Friday, June 30, 2006

Germany v.s. Argentina

It was a great game. Both teams play good football and actually I think Argentina has a little bit more advantage than Germany. Both teams are the teams I like, so my feeling is mixed, I am happy that Germany goes to the Semi-final, while I really feel sorry for Argentina. They should meet in the Final rather than the Quarter Final....

C'est la vie...

A blue day

Today I went to Centre Island for BBQ, which is organized by the company. It is quite fun.

However, this evening, especially after I came home, several unhappy things happen and made me quite down.. I won't list them here..... but it is definitely a blue day for me. I won't comment further on this.

Things to do : finish reading Design Patterns, learn Tcl. No matter what happens, no matter how tough it is, I need to move on and stick to my goals.

Friday, June 23, 2006

I wan to do exercises!

Hurt my ankle about 1.5 months ago.. and rehurt it in the first week of working... so I have not been doing any sports for a long while...Since the injury the only sports-related thing I do is to play the FIFA World Cup game and foosball..... I really want to play football and workout!! But I just am not able to...... I hope I could be recovered soon......

Being not able to do exercises is such a pain... my concentration and strength definitely have gone down, and I probably have put on quite some weight, though I have not measured for a long time...

There are two important games tomorrow --- Germany v.s. Sweden, and Argentina v.s. Mexico.
Go Germany and Argentina!

Thursday, June 22, 2006


I don't like playing cards and I don't play them well, on the whole. Why? Because if I want to play well, I need to remember what's out and also infer what are in others' hand. However, I play cards for relax, and I don't want to use my brain on that meaningless thing.. so I never remember cards..

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Need to read on Design Patterns

If I want to understand the code... I have to finished it by the end of this week!!!

There are a lot of design patterns used in the software, which is amazing! You can see how these patterns are really used in the system and make the correlation between different modules much less or make the implementation much more convinient.

Patterns I have seen:
Abstract Factory, Singleton, Facade, Build, Command, etc.

I will see more for sure...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A pleasant talk with Prof. Vranesic

-  Prediction: Sweden v.s. England 1:1
-  Golden Rule in the Office: if you want to find someone to do something, find the busy man/woman.

-  When have a project, try to make new improvements or come up with new ideas!

Monday, June 19, 2006

New Blog

record the meaningful moments/thoughts in my life

mainly English

Update frequency:
usually weekly, may vary depends on my schedule

work, study, life, sports, books, random thoughts, etc.

Life is an opportunity to do something.