Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Where to stay during an earthquake?

zz from Yuan, Jue's Blog



势,躲在桌子床铺的旁边。他以先前和土耳其政府、大学合作拍制的地震逃生录像带,说明不要躲在桌下 避震的



Monday, July 24, 2006

July·Graduation I

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July·Graduation II

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

On the 25th Anniversary of the Discovery of Radium [Excerpt]

Even now, after 25 years of intensive research, we feel there is a great deal still to be done. We have made many discoveries. Pierre Curie, with his suggestions we have found in his notes, and the thoughts he had expressed to me, has helped to guide us to there. But no one of us can do much, if each of us perhaps, can catch some gleam of knowledge, which is modest and insufficient of itself, may add to man's dream of truth. It is by these small candles in our darkness that we see before us, little by little, the dim outlines of that great plan that shapes the universe. And I am among those people who think that for this reason, science has great beauty, and with its great spiritual strength, will in time, clean this world of its evils, its ignorance, its poverty, diseases, wars and heartaches. Look for the clear light of truth, look for unknown new roads. Even when man sights, his keener far than now divine wonder, had never failures.

Every age had its own dreams. Leave then the dreams of yesterday. You take the torch of knowledge, and build the palace of the future.

-- On the 25th Anniversary of the Discovery of Radium

Marie Curie

From Lei's Blog: http://eco-evo.spaces.msn.com/

Monday, July 10, 2006

Weekly Plan

I think it may be a good way to keep my friends updated --- know what I am doing and also it is a good way to keep myself organized :P

1. Attending driving school lessons --- yeah, I got to get the driving license soon.
2. Learn Python --- it is a good thing to learn
3. Practice Design Patterns --- I have read most of them, but only practice can let me understand them

General stuff: continue to go to work and try to work well, keep learning, keep working, and properly relax...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Germany lost...

They played good soccer. And Italy plays very boring soccer, with many direct long pass to Lehman.. But the Italians got luck at the end of the game. Life is cruel.

I am very unhappy because that as Italy seldom plays good football and I hate those teams. This is the end of world cup for me. Third place is nothing for Germany.