但是我相信人定勝天 (<- 欠揍)
I think God really doesn't like me... last year Ayu had concert in Taiwan in Feb, I was having exams... no way I can fly back.... this year, Arashi is having concert in Oct and Ayu in Nov in Taiwan... if they do that LAST year, I could've go to both cuz I WAS IN TAIWAN DURING THAT TIME!!!! but they just have to choose to have Asia Tour when I am in Japan.... orz
Now I REALLY REALLY wanna fly back to Taiwan for Ayu!!! please don't say I am unfair, I still love Arashi but I've been Arashi con 2 years in a row already during the first few years of my fandom whereas Ayu, this is my 9th year and I still haven't go to any of her concert T____T I feel so ashamed!!!!!! and the most important thing is, Ayu MIGHT not have another tour... I think I will regret for the rest of my life if I don't go now... and this is really the LAST concert of her 10th anniversary!!! I really wonder if she will have her 15th anniversary or 20th anniversary (awww, I wanna cry already)
I think I made enough love confession on this blog, but Ayu is really a big part of my life now, every single songs reminds me of certain stage of life 我是聽著Ayu的歌長大的!!!
haha 我又要背著家人 來招先斬後奏了 XDD
I was so excited when I heard the news that Ayu is gonna have a Chinese ver of [Who] recorded for her album and I planned to buy the Taiwan's CD version 但是聽了後超失望 歌詞超爛 不用問一定是內地同胞的傑作 都不知道是甚麼年代的人 "月娘" 甚麼鬼東西啊 去年唱的live ver 歌詞明明很好啊
"從今天到永遠 聽著我的歌聲 送到你們心中 這是我的願望"
anyway, 新版:
最難以度過誰陪我 陪著我一直不放手
當淚留在眼眸 是誰讓我依靠訴說?
有了快樂歡笑時候 和誰享受?
曾有過和我雙手緊緊握 是誰?
我和你分開兩端 別離度過的夜晚
隻見月娘在天邊 淚一點一滴流
我和你分開兩端 別裡度過的夜晚
隻見月娘在天邊 淚一直流
真的堅強 怎樣才對 讓我心明白的人那是誰?
又曾是誰 溫柔以對 那感覺讓我有體會?
有了誰 讓我才會 開始想邁步去追?
希望誰 手指放我發間 輕輕撫慰?
是誰有 耐心守著陪著我 不放棄念頭?
我曾有 沒有方向迷路的時候 (這句文法有問題吧???)
也有過 長路漫漫那種感受
隻能夠 喃喃自語地對自己說
就這樣沒有什麼... (HUH?)
但願今天到永久 祈禱這歌聲能夠
能夠傳到你左右 在你身旁停留
但願今天到永久 祈禱這歌聲能夠
能傳到你左右 陪你停留
但願今天到永久 祈禱這歌聲能夠
能夠傳到你左右 在你身旁停留
但願今天到永久 祈禱這歌聲能夠
能傳到你左右 陪你停留Labels: A
we <3 ayu
3 weeks of internet-less, I have so much to write about, but I really need to write about my first ayu live in my life first!!!! and I really can't believe ayu's best album sold so well!!!!!!! I mean, it's so damn rip off (at least to her hard core fans)!!! and I think it's worse than her black and white best, I'm so glad the DVD is not her PV collection, else maybe I should try to sell the PV collection box~ but I was still a bit of disappointing that it didn't beat Amuro's best... I really hope the total sales will...........
anyway, back to my a-nation live~ seriously, a-nation was such a torture...... it's so damn hot during the day, and it started to rain like crazy during the night... the train to/from the ajinomoto stadium is PACKED (no duh~) it's been raining like crazy in Japan for the whole week before a-nation, I had to walk through yard of mud to buy the ayu goods... good that there's no big line up because everything is sold out T____T
ok, so the opening is Amuro, it's a smart move that they put Amuro as the starting artist, cuz nobody wanna miss the new/ex avex diva Amuro's performance~ Amuro was so damn hot and I'm glad she sang Chase the chance *____* awwwwww, that's the Amuro I like!!!! after Amuro is AAA, I feel bad for them cuz the audience are starting to leave the stadium... they sang a lot of summer songs, but none of them are the ones I like... it started to rain like crazy during ELT's performance, good that it's after fragile~ so I went out to 避雨 and missed some artists like alan (?) and 後藤真希 I came back right after globe's performance? but it's still raining like crazy, to a point where my umbrella started 漏水!!!! omg, I'm all wet even tho i have an umbrella!!!! we waited for approx 15 min? Koda Kumi came out (yes, she made us waiting in the rain :p) dont wanna admit it but ppl scream like mad and some ppl just rain into the rain and started dancing~ it wasn't a bad performance, she sang a lot of her hit songs but all I can think of is "hurry up and finish your songs!!! I WANNA SEE MY AYU!!!!!!!!!!!) next, I already know who it is, trf... sorry to be rude but I am still thinking about the same thing....
finally, our Ayu *o* she came out pretty quick after trf, I would say approx 5 min? (compare to Koda Kumi's 15 min...) her intro is of course the "ayu ready?" chant~~ I got very high at that moment~ she came out with the red dress she wore in the Mirrorcle World PV~ and somehow I "thought" she sounded great on that day~ when she started to sing A Song for XX, I started crying, I don't even know why myself, that's not even my fav song, I wasn't thinking of anything but my tear just wouldn't stop... and I used to wonder why would ppl cry during a concert (yes, that means I never cry at Arashi con) haha, good that it's raining that day so no one can tell I am actually crying. during trf's performance, there are staff trying to kick ppl out of the walk way, I kinda knew Ayu is gonna ride on her little kart and go around the venue~ and I was of course right!!! there are some ppl who wanna leave the arena section during Ayu's performance =__________=" (koda kumi fans?) but they were stopped by the staff, some ppl even climbed over the fence.... orz, but turns out a lot of ppl were stuck at the arena exit (those lucky assholes) I was actually lucky that my seat is near the side (we call it the 花道 in Johnny's dictionary XD) and I got myself a really good spot when ppl ran out during the rain :) ppl started screaming like crazy, and those assholes trying to leave during ayu's performance of course got the best spot too~ anyway, for one moment (that kart is moving way too fast) I was VERY VERY VERY close to ayu, I was screaming as hard as I could (no I didnt have eye contact with ayu T___T (I did with a Oh-chan, Aiba and Nino!!!)) I was waving, I was dancing B&G dancing with tear :p (I was actually singing all the way through her performance!! so proud of myself) I was probably more excited than the 2 Arashi concerts I've been to...
I think I love Ayu more than ever now, after watching her live *_____* and I know Ayu is always gonna be my number 1~ I feel bad to say this but I just didn't have the same feeling for Amuro after watching her live, even tho she did sang one of her old song....
anyway, I took some ayu pix when I visted Shibuya~ will post them later~ btw, I saw the 傳聞中的Ayu車 outside of a-nation stadium!!! *o* btw2, guys wearing ayu T-shirts, carrying a full bag of Ayu goods are sooooooooooooooooooo kakkoi!!!!! :p I don't know what I am saying anymore, that's it for nowLabels: A
Layout © Pieces of a Dream by
Ayami. All Rights
Recent Tracks

Anime: Code Geass
Manga: Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song: almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?,
, HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer: 浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY,
仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木
Flower: Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子,
きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子
[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Ayu! Love!
[+] University of Toronto
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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER
Fan Listing