shit, presentation next week and i got nothing done yet ..... 還有我的weekly report, haha, gotta BS all of them in 1 day XD
life is quite beautiful for me... even though i got tons of stuff to do... next month will be even worse... harmony course begins X____X 我可愛的星期天 (雖然我最近過的不知時日 星期六, 天, 一 都搞不清楚XD)
但是現在最looking forward的是reading week XDDD i'll be having 2 exams before and 2 after the reading week~ which means, i can really ENJOY my reading week :333 haha, planning to play FFVII
arr, 明天要努力賺錢... gotta work hard to worship Ayu ToT ******************* 4月開始 有一堆Johnny's dorama~ Jun-kun will be having a new dorama too *o* 又是漫畫主角~ arrr, 但是這次不再是少女漫畫裡的美少年 是一個來自九州的熱血少年 @___@ 新聞上竟然說是"クールで王子様キャラ".... 一點也看不出來 anywayz, this will be the first Jun (ren)dorama that i haven't read the manga.... the storyline is kinda like 將太的壽司... orz, 不想看這樣的故事... 還有傳聞說女主角是新垣結衣 :333 還好不是野豬妹, 綾瀬はるか, 宮崎あおい 或是石原さとみ~ the dorama will be aired in a OL/家庭主婦 time slot, also starring 北村一輝, the most kakkoi actor among OL/家庭主婦!! haha, he's a great actor~ pretty popular now, you can find him in everything lately :p (Ooku, 14-sai no Haha, Akihabara@DEEP, Iryu, Yaoh...)
另外 滝沢秀明跟長澤まさみ要演現代版的羅密歐與茱麗葉 *o* 井上真央則會演[King Lear]
Utawara finally came to its end... phew~ 終於~ the show is getting worse and worse.... they should've kept the Hit-Parade style they had at the very beginning.... anywayz, do they have to put Jun and Kamenashi who had the same hair style beside each other???? 還有最後那個算什麼? 深情對唱???? @____@
finished watching quite early today~ (cuz i didn't go out tonite XD)
.... honesly, i don't know what i'm watching anymore... is this HYD??? 老實說 真的有點無聊~ the story is everywhere... slow... and not following the original at all... com'on, we all know Domyoji is suppose to like Tsukushi no matter what... does he really need to go through so many struggle to realize that himself???
不知道編劇在幹嘛 前半段到明寺才下定決心要跟小滋在一起 後半段又跑去找杉菜... and i really don't get what's the point of adding that baka-Domyoji part in the middle... reminding that this guy is still Domyoji???
基本上最好看是最後的10分鐘 真的是很精采!! *___* and i like the part where Rui told Shizuka how he really likes Tsukushi..... 結果 過去的真的是愛嗎? awwww, Rui *o* 我果然還是Rui派!! yasashii!!!!!!
and i really like what Domyoji said.... "無花果はな 半分に割ると ハートの形になるだ だから 無花果の甘酢はな 恋の味なんだで でも 俺にとっての恋の味は お前が作だ 下手くそうのクッキーの味なんだよ"
but the script writer is really really good at making cliffhanger... even though this episode kinda sucked, it ended at such a good place!!! it makes me, and i bet everyone wanna watch the next episode very badly!!!
