一部分的歌詞~ (translation taken from AHS, by devilayu)
[STEP YOU]1,2,3,4 ひとつずつ 1,2 STEP you そうやって
1,2,3,4 ひとつずつ 1,2 STEP you そうやって
1,2,3,4 いつからか 1,2 STEP you そのうち
1,2,3,4 いつからか 1,2 STEP you そのうち
translation: 1,2,3,4 little by little 1,2, STEP you like that
I want to get to know you
1,2,3,4 little by little 1,2, STEP you like that
No one can stop me
1,2,3,4 since when 1,2 STEP you in that
Becoming greedy, that's me
1,2,3,4 since when 1,2 STEP you in that
I want to have sole possession of that smile
[is this LOVE]どうして私じゃないのって
translation"Why isn't it me" I said
It's useless to regret
but I can't change it either
It's as if you never saw me
You were right there
But it felt like you were far away
How can I express this feeling?
When did you start pulling away from me?
Nowadays, if I'm aware, I pretend
to look past it even though you're lying and cheating
But it all feels so pointless
Is this that feeling that people call love?
awww "is this LOVE?"的歌詞好好~~~~ and i LOVE the song!!!!! (but her
SM back-up singers r getting annoying....) way more than both INSPIRE and GAME!!! 超愛rock~~ 再多唱一點rock song吧~ but the guitar part remind me of 周傑倫的"雙結棍" :p
一不注意 就7點了!!! i did absolutely nothing today!!!! @___@ TIME FLIES!!! oh, actually, i got a hair cut today.... 不過又是看不出來的那種 cuz i wannt keep the length.. 所以只是修了一下+剪薄
是太久沒去pacific mall嗎? 日版CD好便宜!!! LUNA SEA的日版album才賣$35!!! 好有衝動想買 不過還好身上沒cash~ 回台灣買台版更便宜~~
>___< got 3 chapters of text to read..... (for the exam on monday) i better start reading tml......

一個月60GB limit的bandwidth 我今天就浪費了600mb... 沒辦法 我實在無法抗拒"數字" and "ranking"
1. B'z - 7164
2. Mr. Children - 4622
3. Southern All Stars - 4468
4. 浜崎步 - 4103
5. Dreams Come True - 4003
6. 松任谷由美 - 3779
7. GLAY - 3580
8. ZARD - 3545
9. 宇多田光 - 3216
10. CHAGE and ASKA - 3122
11. 松田聖子 - 2926
12. globe - 2860
13. SMAP - 2840
14. L'arc en ciel - 2576
15. 安室奈美惠 - 2575
16. 中森明菜 - 2510
19. Every Little Thing - 2163
22. Kinki Kids - 2079
25. SPEED - 1928
26. 福山雅治 - 1876
30. MISIA - 1715
36. 早安少女組 - 1547
41. 工藤靜香 - 1482
43. 倉木麻衣 - 1422
B'z 真是以壓倒性勝利啊~ 跟Mr. Children 差了2000多萬張 @____@ and omg!! 只有AYU跟宇多田是top 10裡出道少於10年的!!! (*小聲: GLAY 也是剛好10年而以...) tho AYU kinda cheated... 出一堆騙錢的remix album, 不同顏色版本single~ :p hahaha~ GLAY跟L'arc en ciel差了1000萬張!!!
but I cant believe SMAP got so high... 可以說是top 50裡最不會唱歌的artist了....
來點圖吧 (yes, 我是閒人~ :p, not gonna start studying until monday night)

唱CAN YOU CELEBRATE的安室真的很漂亮 *o*~~

gyaa~ TERU好帥~ 98/99年的TERU最帥了~ 不過為什麼要鏡頭要照hyde?? (右下角) 因為是rival?? :p

haha 超"頂不順"Johnny's藝人唱歌時一定有"一大群"dancers..... 太多了吧???

music station 算日本最有影響力的音樂節目吧 因為聽說只要上此節目的藝人 隔天CD都會大賣 但是也出名的"沒有舞台設計" .... BUT 對B'z超偏心的!!! look at all these beautiful stages!!!

that's Mika~~

今天去做了4個小時的volunteer... 好悶... 天氣很不好 所以沒人...
姊姊在日本的2手店也找不到我差的GLAY 8cm單曲!!!

