Yearbook Design - West Island School (2003/4)
Wisdom is the name of the annual yearbook of West Island School. The cover and section dividers had to be designed with a reflection of the theme Decades.

It was decided that the section dividers were all to follow a consistent pattern so they can be easily distinguished from the rest of the yearbook. They were also to be printed on translucent paper to further differentiate them from other pages. A template was created and used to ensure the uniformity of the pages.

In keeping with the theme, the cover was decided to have a background made of newspaper clippings from different periods. The challenge was in placing the title atop of the vivid mosaic of images. A solution was derived where the title would sit on a translucent bar which showed the background underneath, but darkened it enough so that it would stand out from the backdrop.

This project was done in collaboration with Charmaine Mok and Vivien Wong.