NN/g Usability Workshops
OSACH Product Catalog
eHealth Innovations Usability Lab
Contact Alex: xander.rice.khouri@utoronto.ca
Produced for University of Toronto (Mississauga Campus): 3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, On. L5L1C6

Depending on their expertise, ergonomists and usability professionals can provide the following services:

Programs: ergonomists can structure and foster ergonomically-sound procedures in a workplace, either by training & educating relevant employees or by staying on to do constant analysis and monitoring

Workshops: For companies who just want to orient employees towards human factors, or colleagues who want to learn a particular skill ergonomists and usability professionals often host educational workshops, lasting anywhere between half a day to several days

Design Recommendations: The main reason you'll contact a usability expert or ergonomist is to evaluate a product you have. They can help most in the design stage, although post-production suggestions can be made at the cost of revising the existing model

Health & Safety Inspection: Many ergonomists work as health & safety officials either for on-the-spot inspections, or for continual monitoring

Guidelines & Best Practices: Typically initiated by the government or large organizations, ergonomists & usability professionals research collectively to find the most common problems & the best solutions. Some of these become gold standards in the industry while others can become law.

User Testing: No human factors analysis is complete without considering who is using a product or system. User tests recognize errors before problems occur.

Services Provided