Saturday, September 30, 2006

Blog Management

Some recent updates of my blog:
  • Use of new skin ( a few weeks ago :P) -- it make more space and I can customize the template better. It is best viewed under 1280x1024 resolution. Please let me know if you have problem on 1024x768 or resolutions below.
  • Add License to the articles on this blog -- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. so if you want to refer my blog links, feel free to do it, as long as you retain the original author information and does not put it to commerical use.
  • Re-arrnage the Google Adsense Ads for Conent and Product Referral Links --- They do produce incomes for me, though at a modest rate. I would recommend you try it out too --- it doesn't hurt to earn a few bucks by doing almost nothing. You can click the ad on the top-right corner of this page to apply for an Adsense account --- it is almost as easy as applying for a Email account.

Life is an opportunity to do something.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Google's Mirror site

Google's Mirror site:

Pretty geeky, huh?

Life is an opportunity to do something.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Personal viewpoints on some career paths for engineering students

This entry is totally my personal viewpoints, so it could be biased, incomplete, or sort of midleading. I write it in English for a larger readership and am sorry for any inconvinience causing by this.

This article will discuss some possible careers for engineering students, including Consulting, Quantative Financial (Quant). It will try to identify the engineering's disadvantages and advantages in these careers, as well as the possible effect on life style.

In addition to traditional enginering related careers(industry and academia), there are some other possible career paths for engineering students, including consulting, quantatative financial (Quant), and lawyer. These positions seems quite attrative as they genereally come with very good compensation. For example, it is not uncommon for a Quant to get $150,000/year or higher, and a entry-level salary in a big law firm is about $65/hr. I don't have any data for consulting, but it should be something similar. In addition, all these jobs are pretty challenging so it could bring you more fulfillment than a dumb job does.

As these jobs are attractive, they naturally have relatively high requirements for the applicants. For a consultant, in addition to your strong analytical and problem solving skills gained from engineering training, you also need excellent communicaiton capabilities to work with all kinds of people. For law, you need to take LSAT and apply to law school first. Only after that can you consider your mext move. For a quant, very strong programming (usually C++) and mathematical skills(stochastic processes, ODE/PDE, thing like that) are required. As a result, many quants are from Physics, Applied Math, EE and CS as they have these skill sets. And for most positions, you will face fierce competition and you have to beat others if you want to get the job.

Engineering students have both disadvantages and advantages in these career paths. I think a general disadvantage is that we are not specialized on any of these, for example, we may have relative less knowledge on business than those commerce/economics students, or we don't study law in our curriculum, or we don't know much economics as an MFE does. But these should not be real problems as long we can learn by ourselves. And what's our advantage? Our engineering background. There are IT consulting, which you specialized in one IT field and provide service to others. This business model works because many companies do not need to hire very skillful IT employees most of the time, so they will ask for some outside help when it is necessary and they are willing to pay more unit cost for that, because in total they still saves money. Or in the business of law, a big part is patent, Intellectural Property(IP) and other technical related stuff. Nowadays, if a merge or acquisition happens, a lot of legal efforts are spent on patens or IP, and these merges or acquisitions ususally very BIG --- for example, Alcatel and Lucent(13.5 Billon EUR), AMD and ATI(5.4 Billion USD), or the acquisition of Freescale (17.6 Billion USD). Imagine you get 0.001% of that --- well, I am kidding :P. Back to the topic -- our background will definitely help us on that, as we have better capabilites to make correct technically judgements.

And how will these careers affect our life styles? If you are just an employee of a normal technical company, your life should most of the time be regular, 9am to 5pm, and enjoy yourselves during the weekend. However, for all these three careers, it is not very easy to achieve that. A consultant's work schedule could vary a lot, depends on the project they are working on, and they may need to travel a lot, which may become not very pleasant after you have had enough. To work in a law firm or as quant, it is pretty normal to work from 9am to 10pm --- as a result, the salary is not that much as it appears to be, as the work time is longer. Most of the law firms and financial institutions will pay you for lunch and dinner, no matter what you orders, but they "prefer" you to have lunch at the work place to minize your time for meals --- after all, your time ($50/hr, for example) is much more expensive than a meal (what the hell can you order and make it cost $30 for a meal?). These will probably get better when you climb up in the hierarchy, but that's beyond my visibility and the scope of this article.

