
No way to say 
word: ayumi hamasaki









桌面 tag 
again, 答應別人做的~ 拖了這麼久說~ =P

Microsoft Windows XP Professional (翻版XD)

my own~ let me see, most parts are more than 5 years old!! @___@ (i'm cheap on computer even tho he's my 精神支柱 XD)

問:這張桌布是什麼? 從哪裡取得的?
... (羞) 我的大本命:p 忘了從哪download來的... (yeah yeah, call me fangirl, i'm used to it)

不高, 一張可以用上半年

3... 自己不會看喔?

完全不行 看了就討厭 好像在污染我的桌面

...ない~ ohh 死也不用Windows的那些theme, shadow etc. 浪費ram!! 我的電腦已經夠慢了 =P

問:有為了填這份接力, 還特地整理一下嗎?
haha, 有啦 本來有一些txt, pic files...

whoever wants to do it, take it~ ohh 特別點一下超久不update 跟我住在同一個城市裡 跟我的本命團裡的其中一位成員名字同字不同音的的K君~

剛剛竟然還忘了黑色的code是00000還是FFFFFF @___@


看了一下schedule... 汗~~ 10天後有1個assignment 20天候會有2個midterm, 1個proposal... 30天後有3個assignment 40天後有1個assignment 50天後有2個presentation 60天後有3個assignment 後就是4個final..

X________________X arrrrr i miss my summer vacation........................ and i only caught up the reading for ONE of my course.... ToT

人生裡多了Arashi後變的好忙XDD 但是有自己的show真的makes a big difference!! 我覺得就是因為可以每個星期看到他們 才讓fans這麼死心踏地~

by the way, this is the chinese ver of [感謝感激雨嵐] they sang during the concert *___*

在感覺到無援孤獨的時候 只有你在心裡
胸中埋藏已久的怨氣 盡情發洩給自己
在抱怨沒有人陪著的時候 你走進我心裡
像開在路邊的小花一朵 溫柔的笑在風裡
是誰能夠 能夠為誰

Smile again 真的謝謝你
Smile again 在哭泣聲裡
來到這個世界 我們會變得

Smile again 因為有你
Smile again 所以更快樂
雖然沒說出口 初次擁有的 
發自內心深處的愛是 ARASHI

聽到這句真的是眼睛濕濕的 whoever wrote that, is a genius XD and i bet she's an Arashi fan~ hurry up and release the DVD!!!!!

and when are they gonna start selling the Taiwan con goods online, i wanna get my uchiwa, posters, postcard and maybe sticker? :p

anywayz, visit [Ura] if u have time~

煩~~~~~ perhaps fu*k? 
再我很煩的時候 再我有上百頁的text要追的時候 收到了討厭的email regarding this entry? 不罵一下又難消我的怒火

ok, i don't know if it's the same person as the dude that left the comment (既然都沒膽留名字了話 應該也不敢寫信來) but here is my reply to whoever wanna hack this blog

首先 which part of that entry is bitchy??? 我只不過是把HEY3的談話內容寫出來 沒有加油添醋!! 事實上 Kame確實是跟人家交換了電話但是沒有輸入進手機 事實上他是用很差的口氣接電話的 事實上他是掛了生賴的電話 這種種行為不過份嗎???? 不差勁嗎?? Kame當場除了心虛的笑 一句話說不出來 就表示這是事實吧? 我都還沒說他們對山P的指控呢 知道多少山P迷看了以後氣炸了嗎??? 不論他們有多close 山P始終都是KT的前輩 有後輩說前輩壞話的道理嗎? 有聽過Arashi, 山P在電視上說過任何關於KT不好的事嗎?? 再說KT是在national TV上說 而我只是在我小小的blog裡講.... 想罵人的話不要罵我 去罵暴料的生賴 去罵HEY3這節目 如果聽到以上的內容 你也還是認為bitchy的是我 我只能說你是個徹底的ignorant

還有人罵說我不應該寫在internet這種public的地方 叫我去寫"diary" 說有些人不想看也看到了..... *silence* 是我英文不好嗎?? 拜託那些一天到晚追星 不唸書的美眉去査一下字典 看什麼叫做"blog"

Main Entry: blog
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page;

sigh~ 無言 現在的美眉講話都不經大腦嗎? 看不懂英文我再說一次 "blog" 是一個非常私人的地方 是寫自己的想法的地方 我現在不是在KT fan site/forum寫 只是在我自己的blog 我沒有強迫你看 你看到不喜歡看的 我只能說too bad 麻煩以後不要再來 你也沒資格在這裡撒野 我沒有promote這裡 更沒有強迫別人認同我的想法 你看的生氣我也不會負任何責任 自找的

沒錯 我確實是討厭KT團 討厭受他們到特別待遇 討厭他們對前輩態度不好 討厭他們上節目一天到晚訴苦 討厭龜梨和也可以演月九 討厭他從頭到腳都是名牌 (本人親口說的) 從今以後我也會不理會別人 會把我想到的 我的心情寫在這

1. 有種罵人就要有種留名字

2. 還是那句 請講一些有point的話.... (老實說我對KT只用"差勁"這兩個字實在是太客氣了)


yeah, that totally described me... i'm better now but still not back to normal... 完全不知道一年後會怎麼樣 但是我不想想了 再讓我逃避現實一下吧...

