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A bar graph of Europe, Canada, U.S. Japan, New Zealand & Australia certification members

The chart to the right illustrates the membership size of the certifying organizations listed below. The five countries, plus European Union, are the only nations that have certification recognized by the IEA (International Ergonomics Association).

All of the certifying boards require education and experience to grant certification; have codes of ethics for members to follow; list members in a directory, and hold the power to investigate and penalize certified members if notified of malpractice

Canada: CCPE from the CCCPE

  Canadian Certified Professional Ergonomist
  Canadian College for the Certification of   Professional Ergonomists
Partial Certification:
  Associate Ergonomist (AE) See p.12

United States: CPE & CHFP from the BCPE

  Certified Professional Ergonomist
  Certified Human Factors Professional
  Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics
Partial Certification:
  Certified Ergonomics Associate (CEA)
  Associate Ergonomics Professional (AEP)
  Associate Human Factors Professional (AHFP)

Europe: Eur.Erg from the CREE

  European Ergonomist
  Centre for Registration of European Ergonomists
Partial Certification:

Japan: CPE from the JES

  Certified Professional Ergonomist
  Japan Ergonomics Society
Partial Certification:

Australia: CPE from the HFESA

  Certified Professional Ergonomist
 Human Factors & Ergonomics Society of Australia
Partial Certification:
  Member of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society of Australia (MHFESA)

New Zealand: CNZErg from the BCNZE

  Certified New Zealand Ergonomist
  Board for Certification of New Zealand Ergonomists
Partial Certification:
Associate New Zealand Ergonomist (Associate)


* Usability Certification: It's important to note that with the exception of BCPE's Human Factors certification, the CHFP, which deals with Human Computer Interfaces (HCI); there are virtually no usability equivalents to the ergonomics certifications listed above. The Usability Professionals Association (UPA) talks extensively about this issue here and here.

** The Chart: Please note that only Canada and the U.S. distinguish fully certified members from associates in their directories. The data for Europe, Japan & Australia merges certified ergonomists with associates. New Zealand did not list certified members or associates.

2008 Data cited from: US, Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand