
seriously, 一想到有多少人在stalk我的blog就毛骨悚然 since when did my blog become so popular?? so i started my account at FC2, it's THE most powerful blogging systerm i'v ever see online!!! (其實我最想看的是visitors的ip XDD 別得罪我 要不然後果自負)


又是隨便取的名字~ i got no talent in this :p

anwayz, if you have the pwassword, welcome to come~ if you don't... then you don't!! :p

but hey, this blog is still running as usual~ actually, i havent decide what i'm gonna do with 2 blog yet.... but.. as for now, THIS is still the main one


傳聞說Arashi會在台灣追加公演 @____@ well, but that's still no hope for me... 17中午場次 - CAN'T 下一個星期 - CAN'T. My only chance is 16th 中午... which i really doubt it...

and ARASHI IS COMING TOMORROW, ARRIVING AT 1:43 (if i'm not mistaken...) 明天要守著電視 追加公演期望就在明天啦 >___<

嵐迷搶購 門票1天賣8成 

台灣的哈日程度 真是讓我大開眼界~ but boo for 五月天 台灣天團?? 根本比不上傑尼斯... 這個可怕的紀錄大概沒有人破的了~ (maybe KAT-TUN?)

maa, 演唱會當然是要看傑尼斯啊~ 但是Arashi的CD再台灣根本賣不到2萬~ well, i guess it's like, CD要買鬼束千尋 演唱會要看傑尼斯


Johnny's Power 
唉喲 Arashi還沒來就上報了~ 剛剛還在新聞上看到排隊的人潮~

有這種濫主辦單位 提高了Arashi的知名度~~

and guess what? i woke up at 9:30 am today!!!!!!!! miracle!! 本來非常有衝動 要衝去排隊 但是想說先上網看看... and i realized that it's 無理だ and good tha i didn't go, cuz i'll just end up staying there for nothing, 據說已經排到忠孝東路 很多人已經放棄了 要回家上網買

前排的Arena區已經賣的差不多了~ (geez, these 台北人... 好利害) but rumour says that the BEST areana seats are reserved for OFFICIAL 日本團... oh well, nothing we can do


well well well, guess what, I DID NOT GET ANY TICKET!! @____@ AND GUESS WHAT, ALLLLLLLLLL the $2500 tickets are sold out!!! they sold close to 90% of the ticket in 12 hours!!! HOLY CRAP!!! (孫燕姿的票到現在都還有) 我只能說 我太天真了 還有就是 任何事都還是應該親力親為... 學到教訓了ㄏㄛ~ T____T 老實說 直到收到惡訊前都還沒有現在這麼想去~ 跟買不到限定版的心情是一樣的!! 買不到後才發現原來自己有多想要!!!

ok great, time to play *connection* game... dunno if it's gonna work tho... then my last hope would be auction... 慘...


i can't help but said "YES" when i saw this

sorry Arashi, this is one of the 2 scenrios that i don't want you to get no. 1~

ok, i'm fangirl high again~ the seating plan for Arashi's con is out!!!



據說現在(5pm) 排隊隊伍已經有200公尺長 預估有近千人 @________@ HOLY CRAP 這是什麼狀況?? ha 說不定等下會上[娛樂新聞] 想出這種混帳賣票方法的人應該拉去槍斃 awwww, how come i dunno anyone who works there?? :p

damn it, i just found out that "首賣會" 不接受刷卡 #)%*_)*$+(+$^( grrrrr, omg 我真是一波三折 反正首賣會就是賣給那些 不用上課 有家不回的學生就對了

Taiwan, this is why you have no international status, because you totally sucked >_____________________<

read this

重點是賣票方式: "在7月29日(六)只限在台北市八德路一段46號正式首購" )%*_*%#@$ what is this?? is this a movie? wtf is with the "首賣會"???? 網路賣票要5點以後 but there wont be any good seats left after 8 freaking hours )*#@%)@(#$+ and thoe crazy 追星族 is already lining up now!! they are gonna stat overnight for the ticket 是怎樣 可以整夜排隊的才是真的fans 我們這些沒辦法排的就不是fans?? 肯排的就有優先權 不排的就準備檢剩的吧 看到fans整夜排隊才能顯出Arashi在台灣的超人氣嗎??

還有讓我看的又開心又傷心的就是票價!!! 只有3個價錢 1000, 1500, 2500, 開心當然是因為太~~~~便宜了 喜爺(<--跟著叫:p) 幹嘛這麼好心?? i was expecting somwere like 3500-4500!!! 孫艷姿最貴的票是3300, 莫文衛是4500~ 大家都在擔心Arashi會效法韓國小天王的天價$6000 沒想到竟然是超貧民價的$2500!!!!!!!!!!! @_____@ 我只能說 傑尼斯 對台灣太好了 擺明不是來賺錢的 既然認為可以開2場1萬5千人的演唱會 就應該知道票貴一點也有人買啊 要知道不管哪一國的fangirl都很有錢的~ 搞的現在本來只打算買2等價票的人 現在都想買最貴的了 而且日本人來開演唱會基本上是會把日本的舞台搬來 (Amuro's TW con stage was IDENTICAL to the Japan ones!!) 出名的"Johnny's Moving Stage"也會空運來台~ $2500 這樣 賺的到嗎??

