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The words ergonomics, usability & many other terms are jumbled over a big question mark

"I dont like having to explain to people that ergonomics is more than just comfy chairs!" Joanna, BSc Psychology, MSc Ergonomics


In light of the confusion over terminology, many organizations have changed their names in an attempt to capitalize on terms that the general public is aware of.

e.g. Human Factors Association of Canada to the Association of Canadian Ergonomists
The 1990s transition from HFAC to ACE, although politically motivated, benefitted the organization with wider recognition.

e.g. Human Factors & Ergonomics Society. Rather than deciding, HFES, decided to incorporate both terms into their name.


In addition to a strategic name, HFES has also made efforts to publicize ergonomics by initiating "National Ergonomics Month" in the U.S. and publicizing member accomplishments in the news.

Internationally "World Usability Day" promotes awareness across every nation by hosting conferences in dozens of major cities

Privately, many experts maintain online blogs where they interpret the world in a way that educates readers about user centered design

Public Awareness