有車開了 心情整個亮了起來 公車你好恐怖 讓我這麼down!! >___<

啊~~ 覺得今年好像很楽勝~ 6堂課也才15小時~ compare to last year, 5 courses = 18小時 加上endless assignments and quizzes... 今年都只有midterm+final~ arrr, 幸せな~ 好懷念這種生活~~ 討厭的"supervised" course 在裝深奧~ 我頭腦簡單超不適合這種東東 我光要想怎麼應付下個禮拜就不知道死了多少腦細胞了 X___X 但是聽到以後可以不用去lecture 眼睛都亮了 *__* (blog + proposal + presentation + final project isn't that bad eh~)

anywayz, first of all, omedetou to Erika!!! her single is officially the BEST female selling single this year!!

haha 看到那個chart就爽~ Koda Kumi you suck!!!! (也真慘 遇到福山雅治跟KinKi Kids) XDDD arrr, but the number is so pathetic... Erika-chan擠的進前10名嗎?? 今年應該是KAT-TUN稱冠吧 =___=" (年偉傑尼斯怎麼都沒消息... 來個NO BORDER什麼的嘛...) 同樣是女優以歌手身分出道的山田優就沒這麼好命了 我等著看長澤まさみ的成績 :p

Arashi on HEY3 Special事今天起床就看到了~ 真是幸福~~~ (松本潤越來越像木拓:p Sho-kun減肥成功XD 變的超~~~~~帥 *__* 然後潤君在學之前的翔嗎? 玩滄桑feel??) so that's like 2~3 hours after it's broadcasted in Japan *o* but HEY3 is getting so boring these years... i missed all those games T___T 看了一下list 真是一點也不華麗... 日本沒有人才了嗎? EXILE is there with 7 members!! wonder if they sang their new song.... AND HOW COME NO AYU??? >___< AYU要淡出演藝圈了嗎?? ToT 傑尼斯也只有Arashi跟Tackey & Tsubasa... 前傑尼斯成員 - 郷ひろみ也在~ 要是沒跳槽的話 現在就風光了~ 在少年隊之上 還有這些當紅的後輩要行禮 :p

如果現在問我誰是我的favourite 我會答不出來 我必須承認 I spent more money on Arashi than I ever spent on Ayu or GLAY in the past years........ I spent way~~~~ more time downloading and watching Arashi files now... 但是昨天聽到Ayu的[HEAVEN], [No way to say]有一種說不出的感動 還哭了出來:p 所以(?) 我以後也不會正視這個問題XD 我是用不同的心境去喜歡他們的~

finally finished watching it today... arr... i still love it.. but i must say, whoever wrote the script should quit this job.... it's like, all at a sudden, 所有的事都變美好了 所有的困難都解決了

and i don't get how and whn Kouji fall in love with Kaoru... their love development is so weak (compare to 亞也 & 搖斗 you can really feel the *love*) and, 我看半天都看不懂 麻美到底喜歡誰... 還有那個把人當商品的工藤producer 突然變的懂得appreciate music, 還突然愛上了喜歡他很久 但是以過去的女歌手...

最濫的地方就是 the main character died when everyone else thought she is gonna die after her firstr and last performance.... #@$%)+*@+#$*(+ wth??? she refused to do the operation because she wanna sing during the concert but she died like 5 min before the concert starts... 編劇在幹什麼啊??


something irrelavent but i really wanna blog about this.. 松本潤 這傢伙一定是一個"遊び人"!!! seriously, 一定沒有他追不到的女生!!! (這個大騷包在演唱會時會舔/親鏡頭 還會非常大動作的送飛吻給觀眾)

this is what he said during the latest Mago
Q: 想跟Arashi裡的誰約會?
Oh-chan wanna go to deserted island with Nino, Sho wanna go to Zoo with Aiba-chan then..

Jun: "我想跟翔一起去看演唱會" (最近這兩人太love love了吧...)
Nino: "我想在冬天的時候一起跟女生去看小田正和的演唱會"
Jun: "有一件我一直想做的事 就是跟女生去看演唱會的時候 在對方哭的時候 握緊她的手"

lol, i almost screamed when i saw it last night 其他人聽完後都起雞皮疙瘩了 Nino: "我們去無人島就夠了"

還有就是 演唱會時問到 "如果有你一直當作普通朋友的人跟你告白 會怎麼處理?"
Sho: "會說"謝謝"然後答應" XDDD AWWW~~~ chooo 優しい~~~~ (playboy #2)
Jun: "會跟對方說有朋友在暗戀她 所以無法跟她交往" XDDDD 所有人都讚他高招 (playboy #1!!!)

haha, sorry i forgot what the rest of the members said

答應別人要做的... 這什麼東東啊?? 睡覺也要問... =___="

通常是3-4am 左右 但是現在還沒調過來 所以1點多就睡了

T+海灘褲 XD

以前是看漫畫+聽音樂 自從瘋上傑尼斯後就戒了 現在應該是看日劇吧


娃娃n個 (occupies half of the area)



100% J-pop

depends on my mood...

life~ and how i'll be screwed after i graduate :p





沒發生過 不知道


...depend on what it is...


