











Name: Janice Li

Position: Junior Executive

Year: 3rd





1. Favourite books:

Harry Potter 1-6, Of Mice and Men, Never Say Goodbye

2. Favourite ice-cream/bubble tea flavours:

mango, lychee, peach,

3. Places I'd like to travel:

Egypt, Greece, Italy, France, Beijing (for the next Olympics), Shangri-La (China), Europa (moon of Jupiter)

4. Charities that I'm most passionate about:

Canadian Red Cross, World Vision, Toronto Humane Society

5. Pet Peeves:

Having to wait half an hour for a bus/streetcar, and then 3 of them come together; Subway train that says ˇ°Not In Serviceˇ± when I'm in a hurry; Retail clerks that ignore the live customer to help one that interrupts via phone; Telemarketers who leave me voice messages

6. Biggest fears:

insects larger than the size of a moth; not being able to get married or have children

7. If I wasn't in accounting, I would be:

an obstetrician, an astronaut, or a secret FBI agent

8. Tips to students:

- Ask Questions! The only way to learn is by asking questions. Make good use of your commerce big buddy. Feel free to drop by the ASUT office if you have any questions for us!

- Make good use of the resources available! You can have your resume edited at the career centre. There are all kinds of books on resume-building, job-hunting, networking, and workplace etiquette at the career centre library. Use the athletic facilities. Read the free newspapers and the commerce group publications. Attend commerce events!

- Plan ahead! Time-management is the key. Set your priorities and don't procrastinate to the last minute. Don't forget to give yourself some time to relax and play hard!

- GET INVOLVED! Go to events and join a committee! It's never too early or too late to get involved. I met most of my commerce friends from extracurricular involvement. Commerce would be a memorable experience and your tuition would be worthwhile only if you make them so!





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