我覺得我在看some Taiwanese soap opera... (hehe, this is how bad it is!! =P) 下一集的preview竟然可以這麼沒point?? 這麼無聊??? WE DON'T CARE ABOUT TSUKUSHI'S BROTHER'S LOVE STORY!!! JUST GET TO THE STORY!!! (ok, i know that character is played by a Johnny's Jr. and it's obvious why he has such part... but that's not even from the original story.....) sigh... and ironically, season 2 have better rating than season 1~
oh, and i'm official in love with "Flavour Of Life" now @_____@
(fangirl part:
gyaaa, 最後10分鐘Jun實在是帥翻了~ 而且感覺很熟練 XDD awwww, 而且還拉著杉菜說 "別去" *o* 道明寺不像是會說這種playboy type的話的人啊~ and yes, the preview for next episode is boring 但是Jun穿紅外套好"萌"~~~~ )
just finished playing it~ (haha, i started playing on the last day of my x'mas break~ 開學後我也很節制 只在不用上課的日子玩(ok that's 5 days a week XDD) 一天玩1個小時左右~ 終於玩完了~) seriously, this game is soooooooooooooo much better than FFXII!! Winnie the Pooh 好~~~~~~~~~~~~~~可愛!!!! *o* Stitch 也是 Genie也是!! 變成獅子的Sora也是!!! 畫面也很colourful~ 比一代簡單多了 (因為某人玩beginner mode XD) 衣袋最大的缺點 - 角度 也改進了很多~ overall, 讚!!! the triangle command function made the simple game play soooooo awsome *o*
最重要的事是 Cloud跟Squall 我最愛的兩大FF主角都出現了 awwww, when they are standing side by side 我果然還是比較喜歡Cloud!!! awwww, and i think they purposely made Cloud more "kakkoi" in this game!!
這個game其實很簡單 以我不修鍊 拼命向前衝的玩法 也不知不覺鍊到lv 48~ 基本上boss都很簡單 唯獨一個例外 就是 Sephiroth!!! 整個game最難的boss!! 唯一讓我game over的boss 第一次打竟然在短短5秒就被KO :p i didn't even hit him for once XDD 玩了幾次都打不贏 放棄 =P 所以我沒看到這個video:
so i was asking my bro why isnt there characters from other FF games like 9 (ok, except for Vivi...(speaking of FF9, i can't remember the name of ANY characters, other than Vivi :p)) etc... but my bro find me too stupid and didn't answer my question... i went up to wikipedia and check... *o* 原來要Nomura Tetsuya designed的角色才會出現~~~ ehhhh, (ok, call me baka~ i like FF series but i'm not a gamer) 原來FF7, 8, 10 都是Nomura designed的!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG and Parasite Eve *o* no wonder i don't like FF9 and 12....
(Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-
awww, the graphic is so nice!!! 但是我不想看自閉 當小兵的Cloud >___< but i guess i'll still end up playing it~ Square is good at making money these year... MY ONLY CONCERN IS: WHY IS THIS ON PSP WHILE SOME OTHER GAMES LIKE FFXIIRW? FF RING OF FATES ON DS??????????????? T___T i'll be willing to buy the game even though i can download it for free....)
muhahaha, found another 水魚 Johnny's fan to buy the calendar~ the base shipping 1200 yen is now divded into 3 =) 如果沒不被打稅就更好了~ haha, 但是Johnny's fan真是無所不在 身邊竟然就有兩個
GLAY's new album's official website is out~ and preview for all the track are out too *o* this album sound better than I expected =P
let me comment on the album songs only~
05. AMERICAN INNOVATION this sound exactly like [mister popcorn]
07. 僕達の勝敗 guess we all heard this from the Red Ribon live~ sound like one the best track in this album~
09. WORLD'S END GLAY's album will never be complete without an ultimate rock song =P
10. I WILL~ 這首怎麼聽都像05年這個的廣告曲 with much better arrangement of course~
14. MIRROR i don't get why everyone is praising this song... "one of the most beautiful GLAY song"..... ok i heard/read that sentence everytime when GLAY has a new song.... can't people think of something more creative? anywayz, i don't hear the magic in this song.... it sounds exactly like [航海] which is from my least fav GLAY album...
anywayz, i think there is really some kinda magic in this preview~ 每一首歌都超好聽 本來有點膩的ANSWER跟SCREAM都變好聽了=P 連一向不太喜歡的LAYLA都變好聽了~ i'm really looking forward to this album now!!
and.... GLAY is releasing another single ToT called [鼓動] to be rleased on 4.4... 不過還好只有一個version, only ¥1050... it's the theme song for the movie 『大帝の剣』by 阿部寛....