有電話 :p


not really


23惡夢 、春夢;你會選擇做哪個夢?
... well, define 春夢 first :p (i guess i prefer 春夢)

... 這... 什麼濫題目



姊姊家的矽膠床 XD









無視 繼續睡

...累了時 或是快天亮時

飛機上 朋友家

.... use your brain according to the previous question


不太能 但是不行也要行...




depends on my plan of the day~ 要見人就弄一下 呆在家裡就不理

depends on my lecture... 自然醒一應該是兩點左右吧

of course!! who doesn't??



..... 誰愛玩就拿去吧 我也不知道這裡有誰在看 點了名對方沒做就糗了 :p


have been playing catch up game since last year :p and thought it's time to show of some of them...

looking at them make me feel happy *___*

still missing (only gonna get the ones with different content) 1) A.RA.SHI limited edition 2) Hadashi no Mirai limited edition 2) Tomadoinagara normal edition 3) WISH normal edition 4) PIKANCHI normal edition 5) PIKANCHI DOUBLE normal edition 6) Hitomi no Naka no Galaxy/Hero normal edition 7) Aozora Pedal normal edition 8) Nice na Kokoroiki normal edition

@_____@ damn, Johnny's sure know how to make money... i'll get them after i get a job!! 而且你沒有眼花 most of them are still factory sealed :p

my COMPLETE limited edition albums~ (and damn the rip off Johnny's jimusho for putting extra track on their normal edition... T____T will buy their normal edition when i get a job)

still missing [Life is Hard dakado Happy] and [All or Nothing]... orz, they are all out of print........ can't imagine how much $$$$ i'll have to spend to get them...


完全沒又mood讀書 in the past week, i've been to class with nothing prepared... X____X 然上課都在發呆... but i must say i really really REALLY love prof. Hlynsky's class!! 那是我最認真 沒有一直看時間的一堂課

人生裡唯一一次讓我後悔當初為什麼沒有認真唸書時後 是看到東京大學的exchange program要CGPA3.5

家門口開了間"maid cafe".... キモイ~~~ 又貴 又不好吃 但是口渴時出去買杯奶茶確實挺方便

要跟朋友一起做網頁 雖然超沒勁 但是也好 賺一點Arashi基金 Kisarazu Cat's Eye單曲, CxDxG no Arashi加上台灣con DVD... 還有GLAY演唱會 (damn it, 給我出台版啦!!!!)

yesasia買的太陽之歌跟夏音都還沒來 =____=" better not lose my limited edition #$)%*@)#$* 8月初跟clubjapan買的CD一值都還沒有出現在帳單上... 漏掉了?? yatta~~ :p


最近玩自閉 玩depression X___X Arashi或多或少都要負點責任 :p 今天有好轉了 at least i started doing some school work.......

但是真是"CAN'T SLEEP, CAN'T EAT, I'M SICK" :p oh wait, 我還睡的很好 但是最近都吃一餐 不是沒食慾 是忘了要吃 直到肚子餓了才發現我還沒吃東西.... 電腦除了Arashi跟日劇 其他都不想看也不想聽 (that includes Ayu & GLAY!!!!!!!!!) 希望我趕快恢復正常 T___T

早知道會這樣我就不去看con了 至少還會維持一樣的心情... anywayz, 今天把海報貼起來後心情變好一點了~ 看看我這個暑假所買的Arashi goods, 打開CD櫃 心情又上升了一點~ (maybe it's time to show some of my collection :p)

anywayz, taiwan con... 說完我以後都不會再說了 要把回憶封印 :p 重看了[Iza, Now] & [How's it going?] 才發現小巨蛋真的是好小!! it's like 1/3 of Yokohama Arena!! which is a good thing for the audience, cuz it means bigger Arashi :p 但是人家日本舞台, 花道都離觀眾席有很大的距離!!! 台灣則是伸手可及... Saitama連Arena區也算的話總共有5層 @___@

Arashi con其實只要坐到Arena區或是2皆前排都很好 因為他們真的會到處跑 umm 但是Arena區要抬頭看好累 :p 飛簽名版時他們都favour 3皆的觀眾 =___="很不平衡 i bet they didn't know that those seats are so much cheaper... (whereas Japan, arean seat cost the same as 3rd floor seat) 門票又不貴 連區區$2500都捨不得花 憑什麼拿簽名

