
I can't believe i forgot to blog about this =P 我怨唸以久的精選終於要出了~ i kinda had a feeling that it will be released this year, since it's their 5th anniversary

曾幾何時 他們也曾站在日本樂壇的頂端... T____T 初回版好貴 (but instead of live, i want a DVD of ALL the PV...) 但是我說過一定會買日本的!!! 雖然我覺得以他們現在的人氣 大概最多賣個50萬 (unless there's miracle.... well, 連倉木麻衣的精選都有百萬了 maybe i should have more faith in CHEMISTRY??)


《Disc 1~2/CD》
 ・ Point of No Return
 ・ You Go Your Way (Album Version)
 ・ 君をさがしてた ~New Jersey United~
 ・ It Takes Two
 ・ My Gift to You
 ・ アシタヘカエル
 ・ Now or Never
 ・ You Got Me
 ・ So in Vain
 ・ mirage in blue
 ・ いとしい人
 ・ Long Long Way
 ・ 白の吐息 (full-length)
 ・ キミがいる
 ・ Wings of Words
 ・ almost in love
 ・ Two As One *bonus track
 ・ Top of the World(松尾KC潔プロデュース) *bonus track


thought it was a weird name when i first heard it... it's named by their producer, saying that their voices blend into one like a chemical reaction~ (which is very VERY TRUE) and let me get this clear, they are no "idol" group!! SONY Music (Japan) has NO idol group!! liked them since their debut single [PIECES OF A DREAM] (yes yes, where i stole the name from) fall in love with the song since my first listen (which is just a short preview from their official site)

They debuted with no 1 on the Oricon chart and hit one million in the 6th week. They are the ONLY NON-Johnny's group that 1) debut at no. 1 on Oricon 2) debut with a million single!!! Their first album sold over 3 millions (WOW, that's more than any of Hirai Ken's albums!!), their 2nd album sold 2 millions and was the best selling album in Japan in 2003.

so exactly what happened?? i think i'll blame it on SONY MUSIC!!! persoanally, I DON'T LIKE SONY MUSIC!!!! cuz they suck and don't know how to manage and package their artists!! yes, i know most artists under SONY MUSIC have the beautiful and most pleasing label called "實力派"!! (ie: 平井堅, 中島美嘉, YUI, 伊藤由奈, 久保田利伸, Crystal Kay, 玉置浩二 etc) err, but "實力派" alone doesn't work in Japan!! most of those 實力派 who wear T-shirt and jeans or suits on TV or hardly ever go on TV, don't appear on magazine, don't have concert tour across Japan, THESE PEOPLE DON'T SELL WELL!! and just look what they have done to Amigo when she's going downhill and what Avex have done to keep Amuro!! (ok, i guess they are doing a really good job on Yuna now... but what about Mika?)

AND, seriously, SONY MUSIC need to fire their marketing manager, 告訴我現在有哪一家笨蛋唱片公司會讓初回版跟普通版用一樣的封面?? and also, "concert" is only for HARD CORE FANS, those ppl will buy the DVD anywayz!!!!!! and if they have enough "hard core fans" nowadays, their CD wouldn't sell like shit #$)(%^+#$)*%)#$*% 要當特典就應該用"PV"啊!!!

(by the way, Taiwan's crappy crappy crappy crappy crappy CRAPPY translation [化學超男子] HAS A REASON!!! cuz they were first named [ASAYAN超男子。川畑・堂珍] when they released their very first single as part of the competition!!)

sorry if this long and pointless post bored you... i'm just sad seeing a group with good music and great singing skill going down hill, and will eventually be forgotten by people one day



a fd sent me all kinda funny youtube links...

Music Station Monomane!!!
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDD look at that 華麗的傑尼斯陣容!!! Tsuyoshi好像!!! KT其實也很像 雖然觀眾傳來很大聲的"ehhh" 但是不看長相 其實聲音很像 小動作更是像!!!!!! 尤其是龜梨和也~

TOKIO - Sorafune
這個也是超像 從長相到聲音*o*

ok, here comes the real good ones~
Hikki - Can You Keep A Secret?
Hikki - Travelling
OMG!! 連講話都非常像~ 但是就敗在那幾句英文

i actually saw the performance years ago, this girl actually did several performance of ayu's songs~ 聲音其實不像 長相也不像 他像的是台風 是那兩隻手!! if you watched enough Ayu live performances, then you'll know how Ayu has some weird hand gesture~ (go watch Ayu's TV live of SURREAL, then you'll see!! Ayu usually go crazy during concert, so that's not so accurate :p) 說到AYU的monomane 蔡10也是一級棒~ (the first and only time i'll praise her)

