
let's talk about CAT 
Garfield (aka 加菲貓, 小ga, 小ga ga, 小橘, 橘貓, 好奇貓, 肥貓) and 小米 (aka 米米)

Garfield是走囂張路線 家裡最囂張 最大牌的就是他了~ 每次都在我不注意的時候睡在我的床上... 看他睡的這麼舒服我也不忍心叫醒他... but he sleeps in the middle of the bed, on the top of the 棉被 too~ 大家在客廳看電視的時候 他就會從我們身上慢慢的走/踩過去 或是從頭後撞人 也會一隻貓佔一個座位 趕都趕不走, 踩電腦, 別人看書的時候一屁股坐在書上, 有人寫字的時候就會用他可愛的小手把筆拍到地上 and 一堆如果小孩做了就會藤條伺候的事:p AND Garfield超愛生氣 他是一隻聽的懂人話的貓 所以只要一說他 他就會生氣 姊姊試過對Garfield說"你坐了我的位子" Garfield立刻跑到我房間躲在床下 不出來 直到晚上用零食跟他道歉才出來....

小米則是走優雅路線 :p 非常有教養 not like Garfield, 她絕對不會走上桌子, 踩人, 睡我的床, 踩電腦 etc 可是也因此沒有Garfield受歡迎... but i actually like 小米 more when i first saw her, i love the color of her hair!!!

做貓能做到這樣也別無所求了吧?? :p

(Garfield sleeps with me nowadays~~ i'll miss him and 小米 A LOT!!! T____T)


went to 台南 for the weekend..... it's so.......... "台" :p haha... it's like.... you hear 台語 all the time!!! even teenagers speak 台語 out loud !!! that doesnt happen in 台北... but the 新光三越 there is awsome!!! it's much bigger than Taipei's and its 美食街 is so much like Japan's *o*

and 一年吃不到幾次早餐的我 woke up at 8:30 just to eat 台南特產 - 牛肉湯 (it ends at 9)!!! it's awsome!!! but 一定不能開在台北 台北人是一定吃不到"早餐"的.... then i went to 台中 on the way back, had 非常好吃的印度咖哩

omg time flies... X____X i'mg going back to Toronto soon........ then i'll have a lot of clean up to do .... sigh.....

heard Utada Hikaru's new song "Be My Last", it's not bad, better than her English songs but..... it sounded like a piece without much effort.... like, you can tell 那是隨便寫的歌...... yea but even tho she didnt put much "heart" into it, it's still gonna do well, she knew that herself too!! and most important, i think the melody doesnt match with the theme of the movie.... if you are singing for a movie, shouldnt you write something that fit with the story??

Boa's new song "Make a Secret" 沒什麼創意的歌名.... very vrey VERY typical BoA song.... nothing special.....

watched 中島美嘉's "Glamorous Sky" live on MS... the singing is only so-so.... actually, her singing on the cd version 就已經不太好了... 高音還唱到破音... but Hyde played guitar for her!!!!!!! and he sure looks hot there :p 不過怎麼覺得他好像不會老.....

lastly, AYU's new single "HEAVEN" c/w "Will" i cant wait to hear the full ver of both songs!!! "HEAVEN" is such a beautiful song!!! and "Will" is just awsome!!! it's soooooo cool!!! 非常日式但是又不會覺得old style... and her 關西腔超可愛的 lol

watch Panasonic LUMIX FX-9 CM ("Will" as bgm)

and here's a site that you MUST visit!!!!


things/place to get/eat in my remaining time...

- Panasonic 負離子梳
- PUMA hat
- 濱崎步 2005 MY STORY TOUR DVD
- BOA Best of Soul CD+DVD
- 鼎泰豐
- 阿忠麵線
- Mr. Donut
- 山崎 巧克力麵包
- Mo-mo Paradise 壽喜燒
- 天外天 麻辣鍋
- 晶華酒店 鐵板燒
- 西華酒店 下午茶
- Haggen Dazs Green Tea ice cream
- SOGO B1 章魚燒&鯛魚燒

actually went to a lot of places these days but either i forgot my camera or the restaurant is too high class that i feel kinda 丟臉 to take pix inside :p

and i have class from monday to friday this term T______T poor me.... (what a waste of gas) all in the morning too......


:p haha, i went crazy at SOGO yesterday.... shopped till 7!!! 害的我買不到山崎的chocolatge麵包 T____T......


went to 洋蔥 on sat~ there were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many ppl.... good that we went super early.... 真是便宜又大碗 台北現在應該找不到這種價位 又好吃的餐廳 (about CDN$30 a set)

on sunday, i had 天香回味鍋 for dinner~ 以為自己一定不喜歡 (中藥味火鍋) 但是出乎意料外的好吃 @_____@ 小看他了 .... 應該帶相機去的....