台北小巨蛋 音效真的很差!!!!!! geez... 但是燈光等都很好(因為是從日本帶來的? :p)

大陸fans似乎都不想聽/看關於台con的事 我懂 我懂 因為覺得是自己的領土卻還是看不到 (偏偏在3通之前) 我當初也是完全不想關心GLAY北京con的事

"一起來旋起 A.RA.SHI A.RA.SHI for dream~" 現在超愛[I want Somebody] 潤樣超帥~~~ :p 翔的中文好好~ 但是潤的更好 Nino的中文是兩個字一組 歌迷都跟著唸 好可愛~ 那個牽手觀音舞雖然是EXILE的招牌但是我覺得Arashi跳的更好XD ohh, and I have the exact same T-shirt they are wearing =) ("Arashi"這個牌還真貴...跟CK, A|X差不多了吧... 而且ONE SIZE+不能試穿還賣這麼好~)

it's confirmed that [CxDxGの嵐]要DVD化 但是內容還不祥 so far it says there are only 2 vol... about 3000 yen each, but the length is only 120min long each O_____o???? ehh, so how many vol are there in total??? C嵐有40集左右? D有116 G有50多... 一集20分鐘... 這... 我不敢數會有多少vol.... and they are gonna announce 2 more big news??

ok time to sleep, got morning class tomorrow


today is not my day... 
.... 才第一個星期沒上課 就好像miss了很多東西 got no friends in my classes today T____T feel so lonely...

下課後想去買書 結果缺貨 去撘公車結果38跟116都各來了兩次 我等的就是不來 等了我40分鐘 滿到後來不停站... 更慘的才要開始 我下錯站............... 無言 徹底覺得自己是個大白痴..... 其實是可以用走的距離 但是偏偏我今天穿了一雙很難走的夾腳拖 (converse shoes sucks!!!!!) 在校園裡走兩步救起水泡了 X___X ... 加上下雨 所以覺定在轉車...

慘... 再我depression時期什麼大事小事對我來說都像世界末日

(在演唱會好像看到認識的人 現在想想好像真的是... 世界真是小)

好多事要做.... 但是現在我只想看Arashi演唱會DVD (post concert syndrome)


back to toronto~ 感謝來接我的大家!!! T____T 感覺很好 :p

still didnt recover from "miss Taiwan syndrome" not to mention my "post concert Arashi syndrome" X____X

看了一下港劇 [火舞黃沙] 我竟然覺得很難看!!!!!!!!!!!!! 天啊 我真的病的瞞嚴重 我想我這禮拜都只能看日劇而已

家裡一團亂... 好多事要做 等下要搭車去學校 X___X 還要買書 arrr.... 加拿大真的讓我覺得很遭 過去十年我是怎麼過的啊...

好沒有真實感 前天我才看到生嵐 今天我就在地球的另一邊.... 也確實明白到 我的夢醒了.... T___T (人老了都會怕寂寞 anywayz, back to dorama)


will be heading to the airport in 5 hours~ omg, today's con was 最高!!! i think i said this before I even became a Johnny's fan, "Johnny's artists has the most entertaining concert EVER!!!" that was after i watched SMAP's Tokyo Dome 1996 (?)concert~ sorry說一句 我當了這麼多年的Ayu跟GLAY迷 深深覺得這是傑尼斯迷以外的fan不可能有的幸福~ 遇見Arashi是非常幸福的事

非常感動 even though my seat sucked, but it's really not all that bad... and seriously, Johnny's artists really do take care of every audience!!

let me count, I had eye contact with:
- JUN-sama!!! i think twice and i'm pretty sure he saw me with his uchiwa!!! first time was when he came by after singing a ballad so he still has that cool expression on his face~ 所以也沒對我笑 T____T the 2nd time was near the encore... after he stopped and gave a FLYING KISS to the girls 2 row before me... then he waved at me... sigh... 潤爺真是對歌迷很.... 沒有服務

- 大-chan: HE'S THE MOST FRIENDLY GUY IN THIS GROUP!!! *O* he gave me a "V" on the moving stage, and he will look at whoever is yelling his name!!! @____@

- 相葉-chan: 非常的天然!!! 跟我揮了好幾次手 *o*

- 翔-kun: ppl say he's just like MatsuJun which = cool but he is way more friendly than MatsuJun 滿臉笑容 不同揮手 *o* and he stayed at my section for so long during "Fight Song"!!

- Nino: i dont think i had any eye contact with him T____T (cuz there are no Nino fans at my secion???)