氣死我了!!!! >____< grrrr, 大不了就買黃牛票 錢不是問題!! (lol, noo i'm j/k, 我很窮)

(by the by, Arashi飛3國是有"專機"接送!! 所以是不會出現在機場裡的螢幕的~ 當然也不會出關~ gyaa, 不過還好喜爺對他們還算不錯~ 還有專機~~~ =)


Arashi is gonna go to all 3 countries (ok, i mean "cities") in one day on July 31st @____@ and they had 3 shows on the day before... geez, Johnny's Jimusho should treat their artists better!!! but they will only stay in Taiwan for 2 hours, and will have their press conference in the airport... @____@ eeetto, then what's the point of coming to Taiwan?? lol

anywayz, i'm ready to fight for the ticket~ signed up for the memebership yesterday~ and tried to order other con to see the procedure so I can get the ordering done ASAP =P i just hope my internet connection dont play gay that night~

but damn it, 好多事都在阻擾我去看演場會 _$#*%_(#$*%{+#%(*_ 讓我昨天講了一堆髒話 =_____=" I'M GOING TO ARASHI'S CONCERT NO MATTER WHATTTTT!!! 我現在唯一祈禱的就是千萬不要有颱風啊~~~~~~~ 我經不起延期啊... >____< Sept. 16 is the LATEST i can stay in Taiwan... 好討厭喔 為什麼不早一個星期開嘛...

and by the way, Arashi's new single covers are out~ you can find them at the latest 月刊Songs magazine~

最近 還滿喜歡容祖兒(<-- are they the right words?? lol, now you all know my chinese sucks) 的新歌~ 那首穿禮服在城堡裡拍MV的~ 聽起來是一首怪歌 but i always like weird song~ but i really hate the title of her new album, it's called [9492] meaning "就是祖兒"... hate those stupid China style 暗號... 521 stand for 我愛你? 有夠俗... 這麼難廳的名字 不管歌多好聽 都不想買了


いろいろ + fangirl HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!! 
gyaaaa, Arashi's concert ticket going on sale this saturday at 年代售票!!!!!!!!!!! so i'm assuming it will start at 12am?? I WANT THE 1ST ROW AND I REALLY MEAN IT!!! i just hope my internet connection dont fail me at that time >___<

ok, gotta save some money for the ticket and the concert goodies~~ gyaaaa~~ fangirl high now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

since when did EXILE added another dance??? as if 4 weren't enough? and i just realized one of the 2 left over competitors from the audition is the guy from the Asayan competiton with CHEMISTRY abd Atsushi back in 2000!!!!!!!!!!!! @_____@ 6 years later and he's still trying to become a singer.... awwwww, Atushi is such a lucky boy eh~ if he really wins, then EXILE 就是真的是"CHEMISTRY手下敗將組合"了 XDDD

was watching [神雕俠侶]大陸版 on TV~ and i heard AYU's "Dearest" instrumental ver in it!!!!!!!!!!!! 小偷!!!!!!!!!!!! 之前有聽到類似Lord of the Ring, Harry Potter 裡出現過的音樂.... now i'm pretty sure they stole the music!!

but 劉亦飛 (dunno which words they are suppose to be) 真的好漂亮 又有氣質~ 是越看越美的那型~ even tho her face is so ML =P and i heard she released a single in JAPAN @____@...


在那裡作夢以為Koda Kumi會賣贏KinKi Kids的夢想家 take a look at this~ (geez, there are so many "K"s :p) 好啦 我想Koda Kumi應該也會賣個13萬左右吧~ what about Mika?? 2萬?? demo sugoi na~ 最多支持KinKi的竟然是十代~ shouldn't KinKi fans be in their 20s already?? 還是因為KAT-TUN效應 所有J家藝人都人氣大漲?? ohh~ and Koda Kumi的支持者竟然是30代到40代~ 都是好色 搞援交的歐吉桑吧 :p

by the way, 被說過氣 要被Koda Kumi取代的Ayu's [BLUE BIRD] 期待度 was 122~ 比暴紅的Koda Kumi還高了10分~

but speaking of Oricon, there are rumour saying that the numbers were made up to keep some of the "amazing record" such as B'z and KinKi Kids' xx years of no. 1 single, xx number of no. 1 single since debut... whether that's true or not, i hope they will do that to Ayu one day :p

(in case you didn't know, KinKi Kids hold the record of ALLLLLLL releases taking no. 1 on the Oricon chart, regardless of single, album, DVD, collaboration work (J-Friends), solo work or even soundtrack!!! anything labeled "KinKi" will go on the top of Oricon chart! B'z hold the record of the most no. 1 single and the longest duration? (i think 15 years? if i'm not mistaken...))


