The Philosopher's Toolbox
Project status for my collection of websites.
Hi there. Not seeing this page in a two-column layout? Perhaps your browser doesn't support web standards (or you've turned style sheets off). Don't worry. The content of this page is accessible to any browser or internet device. However, to get the full 2-D effect simply turn style sheets on, or upgrade your old browser to one which supports web standards. For more information and quick links to browswer upgrades, just click here.

Tweeked yesterday's templates based on thoughful feedback from a friend (thanks Marc!), continued runination, and added Version 2.0b, which should make the unstyled page a little easier to read. It's hard to know which version is best. Version 2.0b will be the slickest to render, and the unstyled page is clear and well structured. But if you want to cut through the navigation and sidebar content and get to the substance (as you would if the page were an article, story, journal entry, etc., and not just a big annotated bunch of links) then you might want the middle column pushed right up under the title block on the unstyled page (and everything else appearing after it). In which case, Version 3.0's your man.
Selected recent posts
Site Launch: Clover Hill Project | 9/20/02 |
Hey, look, Happy Cog is back! | 5/30/02 |
Test that title function: this is the title. | 5/29/02 |