Dennis E-journal

Just a place for me to write a few words down

Sunday, March 28, 2004

So like I promised, I'm here at 3 am in the morning updating my blog I promised I would every so this past week I went out clubbing on Thursday with the graduating INDYs this year to Peel Pub for dinner and then Tonic. It was perfect because I got to watch the leafs cream Boston and then went out for a nite of dancing and drinking!! =) did I mention the drinks were cheap at tonic?? and there was not dress code?? Anyways I ended up going clubbing with Selene, Francine and get this...the world is this small....Wendy Hui is Vincent Hui's brother who went to St. Mikes. Wendy went to Loretto Abbey and is now in Selene's Industrial engineering class. She went on PEY at Weston Bakeries, a company that I interviewed for for PEY and she saw my resume and some how recognized that she knew me because I guess my resume said I went to st. mikes. She then told my interviewer that I was a good kid and that he would probably end up choosing me....which he did. I unfortunately turned them down for my current position but hey what small world. Apparently she's quite familiar with Mrs. Anne Heng, mother of Natalie, Meredith and Michelle Heng all of who went to Loretto Abbey as well. According to Mrs. Heng, Wendy is suppose to marry the oldest brother, Denis. That's a funny coincidence because my sister was suppose to marry Denis Heng as well =)....anyways it was all to weird and it felt like all my worlds were converging all at once =)....funny how that happens huh?

Anyways, I've come to conclusion that there are too many creep guys at Clubs just out to cop a feel or to pick up girls. I mean I was there with 3 other girls and I had to constantly fend off guys that keep trying to dance with them. I mean if my friends wanted to dance with them, that would be one thing, but they didn't. The guys kept on coming back and for some reason they were all white sleazy looking guys. At one point, Francine got licking in the ear by some white guy....he just grabbed her head and licked it....who does these kinds of things????? that's frigging disgusting.....I didn't actually see it but I would have decked him had I known.....anyways...note to all you creepy guys out there.....girls go to clubs to dance and have a good time...not to be violated or harrassed by us men....

Well Selene and I went bowling tonite with Adriane and Henry and then met up with Gill and Dom at 168 for Bubble Tea.....such a fobby activity =)...which I'm not! Anyways it was fun and we just played Big 2 (another fobby thing to do) until 1:30 am in the morning.

Tomorrow I'm headed to the B-Ball game with Gill, Hen and Ani...apparently no girls are allowed so significant others must stay home. It's a "guys nite out" which I don't think I've done for a long time....Anyways Adriane and Selene are having a girls nite out by shopping at Yorkdale...

Anyways it's way too late, or early depending on your perspective so nite/morning and talk to you all later!

[Vaness] To answer your comment, the MBA program will only be for another 3 years 8 months since I finished 3rd year...the scary thing is that I will be getting my engineering and mba degree with my sister in 2007!!!! and yes, I never would have thought I would be doing this 7 years down the road after meeting you...=)

Monday, March 15, 2004

To my great surprise, there are actually people who read my fancy that......thanks to charlene, tee and vaness for letting me know you actually check this thing every so often.

In any case, quite a few people have been complaining to me accusing me of not keeping this thing up to date. I admit I have been lazy in doing that so I will make a conscious effort to try and post an update at least once a month

Anyways on work front, things are going well. I'm busy studying for my GMAT. I've decided that I'm going to try out for the combined engineering MBA program at U of T.....key word is "try"....I've already solidified my thesis prof who does research in the banking industry so I think this will mash well with my career/education objectives. The program will allow me to get both my BASc and MBA within a period of 6 year and 8 months including 28 months of work experience.....not too shabby huh? Well that's my initial plan for the next little while. I don't really have a back up plan yet if I don't get in, but I'll deal with that if and when it comes.

On a personal note, things with my family are finally back to normal after the passing away of my grandmother. My father went to edmonton to lay her to rest and is now back and in the full swing of things at work again. He can't say that he misses it but he has a new outlook on life and quite frankly it's refreshing. My sister is doing quite well in Civil engineering and she seems to be adjusting far better than I did to living alone downtown in first year. My mom is busy as usual with girl guiding and work. There's nothing that can stop my mom from moving.

Anyways that's about it but again if you visit here, let me know because then I just might update it more often =)

Until next time, take care and we'll see you around!