ELT - fragile
performance by the same girl, now she sounds so much like Kaori~ i think it shows that Ayu's voice is so special that you can't find anyone with a similar voice~

just ordered the latest Oricon Style and the backnumber issue with Arashi's TW con from clubjapan (台con那本在www.books.com.tw, www.jmag.com.tw 還沒上市就被預購完了 >___<), and the shipping method i picked is 船便!!! haha, probably gonna take about 2 months to get to me XD 沒辦法 誰叫我窮


惡夢 - 5 more..... 
星期四是我的惡夢 not only i have class at 9 (這是絕對不能skip的課 因為skip就要自己看textbook了!!! meaning, don't need to read the book if i attend all the lectures!! 所以我死也不能skip XD), i have a 4 hour break in between AND my lecture ends at 8 @_________@ 每個星期我都會在第一堂課時非常煩惱 等一下要不要回家睡覺 but i've never done that YET, due to 1) 不想浪費油 =P (i know i'm cheap) 2) 走到parking lot 開車回家 停好車 再開回學校 etc 就差不多一個小時了... what a waste of time....

於是昨天我非常不顧形象的 在學校裡大睡了一個小時左右~ 8點多回到家還頗有精神~ 原來一個小時的影響力這麼大~

but i can't believe school is already half way done, there's only 5 more weeks of school!!! @____@ my last exam is on Dec. 20 =___=" so late....

這個星期我又要很慘了~ got exam on Tue and Wed, assignment due on Thur and gotta do research and prepare for discussion for my stupid course =___=" 然後下下個星期要交1500字的paper which i havent even decide on the topic... i guess i'm screwed again... so i'm asking WHY didn't i do anthing last week???????????? 算了 以我的個性 不到最後也不會開始唸書的 XD and i'm glad that i had a wonderful week doing nothing other than watching TV, going out and playing Mario~ 現在在考慮下個term換course then i'll only have 2 days of school *____* (從早上到晚tho~) maa, depends on my mark this term....

今天天氣好好~ 非常適合讀書 but too bad it's a Friday, i wish the following days will be raining as well...


so ANYWAYZ, Kisarazu Cat's Eye on Utaban is SOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!! tension XDDD 但是好吵!!!

中居: "是怎麼樣的歌?"
塚本: "umm, 算是ballad ne~ "
翔: "ehh 不是rap嗎?"
塚本: "ehhh~ rap? 是在說曲調嗎? rap??"
翔: "曲調的話 那應該是ballad吧?"
everyone: "那 ballad-rap" XDDDD

and the performance is actually very fun to watch and they actually sang live~ AWWW, i wish Sho did the rap instead of the guy from KICK THE CAN CREW... Sho跟准一最近上好多雜誌封面... 我在想要怎麼買 寄到姊姊家 明年再去拿???

today's Music Station's got 手越裕也's solo performance @____@ ok, i guess he's really going to be in the "new group" debutting next year.... whatever

還有就是 台灣的官方結尼斯online store, DREAM BOYS商品才開始賣的第3天 赤西仁的海報就已經品切了 @___@ 看來赤西仁在台灣比龜梨和也紅~ 台灣人果然不喜歡人妖系XD 看了看 覺得Ryo-chan超帥~ 非常有想買的衝動 haha, j/k 我連A團其他4人都沒買 現在怎麼可以買別團的呢




I have a life =) (?) 
最近超忙 這星期明明沒有exam 但是感覺跟有exam時一樣忙 忙著看電視 出去 玩電動 整理 看有什麼可以在ebay上賣 etc 反正每天都有事做 (haha, i better start study my examS tomorrow)

今天開始教flute.... 好辛苦 回家後有虛脫的感覺 @____@ 累~~~ sigh 賺錢好難 =P 原來教初級還比較累 cuz you can't just sit there and tell your student to play, you gotta play alone, tap the tempo etc etc .... X_____X 累弊了

anywayz, 明天放學後要去吃日燒~~

Nino"有可能"被提名Acadamy award? maa, 還早的事 dont get what's the big deal of it =P

but here's his picture at the 東京国際映画祭~ 頭髮長出來了~ CHOOOO KAKKOI!!!!! sasuga Johnny's da ne XD 站在nino旁邊的是美國版的男主角? which i dont even know the names XD whatever

oh and Erika was SOOOOOOOO AYU-feel @___@ haha, and she does sound/look a bit bitchy at the interview.... but that's ok, i still like her~

還有聽到Arashi韓國con 聽說不會有moving stage 也不會有花道 XDDD 不好意思 但是我非常有幸災樂禍的成分 又聽說許多SM旗下藝人都會出席? so that means 東方神起? Super Junior?


match price 万歳!! WAL-MART 万歳!!!!! 
DS Lite入手!!! haha 還沒開始賺錢就開始浪費錢了~ 雖說我是超級"I want it and I want it NOW"的人 但是這次 還有買VS3時 我都想了很久~ which is a good thing cuz that means 我不會後悔~

說說我如何買到粉紅色 when it's only the black one on sale in BestBuy~ 我非常不要臉的拿著BestBuy的flyer去WAL-MART 非常直接的說"Can you sell me the pink Nintendo DS Lite with this price?" 叉叉sales隨便看了看我拿的flyer 很隨便的就答應了XD muhahaha, so that's how i got my PINKU DS Lite with the low price =)

seriously, those who know me, 這絕對不是平常的我會做的事XDDD 我想我真的是想Mario想瘋了~ the only game i have now is Mario~ awwwww, Mario is meant to be 2D!!!! Giant Mario 好可愛~ Mini Mario也好可愛~~~ humm 但是感覺比4代簡單很多 而且好短... is there hidden stages like 4代?? 接下來要買nintendog~~ awww 我想要柴犬版...