ANSWER - "love is beautiful"  
just realized i didn't blog about GLAY's new collaboration work @____@ (hide in shame)

冰室京介, 不太認識... 被人提醒有唱過[冰之世界]主題曲... 還是不記得 oh well :p his voice sounded kinda like Inaba Koshi from B'z (還是那年代的人都是那種唱法?) so yea, he sounded like B'z which means sounded good!! :p

i fall in love with this song since i first heard it, it's AWSOME!!! it's just as good as "SCREAM" (i probably like it more than "SCREAM" at this moment, since it's new)!! and i didn't expect it to be that good... since "G4" disappointed me big... most fans said "G4" is one of their greatest single EVER... i can't hlep but go like "o_____O" NO, to me it's NO WHERE CLOSE!!! they said it's got a variety of type of music... REALLY?? RRS and LAYLA... (damn, i just realize i can't even hum the whole song of both @___@) i don't even know where they belong to, ROCK? POP? I call something like "Yuuwaku" or "Mermaid" ROCK!! and everyone is saying how "WHITE ROAD" sucked, well, you ppl sucks!! i think it's one of their greatest work since 2000!! and i bet i've been a fan longer than any of them, so i have more right to talk here (lol, whatever) they are only saying it cuz they missed GLAY's 全盛時期 (嚴格來講 我也晚了:p)!!!!! 我可是從1998年 年僅13歲(<---自暴年齡XDDD) 就開始聽GLAY 別在我面前裝懂!!!

move on to the PV, simple but i love it~ it's by the same director of "Mermaid" (my fav PV!!!!) by 丹修一 (it pissed me off that when i searched on google, all those 五月天 news pops up =___=")~ and heard that this PV was shot in LA (AGAIN!! geez, this combination love LA...)

因為有冰室京介 相比之下GLAY顯的好年輕~ (i'm sorry :p) and i really like TERU's hair style~ but one thing that bothers me is Himuro's belt/pants? ehhhdo 太上面了!!! :p

因為只有2個vocal, 感覺很公平~ =) and please give me SOLO VERSION of both [SCREAM] and [ANSWER] on the album!!! >____<

(Jun and YamaP better buy this single!! (Jun once stated in a magazine interview that he grew up listening GLAY's music~ YamaP once mentioned it in his diary too!!) Oricon 好像比較認為嵐會贏.... >____< 別再讓我對日本人失望了 this is about music, not faces!!!)


Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 
i finally watched it today~~ it's just as funny as I expected~ but story-wise, i like the 1st one more~ and one thing that I don't like AND like about this movie is Jack Sparrow. I loved his character for being funny (especially his gay-ish hand gesture) and keeping the audience interested but... but... he's such a coward!! (was his character already like that in the 1st one??) and.. and is Elizabeth really in love with Jack? o___O


oh, and saw a lot of trailer today~~ 首先是看到[Death Note]~ OMG, 好像很好看!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CG的死神好可愛!!! awww, 台灣要9月中才上演 (WHERE IS [TRICK]??) 應該看不到... and got no one to go with too... i wanna watch [名偵探柯南] too >___<

then there's [The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift]!!! 妻夫木聰超帥!!! ehh, chotto made~ that's not the trailer i saw in the theatre~ this is~ the Taiwan ver :p (so why is the Taiwan ver different from the standard trailer?? cuz Taiwanese girls (like me) can probably only name 妻夫木聰 from this movie XD) opening就是妻夫木聰很帥的說了一聲"GO"~ (don't tell me that's all the part he got in this movie) well, but it took place in TOKYO, worth watching already~ (我體內哈日血在沸騰:p)

also wanna watch [Garfield]!!! he's so cute~~


anywayz, i mentioned of skipping the 1st week of class to my sis today, and she said "隨便你啊" XDD ok, 過了一關 下一關要怎麼過呢? ummm, i guess i have to 先斬後奏~ 等買了演唱會票 改了機票後再跟老爸說"我延遲了機票&我要翹第一個星期的課" XDDD 反正改後也沒辦法改早~ i'm like checking 年代售票 everyday!! wondering when they are gonna start selling Arashi's concert ticket, I WANT THE FUCKING 1ST ROW!!! gyaaa, 我要去看生Arashi又唱又跳了!!!


