The Philosopher's Toolbox

Project status for my collection of websites.

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permalink  Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Apple has declared my trusty beige G3 to be 'vintage'. I feel so retro.
permalink  Saturday, May 8, 2004
Zeldman Style: Our good friends at have alerted us to a great RSS newsreader for Linux: Liferea. The Philosopher's Toolbox never looked better.
permalink  Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Oh, right, where was I?Almost forgot the logging part of web logs. A quick update. The fall: not great. Lots and lots of work. Little opportunity to write. The spring: lots and lots of work. Slightly more opportunity to write. Most recently: Took a right turn into Aristotle's account of motion. Have not been seen since.
permalink  Monday, September 15, 2003
Sure would be nice to have a 'Previous/Next' navigation macro built into Radio.
Built a module out of MS Access, Applescript and BBEdit to generate web pages from database records. Again. This time I'm using tables to display the data. Crude but effective cms.
permalink  Friday, September 12, 2003
New section for web design resources. First feature: an overview of open source CMMS's (Computerized Maintenance Management Software), as well as Project Management/ Job Ticketing/ Help Desk applications.