The Philosopher's Toolbox

Project status for my collection of websites.

Hi there. Not seeing this page in a two-column layout? Perhaps your browser doesn't support web standards (or you've turned style sheets off). Don't worry. The content of this page is accessible to any browser or internet device. However, to get the full 2-D effect simply turn style sheets on, or upgrade your old browser to one which supports web standards. For more information and quick links to browswer upgrades, just click here.

permalink  Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Fixed format problems with the recent post list by giving it its own id declaration and changing the divs to spans.
Just solved an old, nagging problem with the CMS. Added one line to the root pref file, and 15 characters to the root template for non-home pages, and the proper category name for this weblog shows up in all the titles (i.e. 'The Philosopher's Toolbox'). Amazingly simple, Radio's macro and prefs files function as a 'cascading CMS' where the prefs in each directory set the values for all subdirectories. Very nice. Easy to grasp.
Fixed the 'large print' bug on the story pages. Now, selecting 'large print' from the Appearance Preference dropdown menu will actually give you large print in the body text for everything which isn't a blog page. Thanks to the miracle of CSS, that site-wide modification required changing 4 characters in one document. Go style sheets go! Thanks Marc for the heads-up.