今晚跟姐姐去吃大餐 - 鐵板燒 (不是百貨公司樓下的那種 是hotel裡的"法國料理鐵板燒"!!) 我目前為止吃過最好吃的牛排跟明蝦 都是鐵板燒餐廳裡!!!! 不用任何醬汁 只要有鹽跟大蒜片就夠了 (才不會蓋住牛肉原本的鮮味:p 日本人果然會吃!!) 甜點當然是Haagen Dazs ice cream!!! (Haagen Dazs已經佔據台灣中高級餐廳了!!) 吃松版牛鐵板燒 is part of my "live in Japan" dream~ ONE DAY 我會達成的!! :p (說說而已)


Why I hate Jolin, SHE and FIR 
did you all see SHE and FIR's new PV?? 分別是像安室的[CAN'T SLEEP, CAN'T EAT, I'M SICK]跟DAI的[樂園] (<-- i love this song!)

no photoshop in this comp, so can online use pix from youtube... >___< they don't have the best shot...

前為正版 後為翻版

and i think Faye's (ewww, she has the same English name as 王菲) new style is so similar to Tomiko!!!

more here and here


pic spam (with my poor photography skill :p) 

this is Haagen Dazs ice cream~

鈴木亞美, once upon a time, I used to like her more than Hamasaki Ayumi!! (yes yes, it's because there are ppl like me, that Ayu's [Boy & Girls] didn't get no. 1 on Oricon in the first week) 1999年 竟然已經是那麼久以前了~ that's the time where Japan's got some real good music~ 談到Amigo 更讓人覺得安室有多麼利害 在日本人心中的地位~ 他是現在唯一還賣的好的 前小室家族成員~ 我不敢想像2年後安室跟濱崎步誰會賣的比較好...

and you won't believe how much i got this for, this is about CDN$5 include shipping!! brand new, factory sealed!!


some complained that i talked too much Johnny's, some wanted me to talk more johnny's... doushiyo???? should i bs my Johnny's talk somewhere else??? maa, sore wa ato de ne~

so shocked after seeing the ranking news at Oricon... 怎麼差那麼多?? X____X so sad... 今年能首周賣超過20萬的也只有傑尼斯, Mr. Children and B'z... not Koda Kumi, not Hamasaki Ayumi, not Orange Range, not GLAY T_____T well, ganbare KinKi, you gotta sell more than Koda Kumi~ but i'm glad that Music Station still gave them a whole 4 minutes (that's longer than Ayu and even Johny's!!)

watched KAT-TUN on HEY HEY HEY last night, 龜梨和也果然很差勁~ 談到合演Gokusen2的生瀨勝久... 說當時交換過電話 但是一直沒有聯絡 然後有一次生瀨寫了email給龜 但是一直沒回 所以打電話過去 但是接通後立刻掛斷 不就後龜回電 用很差的口氣說"是誰?" so that means Kame didn't enter 生瀨's phone number into his cell!!! 這是對前被該有的態度嗎?? some YamaP fans were mad about what Akanishi and Kamenashi said... 要從之前山P上HEY3說起 YamaP said that he and Akanishi 是以半同居姿太生活!!! Akanishi complained that P was so busy filming [Kurosagi] lately and didn't contact him for a while... 龜梨的話則是上次山P說從吵架後就沒有說話 也沒有打招呼 但是龜說還是有跟P打招呼... because of them, Downtown called YamaP "liar"... so some YamaP fans are mad... 我想同居事件應該只是時間上的差距 但是吵架事件 我想應該是龜有跟P打招呼但是P沒有理他吧? this is Japan, 後輩不去跟前輩打招呼是不想混了嗎??

KT第2張單曲到底會賣多少呢 我想首周大概20萬左右 total大概不超過50萬吧

by the way, 第2周收視 My Boss My Hero: 16.7%, 月9: 13% 我看下禮拜掉到11%~10%左右吧


(中文: 太陽之歌)

omg, i feel like crying even tho it's only the first episode!!!!! i think Erika looked prettier in [1公升的眼淚]... is it because of the hair?? but i LOVE the character 雨音薰! she's not like 池內亞也 from 1 liter~ 不是典型的軟弱 善良的日本女性~ 是有主見 堅強的現代女性!! and i really like her acting, it's so different from 池內亞也~~ and if you watched enough J-dorama, you realized that Japanese actress 臉上沒什麼表情 也沒有身體語言~ but she's got enough of both!!

this is really MY TYPE!!! and i just realize there are a lot of actors that i like!!
- 松下奈緒: 看[恋におちたら~僕の成功の秘密~]就很喜歡他了~ 現在才發現他長的很像柴崎幸!! and i cant believe she's the same age as me!! she looks like 25, 26 :p
- 竹中直人: my favourite 歐吉桑 actor!!! he's such a funny person~ (love him from [Good Luck!!])
- Becky
- 要潤: he looked SOOOOOOO good in it!! and i just realized he's in [Good Luck!!] ehhh 是喜歡柴崎幸的那個嗎?? 那時候一點都不帥說... (or is it because KimuTaku's there??) 現在才發現他長的很像金城武!!

