Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Plunge of global stock markets

China starts the tide this time, by Shanghai and Shenzhen fell about 8% and 9%... Then Europe, U.S., and Japan all followed suit. Surprisingly, gold and silver price also fell, but bond and oil price went up.

There are a lot analysis around, but I believe the fact that U.S. economy is in trouble (the huge deficit and debt, crash of real estate, etc. ) is the root reason. Take a look at the history, all empires eventually collapse due to their military overstretch, which leads to economic meltdown and eventually fall of the empire.

Life is an opportunity to do something.

Friday, February 23, 2007

An interesting probabiilty problem

Toss a fair coin n times, what is the probability of having at least k consecutive Heads (i.e., we could have more than k consecutive Heads).
The problem looks simple but once you tried it, you will find that it is not very easy. It is a very good test for your understanding on Probability :), so I strongly encourage you to have a try! And you may encounter this in an interview!

I will try to post the solution later, if I can solve it.
Life is an opportunity to do something.


Friday, February 16, 2007

Weekly Update

A few updates......again, I am busy recently.........and will be busy for a while........ sometimes I think I am too busy. For example, Song talked about an interesting algorithm problem on his blog and I thought it is intriguing too. However, I am too busy to do more investigation on that... It is a shame... I think maybe I am pushing myself too much sometimes... I will try to improve that when I am not busy.

So, what keep me busy then?
  1. Work at the company. At least 1/3 of my day is spent there...
  2. Course work. Real analysis is not that easy now... Prof. Pugh emphasize a lot on geometric understanding of concepts, which is quite powerful, but it also takes a lot effort to visualize things. And the midterm is coming soon!
  3. Prepare for GRE. I registered it a few days ago and the test day is May 12. I hope I can finish this crap before I dive into my summer research.
  4. A lot misc. stuff --- forex trading, tax return, do a body check (I haven't done so for a few years ........), get a new pair of glasses.. etc. etc. etc
Meanwhile, I also need to start preparing for Grad School Application. It is a lengthy process...
Cathy is ahead of me on this. She will attend quite a few interviews for dental school in the near future. I wish her all the success in her interviews --- so I can get my free dental care in the future ;)

Life is an opportunity to do something.


Saturday, February 03, 2007


From Song Wei's blog http://songwei.blogsome.com/2007/02/03/p462/


Have certain achievement that I am satisfied with.


Something made me so sad that I don't even want to talk about


Do well in grad school application, which is an event in a huge Markov Chain.


Life time? Do something, have some fun


Wherever, traveling mind-free is great enough so the destination really doesn't matter




YES. Try to be regular

8.会不会做饭?你希望你的伴侣(or 未来的伴侣)会做饭吗?

Not really...but will be. Yes, we will learn together anyways


no idea...don't watch that kind of stuff anymore


An intelligent and outright guy, and I can call you dude as I wish :P


Learn much much much more math!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Should be, but not very.


have no idea.


smart and interesting


A lot. Some old songs.

16.你会出于什么样的理由结婚? 或者是出于什么样的理由单身?

I love the girl and want to live with her.

for freedom


Kill: a lot ppl are worth killing, but usually killing does not help much.


No, so I don't need to answer the 2nd question.


Before I finish my Ph.D


i don't know why three.. friends shouldn't have a rank or things like top 3 "precious" or whatever. All my friends are important to me, otherwise they are not my friend.

I have already asked some ppl to join this kind of game a while ago. So I would not spread it further for now.... but I reserve the right to spread it in the future.