Saturday, January 27, 2007

What's New and Exciting in Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory?

Nowadays, a popular opinion is that "Coding is dead". But it is not. Please see the following keynote speech of ISIT 2006, from Prof. Vardy.

What's New and Exciting in Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory?

Slides and handouts are now available.

Alexander Vardy
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California at San Diego

We will survey the field of algebraic and combinatorial coding theory, in an attempt to answer the question in the title. In particular, we shall revisit classical problems that are yet unsolved, review promising advances in the past decade, elaborate upon recent connections to other areas, and speculate what may lie ahead for the field.

Life is an opportunity to do something.


Monday, January 01, 2007

Goodbye 2006, Hello 2007

A Brief Summary of 2006
  • Ski Trip
  • Rank of 2005 Fall (comes out in 2006)
  • Nortel Institute Undergraduate Scholarship
  • Montreal and Ottawa Trip with Cathy
  • Rank of 2006 Spring
  • Starting working at Altera Toronto
  • The Adel S. Sedra Outstanding Student Awards
  • IEEE Canada-Toronto Section Scholarship
  • Andrew Alexander Kinghorn Scholarship
  • Point Pelee Trip with Cathy
  • Fail to take the driving test
  • First paper
    • B. Liang, S. Drew, and D. Wang, "Performance of multiuser network-aware prefetching in heterogeneous wireless systems," to appear in ACM/Springer Wireless Networks

2007 Resolutions
  • Do well in MAT357 Real Analysis and ECO100 Economics (2006 Spring)
  • Perform well at Altera
  • Take GRE
  • Have a good summer research experience
  • Get my driver's license
  • Pick a good design project topic
  • Do well in the 2007 Fall
Life is an opportunity to do something.

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