Tuesday, August 22, 2006

2006 Fields Medals Awarded at ICM2006 in Madrid

All these folks are GENIUS!

Fields Medalist:
Andrei Okounkov

Andrei Okounkov

Citation: "for his contributions bridging probability, representation theory and algebraic geometry"
IMU news release about the work of Andrei Okounkov

Fields Medalist: Grigory Perelman

Grigory Perelman

Citation: "for his contributions to geometry and his revolutionary insights into the analytical and geometric structure of the Ricci flow"
(Note: IMU president John Ball announced at the opening ceremony that Perelman had turned down the Fields Medal.)
IMU news release about the work of Grigory Perelman

Fields Medalist: Terence Tao

Terence Tao

Citation: "for his contributions to partial differential equations, combinatorics, harmonic analysis and additive number theory"
IMU news release about the work of Terence Tao

Fields Medalist: Wendelin Werner

Wendelin Werner

Citation: "for his contributions to the development of stochastic Loewner evolution, the geometry of two-dimensional Brownian motion, and conformal field theory"

IMU news release about the work of Wendelin Werner

For more information, please see

Sunday, August 20, 2006









C++ Language --- I need to learn more on that

I am re-writing my simulation code recently, for the research I worked on last year. The code is written in C++ and I am trying to apply what I learn in the company and Design Patterns to make it more efficient, maintainable and secure.

During this process, I further discovered many interesting aspects of C++. For example, to prevent memory leak due to the use of pointers, C++ provide auto_ptr, which is a simple kind of smart pointers. It could be very useful and I will read further into this.

In addition, I found various good reference websites for C++, they are:

Guru of the Week: http://www.gotw.ca/
Dr. Dobb's Portal: http://www.ddj.com/
C++ Guides @ InfomIT: http://www.informit.com/guides/guide.asp?g=cplusplus&rl=1
Boost C++ Libraries: http://www.boost.org/

Though I am more interested in academia and won't pursue a career as a software developer, it is important to write good programs, as it is an important tool for research. When I was re-writing my program, I discovered that something I was proud of last year actually is crappy somewhere and had quite a few defects. I wish I could have less this kind of feelings next year when I looked back to the code I wrote.

p.s. Today I talked to Cathy's friend Xiaoxiao, who is studying law at Stanford. And recently I have also been monitoring the Quantitative Finanaical Board on mitbbs.com and get to know the life about a Quant. I may make a partial and bias summary about these two fields later, as these are also possible careers for engineering students.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Weekly update

This week is a tiring week for me. The thing I am working on this week is extremely tedious and detail-oriented, so it tired me quite a bit.

I began to learn driving since last week. I tried my first 45 minutes on the road last Sunday and was quite nervous. Anyways, I am confident that I will get used to this.

I have pretty much done with my course selection. During the PEY year, I will take Introduction to Economics as my complementary studies. Hopefully it won't be too boring. And I also plan to take Topology and Real Analysis I, however, as the class time is during day time, I need to talk to my boss and get his approval. So, I will see.

Quite a few of my classmates in Tsinghua has arrived in the U.S.  --- bluepine, angelling, eeyy. I hope they will enjoy their lives on this continent in the following years. And I will definitely find a time to CALL them :P

That's pretty much for the past week. Hope my work next week will be more interesting...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

A pleasant day

Today I got up early, intended to do some work on simulation, which is some unfinished work from my last summer's research. However, the progress is haltd by some factors so I need to delay it for a few days until I download a new tool. And after a busy week, it is not a bad idea to take a few hrs off .

SO, I open QQ, an IM I haven't used for a long while and, as I expected, I came across quite a few of my high school friends online. I had a very pleasant chat with them. In brief, most of them are doing very well and I also feel proud, as I was part of this group of people --- they have all got their Bachelor's Degree now and some will go forward for higher ones, either in domestic or oversea ones. Some others have landed decent jobs and begun their careers. I wish them all the best here for their future endeavors.

