I haven't posted anything on this site because I don't think anyone really reads it but I think it's a good way for me to express myself so here I go. There's been something about this year that I can't put my hand on it. It has been an awesome year for me personally, with school, with my personal life, with my new job but so many things around me feel like their falling apart. I have had so many sickness in my family lately that I wonder if this year might be hexed. First my Auntie Betty is diagnosed with breast cancer and has to have surgery, then my Auntie Sally also has Ovarian Cancer or something like that and is going through aggressive chemotherapy, and now the gall stone surgery that my grandmother was suppose to go in for turns out to be liver cancer and that it is terminal. Life never seems so real until death comes knocking at the door. I know I'm usually more positive than this and if you're reading this then I'm sorry that I'm not cheering up your day like I usually try to do. Now all that is left is to make the quality of life that is left for my grandmother better. I feel a pain in my soul for my father who is forced prepare thing for my grandmother before she passes away. There's nothing to express how I feel. It hurts and yet it doesn't feel real. Part of me wishes that I will wake up from this and it would have been all a dream but that is wishful thinking. The harsh reality of life is that life itself is fragile and not to be taken for granted. I hope for strength for my father and my family through this difficult time.