way. Erhan makes $55000???? Burgers are apparently for pansies. Come on Selene suck harder! You poured it all over my crotch! Wow all the white guys in INDY all in one room. Yo Paul those are some short sticks =). Selene's got something to POP.......

Selene and I went shopping downtown for Steven and Elena's birthday presents. Selene got Steven a thomas the tank engine toy (cost freaking 30 bucks!!) and Elena two stuffed toy dinosaurs. I bought the Rainbow Six Cover Ops video game at the Bay and used my discount yet again. The lady asked me who the game was for and felt embarassed saying it was from me so I said it was for a younger cousin of mine....=) So just as selene and i were about to go home, we decided to go get ice cream from mc donalds.....we never made it there cause we ran into an Athelete's World super sale where everything was 50% off. For those of you who read this I suggest you go NOW. Both selene and I bough new running shoes......mine were only 50 bucks!!! Plus I needed a new pair for the gym. I don't think I've ever bought such a cheap pair of shoes =). Anywho, after shopping we went back to my place and ate dinner with my parents and then watched The Devils LOSE to the Mighty Ducks!!!! Go DUCKS!!!

Sunday was pretty boring....went to church in the morning, stopped off at the chinese mall to pick up some chinese buns for lunch and then went home. The one exciting thing that happened was my dad decided to cook Crab for dinner for the first time in like 5 was SOOOOO tasty....I love it....Crab in black bean sauce.....oh so tasty =).....mmm i can still taste it =).......