... 如果男主角不是山田孝知 我會更愛這部戲... why can't they use 錦戶亮? or 櫻井翔?? or... even 赤西仁 is better!! (now you know how much i hate 山田孝知)

意外的 柴崎幸唱的主題曲是類似[Glitter]的輕快型~ and Erika actually sang in the dorama *o* and she actully sounded pretty good!! better than 深田恭子, better than 綾瀨遙, better than 仲間由紀惠!! (but not better than 柴崎幸 :p)


XD so cute 這是台灣人對前兩天走的颱風的心聲~

(is it just me or what? TERU's hairstyle is sooooo Johnny's style these years @___@)

i still didnt go pick up my GLAY single and Arashi album... too lazy to go to 西門町... so hot these days... @___@ ar, 不知不覺 已經7月17日了... Arashi台灣演唱會到底什麼時候才確定?? 雖然台灣人哈日 但是3萬張的票不是那麼容易賣的啊~ by the way, Arashi is gonna be the FIRT non-Chinese artist to have concert in Taipei Arena!! *o* (if i'm not mistaken...) 五月天跟孫燕姿的演唱會門票到現在都還沒賣完說...

saw 周杰倫(i forgot which words they are and i dont really give a damn :p)跟侯佩岑的"分手新聞" 兩個都說"從沒交往過" it's like, WTF???? 深深讓我覺得周杰倫是個大爛人!!! 跟蔡10分手時也說"從沒交往過" 每次都用同一個trick 把我們當白痴嗎?? 基本上 會一直傳緋聞的人 本身就一定有問題 一次可能是誤會 兩次可能是巧合 三次 四次呢???

侯佩岑真是瞎了眼 有上流社會少奶奶不做 竟然跟這種台客在一起... 大陸fans都一直罵 說侯佩岑配不上周杰倫(cuz they like Jolin...) 但是侯佩岑其實是美國南加州大學雙學位畢業!!!! 說的一口流利的音文!! 周杰倫? 是100% MADE IN TAIWAN的台客!! (有啦 有"自稱"到日本學音樂 但是講的一口破日文) geez 廣大的大陸fans 不知道不要亂吠 到底是誰配不上誰啊??

再跟蔡10比一比 (其實根本沒的比) 全台灣人都知道 蔡10是輔大英文系保送上去的 但也沒什麼了不起 又不是台大 而且以台灣的英文系來講 level也不會高到哪裡去(有念Shakespeare嗎?有的話大概也只是白話文吧) 最重要的是蔡10的英文其實非~~~~~常爛!!!!!! 以前在蔡康永的節目裡講的什麼"have a third person" 讓人笑掉大牙了 我終生難忘~ 大學4年只念英文還可以說的這麼broken English... sigh... 他沒天份啦~ on the other hand, 應該沒什麼人知道侯佩岑配是美國回來的 i saw her interview with the actors from "Pirates of the Caribbean" her English is VERY GOOD!!! well, i can tell she's not ABC but very close! she's 34958030932840 times better than Jolin!!! i asked everyone i know if 侯佩岑 is from some English speaking country and none of them knows... 但是Jolin的事卻是人盡皆知!! 是侯佩岑沒有蔡10紅??? i don't think so~ i think she just doesn't brag about herself like Jolin...

周傑倫最近跟SHE的HEBE傳緋聞傳的很兇 maa, 反正SHE也不是什麼好東西 偷別人的歌還不承認 絕配啦~


- first of all, someone sent me an email concerning what i wrote about SMAP last year... (i guess she's referring to this?)

let me make things clear, i'll change to Chinese..

確實 我之前說的對SMAP是很不公平 我更正 我想說的是我不懂為什麼他們CD賣的那麼好~ 我想我應該夠了解SMAP... 我知道SMAP很會搞笑 他們的[SMAPXSMAP]我也是很愛 我也知道木村拓哉很帥 XD 我知道SMAP每個成員都會演戲 是收視率的保證 我也知道他們有好聽的歌(我超愛[夜空のムコウ]) 但是傑尼斯裡說到跳舞 SMAP跳的沒有V6好 也沒有Arashi好 論唱歌也比不上KinKi Kids... 先別說傑尼斯(沒有說服力:p) 說說音樂 說說銷售量 [世界に一つだけの花] 真的有那麼好聽嗎?? 我還滿喜歡歌詞的 但是旋律呢? 唱功呢?? 有比的上[TSUNAMI]嗎? 有比的上[CAN YOU CELEBRATE?]嗎?? 他憑什麼賣200多萬張? 尤其是當時頒某大賞時(忘了 是Record還是Golden Disk) 中居那超跩的發言 我不管那是不是在搞笑 我聽了很不爽 真的覺得那個獎實至名歸嗎???