電視上看到今年漫展創新高~ 星期天高達10萬人進場@____@ omg.... 想我以前每年都會去的說.... i'm getting old... 但其實只是為了買最新出的漫畫, 週邊商品and折扣去人擠人實在不值得...

i watched part of Misia's 05 Tour on TV yesterday~~~ *O* omg it's amazing!!!!! 完全是"Dome Tour"水準!!! her singing, her clothes, the stage design, everything are so perfect!!!!! it's making me want to buy the dvd even tho i'm not her hardcore fan.... BoA and 大塚愛的Arena Tour完全被比下去了....


去喝下午茶前買了9月號的"Cawaii" AYU looks so pretty *o* i dont usually collect magazine~ but Chinese ver is so cheap so.... :p

Cawaii 應該是給高中女生看的... 我已經過了年紀說.... haha, but 日本的高中女生說話超毒 it's a lot more entertaining than i expected :p


ewww.... dont need to say much... Jolin and her staff are good at 狡辯

jolin is a copy cat

奇怪 大家不覺得蔡10的嘴很~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~大嗎??? i dont get why ppl think she's pretty...

and yeah, 最近頗喜歡潘瑋柏 but he likes JOLIN!!! ewwww..... what a bad taste... "不得不愛" is such a nice song~

作天去了世界最高的building - 101 但是沒有人肯花$350陪我上去 >___< 應該體諒我身為觀光客的心情啊...

午餐去吃義大利菜... 長相平平的墨魚麵其實很吃~ 白汁千層麵也很好吃~ 意式黑鮪魚也不錯 但是我比較喜歡日式的

AND~ 下午去吃了我期待已久的Haagen Dazs火鍋~~ 因為出了新口味(芒果醬and憂酪醬)... 但是還是巧克力鍋比較好... oh, and i tried the new, summer limited flavour - 哈密瓜口味~ 哈密瓜味超濃~~ *o*

oh, 大家有看新聞嗎?? 前幾天有報導到"發現號"上的人 早上都聽SMAP的"世界上唯一的花朵"~~ just find it quite interesting... :p

last night, i spent more than an hour watching MTV channel while surfing..... i wanted to watch GLAYxEXILE's pv on the HUGE screen~~ 但是所有人都出現過了 AYU, BoA, 大塚愛, 早安少女組, Ayaya, L'arc en ciel, SAS.... 連最不想看到的Orange Range都出現過了 還是等不到...... 後來才想起"SCREAM"還沒出台版 所以電視應該看不到.... =____="


official site

i saw the pv of 「さよなら愛しい人よ…」's pv last night..... @______@ is this really the "SHUN" from EXILE??????? it does look like him.... but the song... omg, it's so not R&B.... 有點J-pop... and a bit of J-Rock.... big surprise, but i actually like the song~

saw Ayaya on 堂本兄弟 last nigth~ she's sooooo cute!!! 不過我不行被騙 日本女生最會裝可愛了

and i got AYU's "fairyland" for a such low price~~ ^o^ (about US$12 only~)

貓不是應該喜歡喝牛奶嗎??? 超想看兩隻貓喝牛奶的樣子 但是兩隻都不喝....


【忍】(SHINOBI)的故事描述1614年德川家康主宰天下期間,兩個長久以來處於敵對的忍者村落—伊賀與甲賀,為了維護彼此和平,雙方祖先訂下了條款協議和平共存。兩個忍者村落的個別繼承人朧(仲間由紀惠 飾)與弦之介(小田切讓 飾)在偶然不知彼此身分下墜入情網,但悲慘的宿命卻正等候著兩人。德川為了確實掌握政權展開政治密謀,挑起兩邊村落的衝突對立,進而消滅對方的種族。兩邊分別各派出五名的忍者進行對戰,十名忍者個個身懷絕技,更擁有特殊的超能力,將開始一場生死大對決,此時朧與弦之介將被迫成為敵人,兩人必須在愛情與家族使命之間做出選擇……。



i can't believe they are actually playing this movie in Taiwan!!

watch trailers with chinese subtitle

the 2nd trailer's got AYU's new ballad - HEAVEN at the end~~

just can't wait to watch it *o*



最近想敗的東西... idog 買不起aibo, 窮人的代替品 :p


SCREAM (English translation) 
not the perfect translation, but good enough~ :p translated by Erin @ Global Communication (then edited by me :p)

music: TAKURO
words: TAKURO & SHUN

If you can see light in this future we’ve grasped
Why...Is there a reason to hurry?
These two arms that I lift to the heavens
Are not here because they don’t know pain

still don't know what I'm looking for
Even if the world deceives itself
still don't know what I'm looking for
I want to protect only you

Beyond time people repeat their strife
Soon the thread that binds us will be cut
As though it will not end pain in the fallen world,
Only time goes on...