今天的台灣con真的非常讚!! 因為唱的歌99%都是single songs!! hahaha 所以我幾乎都會唱 但是出現了這次[ARASHIC]的歌時我就不會了 (沒做功課+這張專輯根本沒聽幾次 XD) 雖然有出現05年con上的舞+服裝 讓人覺得有點recycle but that's ok, cuz i love that performance!! 但是讓我很驚訝的是99% of the fans can sing ALL OF THEIR SONGS IN JAPANESE!!!!!!!!!!! *o* we rock!!! 反倒是唱[Kansha Kangeki Ame Arashi]時 他們唱中文 觀眾沒有人會唱 (lol i guess there is a reason why there are so many Japanese songs in Taiwan's karaoke)

MC part 雖然短 但是真的很好笑~ 大宮SK超搞笑!!! 而且超受歡迎 其他3人有點不平衡 XD 沒想到這種尚不了DVD的主合可以出現在台灣 而且是唱國語!!!!! (雖然聽不懂)

Nino's solos is from 2005's con, on the moving stage, omg, he is sooooooooooo "cute"!!! as in literaly "cute"!!! 我從沒想過會用"可愛"來形容男生... Aiba也是倡05年的solo~ 兩個字"天然" XD 然後大-chan則是唱04年的[Top Secret] i can't believe i actually saw this performance in live!!! 舞跳的超~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~好 而且唱的也是超~~~~~好!!! 就當我全心全意的看著Oh-chan時 松本潤不知道何時從我身邊走過!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR >__________< 然後在我前5排坐右的小moving stage上點了煙火 然後坐著移動車訊速的到了大舞台 T___T but i thought Nino is suppose to play the guitar for him.... but some Jr. did instead... then Sho also had a new solo...

還有就是 我旁邊的美眉超nice知道喜歡松潤 都會在他來的時候把位置讓給我 T____T 感動~~ 喜歡嵐的都是好人 :p 不是我想說 後面那排香港人 真是... 歌不會唱就算了 還要所有人都擠到邊邊 從左邊來就去左邊 從右邊來就去右邊... this is AGAINST THE "Johnny's fandom law" :p 而且他們很明顯的倍Jun討厭了 Jun經過他們都是快速走過 連手都沒揮...

這次con其實很短 只有剛好2小時 T__T (encore實在是太~~~~~~~~~~快了 才叫了不到3分鐘他們就換了T-shirt蹦了出來~) 然後我就衝出去排演唱會goods~ and due to lack of cash, i only bought the pamphlet, cell phone strap & screen protector and T-shirt~

oeverall, 這次實在是讚啊~ 規劃的超好 從商品販賣 入場 散場 都非常的"日本" 工讀生也非常有效率 台灣好好學著吧....

anywayz, that's it for tonight~ i'll write the rest when i get back to Canada~

(這次con讓我更喜歡大野了!!! (因為松潤太cool了已經到極限了 :p) 我發現演唱會會看上癮!! 希望下次可以去日本看!!!)

some link:
Oh-chan's kickass performance in 2004 - Top Secret
news about today's con


since tomorrow is gonna be a busy day to me... thought I should just do this now

沒想到我今年回來了這麼久 足足有4個月!! @___@ that's 1/3 of an year!!! 這4個月來 也沒做什麼有意義的事 也沒有去什麼遠的地方 都在玩台灣... 但是今年真的是讓我比以前喜歡台灣了... 不知道是不是加拿大住太久了

這即將離開的這一刻 讓我覺得非常捨不得 ;_____; 就連即將要去看Arashi也high不起來 還又就是 我的演唱會goods wishlist要cut到場刊跟手機吊飾了 因為東西實在太多了... 名後天都會下雨 X____X 讓我心情down...

回去後第2天就要上課啊... 慘

the time i post the next entry, i'll be in the boring city Toronto, hope my flight won't get delayed and hope they dont lose my baggage!! wish me luck ppl~ and bye-bye Taiwan T___T



hohoho 越來越有日本feel了~ 竟然從12點賣到晚上11點!!! 工讀生 辛苦了

Arrrrrr 但是這價錢也太~~~~~~~~~~貴了吧??? 這根本就是日本價錢了 X___X old men, this is Taiwan, prices should be 1/3 of Japan!!! 尤其是那T-shirt NT$700太~~~~貴了吧?? but I hope they are ALL "台灣限定" i'll cry if they are the same as Japan's... but most likely not, they are going to perform ALL the hit songs (i know they love Taiwan XD)... even the name of the concert is different... 我在西門町的黑店可是花了900大洋買了場刊 現在給我賣600....

- 場刊 600元
- 扇子 150元
- 海報 250元
- 手機吊飾+螢幕貼組 400元 (MUST BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!)

- T恤 700元

那個跟我有仇的珊珊 轉向往日本跑了 但是台北這兩天都會下豪大雨 X____X orz, i dont wanna line up in the rain for concert goodies and I don't want them to get wet..... T___T

by the way, Arashi及8位Jr.為15日搭乘EL2103班機於11點50分抵台 下榻晶華飯店 預計有1200日fans及22家媒體隨行~ I can't believe they let such important information leak out...

anywayz, 星期六會是一片混亂 X____X (好險我有boo boo車接送 不用人擠人XD 該不會叫我做捷運去吧??)


