The Philosopher's Toolbox

Project status for my collection of websites.

Hi there. Not seeing this page in a two-column layout? Perhaps your browser doesn't support web standards (or you've turned style sheets off). Don't worry. The content of this page is accessible to any browser or internet device. However, to get the full 2-D effect simply turn style sheets on, or upgrade your old browser to one which supports web standards. For more information and quick links to browswer upgrades, just click here.

permalink  Thursday, November 14, 2002
Placed a link to The Template Design Lab on the sidebar. Thanks to the Radio CMS one line of markup propagates to the entire archive the next time I republish the site.
Revised version 3.0 of the Classic Toolbox template to make the navigation links in the unstyled pages more reader friendly. Introduced 3.0b for those who prefer to have a fixed width set on the left hand column. This also puts the left sidebar ahead of the middle column's content on the unstyled page. I've been mulling over the pros and cons of always attempting to place the navigation elements after the main content. (In this case the situation is more complicated, since some of the content in the left sidebar is part of the main content, but lets pretend it wasn't.) My opinion: Insofar as navigation elements may be important for readers to understand and move through the site intelligently (and find what they want quickly) it sometimes makes sense to put some navigation elements before the main content on an unstyled page. Designer's beware: accessibility is now, and always has been a matter of intelligent communication. And that always takes careful judgement applied to particular cases.