老實說 我聽到那些Arashi fan把自己說的多清高 寫一堆好像很有深度的"review"時 就會覺他們是小白 i mean YEAH RIGHT, 我就不相信他們是聽了歌以後才開始喜歡Arashi的!!! 我想大部分人都是"愛屋及屋"的心態吧?

anyway, 得罪人的話我道歉 看的不高興麻煩以後不要來 這是我的blog 想寫什麼都可以吧?

- geez, Chinese took me forever... anywayz, someone i know who just graduated (from U of T) this year, is currently IN JAPAN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she's gonna stay there for 6~12 months @______@ omg, 那是我人生最大的夢想!!! T_____T i wanna live in japan... i wanna be able to speak fluent Japanese.... 為什麼我家不有錢?? (<-- 超欠揍 XD)

- >___< GLAY竟然輸給堂本光一!!! noooo~~ but Koichi cheated!! he has 3 different versions... Tsuyoshi's first week sale was only about 11萬... grrr 至少要累積量要贏啊!!

- by the way, i got this poster =)

- did you girls all see Sho from [Honey & Clover]'s premiere?? gyaa~~ he's chooooo kakkoi!!! he straightened his hair and is wearing 浴衣 *o*

- KinKi's new single sounded pretty good!! it's really my cup of tea :p 而且非常日式/夏天~ 夏天必聽之歌~ (the instrument kinda reminded me of Ayu's [theme of a-nation 03']) 加油 如果輸給Koda Kumi 一世英名就毀了!!

- i LOVE Spitz's [Mahou no Kotoba]!!! and it fit the movie so much!! (sorry, but i like it more than Arashi's [Aozora Pedal] =P but ironically, i wont be buying the one that i like more (lol, 我好像沒什麼資格問"為什麼SMAP CD賣的那麼好"))

- and did you girls see KAT-TUN's new PV?? maa, kakkoi desukedo... the song is so repetitive... and the style is so similar to [Real Face]

- still didnt change my airplane ticket, cuz there's no official news on the date of Arashi's Taiwan concert...

Spitz - Mahou no Kotoba
KinKi Kids - Natsumayou



Dorama Report 
finally watched [Suppli] (it really should be "SupplEment"...)

arr, 不虧是月9 拍的非常好~ 絕對是年輕人會喜歡的style~ 比起女主角 男主角更讓我討厭數萬倍!! 是角色不討好吧... ayaka的主題曲不太好聽 反倒是KT唱的opening 意外的很好聽 =__=" (and it's not on the new single that's coming out next week, so i guess they will be releasing another single at the end of the year?)

但是月9第一集這麼低收視實在是很丟臉 well, [Anego]跟[野豬大改造]都是15%左右 KT就是這種數字

ehh, never a big fan... kinda boring to me... 但是少根經的刑事片還算好看~ 收視率有30.9% by the way, this special was aired on 月9~

not as excited the as i expected... 米倉良子演得好像是普通的家庭主婦 好像不會耍心機... 但是不論是剪接 或是音效都非常讚~

至於[叫我CA!]聽人說不好看 所以沒download...

[太陽之歌]還沒出 but i think i'll love it =) i downloaded the movie ver (seems like an online rip ver but in really good quality~) but haven't watch it yet~

再來就是[秋葉原@DEEP] 根本算不上是夏季日劇 因為他是"深夜日劇" 是一般電視節目不會報導 不會做廣告 也上不了日劇大賞等 沒有地位的可憐劇

as for why i'm watching this dorama... cuz it's cast by 生田斗真!! if you claim yourself to be a Arashi or YamaP fan and you don't know who Ikuta Toma is, you don't deserve to be a fan...

seriously, Toma look 345980735 times better than KT and NEWS members!! and he's looking good in NATURAL!! not like those plastic surgery boys... 都不知道是不是得罪了高層... 後輩的山下智久跟龜梨和也在演金10跟月9...

anywayz, the dorama is very intersting~ Toma's character is so genki =) 不算是會讓人覺得噁心的角色~ 但是很明顯是low budget... 服裝不夠好 音樂不夠好 燈光不夠好 剪接也不夠好... T___T


這個月要買的雜誌實在是太多了 因為GLAY出單曲 一堆雜誌 X____X and those rock magazine are so expensive too.... 要破產了... and heard that GLAY is releasing another single in September X__________X and AYU and Arashi are probably gonna release their X'mas single in October or November... omg, i don't wanna count how many CD i bought this year... (KAT-TUN憑什麼上[ARENA 37℃]這種實力派雜誌??)

Oricon predicts that Koichi will be getting no. 1 >___< cuz he's releasing THREE different versions while GLAY is only release one version... damn it, 好像真的有點危險!!!!! noooo, GLAY has to get no. 1!!! it's a 4 A-sides single!!!!