Everyone will know on that day when we can't go back
Everything revolving around desire
And both sides of me are wounded
With time, righteousness will become a demon

You barely made it. Now or never
On that day when someone's wings broke
I wanna be there. Make it better
We groped along this ground
Someday you can take it
The SCREAM of new life that we cried out

Is there anywhere you can go where you won't be hurt?
My raging thoughts hide the shadows
"There is nothing that I have lost"
I’m still searching
Is there anywhere you can go where pain's wiped away?
If I dedicate my thoughts to the darkness I gaze at,
What could I sketch as this world's purpose?
It’s still not over

Is there anywhere you can go where you won't be hurt?
My raging thoughts hide the shadows
"There is nothing that I have lost"
I'm still searching

Is there anywhere you can go where pain's wiped away?
If I dedicate my thoughts to the darkness I gaze at,
What could I sketch as this world's purpose?
It’s still not over

Inside my head it all grows dim
If I can take back the memory of those days
I wonder if we can change the future?
The things we must protect now...


有聽過會挑食的貓嗎? 這兩隻名種貓真是有夠囂張 脾氣大 而且還很會吃 不貴的都不吃~ 今天去super market買了貓零食 回到家後兩隻都不吃..... 原來他們是要寵物物店賣的 日本真空進口的零食才會吃.....

i watched GLAYxEXILE's first & last live, on Music Station, it's not perfect, but it's awsome~~ haha, and i watched it 3 times!!! 10 ppl is just too much and hard to follow :p and SHUN didnt wear his hat!!!! haha, i still remember when i just started listening to EXILE, i call SHUN "the vocal with the hat" and ATSUSHI "the vocal w/o the hat" :p back to the live... i think TERU瘦了~~~ and i love his hair~~~ (ok, i'll stop sound like a 花痴 :p) ..... 我覺得ATSUSHI唱的有點吃力 感覺不夠氣... and nobody (you EXILE fans!!) comment on what TERU did during the interlude!!! cuz i love that part and i still think EXILE vocals got the better parts~

oh~ and speaking of Music Station, 真是給足GLAYxEXILE面子~ 一般歌星(including AYU... sometime) 訪問時間+唱歌時間都是5分鐘上下 新人連訪問都沒有~ 但是GLAYxEXILE有7分多鐘~ (宇多田有高達10分鐘...)

i got my poster today~~ ^o^

and bought some TORO stuff... i saw this really cute TORO alarm clock, but it's so expensive T___T

by the way, Utada Hikaru is gonna release another single at the end of the year called "passion" and it's gonna be the theme song for Kingdom Heart 2~ hope it will have better English lyric this time....

i cant seem to remember the story of Kingdom Heart 1...... does it even have any? :p


went to 有台灣的涉谷之稱的西門町 yesterday~ havent been there for a long time! 年輕時超愛去的說 :p 不過身為台北的我再西門町兆像這個舉動實在讓我感到很丟臉

was gonna eat 鼎泰豐(my fav Chinese resturant!!!) for lunch... but there's a big line up.... so we end up eating 度小月 (and had 鼎泰豐 take out for dinner~ cuz i wanna eat it so badly :p~) 台南的旦旦麵~ but something funny is that 在店裡聽到了廣東話, 日文 and 韓文!!

鼎泰豐連take out的盒and袋子都特別好看

Garfiled & 小米~~~


ohh~ got my 30萬初回版 T_____T 10 days after its release.... and bought all the CDs i want except for Boa's... i cant blieve i actully bought Misia's "Singer for Singer" ... i didnt plan to buy it... but 有點一時衝動 yesterday... (I WILL NOT BUY 女子十二樂紡'S ALBUM!!!!!) but BoA's "Best of Soul" CD+DVD ver are all gone.... and Yesasia is so expensive..... what should i do....

(by the way, is SHUN drinking Starbucks coffee in the making?? :p or 我眼花了... haha 不過如果GLAY成員喝Starbucks會感覺怪怪的 但是SHUN的話就覺得跟他的形象好稱 :p)

man~ i wanna open my 5萬張限定版 so badly... but I WILL NOT!!!


Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
[+] May 2004
[+] June 2004
[+] July 2004
[+] August 2004
[+] September 2004
[+] October 2004
[+] November 2004
[+] December 2004
[+] January 2005
[+] February 2005
[+] March 2005
[+] April 2005
[+] May 2005
[+] June 2005
[+] July 2005
[+] August 2005
[+] September 2005
[+] October 2005
[+] November 2005
[+] December 2005
[+] January 2006
[+] February 2006
[+] March 2006
[+] April 2006
[+] May 2006
[+] June 2006
[+] July 2006
[+] August 2006
[+] September 2006
[+] October 2006
[+] November 2006
[+] December 2006
[+] January 2007
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[+] November 2008
[+] December 2008
[+] January 2009
[+] February 2009
[+] March 2009
[+] April 2009
[+] May 2009
[+] June 2009
[+] July 2009
[+] August 2009
[+] September 2009
[+] October 2009
[+] November 2009


version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