(Ura shall be updated within the next 24 hours? :p)
去看了~ 老實說 我很少這麼exciting的去看電影~ 晚上10:30場 戲院裡只有小貓幾隻 a few chinese girls, which makes me wonder if we had the same intention XD
第一幕就是Nino!!! 很興奮的拉著某人叫=P ok, end of fangirl talk~ talk about Nino's 演技~ 真的是Hollywood水準嗎? 全世界的Arashi fans, 日本媒體都大肆宣傳 "世界的俳優" but is he really?? 我不知道 我只知道那時是我一直著的Nino!!
speaking of story, it's pretty much what i expected~ 我可以了解為什麼日本收的這麼好 因為跟日本local的電影比實在是好幾十萬倍!! (日本電影除了鬼片 其他都不能看) 確實有地方有點悶 但是不會讓人想睡覺~ and i like how they try to add American style jokes in the film~ Nino is so funny <333
這真的是很直得看的一部電影 it's a history that shouldn't be forgotten!! 戰爭真的是很可怕的東西 (雖然這完全是日本人咎由自取 要是不偷襲珍珠港的話 現做我說不定打的是日文 中國叫做日本帝國XDD) 但是日本人的自殺思想實在是很難接受 正所謂留得青山在 哪怕沒柴燒 也不想想自己的犧牲一點意義也沒有..... so basically everyone died except for Nino!!! :p
something i like about this movie is that it didn't try to make either side to be the evil side!! 不管是日本人還是美國人 大家都有家庭 有等待他們回家的人 nobody is in the battle because they want to kill people
love how the movie begins and ends~ draws a beautiful conclusion!! (Steven Spielberg produce的~ 果然不會差到哪)
最後一句 Nino戲份超~~~~多!! he's like the 大主角~ (not to mention the movie started with him writing letter to his wife) i think the only reason Watanabe Ken's name goes first is because he's the only well known actor in this movie
anywayz, i really have to stop going out next week!!! i got awful lot of readings to do ToT and going out with SOMEONE will really hurt my wallet 會變完全不懂得節省
i've been watching him since it was $180!!! gonna click on the buy it now button when it reachs $100 =P (haha, maybe i'll have to wait till a new model comes out? but then i'll want the new model more...
wondering if it's safe to buy an audio player without trying it.... cuz i was already wrong once.... maybe i shouldn't make the same mistake again? and geez, this is the 8th year that i've been using my MD player!!! OMG, Sony sure rocks, it still works and sound perfectly fine after so many years???? (with my careless use =P)
anywayz, bored in school and don't wanna do any work at the moment.... (by the way, it's so nice to be able to view foreign languages in the computer lab)
**************************** Letters from Iwo Jima won the best foreign language film on the Golden Globe Award, only Watanabe and Eastwood were at the award show, no sign of other Japanese actors
i was just visiting Letters' official English site, and looking under cast... they actually listed Nino's entire career!!! Arashi, Johnny's agency, his very very first dorama, the 2 Arashi movie and Ao no Hono
anywayz, i'm gonna go watch this weekend!!!!!!! have to drag someone to go with me though :p (i'm willing to pay for you, any volunteer? XD)
haven't keep up with the uwasa lately.... so shocked when i heard them last night....
first comes next season's 月9, 山下智久+長澤まさみ (again?).... seems pretty confirmed huh? oh well, if Kame can be in a 月9 why can't YamaP?? actually, i think both of them can't 長澤まさみ真利害 年紀輕輕就可以演月9 算了 人家是實力派
next.... is the one that really pissed me off..... 龜梨和也+沢尻エリカ!!!!!!!! ToT nooooooooo~~~~~ 害的我非看不可 and i can imagine myself getting pissed watching this dorama already... and i'm so tired of Kame's acting... it's always the same.... please dont be true!!! (and stop telling me that Kame's rumour are true 99% of the times!!!)