剛剛在看有什麼週邊 haha 種類多的驚人~~ 就算X'mas看到有減價也無所謂 但是千萬不要給我出新的顏色 尤其是紫色!!! 出了的話我會想殺人!!!!!!!!!

Kisarazu Cat's Eye feat. MCU's [Seaside Bye-Bye] going on sale this Wed~ NINKI ranking比大種愛還低 >.< 怎麼回事啊?? but i have faith in them, 嵐fans跟V6 fans都不是省油的燈 大家一定都會買2~3張~ 一定會賣的比Ai好的!!

前幾天download了關8跟今井翼的演唱會~ 小翼(<-叫的好熟XD)真的唱的好好~ 其實本來是想找KinKi Kids歷年來的演唱會 但是找不到 T___T 最近開始狂download KinKi 1999年以前的live~ 看的不是他們 是他們背後的Arashi, T&T跟山斗~

最後是睽違一年的NANA starring MIKA NAKASHIMA的新歌 [一色]~ i like it more than GLAM SKY (obviously, i never really liked that song, 高音超刺耳... 唱不適合自己的歌只會把缺點全都展現出來) [一色]裡那句高音很好聽 did Mika improved her singing skill within 1 year? i don't think so, it's just because this is composed within her range :p arrangement非常有GLAY的味道 (intro有點像[Way of Difference])~

anywayz, kiite kudasai~


Life is not all that bad afterall .. 
BestBuy的DS Lite在減價!!!!!! 但是只有黑色的 >___< WHY??? i thought black is the rare one in Japan???? 笨蛋美國人(加拿大人才對) 我要粉紅色!!! T___T

been looking through DS lite games, and here is the list of games I want:
- New Super Mario Bros. - in case you didn't know, i LOVE Mario!!! it's the reason why i bought Game Boy and Game Boy Advance
- Chocoboと魔法の絵本 - choooooo KAWAII!!! and i'm so glad that I know (enough) Japanese =P
- Jump Super Star - aww, why is Kenshi and Hikaru at the back while Naruto and the One Piece guy are at the front =___="
- nintendog - I want 柴犬 ver!!! T___T - だれでもアンビ大全
- Super Princess Peach
- Mario Kart DS
- YOSHI Touch & Go!

haha, i'm really going broke!!! =P ohh~ 今天有good news~ 我有part time了~ 教小孩flute~ 雖然在這行錢不高 算了 憑我的資質 以part-time來說 算很好的了 =) hehe, and the money will be my Arashi基金 again (但是其實連我自己的學費都不夠)

seriously, i'm really going broke, i got so much stuff to buy @___@ and i just found out that there IS first press special in Arashi's [CxDxG no Arashi] DVD.... grrrr, hurry up and prcoess my order and give me the coupon!!!

anywayz, my wishlist:

- Kisarazu Cat's Eye - Seaside Bye-Bye ver A
- Kisarazu Cat's Eye - Seaside Bye-Bye ver B
- CxDxG no Arashi vol 1
- CxDxG no Arashi vol 2
- Arashi FIRST CONCERT IN TAIPEI (GEEZ, stop giving the hints that there will be DVD!!! just give us the release date!!!!)
- Hamasaki Ayumi mini album - [Secret]
- Hamasaki Ayumi Arena Tour 2006 DVD
- Jun uchiwa from Johnny's CDL 2006-2007 (yes, i'm collecting all of Jun's uchiwa...)

最近都在安慰自己說Arashi的單曲以後會升值 現在買是對的 :p

Nino的"Letters from Iwo Jima"要2月才上映 好久~ 由於最近爆窮 美國版 不看 =P

但是在X'mas之前還有那個死人senior project.............. ToT aiyo 頭痛...

speaking of which, 最近還滿期待T&T的新專輯~ when was their last album released?? 2003?? wow *___* 其實期待的只是Tsubasa的[Slave of Love] 是去年count down才發現原來Tsubasa很會唱!!!! 唱的超好聽!!!!!! 它是我在傑尼斯裡 少數會說"唱的好"的~ (堂本剛 大野智 今井翼)

