The Philosopher's Toolbox
Project status for my collection of websites.
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Updates -- Added a link to this log from my UTORweb homepage, and corrected the link to the homepage of my personal log (i.e. this page), which will show up at the top of every page of this site, so that it points here, and not to the Radio@UofT homepage. Very odd that I can't find a nice macro for this, or a directive for the #prefs file. We've got 'category name' and 'category description', but no 'category URL' -- even though the correct URL is stored in the Radio database. Hmmm. If anyone can find it, let me know. This is exactly the kind of thing you need if you are using the category feature to publish a category as an independent website, to another server, via ftp. Or at least, one wants the option. In the meantime, I'll add it to my feature wish-list.
Selected recent posts
Site Launch: Clover Hill Project | 9/20/02 |
Hey, look, Happy Cog is back! | 5/30/02 |
Test that title function: this is the title. | 5/29/02 |