
窮人就是我 :p

- 會貪小便宜
- 喜歡在人擠人的時後去搶減價貨
- 會留意減價的flyer
- 會為了區區幾塊錢特地開車到別的地方買

金錢不是萬能的 但是沒有錢也是萬萬不能 :p


............... 為什麼可以唱的這麼...."大陸feel" ..... and is this girl a professional singer??(her name is 秦海璐) 吸氣地方完全不對 而且為什麼沒有消音??? 讓我不明白的是 為什麼可以把一首ROCK song唱的一點都不ROCK??? 尤其是intro的"Ah~~~~" 真是太大陸feel!! oh yeah, the first thing in my mind was "有沒有付版權費啊??"






i watched [笑之大學]while i was practicing my flute..... 2個字 - "爛片" :p 完全沒有point.... 日本果然沒有能看的電影.... (為什麼Hisashi會看這種片???)

我現在每天都早睡早起 why? 因為最近看房都是在早上.... 而且我如果睡眠不足就吹不了笛了 所以為了習慣能夠在下午2點以最佳狀態吹 要現在開始練習!!! 天啊 只剩11天了 X_____X


More J-pop news~~~ 
WEEE~~ this summer is gonna be really exciting~

Date: 7.20
Title: Scream
weee~~~~ still cant believe they are actaully releasing a single together.... UMMMM 其實3 vocal+a full band也不會太吵........... (<- 一點說服力也沒有 :p haha, but i really iwanna see the live, 又有band又跳舞???? o____O) but actaully, i dunno how it's gonna be... cuz first i only heard that TAKURO will be the "producer" of EXILE's new single.... but then now it says "GLAY X EXILE"..... let's wait and see..... and it's gonna be Avex的慣例 CD+DVD!!!!!

Southern All Stars
Date: 7.20
Title: unknown
@____@又要同時發片?? GLAY+EXILE 一定不能輸啊~~~~ 不過SAS應該是屬於"慢慢賣"的typ吧.... haha如果L'arc en ciel也來參一腳 那就更有趣了~(跟2000年的情形一樣:p) AND SAS 要在6月25日重出過去的44張8cm單曲!!! yes, i repeat "44"!!! 史上最大的rip off :p here.... 完了 我有預感 在不久的將來GLAY也會重出8cm單曲 X_______X

Date: 7.13
Title: Queen of Hip-Pop
這真是我聽過最沒創意的名字.......... oh well, not like i'm getting this album.... 有兩首我會用"難聽"來形容的歌..... i guess hip pop really is not my type :p

........懶的說了 反正就是要狂出牒....... but what's with all those "ful" ???? Eventful, Delightful, Hopeful.....


haha, didnt realize that the dvd cover is out till now :p

28 songs in total!! 還有一些off stage花絮 全長4個小時~ 比AYU的演唱會DVD划算多了

I love the cover!!! 不過真是超不公平的 :p 算了 是常有的事

can't wait to get it!!!!!!!!! *O*

今年的第5張百萬專輯出現了!!! BoA的"Best of Soul" ...... >___< arrrr, why is it BoA??? ..... 不過以"精選"來說 百萬只能算普通吧.... 第6張應該是"Def Tech"吧... (i have no idea why it's selling like mad....怪怪的電子舞曲+hip hop... 不過是比Orange Range正中的hip hop :p)

KAT-TUN的演唱會DVD累積銷售量竟然有16萬 @_____@ 天啊 that's more than AYU.... 現在的年輕人... :p

and i was watching Janne Da Arc's "月光花" live on Music Station~ 主音唱的好到讓我懷疑是不是對嘴的~ ummm, 果然 搞樂團的都很會唱 但是為什麼勒?


Orange Range.................. 
sorry if i offended anyone.... :p

i was just listening to their new song "Love Parade" .... ummm, it sounds 100 times better than "Asterisk"

but.... ummm 好吵!!! 3 vocal+a full band實在是太~~~~吵了!!! and i gotta say, this is such a WERID song... cuz the music itself sound like band music but the singing is so hip hop.... 吉他終於有自己的solo part了~~ 但是總覺得不夠清楚 其他樂團的吉他solo都是清楚到可以一起哼出來的........

again, their music is TOOOOOOOOOOO NOISY to me.... 而且是多種不同聲音的'吵'.... @_____@ 以前聽快歌的時候還不覺得 但是慢歌就.... (oh yeah, this is suppose to be a "ballad")

arrrr >____< 我實在是不想看到這張單曲大賣....