So in conclusion, as the cliche says, every thing has its pros and cons. A career choice will directly affect your economic status, life style, etc. and I hope this article could be somewhat useful, as I am trying to be as objective as I can.

* Talk with a friend working in a law firm
* Quant Board, at (Chinese)
* Information Session on consulting
* News reading on WSJ, EETimes and Forbes
* Personal work experience

Life is an opportunity to do something.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Honour Dinner

It is my second time to attend the honour students' dinner and I hope it won't be the last time. I had a good chat with Mark Liang, Yuhui Luo and David Han, as we sat on the same table. Prof. Jacobson and Stan were sitting at the same table too, but unfortunately, we don't have much to talk about in common --- I am not very interested in Middleware and Prof. Jacobson thought the conversation between we students was too theorectical :P

It is also great to meet a lot of other old friends or "old" profs -- Shan, Mark, Peng, James, Fan, Wallace, Prof. Kwong, Prof. Ben Liang, Prof. Sarris, etc. It is a pity that I didn't get much time to chat with them.

And I get the Sedra medal this year, so it is better than last year. But I won't be satisfied with that...Gotta to work harder.

p.s. I have promised that I will write something regarding the non-engineering careers of engineering students. I will try to post it by the end of this weekend.
Life is an opportunity to do something.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Yau 终于开始反击New Yorker了

[Keyword: Poincare Conjecture, Yau Shing-Tung (丘成桐), Perelman, Topology ]
(If you know none of these keywords or are not interested, this blog entry will probably make no sense to you)

前一段时间New Yorker的文章Manifold Destiny围绕着Poincare Conjecture大造文章。

虽然这篇文章在New Yorker的Fact Column,但实际上却非常误导人,很多论点都是无中生有,或者断章取义,恶意中伤,影响很坏。很多记者就是这样,玩弄手法。-----It is said that, writers never lie, they just make up stories.

现在Prof. Yau终于开始采取行动了,而且反击有理有据。支持老丘!


Life is an opportunity to do something.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Simulation is not going well. Topology is hard. Work has deadline coming. Busy life, tough life, but I am fine.

Good night, everyone.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Blog List update

Add Joe (JMYZ-THU), David (JMYZ) and Foxbok(JMYZ-THU)'s blog. It is always great joy to discover one friend's blog. Please check the left column if you are interested.

And "hl", who are you? I am wondering it could be "Hu, Ling" or "Hao Li", but I think the former is more probably. Or is it just a random combination of key strokes? Let me know!


JMYZ: Jiangmen No.1 Middle School, my high school

THU: Tsinghua University

Friday, September 08, 2006

Weekly updates

I have been quite busy recently, and will be busy in the future, due to a lot of things.

  1. Work: I have transferred group at work and there are always a lot to do, with tight schedule. This week I finished a simple driver for FAT16 file system. Sounds cool, huh?
  2. Study: One of my co-workers did his PEY at Actel and was hired by my company after he graduated from U of Toronto. He told me that he felt he was so stupid after he finished his PEY year. He need to re-learn a lot of things after he came back to his fourth year study. Obvious, I don't want to fall in that category, so I am trying my best to read some books after work. My current focus is Discrete Stochastic Process by Gallager. It is very classic and not easy. I would be very happy if I can finish it before Christmas.
  3. Research: yes, last summer I did some work with Prof. Liang, and there is sitll some left-over. I am trying to finish the rest to have the work done.
  4. School: this September is the first September that I am not in a Full-Time student after I began my education. However, I will maintain a part-time student status and continue to take some courses at U of T for my interest. I am very grateful that my boss allows me to take a day course in mathematics.
  5. Misc: a lot of sutff, such as preparing textbooks, helping my parents, etc.
  6. Driving Lessons: I am attending driving school and am doing practice from time to time.
It is good that I took a break during the Labor Day long weekend and had a trip to Point Pelee with Cathy. I like the peaceful life of small towns and it is always relaxing to touch the nature rather than the cement jungle in the city.

That's it for the past few weeks. I hope I will be able to update this blog consistently.