Gokusen 3???? some stupid rumour says that Ueto Aya will be replacing Nakama Yukie... whatever... don't really care about this dorama even though it's got Nakama Yukie
then is the most ridiculous uwasa, Kame will be having his first lead movie with Nino as supporting actor!!! wtf????? 別開玩笑了 要演過Hollywood的(笑)前輩演配角??? (雖然山下智久也幫他演過配角........) 但是現在龜樣這麼紅 根本不需要吧??
..... i think from now on i won't be buying any KOSE product (damn it, but fasio is nice and cheap) ewww, what makes them put Koda Kumi after Amuro and Ayu??? i guess i must admit Koda Kumi can sing and dance.... and she does has some nice songs (once in a while) even though i don't really like their previous spokesperson (Arashiro Beni) but she does look pretty enough to be the spokesperson of cosmetic~ but Koda Kumi?????? ewww.... her face is full of plastic surgery... and stupid KOSE made her look so much like Ayu.... they seem to forgot who made the brand big in the industry.... tsk tsk tsk, bad taste, that's why they can never reach Shiseido's level
is it just me that sees Koda Kumi replacing copying whatever Ayu've done before?
之前說感覺有點像香港的typical business drama 真是丟臉 這樣講實在是一種汙辱 感覺跟這一季其他的dorama是不同的level!!! 所有演員都是超實力派!! 演的超讚~ 萬俵家也夠華麗 音樂也配的很好 想不到TBS可以拍出這麼好的東西 (但是如果是Fuji拍一定更好=P)
the story is based on the novel by 山崎豊子, author of 白色巨塔~ 真的有點像~ 那種intense, 人性的黑暗!!
看完第一集 深深覺得 父母是可以認真的恨自己的孩子的 而且是非常沒有原因的 可以單純的"看不順眼" it's so obvious that 鐵平's father put him into a steel/metal factory and put his younger brother 銀平 in the bank!! (連名字都取的這麼不公平) 當鐵平的父親叫他在池塘邊拍手 而真的引來祖父所養的鯉魚時所說的 "你真的留著你爺爺的血" 那失望 震撼 認清事實的表情 我想也讓鐵平認清了父親有多麼的討厭自己... 可是在我看來只是無聊的pride作祟 反正都是自己的孩子 比自己了不起又如何? 難道真的希望自己的而子是個白痴嗎 (like his second son)?
第2集感覺比較像花男了~ 呆頭呆腦的道明寺回來了 但是杉菜還是好girly... 大致上都還是有照原著 杉菜打電話給到明寺的那段真的很感人 我還以為他是打去說分手 沒想到竟然是約道明寺!! @____@ 講著講著在還哭了出來 杉菜大概是想把這當作最後一次機會.... 好慘 去到竟然發現到明寺跟小滋在kiss ... 照漫畫 杉菜應該是會生氣 然後上前給他一拳 =P (please not that this part didn't appear in the manga) 但是電視劇裡的杉菜感覺好像會回家大哭
something that I achieved during my holiday is that I finally finished playing FFXII~ 真是讓我失望... 有點覺得浪費了我難得假期~ this game has NO STORY!!! usually, there will be a part that makes you go "naruhoto!!" but this didn't happen here... everything is so straight forward, no secret to reveal... ToT the story is "stop the war"... 誰是主角? 當然是公主~ 其他的角色一點故事也沒有~ 尤其是Penelo, she's just there to follow around!!! (oh, and the narration at the end?) @___@ 男主角(though i really don't think he is)Vaan 唯一的故事就是 為哥哥報仇.... call me shallow, but I hate when there is no love story.... 我沒玩過一個遊戲 where the character of 男女主角可以這麼的不吸引人... 本來不是太喜歡Yuna 但是玩完XII後 發現Yuna實在是太可愛了~ Ash... 不知道為什麼 感覺讓人討厭 至於Vaan, his character is KINDA like Tidus 但是又沒有Tidus這麼interesting... 最讓我喜歡的角色是Balthier (kakkoii!! =P) I guess he does have a little bit of the story (that takes up about 1/10000000 of the entire game?) 但是也是沒什麼特別的
other than no story, 這個game實在是太~~~~~~~~~~~簡單了 走一走HP/MP就會往上升 battle時選擇menu時 everthing will freeze... it's almost impossible to get to the "game over" screen (good point, 等一下去看一下game over長什麼樣子) gambit確實是很好用 但是本人還是比較prefer古老的戰鬥方式 in FFXII, you can basically beat all the boss without pressing any button on your controller!! (and i'm serious!!) the characters can fight, cure, use magic, item automatically!! just use a lot haste, protect, shell, curaja, you are invincible~ 還有啊 招喚獸是垃圾!!!!!! 天啊 實在是太讓人失望了!! summon出來後大概被打個3~5次就死了 攻擊力比我的physical attack還低...