I hate 周杰倫 for a reason!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
周杰倫 你以為你是誰???????????????????????

"周董:哈日哈韓是白痴 挺華人文化口快"

這個人 真的徹底讓我覺得智商低 邏輯差 講話不經大腦 exactly what is he trying to say???? is he trying to emphasize that Chinese should support our own music more?? therefore whoever likes Japanese, Korean, English or any NON-Chinese music = 白痴????

那請問"到日本學音樂"(自稱的 no one knows how true it is...)的他又是什麼東西??? 他知不知道他所唱的R&B是來自美國(雖然他是100% made in Taiwan)?? 所以我們要聽一些中國人所寫的日本/美國style的歌才不是白痴?????????

他叫大家不要誤解他的意思 那他所說的"白痴"到底是什麼意思? 他的意思是只"白痴"還有別的 更高深的意思?? 那恕我中文差 領悟不到

在批評那些哈日哈韓的人之前 他是否有去了解一下日本 韓國音樂?? 以為自己有多了不起啊 演藝圈裡每個人都又自己的位置 安守本分就好了 他知不知道自己live唱的有多濫 跟費玉清合唱 馬上就被比下來了 不自量力... 演唱會上要跳舞 但是不知道他在跳什麼 (尤其是跳舞是一樣只要花時間 就可以master的東西) 還要穿一些看了想大笑的偶像型服裝... 除了作曲 任何事都是半調子的人 憑什麼在這裡亂吠!!!!!!!! 日韓藝人有什麼不好? 會唱的知道長相不如人 跳舞也不如人 所以不跳舞 不搞噱頭~ 靠長相的知道自己唱的不如人 就挑唱的來的歌唱還有拼命練舞來彌補

為什麼這麼多人哈日哈韓 就是因為台灣音樂界沒人才 都是一堆像周傑倫這樣自以為是 沒見過世面的人

要別人只注意他的音樂 但是他種種的行為 要不引人注意實在太難了吧... 嫌狗仔煩 那趕快移民啦 不對 他這麼愛國 應該去大陸 找個地方隱性埋名 研究他的"中國音樂"

還有一點 要大聲說什麼"華人文化"前 先把中文練一下 連美國長大的陶?都比他會講話


LOL, can't stop laughing after i saw all the uwasa and THIS 某天下無敵 無所不在的水果報

ok, first of all, is that pic of Sho and Jun really taken last week??? can't tell at all, since they got their hair and faces covered... and what's the point of taking a pic of 7-11 without them being in the picture?? like, thank you for showing me how 7-11 looks like XD (but Jun noticed the 狗仔~ he's the one that will and can yell at their fans)

- they were spot in Shibuya together, at a convinient store... buying some *personal stuff* (Jun is the one buying....) - 09.08

- they attended this MODEL party *O* - 09.09 (the only one i can recognize is SHIHO (Biore廣告裡 bgm是"Jupiter" string version的那個女主角))

- they went to 蜷川幸雄's musical together...

- they went to 瀧澤秀明's musical [One!] together


這裡開始是限制級 :p
大家好像都把注意力放在兩人身上 但是我覺得"model party"才是key吧... (geez, 松本潤眼光太高了吧) 而且如果真的是的話 那...需要嗎??? XDD


1) 網路上出現一堆票!!!!!!! freaking good seats with my affordable price!!! 最讓人生氣的是 官方售票網 也在賣 $#(%+@)#*$)*#$% 這到底是什麼意思?? 真的是很不公平ㄟ.... sigh... what can i say, nothing is fair in this world

2) 從星期五開始 台灣就每天都在下雨 就在"嵐"即將襲台的現在 有個名叫珊珊的中度颱風正迎面撲過來 網路上的fans都在說是"Arashi奇蹟" @____@ ppl, THIS IS NOT FUNNY!!!! 當年安室的演唱會就是因為颱風取消 拖了2年才重辦 最重要的是 延期的話我會看不到!!!!!!! 連能不能回加拿大都是個問題 T____T 神啊 你是在處罰我翹課嗎??? 為什麼要給我希望 又將他奪走... 請出現奇蹟吧!!! (順便一提 GLAY 2004年的EXPO大阪演唱會也是遇到颱風 但是前一天晚上 颱風以90度轉向了!!)

3) 不知道為什麼 我覺得這場con會讓我失望... 是觀眾會讓我失望 一群去湊熱鬧的人... arrr, i don't know what i'm saying... i think i prefer my first attendance of their concert to be in TOKYO not TAIPEI...


