Editions and Translations
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Augustine: On the Free Choice of the Will, On Grace and Free Choice, and Other Writings, translated by Peter King.
The works translated here are: On the Free Choice of the Will, On Grace and Free Choice, On Reprimand and Grace, and the second half of The Gift of Perseverance -- with relevant sections of the Reconsiderations, and a few passages from the Confessions thrown in.
According to Cambridge, the hardback version weighs 0.62 kg. A great way to get your exercise.
- Augustine: Against the Academicians and The Teacher, with introduction and notes. Hackett 1995. ISBN 08-722-0212-7.
- Jean Buridan's Philosophy of Logic, translations of "The Treatise on Consequences" and "The Treatise on Supposition" with an introduction and notes. Synthese Historical Library Vol. 26. Dordrecht: D. Reidel 1985. ISBN 90-277-1918-7.
- Scotus, Reportatio parisiensis 1A d.3 q.4, working textual edition of Scotus's late Parisian discussion of the question: "Whether in the intellective part of the soul taken strictly there is memory, having an intelligible species really distinct from the act of thinking and prior to the intellect's activity." See my article Duns Scotus on Mental Content for discussion of this text.
- Abelard on sameness and difference (from his Theologia christiana).
- Boethius, On the Hebdomads.
- Aquinas, Exposition of Boethius's "Treatise on the Hebdomads".
- Aquinas, Commentary on Aristotle's "Metaphysics" 7.3 (1029a5-30), on substance and prime matter.
- Siger of Brabant, The Eternity of the World.
- Duns Scotus, the "Treatise on the Common Nature and Individuation" (Ordinatio 2 d.3 p.2 qq.1-6):
- Ord. 2 d.3 p.2 q.1: Whether a material substance is individual by its very nature.
- Ord. 2 d.3 p.2 q.2: Whether a material substance is individual through some positive intrinsic feature.
- Ord. 2 d.3 p.2 q.3: Whether a material substance is individual through its very existence.
- Ord. 2 d.3 p.2 q.4: Whether a material substance is individual through quantity.
- Ord. 2 d.3 p.2 qq.5-6: Whether a material substance is individual through matter, or through some beingness per se determining the nature to singularity.
- William of Ockham, the "Treatise on Universals" (Ordinatio I d.2 qq.4-8):)
- Ord. 1 d.2 q.4 : Whether that which is immediately and proximately denominated by a universal and univocal intention is some genuine thing outside the soul, intrinsic and essential to those [things] to which it is common and univocal, yet really distinct from them. [Walter Burleigh's View]
- Ord. 1 d.2 q.5 : Whether what is universal and univocal is a genuine thing outside the soul that is really distinct from the individual, yet really existing in it, really multiplied and varied. [William of Alnwick's View]
- Ord. 1 d.2 q.6 : Whether something that is universal and univocal is really outside the soul, distinct from the individual in virtue of the nature of the thing, although not really distinct [from the individual]. [Duns Scotus's View]
- Ord. 1 d.2 q.7 : Whether that which is universal and common as univocal is in any way really a parte rei outside the soul. [The Common View]
- Ord. 1 d.2 q.8 : Whether what is universal [and] univocal is something real existing subjectively somewhere. [Ockham's own view, sort of]
- Caterus (Johannes van Kater), First Objections (to Descartes's Meditations) [excerpt].
- Hobbes, Leviathan 14-15 (excerpts translated from the Latin version).