還有 赤西仁 要來加拿大!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha, rumour says that Canada is where he will be "留學"~ haha 就算要來也不會是多倫多 =P but imagine if i bump into him one day? :p 偷拍? 跟蹤? 上前要簽名? (<- good idea!! can probably sell it on ebay) j/k 嗯~ 我今年非常有明星運~ 我要相信"self-fulfilling prophecy" =P


omg, i was actaully early for my morning class for once!!!!!!! did i woke up earlier today?? no~~ the traffic loves me today :p i was able to drive 80km/h on Kennedy~

damn tired... after staying 10 hours in school and after an exam.. X____X

go no exam next week!!!! i'm gonna slack all the way through!!!!!!!!!! 想是這麼想 但是我還有那個死人senior project curse X____X 那是一場惡夢 an yearly long one too ToT 一想到就頭痛 好想逃避現實

plan for the following week?
- hair cut
- new layout?
- massive burning
- 狂看電視!!!!
- buy DS lite? (should i ???? i'll be so free this week @___@)

anyways... 台灣又被比下去了!!!! 韓國con 四場 1萬2000張票 1小時又10分鐘內賣完!!!! @________@ 是賣到一張不剩!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aiyo, 要是傑尼斯開始favour韓國怎麼辦??

ohh, almost forgot, i watached thefirst ep of [Nodame Cantabile]!!!! 音樂好正!!! 千秋王子有像到~ (i hope it was Okada Junichi T__T) 至野田ㄈㄟˋ 感覺他的可愛很勉強 是裝出來的 沒想到瑛太也有演出~ 超爆笑 竹中直人也是超搞笑~ Saeko好可愛~~ there's no way i dont like this dorama <33333

rating? (初回 only)
Dr.コトー診療所 - 23.5%
14才の母 - 19.7%
僕の歩く道 - 19.3% (草剪剛的Boku系列最後一個 not a fan... not gonna watch :p)
Nodame Cantabile - 18.2%
たったひとつの恋 - 12.8%
役者魂! - 11.4%
鉄板少女アカネ!! - 11%

MUHAHAHAHAHA~ can't stop laughing when i saw the number few days ago, 龜梨和也創收視新低!!!! 12.8%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 北川阿姨應該知道 他跟木村拓哉的距離有多遠了吧~ Nodame 要加油~ 我有信心!!

oh and KT-TUN's new single go on sale on 12.07~ yeah~ 跟[一色]錯開了~~~ (but poor Yuna =P) 剛剛聽了一個超段的preview... 不夠rock... but i like it~ =)

最後 謠言說花男2初回會有2小時 @____@ but i doubt it, i bet 75min is the max... and Jun's泡麵頭returned already... ToT 那個walking disaster要看上3個月???? 天啊 拜託 千萬不要用那個頭各大年尾節目+Johnny's countdown live....



omg, my midterm result is out!!!!!!!! @____@ so freaking fast!!!!!! 超害怕 但是神保佑 i didn't fail!!!! XDDDD but i'm lower than average >.< haha, 我想我應該偷笑了 considering the amount of time i put into =P 才25% 我final會加油的~

so i was doing my proposal that worth 30% of the total mark, took me more than 2 hours to write the first section, which is the introduction............. haha, 我還有5個section要寫 也就是說至少還要10個小時才寫的完????????? ............ i'm so screwd.... 而且其實我根本沒做什麼research... hahaha.......................................... 明天lecture cancelled, 後天打算翹課 所有有兩天 @____@ but shit, i have an exam on Thurs.... ARRRRRR 要是沒有這個死人course 我想我這個term會過的很舒服

看了[たったひとつの恋]..... 我不想承認 但是 真的非~~~~~~~~~~~~~~常好看!!!!! (considering how much i hate both male and female lead...) 而且 跟北川之前所寫過的故事不一樣的是 這次似乎少了她以往的幽默 感覺很嚴肅... i think i'm ready to cry for this drama :p but her story is so predictable, i think the girl is gonna die at the end

龜梨和也眼的腳色很讓我討厭 =P 但是如果是木村演的話我應該就會喜歡XD 第一集講到慶應生跟橫濱女大的關係 好誇張.... 不過就是大學生而已嘛... 不過看到慶應的校園了~ 好漂亮~

相較之下戸田恵梨香比綾瀬はるか可愛多了(again, probably because i don't like her :p) 要潤也非常向有錢人家的少爺=P

主題曲真的非常小田和正=P 少了赤西仁的KT所唱的歌就像龜梨和也with back up singer...

