The Philosopher's Toolbox
Project status for my collection of websites.
Hi there. Not seeing this page in a two-column layout? Perhaps your browser doesn't support web standards (or you've turned style sheets off). Don't worry. The content of this page is accessible to any browser or internet device. However, to get the full 2-D effect simply turn style sheets on, or upgrade your old browser to one which supports web standards. For more information and quick links to browswer upgrades, just click here.

Hey Marc -- Here's one for you. See that nice calendar on the right hand side of the page? In IE for the mac there's a nice margin between it and the 2px dotted line. On Mozilla it slams right into the dotted line. Can't figure out why. Thought I was taking this from Glish and ALA, but its not working the same way. I must have missed something. Any ideas? (BTW - the table you see in the source is generated by the cms - can't change that part - at least not yet). Thanks!
Well, I've got two websites up and running using the 'category' feature in Radio - this one (my personal web development log), and my Radio@UofT site. The Radio@UofT site is intended to be a resource for anyone who wants to start using Radio to publish a site on their free account at UTORweb, so it uses the 'Default Theme' on purpose. This site is for experimentation. Right now, I'm working on redesinging the template files using valid CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) instead of tables. I've taken Glish's "Two Column ALA Style" template as my structural model, and Zeldman's open source work for the NYPL Online Style Guide for the CSS. As it turns out, redesigning Radio templates to apply to a category-based site is a very good way to get to know Radio, and CSS. Pardon the lack of visual appeal. We're building one bit at a time. Right now, I'm spending quality time with div and span.
Selected recent posts
Site Launch: Clover Hill Project | 9/20/02 |
Hey, look, Happy Cog is back! | 5/30/02 |
Test that title function: this is the title. | 5/29/02 |