Most of my high school classmates asked me when would I came back, so far my best estimate is the summer I graduated. I hope I can achieve that. When you achieve something, you also, inevitably, lose some other things. And, I feel, the concept of Opportunity Cost is not sufficient for some situations.

In the afternoon, I went to my company to check some the test result I ran last night, and stayed there for a while to read some tech documents. As some deadline is coming closer, some of my colleagues went to work too.

After that, I went to swim, but the pool at Hart House is closed today... so I had my dinner at Hart House directly. Then I went to Taste of Danforth with Cathy. There are many people there, but frankly, far fewer kinds of food than Chinese food. We tasted some souvlaki and ice cream there, and then went home with joy....

Haven't written a diary for a very long while, this may not be a beginning, but I don't think it is an end either.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


There exists such a beatiful love song...

In casablanca the sun is shining
The desert flower is blooming there
In casablanca my love lies waiting
My heart is burning to meet her there
Casablanca casablanca

We met one lazy moroccan summer
We came together just like a dream
And then one lonely moroccan winter
The desert took her away from me
Casablanca casablanca

Casablanca I’ll wait forever
Casablanca until I die
Casablanca we’ll be together
Underneath the blue moroccan sky

The nights are colder, the days are longer
'cause I'm still living in yesterday
And I'll be lonely again tomorrow
I can't believe how she went away
Casablanca casablanca

Casablanca I'll wait forever
Casablanca until I die
Casablanca we’ll be together
Underneath the blue moroccan sky

The wind is blowing, the streets are empty
The moon is kissing the midnight air
The great sahara beyond the city
Is holding someone a prisoner there
Casablanca casablanca

Casablanca I'll wait forever
Casablanca until I die
Casablanca we'll be together
Underneath the blue moroccan sky

Casablanca I'll wait forever
Casablanca until I die
Casablanca we'll be together
Underneath the blue moroccan sky

Casablanca I'll wait forever
Casablanca until I die
Casablanca we'll be together
Underneath the blue moroccan sky

Casablanca I'll wait forever
Casablanca until I die
Casablanca we'll be together
Underneath the blue moroccan sky

Monday, August 07, 2006

This long weekend

I am still not feeling very well, as I suffered another fever, a ulcer in my mouth, stomachache and a heavy-head. It is the first time that I become so ill after I came to Canada. So I mainly stay at home to rest. It is probably because I didn't have enough sleep recently and was concerning about quite a few things.

So, all my friends, please have enough sleep. A good health is the most important thing for a good life.

One intersting quote from my colleague

I am complaining about those people who complains.

-- I. B.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Weekend Update

It is a long weekend but I currently don't have any special plans. Rest, relax. I will probably just do simple things, such as reading, programming, and do some light sports (due to my ankle injury).

I had a fever last night, with quite a few potential reasons --- so I don't know what exactly the reason was. I went to the Doctor's Office this morning and got some medicine. I am feeling well now, except that my throat is still a little bit sore.

I got two mails tonight and one was from engineering's admission office, informing that I got some scholarship for my academic performance in the last school year. Naturally, I am quite happy with that :) Now my awards can cover my tuition without any problem.

I am intentionally not writing much about my work life here, but overall I enjoy it. We have get great wrok environment, people who are very intelligent and play table-tennis well! It is indeed a great joy to work with smart people!

Finally, I think I should at least keep this blog update weekly by this weekly update format.. hope I can do that.

Comment Issue of my blog

Due to some mis-operation, the comment setting of my blog was set to "Moderate" so all the recent comments are not shown immediately. I am sorry for the incovinience and everything should work smoothly now :) --- you can see your comments immediately!

As always, please feel free to leave comments on my blog, because I really ENJOY reading them!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Busy recently

Because I am busy. Busy with work, and need to wrap up the research I did last year. And there are also a lot of misc. stuff to handle, such as taking driving lessons.

One thing worth mentioning is that my ankle almost recovers and I can play table-tennis now with an ankle wrap. I enjoy the game a lot~ I should try to make some improvement on this sport during my PEY time.

Another interesting story is that quite a few guys in my office drive BMW, which sounds cool.

More to update later :) Stay tuned!