看完第一集 我深深覺得 如果松本潤有一天也可以演者麼好的腳色 這麼好的戲 在唱這麼好的歌 該有多好......T____T

也看了[14才の母] 我還以為女主角是被rape 但其實只是單存的H... 不果街下來好像會很慘 應該會看下去

[セーラー服と機関銃] watched it only for the sake of checking out Erika's 勁敵 =P 長澤まさみ 年輕一代最紅的吧? 最有實力的 我不討厭他 但是因為媒體炒作 說是Erika的勁敵(其實是說Erika很討厭他) 所以我也開始有點不喜歡 =P 但是這部戲裡超像廣末凉子!! 還有就是小泉今日子超~~~~有氣質*o* 一把年紀了說 story 非常old style.... 以後不會看 (last but not least, the song sounded SOOOOOOO old style, 一定不賣~ =P)

明天[Nodame Cantabile]要演了(雖然不喜歡女主角......我覺得鈴木杏更是合演傻大姊 但是看到千秋王子飛書的一幕 實在是太好笑了) *o* 而且剛剛才發現原來有我喜歡的歐吉桑演員 竹中直人希望sub趕快出來... speaking of which, i waited so long for [Tatta Hitotsu no Koi].... i guess those ppl don't like Kame =P YamaP and Jun's drama out came out 12 hours after it's showed in Japan

Nodame at Yahoo Japan Special (LOOTTTTSSS of info!! @___@)

接下來是SKIP BEAT真人化!!!!!!!


剛剛終於download了MSSP部分來看 (yes, i downloaded Koda Kumi's part :p haha 大家都說我瘋了 但是我其實很清醒 我只是剛好喜歡這首歌而已:p)

but GEEZ AYU LOOKS FAT!!!! @____@ 生日吃太好? 還是懷孕了???? XD 所以要趕著出mini album 這幾年很明顯的AYU人氣下滑 我已為我會沒辦法接受 但是沒想到我竟然一點也不care 但是我還是很自私的說一句 我不希望AYU引退...

然後看了Johnny's Special~ 所以傑尼斯藝人 出道時的片段 我還是覺得 出道時最有明星架式的是"瀧與翼"!!! (KAT-TUN... 非常賣弄性感 REAL FACE時 有照到B'z的松本 臉色不太好XD)

ok, move on to all the Uwasa!!! 各式各樣的謠言 當然 這種東西看看就好 別太在意

首先 最多人傳的就是赤西仁 其實已經秘密結婚了!!!!!!!! haha 所以事務所將他送出國... 這個傳聞不稀奇 Jin過去的誹聞實在太多了 還有人說上原多香子曾懷孕@___@ whatever.... 至於這次的誹聞女主角 是Berry 什麼的的成員... <--- 對這個說法實在是很難相信..

還有就是 赤西仁音意見不合而得罪高層... 詳情我也不知道就是了:p

另外.. 就是是被自己團員陷害的陰謀論 @___@ AK不和 應該是很公開的事了吧? (那些喜歡 相信AK的fans... 我不知道他們在看自己的偶像這麼久是在幹什麼) 記者會上 Akanishi一副世界末日的樣子 真的是去讀書應該是很開心的事吧?? 這麼重要的時候也只有中丸跟田口陪在身邊... 其他人呢???

老實說 赤西仁回來的可能性有多高 大家心裡有數... 除非有奇蹟出現 :p KT本來就只有2個仁紅 現在的KT真的是龜梨獨大了...... 赤西仁其實已經是我最不討厭的一個了~ 雖然他在Utawara對松本潤很無禮 但是還是看的出他們應該(?)很熟... 而且跟龜梨比 赤西仁沒什麼醜聞~ 看到KT搞成這樣真是心寒... 傑尼斯這幾年真的很不順... 出什麼group都有事

next, since KT is pretty much screwed now, Johnny's事務所 is gonna debute a NEW GROUP next year!!! "new group" meaning NOT the exisiting Jr. gorups 而且KT跟NEWS搞成這樣 也不可能再讓Jr.這麼快出道了... so what is this "new group"??? 大概一定有山P... 手越?? 有人傳4TOPS赴出... meh~ 不可能 除非有奇蹟 :p


such a long day for me.... and i got so much to say today~

had exam this afternoon which i did REALLY REALLY BAD!! no kidding!! i think i'm gonna fail... T____T but good that it only worth 25% of total mark.... AND I'M NOT DROPPING!!! i wanna have to graduate next year!!! then i went home and took a nap and went to my flute lesson~ 不知從何開始我對flute已經從"好煩"變成"喜歡" 我真是賽 十幾年都不換syllabus的flute今年卻換了=____=" 變的好難 根本是ARCT的level了.... 要是沒回台灣我早就考完十級了..... maa 算了 反正我也只是當興趣 級數對我根本不重要 (<-- 最近在這樣說服自己)

then, i went to a fd's place... have a drink and was trying to do some hw at the same time, but obviously, didn't work too well, the hw took us forever =P not to mentioned we got bitched in Tim Hortions =___=" 脾氣比我更差的人竟然忍住了!!! anywayz, 詳情請看[Ura] tomorrow or few days later :p)

ok, that's it for my boring life, move on to the Johnny's World

天啊 傑尼斯界最近謠言快傳瘋了!! (都跟A團沒啥關係說)

but before that, let me put down some Arashi News :p

- Kisarazu Cat's Eye team will be on Utaban to promot their new single that I pre-ordered 2 copies*o* (翔少最近減肥成功 超帥XD)