今天又去看房了~ 是往Markham方向看 真是越看越好~ 自認自己是個很挑剔的人 但是連我也只能用"正"來形容今天看過的house~ 好到讓我覺得以前的house賣了是正確的選擇 (ppl who know me should know that 我對以前的house真是超級捨不得)

aiya, 但是哥哥一直嫌遠... 我倒是覺得住好一點 遠也不是問題.... 如果說是Scarborough區 那真是只有Mcnicoll and Kennedy能住人(that's if *I* get the master bedroom :p) their garden is so beautiful~ and i love how there's doors to the garage in both the main floor and the second floor~ BUT my bro said that 看到廁所有"小強"的屍體@______@ 到加拿大8年都還沒看過這個生物說...



IT"S SUCH A CUTE GAME!!! look at it~ 3D Hello Kitty!!!!! i actually rushed to Pacific Mall around 7:30(:p 我是屬於想做就立刻做的type~) but all the stores are closed already T_____T 是翻版生意太好賺了嗎? 所以很早就收工....

watch the trailer~
grrrrr, apartment沒有通知的停水X____X害的我想喝水也不能喝 因為要留著晚上刷牙+洗臉用......



不過師傅說我的examiner是one of the easiest... (所以沒什麼好得意的) 基本上他都幫我看好了 叫我換線的時候都是一輛車也沒有的時候... and i was praying that there will be a parked car !!! cuz if i didn't do parallel parking, then the chance i'll do a back-in at the center would be VERY HIGH!!!! (yes, i still can't back-in :p) oh, 我最不想見到的"黃燈"也沒出現~ haha 我只能說是好運~ 沒車+遇到好的考官+不用back-in

要跟"no speeding", "look right and left at intersection", "keep the right lane", "hand over hand", "angle parking" and "parallel parking" 說再見了~~ :D (I'll keep "check blind spot" for now)

還剩一個"exam" 加油吧~


因為意見多多 所以還沒決定要買哪裡... 我媽喜歡apartment, 我喜歡townhouse... 不過最終還是決定"townhouse"!!! 不在這裡的人沒有發言權!! 就像2年前她們趁我不在 私自賣了house~ 我覺得McNicol and Kennedy很好 但是哥哥說有電纜會生cancer... =___=" 哥哥說Mccowan and Finch地點不錯 但是我覺得那一區舊.... 姑姊說Highway 7 and Mccowan不錯 但是哥哥又說撘公車要兩段票 而且下班時間超塞車....

yeah, 因為效率比預期慢.... 所以我應該會延期回去.... 本來想7月11... 但是已經full了....最快要18號... =_______=" 爸爸想叫哥哥回香港... 而且是坐"國泰" 說什麼他轉兩次機一定轉不來 聽了就氣...(記得上一次哥哥回香港從機票到整理行李都是我媽一手包辦) 算了 我其實很想在東京轉機~ 而且轉機對我來說真的是一點難度也沒有


save the kitty~

someone sent this to me this afternoon and asked me to solve it......... X____X took me like 10 min!!!! 試了無數次... 不過解開的時候一點成就感也沒有 反而覺得自己很白痴... 1) it took me so long to get this stupid game :p 2)為什麼要花時間玩這種白痴game?

so yeah, posting the link so that you can try this stupid game too :p


Yesasia的marketing plan is so smart!!! 
the $5 coupon plan is ending on May 31st!! and even tho i got nothing to buy, i got this 衝動to buy something and get my last $5 coupon...
oh yeah, forgot to mention... 今天上flute課的時候居然被早來的下一堂的學生說"吹的好好".... 第一個感想是"我也有今天???" :p haha她大概是初學所以聽不出好壞 :p


J-pop news~ 
ohhh~ 安室的兒子的撫養權交還給了安室!!!! congrats!!! 原因是SAM交了新女朋友and有結婚的打算(??) 所以嫌溫大是托油瓶?? 真是差勁的男人....

Boa is going with her stylist M君 that's 26 yrs old!! ..... ok la.... i guess 8 years older is a lot better than 15 years....