為什麼會out of print嘛... 把可愛, 日本獨特的8cm單曲趕盡殺絕的罪魁禍首就是宇多田光!!!!! 就是他開始帶頭出美式的12cm單曲!!!

剛才在某BT forum又看到對日本人的批評.... 好像說至幾天要集合萬人簽名抵制日本??? something like that la.... then i saw "X的 抵制日货,从我做起!" hahaha 我的第一個感想是 "兄臺 現在是2005年 不是上海灘年代!!!" 對於他們的"愛國"以及長年來 對日本人的仇恨tradition很佩服!!
相反的 台灣的媚日情況似乎有點嚴重... 記得回台灣的時候 某飲料廣告的ending是"日本正在流行喔~" 對我來說當然是沒什麼不妥 不過姊姊說"日本流行關我們什麼事??" haha which is very true!! but i never thought of that... 去super market買菜的時候 也有很多硬把"日式"加在前面的商品... "日式水餃", "日式紅茶", "日式礦泉水", "日式蛋糕", "日式麵包" etc etc... 這種marketing plan真的有效嗎?? 我的答案是"有"!!!! 因為本人(and時下年輕人?)一定都會下意識的選購有"日式"兩字的商品 :p 即使一點也看不出哪裡"日式"
download!!!! 友人send給我的 超搞笑 such a funny clip~~(sorry for teh hot linking :p) even if u dunno who 松浦亜弥 is, just look at the subtitle, it's soooooooo funny!!! and 其實我覺得他模仿的很像 比殘酷一叮裡的好~
V6的[校園風神榜](<-- is that the correct name?) 其實是Johnny's 藝人的綜藝節目裡算不錯的了~ 在台灣我偶爾也會看看~
回台灣會看的日本綜藝: 電視冠軍!!! 料理東西軍, ASAYAN(<-- my fav! but 每個禮拜追好辛苦 ^^"), 早安少女的Hello Morning, 寵物當家, 戀愛巴士 (GLAY的歌做主題曲時 :p), music station, pop jam, 拯救平窮大作戰, 100萬的挑戰 ....
我很不明白的是 有嵐, Takky, Tokio, V6的show 為什麼沒有SMAPXSMAP??

終於看完了!! awwwww~ it's such a good movie~ 以日本的電影水準來說 算非常好的了~ 比[在世界中心呼喊愛情]還好看~~~ I can't wait to watch NANA!!!!!! (<-- yes, i said that thousand times already :p)
hyde好帥 *o* 歌好好聽 風景好美 CG好漂亮 女主角也很漂亮 沒有亂改 完全跟原著一樣~ 但是... hyde戲份好少... hyde超不會演戲 and.... hyde好矮 :p
The Cape of the Storms
compsed and written by: hyde (??)
So where do I sail?
A ship losing control
My cries swallowed up, lost in the ranging sea
So where has love gone?
Will I ever reach it?
The Cape of Storms echoes the pain I feel inside
You'll never notice
The colour of sin
Just as the storm clouds close in
It's dark
Here in the shadows
I am pursued
Until the ends of the earth
The ghost ship wanders far
For there is no guiding star
And this treasure has no meaning anymore
So where do I sail?
A ship losing control
My cries swallowed up, lost in the ranging sea
So where has love gone?
Will I ever reach it?
The Cape of Storms echoes the pain I feel inside
You know completely
The taste of sin
Melting sweet in your mouth
Like chocolate
A moment of pleasure
You are fulfilled
But every dream has its time
To die
The ghost ship wanders far
For there is no guiding star
And this treasure has no meaning anymore
Will this be my fate?
So where do I sail?
A ship losing control
My cries swallowed up, lost in the ranging sea
So where has love gone?
Will I ever reach it?
The Cape of Storms echoes the pain I feel inside
hyde's english is actually pretty good.... I can hear a lot of words without looking at the lyric~ definitely better than BoA, Kuraki Mai... 那些"自認"英文很好的歌手 :p
P.S. I AM NOT a hyde fan!!! i watched the movie NOT because of hyde, it's because i like the author of the comic!!! (我聽過的L'arc en ciel歌 5隻手指數的出來...)

Layout © Pieces of a Dream by
Ayami. All Rights
Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!
Anime: Code Geass
Manga: Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song: almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?,
, HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer: 浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY,
仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木
Flower: Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子,
きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子
[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Ayu! Love!
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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...
Fan Listing