說到GLAY 最近一直瘋Arashi 讓我覺得有點對不起GLAY 但是 我還是非常喜歡他們的~ 昨天晚上在看YOUTUBE 看到他們以前的live 讓我想起以前的我有多麼喜歡他們 也深深發覺 GLAY真的老了... (actually, TERU only, the rest of the members still look the same) TERU的聲音也變沙啞了... 最近他們都在扮年輕 但是我好懷念他們以前一天到晚穿西裝的年代~~ GLAY是最適合穿西裝的藝人!!!!!

談談G4 我比較喜歡的只有[恋]... most fans said that it's one of TAKURO's best work ever, at the same level as [HOWEVER] (some even said they like it more than HOWEVER) to me, it's nowhere close!!! it's a nice song, but it's no where close to TAKURO's REAL GOOD music back then... TAKURO再也寫不出第2首[HOWEVER]了嗎?

即使如此 我還是會永遠支持GLAY的!!

GLAY performing [Winter, again] on HEY3 back in 1999~ 這首好聽的冬天限定曲超少在演唱會上聽到說...

and this was such a good performance, 日本沒有幾個唱的比TERU好~ (actually, i consider B'z, Mr. Children, Hirai Ken only at the same level~ and no, the vocal from Remioromen is not at the same levle :p)

and listen to him singing the same song 7 years later: here

就算聲音變沙啞了 還是一樣好聽


i watched [My Boss My Hero]!!! IT'S SOOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!!!! 長賴 is a complete BAKA in the dorama XDDDD!!! i love this dorama so much!!! (yes, you all know i love stupid dorama) awww, and Tegoshi is so cute~~ 但是好像很不會演~ 連田中聖都看起來比較順眼了~ (as a 小混混)

still downloading [Supli]... 收視率已經出來了 [My Boss My Here]以19%漂亮的打敗17%的[Supli]~ 我等著看最低收視的月九 (SUBPIG is so fast on Johnny's dorama, it only aired yesterday, the subbed version is out when i woke up today...)

(by the way, 我現在已經有70%的打算要去看Arashi了~ so most likely, i'll see you ppl in September? XD)


Dotchi? should I skip the first week of class??? 
i went to 郊外 during the weekend~ 一早就出發 剛開始一點興趣沒有 在車上一直睡 不知不覺已經看的到海了!!!! 原來台灣也有這種地方~ 第2天去畏羊~ 小羊好可愛喔~~~

i bought Vivi with AYU on the cover today~~

浴衣 *o* 比起婚紗 人生裡更想穿一次的東西!!

沒想到看到不想看的東西... why is Johnny's EVERYWHERE nowadays?? not only they have 5 專屬 magazines, they appear in every issue of all those TV magazines, they appear in the most popular shoujo manga like "Sho-Comi", now they also appear in fashion magaines like Non-No, ViVi, WITH, SEVENTEEN!!

i wonder if i can sell these pages on Ebay :p and i just realize he's wearing a LOUIS VUITTON T-shirt (阿姨送的?) @___@ 原來LV有出T-shirt..


ARASHIARASHIARASHI!!! i wanna go to their concert >___< aiya, 我現在非常想翹第一個星期的課... but i wanna go back to Toronto earlier... 點算? i still got tons of stuff to do after i go back... gotta unpack (which usually take a LONG TIME), gotta clean out space for my newly bought stuff, gotta catch up with all the download, gotta watch all the J-dorama and HK drama, gotta buy parking and gotta party with my fds :p

哎喲 why can't Arashi come earlier >________<


Arashi 台灣演唱會 
雖說是亞洲Tour 但是其實只有在台灣是真正的演唱會 韓國跟泰國其實都是以嘉賓身分出席當地的音樂節目

9.16, 17 - 台北Arena (aka 小巨蛋)
9.22 - 韓國的[Asia Song Festival] (is it the one that AYU attended before??)
10.07 - 泰國[日泰修好120周年紀念 FRIENDSHIP CONCERT] (日本到底得罪過多少國家?? =P)

預計動員8萬人 @____@ 是小巨蛋!!! 可容納1萬5000人!!! 是一流歌手張學友 孫燕姿 五月天等 開唱的地方!!! 3萬張的票 賣的完嗎?????????

.... 一點都不high... 心情超down... why can't they come like in May? or June? or July? or Augest?? or a week earlier than that???????????????

$%)+^*+(#@$ why does dman Canadian universities have to start so early??? >____<

i already missed GLAY in Beijing, Amuro in Taipei TWICE!!! and now i'm gonna miss Arashi in Taipei... so i guess next i'll be missing AYU in Taipei as well?

so why can't I miss the 1st week of school?
1) my dad wont let me, my family will probably yell "混帳" at me when they hear my reason
2) i'm already kinda screwed in school, (因為每年暑假都飛回來混 沒有修課) i have to take 6 courses each term in order to graduate on time!! so... i don't think it's a wise decision to skip the first class of my last year of university...


my ranking:

1. [My Boss My Hero] - 長賴智也 手越祐也 田中聖
27歲的長賴穿起制服好怪!!!!! but it seems to be a funny dorama~ 田中聖不用當歌手了啦 去當小混混啦~ 實在太適合了

2. [太陽之歌] - 山田孝之 沢尻エリカ
even tho i don't like the male lead... but i'll watch for the sake of Erika~ and 柴崎幸要唱主題曲*O* (又是山田孝知的dorama?? 難道他們有一腿?)可以想像的到 大概又是同一個style...