- Arashi will be having 4 shows in Korea!!! =_______=" 雖說在韓國的場地只容的下4500人 但也不用開4場吧??? 總共18000人 @___@ Arashi在韓國有這麼紅嗎??? 我想知道會不像台灣一樣 門票5小時賣90%~ 其實我最在意的是演唱會商品!!! com'on, the agency didn't plan this concert at the beginning, 麻煩把台con商品recycle 把"台北"改成"漢城"就好 別再拍新的照片了 >___< 至於內容 i bet it's pretty much like Taiwan's 哼 早就看過了 (吃不到的葡萄是酸的:p) but seriously, my only wish is don't release this as DVD >___< 不然我們台con就一點也不特別了!!!

- 台灣的[J-Asia]簡直就是所有台灣J fans的天堂!! GUESS WHAT?? they will be selling [DREAM BOY] 週邊商品!!! WHICH MEANS, THEY WILL BE SELLING OTHER JOHNNY'S ARTISTS' CONCERT/BUTAI GOODS IN THE FUTURE!!!!!!!! 天大的好消息啊!!!!!!! 不用在受西門町的的黑店的氣了!! and much more reasonable price too!! 好感動 不久的將來 日本fans有的福利 我們也會有嗎?? Julie姊 我們會證明這個決定是對的 我們絕對有心 更有經濟能力 XD

- finally, Jun is coming to NYC to film HYD2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRR, i wonder when that will be, X'mas???? girls, let's go to NYC for x'mas vacation!!!!!

anywayz, that's it for now, so tired... Johnny's大地震+謠言 tomorrow (more preciesly, about 12 hous later) stay tuend :p


sitting in class doing nothing now... bored, trying to study for my exam tomorrow... but doing no good... and is it freaking snowing outside now?? @___@

really screwed lately, got an assignment due today, class till 8pm tonight, exam tomorrow.... assignment due on Tue, then got this proposal which i got nothing done, nothing planned that's due on Wed, and got another exam which i only read 2 chapters on Thurs..... X___X life is hard... 6 courses does make a difference... (but my fd who is taking 6 courses only have 2 midterms!!! #$%_#$(%+_(@#$ but she's got tons of essay)

and I just find out i did so bad on my test last week... T___T

anywayz, something i wanna say about the Johnny's world... KAT-TUN's Akanishi Jin is suspended for the rest of the year!!!!!!!!!!!! the official reason is: "language study" but we all know it's just a lie... like, if it's someone from V6 or Tokio, that would make more sense, but KT???? a group that just debuted this year and is at the peak of their career??? yeah whatever.... but at least the "scandle" is still hidden, something that's soooooo bad that the agency has to sends him out of Japan?? =P there's no way the agency would let the most popular guy from the most popular group take a LONG break like that!! what could it be... haha, I bet another "love story" and it's probably someone that the Johnny's fans won't like or someone that's got no status in the entertainment world (not like Kyonkyon :p) anywayz, i'm just curious.... can't wait to read all the uwasa~ and it seems that Akanishi Jin won't be participating in their new song.... and i wonder when he's gonna return, or ever?? (and i wonder if their next single will sell without Akanishi... KT=Kame now :p) geez, how come it's always the young people that got into trouble..... (we never see someone from the Arashi generation getting into trouble...) ANYWAYZ, that's it for now.... =P


五月天=GLAY-wannabe #$%&(_#$*&%_$ 
seriously I wanna kill whoever composed the song, directed the MV and Mayday AND ENERGY #$(^*_#%*_)#$^*

my hate meter for Mayda is at its MAX now!!!! grrrr, 雖然也討厭SHE但是其實大家的argument很有道理 they are not the director of the MV and they are not the composer.... but 阿信 is probably the composer of this shitty song so he intened to COPY [SCREAM]$%*%(#+)$^* 台灣人都這麼厚臉皮嗎???? 五月天去日本的時候GLAY是把他們當作貴賓招待 這就是他們代人處世之道嗎?????? 牠們有什麼臉去見GLAY... and i thought Mayday stopped copying GLAY for a while... but i was wrong...

這首歌聽第一秒就非常似曾相識~ MV更是99.999999999999999%一樣 白色背景簡直是一模一樣 (當然沒有日本的好) 當然 他們的唱片公司是死也不會承認的 看看他們爭著眼說了什麼瞎話


ENERGY那幾隻侯子的舞蹈也是在學EXILE 但是跳不齊 真丟臉.... sigh.... GLAY跟五月天稱兄道弟所以有人會覺得他們是同等級 (pffft, Mayday is only popularcuz there are no other band in Taiwan) 但是EXILE跟ENERGY?????????? o_________O

anywayz, watch this shitty combination's shitty song's shitty MV with your own eyes.... here

if GLAY didn't appear in my only (and last) Mayday CD, I would've burn the CD and rip the booklet long time ago $#^_@#*%)@*#$

最後 我祝他們CD賣不出去 引來所有GLAY fans的反感 因為錢反目成仇 etc etc 還有 別來跟我說什麼"一點也不像" 我不想聽/看!!!!!!