Erika's single sold 100,000 copies in the 2nd week!!! the best selling female artist since Shibasaki Kou's "Katachi Aru Mono"

心情不好(一天到晚下雨的關係...) 就醬


木更津キャッツアイ feat.MCU 
又一張我今年要敗的CD (i dont wanna count how many CDs i bought this year.... and 請不要鷄婆的幫我數) and i bet there will be limited edition and normal edition with different content X______X

anywayz, in case you are no Johnny's fan, this is a group in the movie [木更津Cat's Eye] starring 櫻井翔, 岡田准一 and some other ppl with MCU from KICK THE CAN CREW :p so there are 2 rappers in this group?? wonder if everyone will take a part in singing...

the single is called [Seaside Bye Bye]?? to be released on 10.25 (awww, 早一個禮拜就跟Koda Kumi同天出了)


天啊 最近真的所有電視劇/電影的主角都在唱歌!!! 大家都在趕這股"tie up"熱潮... (tsk tsk tsk, but you gotta use the character's name in order to sell :p)

秋季金十(this is actually a pretty bad time slot and also the "Johnny's" time slot, that's like telling the young girls to go home early on Friday night :p)日劇[セーラー服と機関銃]要出同名單曲 由女主角長澤まさみ主唱~

長澤まさみ 新生代女優裡最受矚目的"超實力派" (but i think Erika is better :p ok you know i'm biased) first saw her in [逃亡者] then [優しい時間] to [龍櫻] 確實有無可挑剔的演技~ there's a reason why she gets to be the main female lead out of all the other cute girls in Dragon Zakura

雖說這部片好像是大製作 有提真一和小泉今日子... but that doesn't mean the single will sell

to be released on 10.25

(when is Ayu gonna release her ballad of the year?? she doesn't have much time left... i think the deadline is the 2nd of week of November?



errr, what is this pv????? @_____@ lol, now almost all of the Johnny's fans are in love with this pv!! and i was so surprised that they are all "Rurouni Kenshin" fans!!

in case you didnt know, i LOVE LOVE LOVE~~~~~~ Japan's 時代劇!!! i started to love Kyoto after reading "Rurouni Kenshin" back in Gr. 9 (?) seriously, his hair style, clothes and everything, it's sooooo Kenshi-wannabe!! especially the scar on his face (even tho it's on the wrong side :p) grrrr, make this into a real drama!!! I once fantasized about its real life dorama... i don't mind Koichi but I prefer KimuTaku :p


Koda Kumi's Toshiba cell phone CM playing like mad here... ewww, is she trying to be cute?? whatever... the phone is the ugliest one out of all Toshoba 3G phones!

aiya, [夏音]中文歌詞還是沒出來... T____T 反倒是聽到了[変な夢]... 我覺得是変な歌 :p 電吉他好吵...

and i saw some ppl whining that GYM did so bad.... errr... they must have forgotten how much NEWS used to sell... 好啦 事實証明了山P不適合"group" (but i want "NO BORDER"...) 還有以後的Johnny's Jr. 都不會賣 "Johnny's" ends at KAT-TUN?? :p


(current mood: bored)

omg, i didn't expect Erika to do sooooooooooooooo well!!! @___@ she made a record of the best selling debut single among the female artists in Japan!! and considering how CD sells like crap in Japan nowadays...

但是始終是電視劇劇的主角主唱的關係~ 如果平均有10%的收視 就表示日本有1200萬人在看 首週賣出15萬張 表示超過1%的觀眾有買? i wonder how much it's gonna sell in total... around 30萬?? *o*

這裡拜真是沒有競爭啊~ wonder who's gonna get no. 1 tomorrow... 伊藤由奈? Ai? w-inds? 竹内まりや? 木村カエラ? スガシカオ? Rain?? ohh, wait a min, there's a Johnny's artist ("ex" to be exact :p) releasing single tomorrow!! 郷ひろみ~ haha, i wonder if he can even get into the top 10 (i actually know this name before i started listening to J-pop, heard it from 小丸子 (and so is Hirai Ken's [大きな古時計] :p)



awww, what a cute PV!! and what a nice song!! the string is so nice *o* this is totally a combination of their new style and classic GLAY music!! the intro... (which i dont really like) sound kinda similar to [Koi] (anyone?), the chorus is the typical GLAY stuff ([May Fair], [BELOVED], [Haru wo Aisuru Hito] anyone??) and when is the last time they actually used strings in their music??

the lyric is soooooo sad ;____; something about GLAY's lyric, they are always LONG!! what else can I say? Takuro is talented.

(GLAY will be singing this song on Music Station this week, and seems like Kitty GYM will be there as well... hopeing to see some interaction :p wanna see YamaP praising GLAY)

