Tuesday, May 08, 2007

NSERC USRA 2007 Starts

Today is my first day, and obviously I am not working very hard, as I am writing this blog at this time. But I will gradually improve :)

I met with Prof. Kschischang this morning and we talked about my project over the summer. It will be a topic on network coding and it sounds really interesting. I think it will be a fun problem to work on.

Meanwhile, I also need to acquire some stuff to get started. Graph theory is useful for any general networking research, and I will read some tutorial papers on network coding too. There will be a lot to be explored and hopefully I can achieve something.

Life is an opportunity to do something.


PEY Finished

Yesterday was my last day at Altera Toronto, meaning that my PEY (Professional Experience Year) is finished.

It was a speical year, as I took a break from school and worked in an industry setting. I have learned quite a bit practical stuff, got to know how a business operates, as well as gained some insights into the whole semi-conductor industry. I also had lots of fun there and made quite a few friends. Though there were still many things could be better, I don't regret spending this year at Altera. On the whole, it has been a good year.

Now is the time to delve into summer research...

Life is an opportunity to do something.