(by the way, 韓國的Juper Junior的MV有一幕跟這個一模一樣~ GLAY 你們紅到韓國去了嗎?)



(too lazy to open Photoshop... so did it with paint but that program suck so much!! took me so long T___T)

● 房間幾坪?是什麼形狀?
.... no idea, but it's the master bedroonm :p pretty much a rectangle

● 房間整體看起來是什麼顏色?
multi-colur!!! 牆是白的 地毯是淺藍 家具是粉色/木色/白色 電視是黑色 XD

● 房間有什麼家具?
desk, bed, sofa, wardrobe, book shelf...

● 房間最多的是什麼?
..... CD!!! =P clothes, and plush animals

● 房間有貼海報什麼的嗎?

基本上已經貼到沒地方貼了~ 還有一堆從沒問過世的 和被我淘汰的數張安室的... L'arc en ciel, 平井堅, 宇多田光 小柳由紀 還有當時很厚顏無恥跟書店老闆要的[橘子醬男孩], [娃娃*愛你]海報~

● 房間最顯眼的東西是什麼?
..... saaa my poster??? :p

● 對自己的房間有什麼獨特的堅持嗎?
日式風!!! haha, no, not really.. 不准碰我桌上的東西 更不准碰我的CD

● 想看哪五個人的房間?
還好 對房間不太8... but whoever wants it, take it~

wtf, 我最近真的很不ok, mid-term next friday and i feel like i'm gonna fail the course so badly (cuz i only attended 2 lectures up until now XD) when this is suppose to be a bird course (?) then there's my "senior project" damn it, the proposal is due next next wed and i have another midterm right after that which i only read about 20 pages of the text @____@ 最stressful的當然還是那個死人proposal 什麼"something you would like to the question the society" %)(*@#_$ the world is perfectly fine and i got nothing to "question" it!!! 還要10+ scholar resources.... 怎麼死出來啊... 教這種課真涼 什麼都不用教 就叫學生回家 自己"think"

T____T can someone tell me how to study?? but anywayz, 就算天塌下來 Friday 我還是不會做任何事的


watched [Kuitan SP] but i didn't notice Aiba =P he only appeared for less than 8 seconds, no close up ToT whereas 天殺的龜梨和也出場就有布丁吃... 雖然不想承認 但是那一幕真的很帥 但是粉超厚 =P 好像會是很好看的一部愛情故事 but it's such a shame that it's not 月9 :p

also watched [名偵探柯南]真人版 not bad but nothing special about it... 金田一 is so much better :p

also watched [世界奇妙物語] the subbed ver came out soooooooooooo fast!! compare to MatsuJun's =____=" (cuz there's 光一王子?) 超失望 沒有一個故事好看 the only "funny" type of styoe is the one that an OL switched body with her boss.... but the story is so predictable... 光一王子的part也是超predictable... it's like 堂本剛跟中間由紀惠演過的那部穿越時空的.... my fav would be 廣末涼子's but only cuz i love ghost story~

明天要去Markham Rd辦點事 超想去Future Shop看一下我超想買的DS Lite.... 但是看了我就一定會買了 @___@ 不行 我要等到X'mas!!! arrrrr, 星期三忍不住誘惑 玩了1個小時的FFXII @_____@ 我果然還是很喜歡FF系列!!! but i'm not gonna play more until there's cheat code :p .....

plan for tmr:
- go to bookstore
- read
- read
- and read more T_____T
- play FFXII


バカです XDDD 
剛剛才弄完頭痛的progress report... (even tho i really had no progress :p 這果然是個要會BS的社會) 然後chat了一下 一開始還笑別人無聊 玩什麼"My Celebrity Look-alikes" 結果自己也跑去玩~ XDDDDD result我超滿意!!! 是 松隆子!!!!! haha 太抬舉我了~ 但是也太巧了 we have the same birthday 還有就是松本潤超喜歡松隆子的說~

XDDD 覺得自己好蠢~ haha 偶而做一下白痴事心情會不錯

you can try it here (如果你跟我一樣蠢的話 XDD)

(可惡的MO 夢人島live download了一個星期都還沒down完T____T 看來我又要上拍賣去讓那些無良商人賺了)


(天啊 最近超stressful X_______X 死人senior project超深奧 要至少10個PROFESSIONAL online sources... midterm前交 proposal 我要如何寫出一個我不知道會做出什麼東西的proposal?? and have to report progress every week #$)%*)+@#*$ 星期三要到了 我連一個research paper/journal都沒讀 又要被問的沒聲出了 T____T .................... weekend一直在讀書 ToT 好慘 我好像已經忘了要怎麼唸書了... 原來下星期一是Thanksgiving... 但是我星期一只有一堂客 好划不來............. 老實說我絕得回來以後運就就一直很差 好像所有不好的事都衝著我來....