還有 這個遊戲實在是太~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~長了!!!! 以我不修練 拼命往前衝的玩法 竟然也完了25小時 @___@ 其他FF系列通常都是 around 10-15 hours就可以全破~ 這個遊戲實在是太多迷宮了!! 而很多都是純迷宮!!! unlike FFX, those are actually 智力遊戲 (which i really enjoyed)~ basically, you spend 1-2 hour in the maze for 5 min of story...
(one last thing, the English is too hard XDDD there are times where I have to literally pause the game and analyse the sentence in my head to get the meaning XDDD 還有迷宮裡的提示 我有一半都看不懂XDD maybe i should've played the Japanese version instead)
sigh... 失望..... 這是第2個我不為重玩的FF (first one being FFIX) 跟FFX沒的比~~~ 論故事我想我最戲歡的FFX~ love that ending!! it's the first game that made cry ;____; 但是overall playing experience 應該還是FFVII (我人生中花最多時間玩的RPG?)~
my HYD review returns!!! =P girls, did you watch HYD2 yet???? 還是豬豬搶先一步~ 比日靑快一個小時出~ 不知道下禮拜會不會星期五晚上就出...
anywayz, 2個小時看的好過癮啊!!!! 好像在看電影~~ 第一集只有前半段是在NYC拍的... 好像有點少~ 故事改的亂七八糟的說 小滋竟然出現在紐約... 杉菜變的好girly...... 感覺不像杉菜了... 道明寺知到杉菜有危險竟然無動於衷???? THIS IS NOT DOMYOJI!!! 編劇在幹什麼啊?? 第一集看的好心酸 覺得故事有點沉重 但是我超愛杉菜哭的那一段~ 我想我很喜歡看井上真央的哭戲 演的真的是太好了~ 好多感人的話 "道明寺のことが ほんとうに 大好きでした" AWWWW, don't use past tense!!! "今でも やっぱり また あいつと一緒にいたい" *____*
菜菜子好可愛!!!!! she needs to have a new dorama!! Toma好帥!! 但是跟王子竟然沒有對手戲... 殘念
我發現我果然是Rui fan~ suteki *o* 下一集大概就看的到告白了吧?
命運的重逢~ (com'on, NYC is not THAT small...) LMAO "What do you want with our great Mr. Domyoushi?" XDDD Toma *o* (好像木拓) 菜菜子為什麼可以越老越好看? 美麗的日本街道 王子樣!!!! *o* more Toma~ (and last one too T___T) awwww, Rui playing Canon in D!!!! guys who play violin are suteki!!!!!
Love so sweet awww, I think I like this song way more than [Wish]~ and i love love love what they wore during the concert *O* arrr, can't wait to see the live on TV!! the since is to be released on 02.21 with 2 versions only (*phew~~) AND, 這次竟然是限定版多一首歌!!! 果然是看好tie-up會賣所以不打算騙錢?
