The Philosopher's Toolbox
Project status for my collection of websites.
Hi there. Not seeing this page in a two-column layout? Perhaps your browser doesn't support web standards (or you've turned style sheets off). Don't worry. The content of this page is accessible to any browser or internet device. However, to get the full 2-D effect simply turn style sheets on, or upgrade your old browser to one which supports web standards. For more information and quick links to browswer upgrades, just click here.

Rebuilt the templates and set up stories for this section of the site, thanks to Mark Woods' great tutorial. Set up a story specific template with special navigation, thanks to Radio's cascading cms model. Now its time to think about valid code. Hmm. This will require a little work under the hood. In the meantime, watch the excitement unfold with the Not quite XHTML 1.0 Transitional link at the bottom of the page. Thanks again to the authors of the NYPL Styleguide for a fine resource..
Selected recent posts
Site Launch: Clover Hill Project | 9/20/02 |
Hey, look, Happy Cog is back! | 5/30/02 |
Test that title function: this is the title. | 5/29/02 |