還有有就是 最近在考慮到底要不要買Nintendo DS Lite... 怕買了只玩Mario(有過經驗了...) 又覺自己真的很忙 根本沒時間玩 加上FFXII要出了 我的時間+精神當然是要先奉獻給他啦~ 但是有很像在Thanksgiving 猛玩Mario... ARRRRR


anywayz........ 暑假時還開玩笑的說 NANA2 是Mika翻身的機會 但是不要再找hyde寫歌了 他的歌不好聽 is not my cup of tea~ 為什麼不找TAKURO寫呢 XDD 沒想到我隨便說說的話成真了 @____@ 好可怕 神啊 是你聽到我說的話了嗎?????? 那我還想中649

タイトル   :一色 (ひといろ) 
アーティスト :NANA starring MIKA NAKASHIMA
リリース日  :2006年11月29日
収録曲    :一色 /EYES FOR THE MOON(劇中歌) Instrumental含め計4曲収録
価格     :1,223円(Tax in)

[一色]が... 非常有GLAY的味道~ 不是一般沒什麼meaning的pop title~ 我想我99%會買~ 又多了一張耀敗的CD.................. 拜託 Arashi今年別再出了 X___X

Mika 你給我唱好一點 要是賣的比上一張差 (even tho i really see that coming...) 我會恨你一輩子的!!!

ehhhhhhhhh 但是11月29是傳聞KAT-TUN出新單曲的日子@_________@


仍然是亂七八糟... 但是開始一天吃兩餐了

i was actually really down yesterday (refer to [Ura] :p) but after some brainless talk, i'm fine now~ but the problem is 我現在超想要這個

wanted to get it since i heard the release of New Super Mario Brothers~ yes i am a BIG FAN!!! 天啊 光是聽到那音樂就讓我熱血沸騰了!!! 欲しい欲しい欲しい欲しい欲しい欲しい欲しい欲しい~~~~~~~~ @___@ 我想我99%會買 (for the sake of Mario) so what colour? 本來我是不用想都賄選白色 但是由於我對mac/ipod的hate越來越多 害我現在有點遷怒於白色... =___=" so i'm gonna say NO to white from now on!!!

aiyo, 真是超想要... 但是10月要買的東西實在是太多了... (雖然即使我買了老爸也不會說我) 而且想想 其實也沒有很貴(我今年暑假所買的雜誌就有找了XD) 比我的殘障手機還便宜 說實在的 我那手機到底有什麼這麼了不起要賣這麼貴? (haha, but i still love it~) 上禮拜在ebay上賣東西 扣掉成本賺了US$100~ 超開心 但是手續費超貴 要US$15 @____@ (打算叫姊姊在台灣幫我去西門町收刮) 這筆錢本來打算奉獻給Arashi... 現在打算給Mario...

i need money i need money... i need a job!!!!!!

(今天一邊看電視 一邊chat 然後一邊看書 超不productive XDD only read about 50 pages in the whole day.... 不行 明天要認真一點 >___<)

差點忘了說... 最進Oricon出現了一個不知名團體[AcQuA-E.P.] 奪下了no. 1 ....

原來是真正的"牛郎團" (偽牛郎團出現勁敵了?) @____@ .... 日本女生到底是在搞什麼啊?? 欲求不滿嗎??? 但是不論是造型 歌 舞蹈 真的非常的KAT-TUN+Johnny's feel!! 真是不知死活 我等著看喜爺封殺他們 難道現在真的要這種style才能紅?? Arashi應該也改走性感路線~ Arashi要是真的搞性感 其他人都要靠邊站 XD

acqua e.p.'s cm

Arashi - Right Back to You (一定要看到最後 最後一幕超帥XD)

這才叫"跳舞" (REAL FACE的那也敢叫跳舞... 算了 KT是出名的沒默契) 這才叫rap (seriously, don't write in English if you don't know it)

最後 WHY IS KAMENASHI IN EVERYTHING LATELY???????? GRRRR~ he's already in a 月9, and will be in 北川悦吏子's latest dorama, he's in the 24H special dorama and now he's in the [喰いタンSP]!!! =___=" i thought Higashiyama hates doesn't like him... 可惡 Kuitan有Aiba-chan客串就夠了啊~ 在加個龜梨和也 都不知道到底誰才是主角了 但是拖某龜的福 字幕版應該很快就會出現


Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
[+] May 2004
[+] June 2004
[+] July 2004
[+] August 2004
[+] September 2004
[+] October 2004
[+] November 2004
[+] December 2004
[+] January 2005
[+] February 2005
[+] March 2005
[+] April 2005
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[+] November 2009


version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