3 [不忠時刻] - 米倉涼子
米倉涼子近年來的日劇 [女系家族], [黑皮手帳]等我都很喜歡 都是講鉤心鬥角 鬥智的故事~

4. [叫我CA!] - 關月亞里莎
i guess it's a combination of [鬼嫁日紀] and [大和撫子]~ but i wanna see 松嶋菜菜子 to be the main character more...

5. [不能結婚的男人] - 阿部寬
haha, 已經被定型成搞笑型了嗎?? 為什麼不演TrickIV嘛 >___< 我很喜歡他演搞笑片

至於[Supli] 由我最討厭的演員(伊東美崎, 龜梨和也)+主題曲提供者(綾香)所組成的"月九"... 我會看他是月九的份上看第一集的~

in case you didn't know, 綾香 is my least fav new artist among BONNIE PINK, YUI, Ito Yuna, Kimura Kaela, mihimaru GT, Rie fu, Angela Aki, Takahashi Hitomi etc... i dunno why, i just dont like her from the first time i saw her =P

to heart

最近在重播~ AWWWWW FukaKyon is soooooo cute!! (even tho she looked so fat in it :p) 這絕對是最經典的"暗戀"dorama~ "Ai wa power da yo" 這句超經典~

但是還是讓人看到生氣 今天演到 時枝跟透子說跟Kaori睡了 然後就只說了"覺得很抱歉" 也沒有認真的道歉 還叫透子別對自己太好 他會很辛苦 )$*(+@)#*$_@*))*%$ 然後就走了 也沒有明確的說要分手 #)$%+*+@)#*($+($% 大爛人一個!!!!

this reminded me of [東京愛情故事]... 女生果然不行倒追男生 就是這種下場...


time flies 
不知不覺 我已經回來1.5個月了~ @___@ ehhh already??? i dunno what i've done other than 吃喝拉撒睡 i feel like i'm wasting time (i am!!) 但是我想起這可能是人生最後一次時 就想"whatever" :p so, i'll continue my life as it is now~~ XDD (i wanna postpon my ticket... hope there's seat >___<) and i don't miss Canada anymore :p instead, i'm starting to miss Taiwan (even tho i still have another 1.5 month left) awww why isnt there 任意門...

gyaaa~ i watched [The Shounen Club] today!!! Arashi is the guest!!!!!! but they only appeared like 5 min.. =___=" singing [Kitto Daijoubu]... aint they suppose to be promoting their new album??

翔說 他們的年代是叫[Idol on Stage] XDDD 接著是[Music Jump]~ 在來就是[少年俱樂部] Aiba還打了小山的頭XDD 想不到Arashi也有可以打人的一天

and i finally watched Arashi's One Concert clip ripped from their new album~ (didn't listen to the songs yet :p) awww,WHY ISNT THIS CONCERT RELEASED AS DVD??? and who said MatsuJun can't sing??? he sounded so damn good in [Subarashiki Seikai]!!!


Amuro with Baka Arashi 

they were talking about driving, and Amuro said that guys look cool when they are driving backward... awww, Amuro is so shy~


昨天被小強嚇到 害我失眠X____X... gyaaa, 今年第一次看到 好可怕 本來是要去客廳拿東西 一開門就看到一隻又肥又黑的小強 @_____@ 立刻關門!! 太驚訝 連聲音都叫不出來!!! 世界上為什麼會有這種一無是處 噁心的生物 >___< 而且太利害了 不僅會攀牆走璧 還會飛!!! 他如果不是黑色 或是動作慢一點 還不會讓人這麼討厭... 什麼時後才會絕種?? 想想 去年好像沒有看過小強... 因為有Garfield跟小米在~~~~ 他們會"玩"小強~ 將他們折磨致死XDD 所以都只有發現屍體.... 怎麼辦 天氣越來越熱 我還要待一個多月... >____< i need a cat!!!!!!!


Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
[+] May 2004
[+] June 2004
[+] July 2004
[+] August 2004
[+] September 2004
[+] October 2004
[+] November 2004
[+] December 2004
[+] January 2005
[+] February 2005
[+] March 2005
[+] April 2005
[+] May 2005
[+] June 2005
[+] July 2005
[+] August 2005
[+] September 2005
[+] October 2005
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[+] December 2005
[+] January 2006
[+] February 2006
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[+] April 2009
[+] May 2009
[+] June 2009
[+] July 2009
[+] August 2009
[+] September 2009
[+] October 2009
[+] November 2009


version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
