Good Morning All!! today selene and I are going to the SARS concert....and despite what my parents think, it's not a concert to GET SARS =). We're going shopping at the Bay of course cause everyone gets an additional 10% off on top of their great deals =) hee hee I sound like a bad commercial =). Anyways yesterday I went for my CSIE interview with Nick and Martin for the Speakers Director position for the steering committee for the CSIE conference 2005 in T.O. =) Hopefully I get the position of either Speakers Director or Professional Development Director. I saw Liz there =) but too bad she didn't go to Ilan and Gina's Birthday party which I went to after my interivew. It was at the Marche =). The food is alright there....a bit pricey for the type of food but it's alright =)....who was there....erhan, richa, their Windsor crew =), Paul, Ilan, gina, jon, gina's sister angie, and her Bf Peter, kavi, selene and myself =)....we didn't go clubbing after cause selene's tummy wasn't feeling well cause apparently she ate like 9 PINK mcnuggets.....*sigh* =)....and here I wanted to go party =) *kidding*.
Anyways I'm actually just here killing time waiting for selene to get all preped up to go to the mall and then to the concert. She's actually just about ready so I better get offline =)
Later and please do get out and enjoy this lovely weather that we are have.....go to a patio, throw back a couple beers and just relax !!!! Life is GOOD =)