夏の空は 今日も青空で 

君の声が聞こえる 耳をくすぐる響き
照れてる君が好き 夏の音にまぎれて
哀しみの微笑を 喜びの涙を
そのひとつひとつが 僕の宝物

あの日出会って 見つめ合って 
指が触れて 愛しさ知った
求め合って 恋に落ちた 
慰め合って 愛になった

夏の星は とても瞬いて
君のはしゃぐ 様子が嬉しくて
もっと好きと 伝えたかったけれど
言葉にも 出来ないまま


君は瞳を閉じて 唇を震わせた
ずっと忘れないでと 言った様な気がした
月は顔を隠して 闇の深さを増す
見上げた星が今 人知れずに消えた

君はきっと 僕の中の 
引き出しから 君をさらって
あの温もり あの優しさ 
あのときめき 行かないでどうか 

夢中で駆けた 二人のページから
君の思い出ばかり 溢れ出て
そっとそっと 扉を開ければ
あの日 あの時と同じで

夏の空は 今日も青空で
一人読んだ 最後のページには

一人 大人になるのが

全然分からない Part II 
話說現在演到老奶奶對女主角的母親非常不滿 於是提出了"唯一的辦法" 就是要她跟自己的兒子結婚 並般出來住 arrrr, i dont get it I DONT GET IT!!! 這是什麼辦法??? WHY does she has to marry her first love 30 years later?? what difference does it make by marrying the female lead's real father? and she has a daughter with her 2nd husband too

and the thing that the girl's mom is worrying about is acutally about her son (who are not blood related)... she's scared that her son will start to hate her if he finds out that her wife's real mother is his mother... @____@ complicated? arrr 我覺得韓國人的邏輯更讓人難懂... 既然可以喜歡上孤兒 那為什麼會在知道原來老婆的親生母親是自己的後母時 而討厭對方????

Erika's single is doing way better than i expected!!! 這幾天竟然還賣的Kitty GYM好!!! sugoi *o* ummm 我猜Kitty GYM首週會有25-30萬 Erika大概5-10萬左右吧?


"韓劇" 全然分からないね~ 
最近看"老天爺啊 給我愛" 看到很生氣 i dont understand their logic!!

韓國的中產家庭裡的小孩是怎麼回事啊?? 不是大學畢業就把人當垃圾看... 還有裡面的那個奶奶 who does she think she is???? 明明是當年拆散自己兒子跟女朋友的人 現在發現原來當年兒子的女朋友生了一個女兒 竟然還敢把人叫來 有打又罵 好想是別人對不氣自己 以為自己年紀大一點就很了不起嗎??? 女主角的媽還乖乖的挨打 還道歉!!!! 要是是我的話就要他們給我下跪+補償我多年的損失

@____@ 暈... 韓國人的culture實在是.... 只能說從沒有進步過... this is like story that would happen 100 years ago!!!!

其實讓我在意的是 血緣真的是這麼重要的東西嗎? 突然發現自己有一個快30歲的女兒 就可以真的全心全意愛她嗎? 最重要的成長期不在 這樣明明就跟陌生人沒有分別... "血緣"這東西還真妙...


Arashi演唱會只剩2個禮拜!! 有點high了~ i tried not to look at their Japan concert report, but i couldn't help myself... arrrr 早知道就不看了 >___< 齋看真的很不是滋味... (yes i know, 吃不到的葡萄是酸的 這樣的話我寧可裝做不知道有葡萄的存在)

ummm, 人要會知足 我可以如此廉價的看到他們的演唱會就該偷笑了~

by the by, Arashi 除了10月22日要出席this music event in Korea (which Koda Kumi will also attend? what about Ayu :p), 還要在11月11 12日在韓國開兩場演唱會 they are the FIRST Johnny's group that's having a concert in Korea~ (they have really banned Hong Kong eh~) 聽說真的是被接機場面嚇到 才臨時決定要在韓國開唱~ 恭喜 i think korean fans totally deserve this!! 看看有多少人去機場接機... and their first CD that goes on sale in Korea is "ARASHIC" released this year... whereas Taiwan, 從出道單曲就有台版了 so the Korean fans are more likely to be the REAL FANS

但是韓國兩場才動員14000人 我們兩場有20000人 多了6000人 :p


Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
[+] May 2004
[+] June 2004
[+] July 2004
[+] August 2004
[+] September 2004
[+] October 2004
[+] November 2004
[+] December 2004
[+] January 2005
[+] February 2005
[+] March 2005
[+] April 2005
[+] May 2005
[+] June 2005
[+] July 2005
[+] August 2005
[+] September 2005
[+] October 2005
[+] November 2005
[+] December 2005
[+] January 2006
[+] February 2006
[+] March 2006
[+] April 2006
[+] May 2006
[+] June 2006
[+] July 2006
[+] August 2006
[+] September 2006
[+] October 2006
[+] November 2006
[+] December 2006
[+] January 2007
[+] February 2007
[+] March 2007
[+] April 2007
[+] May 2007
[+] June 2007
[+] July 2007
[+] August 2007
[+] September 2007
[+] October 2007
[+] November 2007
[+] December 2007
[+] January 2008
[+] February 2008
[+] March 2008
[+] April 2008
[+] May 2008
[+] June 2008
[+] July 2008
[+] August 2008
[+] September 2008
[+] October 2008
[+] November 2008
[+] December 2008
[+] January 2009
[+] February 2009
[+] March 2009
[+] April 2009
[+] May 2009
[+] June 2009
[+] July 2009
[+] August 2009
[+] September 2009
[+] October 2009
[+] November 2009


version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