Flavor Of Life to be released on 02.28~ the episode played pretty much the entire song~ maa~ 反正我一定是有偏見的 =P i like this song!! 簡單的說是[Be My Last]+[Dareka no negai ga kanau koro]的combination~ 如果說[Planetarium]是一首充滿幻想 對愛情的希望的情歌 那這首歌是對愛情的無奈 充滿內心掙扎 悲傷的歌~ "Flavor of Life"這句一直repeat... 但是唱的很有感情 唱功也有進步~ arrangement聽起來不錯~ 不再是piano+guitar(老實說 我不太記得還有什麼 weren't paying too much attention to the song XD) 整首歌聽起來還滿有effort的~ 加油 不要丟HYD2的臉~ [Planetarium]賣了30萬喔~
看到這個site的時候 有說不出的心情... 這真是一個不公平的世界 那句 "どうして私じゃないのって?" 是我的心聲 試問真的可以去看的人有多少比我更hardcore? 真正是fan的人有多少? 一定不只一半是去湊熱鬧的 不論花的時間 金錢 心 我都不會輸給她們的 but i don't have a chance.....
GLAY北京演唱會之後 突然冒出了一堆大陸fans!!! arrrr, 那種感覺有多討厭 別人是無法理解的!!! (yes 我個性扭曲 and i know it :p) 就像manga fans無法接受那些看了anime才成為fans的人一樣的心情
anywayz, 為什麼上海最貴??? (光看那3張小圖 台灣完全遜掉了~ 好歹也照個101啊~ 龍山寺是哪啊? 西門町前一站? 那好像叫善島寺... 我8到連酒店名單都看了 沒有晶華~ obviously, that's where Ayu will be staying~ 所有名人來都是住那裡~) 還有什麼SS席!! 竟然要叫2000人民幣 是看好上海人好騙嗎? 不對 買的起的應該大多是外國人 算了 也不關我的事 反正一定也有甘願被騙的人~ 台灣的S席要價$4000 大約US$125 老實說也是在騙錢~ 日本本地的演唱會票價也不會超過1萬日幣吧? (which should be less than NTD$3000, US$85?) 到了國外就加價??? maa 也不關我的事 反正一定也有甘願被騙的人~ 出名騙錢的傑尼斯 出乎意料之外的善待我們這些oversea fans~ 不僅演唱會票價照日本價錢 空運來的周邊也是照原價 演唱會舞臺也是從日本運來的~ Ayu better not treat her oversea concert like the ones in Japan... 反正我沒的看 經不精采也不關我的事 從現在開始我不星看/聽到任何關於Asia tour的情報了 (but please buy me concert goodies if you are in any of the 3 places? *___*)
haha 還真的很期待 聽名字像是ballad之類的~ 花男2實在是很有face~ 一向cheap開的TBS竟然遠赴NYC拍攝 花大錢在原宿貼了80+張宣傳海報 照樣請菜菜子客串(還有Toma 擺明是某人的友情牌) 現在連插曲都由大塚愛升級到宇多田光~~~~ 想不到Hikki也有要靠tie-up的一天.... Hikki, you really need to come up with an ultimate ballad in your career!!
***************************** Dorama Report 大奥~エピソード0~ - 恭子美眉比想向中演的好~ 這個角色出乎意料之外適合他~ 但是故事有點悶 一樣的場所 一樣的音樂 hummm.... but i like how the dorama connects with the movie!! 原來仲間由紀惠演的是絕世美女!!!
今年的countdown比去年好看多了~~ 燈光效果果然重要~ 最重要的是Arashi的part比去年多XD 而且看report說 this year's countdown started with Arashi!!! *o* 一定沒人會想到 大家都以為會是KT團吧~ 但是他們也只唱了total 2首歌~ A團唱了A.RA.SHI, WISH, a Day in Our Life, Kitto Daijoubu and Sakurasake!!!
Tokyo Dome的話 圳直得去的應該就是傑尼斯藝人了~ 印為他們會繞場!! 還有moving stage~~ 還有 再看MS Super Live的十後就這麼覺得了 攝影師實在太了不起了!!! 不僅要照台上的 還要在觀眾席裡找他們的fans!!!
看完後 我發現我的反應是"Ryo-chan帥翻了!!!!!!!!" XDDD i wanna get his uchiwa :p
JunJun *o* (這個angle照的臉好大)
the start of my fandom for Ryo-chan? 超有默契的兩人 某人的准一=P I DID NOT CAPTURE THIS PIC CUZ I THINK HE LOOKS GOOD!!! 是因為這個髮型是前幾個月Jun才流過的!!! =___=" it's exactly the same thing!!! copycat KCE!!!! can't believe they made it into the DOME~ 有人跳錯邊XDDDDD Ryo-chan Jun!!!!! 其他豬年男還有2個KT的 K8的丸山 MA的屋良 & 前4TOPS成員風間俊介~ oh, 還有整整大一輪的V6 leader Oh-chan got a solo dance during Matchy's solo~ JunJun loves purple~~ and so do I XDD 位置真好~
2. のだめカンタービレ 這絕對是史上最最最~~~忠於原著的漫畫改編的日劇!!! Fuji TV果然讚!!! 我一直很不些喜歡那些先看日劇/電影 後看漫畫 然後說they prefer the drama/movie =___=" 但是幾乎沒有人compare the drama with the manga~ 因為真的是一模一樣~ 這部日劇簡直就是無可挑剔!!! TBS應該多多學習~ 應該會拍續集吧??? 如過拍 就要到歐洲去了!!! *o*
4. MY BOSS MY HERO lol, I was just talking about this dorama with my fd TODAY :p probably the funniest dorama of the year~ 完全不用腦的戲~ 新垣美眉超可愛 我越來越喜歡=P 長瀨可以這麼不顧形象的演出真讓人佩服~
came back from a 3 day trip yesterday~ haha, i dunno what's the purpose of our trip anymore (i bought 2 jackets XDD)
回家後累死了 又下雨 所以在家很無聊的跟某人在電話裡countdown =P 只不過出門3天就miss了一堆dl 到讚在都還沒down完 (haha, i can't believe EXILE & Koda Kumi's performance on Record Award is the first thing i downloaded (after downloading Johnny's Countdown Concert) 但是Koda Kumi的live真的是不怎麼樣 CD比較好聽) AYU今年的CDTV SP唱的超好~ 也就是CDL應該也很好?
Anime: Code Geass Manga: Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁 Song: almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?,
, HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ Singer: 浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY,
柴咲コウ Actor:
仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木
26449;拓哉 Flower: Sakura!!! Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry) J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子,
きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子
[+] Hamasaki Ayumi [+]
GLAY [+] Arashi [+] Shibasaki Kou [+]
Chemistry [+] Ayu! Love!
Ayu! [+] University of Toronto
[+] March 2004 [+] April 2004 [+] May 2004 [+] June 2004 [+] July 2004 [+] August 2004 [+] September 2004 [+] October 2004 [+] November 2004 [+] December 2004 [+] January 2005 [+] February 2005 [+] March 2005 [+] April 2005 [+] May 2005 [+] June 2005 [+] July 2005 [+] August 2005 [+] September 2005 [+] October 2005 [+] November 2005 [+] December 2005 [+] January 2006 [+] February 2006 [+] March 2006 [+] April 2006 [+] May 2006 [+] June 2006 [+] July 2006 [+] August 2006 [+] September 2006 [+] October 2006 [+] November 2006 [+] December 2006 [+] January 2007 [+] February 2007 [+] March 2007 [+] April 2007 [+] May 2007 [+] June 2007 [+] July 2007 [+] August 2007 [+] September 2007 [+] October 2007 [+] November 2007 [+] December 2007 [+] January 2008 [+] February 2008 [+] March 2008 [+] April 2008 [+] May 2008 [+] June 2008 [+] July 2008 [+] August 2008 [+] September 2008 [+] October 2008 [+] November 2008 [+] December 2008 [+] January 2009 [+] February 2009 [+] March 2009 [+] April 2009 [+] May 2009 [+] June 2009 [+] July 2009 [+] August 2009 [+] September 2009 [+] October 2009 [+] November 2009