AYU is releasing new single this fall~ and it's the theme song of the movie that i really wanna watch - [忍-SHINOBI] *o* cuz it's by my favourite actress - 仲間由紀惠!!!! and the story is about 忍者~ sound very interesting~ and now, it's got AYU to sing the theme song~~~ makes me wanna watch it even more!!!! 日本去年大賣的戨大部分都是電影/電視主題曲~ ie: ORANGE RANGE's "Hana", Hirai Ken's "Hitomi O Tojite", Shibasaki Kou's "Katachi Arumono", Mr. Children's "Sign" (......不過也有賣不好的... ie: Hikki's "Dareka no negai ga kanau koro"...) 希望今年AYU的戨也會大賣 ~~

"Trick TV Special" is going on TV this year!!!! (dunno when tho..) and "Trick the Movie 2" will be air in japan in 2006!!! cant wait to watch them~ I WANT "TRICK4"!!!! and she's gonna be in 2006的大河drama~ but not looking forward to it... 大河drama is always boring even tho it's got high 收視率... (I tried to watch 義經 for like 10 ep, for the sake of 後藤真希... but she still didnt come out!!! grrrr... so i gave up...)

(oh yea, didnt bother to post the japanese link of these news.... cuz i think most ppl here cant read japanese 看我的加油添醋版的translation就夠了 :p)

Love Holic 
hehe, yes, me still wantching it~ but... i really dont get why i enjoy watching this 超級老套的愛情故事... it's like.... i can already predict what's going to happen next.... :p in ep 3, Kang Ta killed a guy by accident.... then what's going to happen next is probably he is going to jail, but before that he will break up with the girl 說一些殘酷的話 不過其實是為了她好 不希望女主角浪費時間等自己... 然後從監牢出來後 一定會"偶遇" 但是這時候女方已經有了未婚夫 男方為了讓女方能夠安心結婚一定會隨便找一個女的假裝是自己的女朋友... 然後男女主角會因為某些事故發現自己最喜歡的人是對方 然後無情的跟現任情人說bye bye~ 但是最後男女主角其中一人 一定會因為某事故喪生死亡 剩下來的那一個則會一輩子想念著對方孤獨終老~ THE END :p haha, i kinda have a feeling that one of the main characters will die at the end~ Korean drama LOVE that for some reason :p

OMG someone tell me 為什麼我為喜歡看這種超典型的愛情劇??? "I don't know why, I want to know why" (<--- 猜一首歌 :p)

the BGM is the theme song of the drama~ such a beautiful song~ but kinda sounded like Janne Da Arc's [月光花] to me...


i watched [Kingdom of Heaven] today~ it's not bad... but the storyline is kinda weak....

ohhh, and I wanna watch [Mr. and Mrs. Smith] so much now!!! the trailer is so good!!!! *o* and for the first time in my life that i actually think Brad Pitt 真的像別人說的一樣帥 :p (and not to mention the *special 上映日期* haha, yeah, i just mentioned it)

Tom Cruise's [War of the Worlds]也是另一個必看的movie~ but it seems like one of those typical 災難片+外星人片....
明天又要學車... 煩.... and stupid Canadian Tire made me waited for about 1.5 hour for the drive clean test today X_____X


had 3 hours of driving with no A/C!!! X________X ..... but i think i got rid most of my bad habits on driving tho~

let me list what i still need to master :p

- control the speed!!!
- back-in..... >___< still stuck at it.... but i dont get why i can do parallel parking so well.... hardly even do it in my everyday driving....
- 上了highway entrance的斜坡後要cancel signal....

hope i can pass the test.... X____X dont ever wanna drive like that again in my life.... (the driving test and my music test) 好大壓力 比學校exam還辛苦.... 甘爸爹!!


Love Holic 
official site (haha 完全看不懂的韓文site... 隨便click click :p)

........ ok 我要confess..... 之前還一直批評韓劇... 但是我現在居然被一部韓劇深深吸引了.... it's acted by ex-HOT member 安七炫~ (第2件要confess的事就是... 其實我一向都滿喜歡Kang Ta的戨..........he's THE and ONLY Korean singer(that sings Korean) i listen to... (Boa doesnt count cuz she sings in Japanese:p))

Kang Ta勉強也稱的上是帥哥 就是女主角差了點... 這部片基本上是一部愛的死去活來的愛情劇... watched 2 episodes so far.... and 好多scene都好sweet喔~~~~~ AWWWWWW~~~ 韓國果然拍愛情劇很有一套~ (日劇跟港劇都缺少的) 雖然很多trick都似曾相識 but that's ok~ :p

but the 女主角的未婚夫有夠大男人主義 grrrr 看的好生氣 真想早點看到女主角dump him

ohh and i finally started watching Bleach the anime~ 活生生的KON is SOOOOOOO CUTE!!! *o* and i gave ORANGE RANGE's "Asterisk" one last chance.... blah, still sound horrible..... can't believe they call that "singing"..... Rie fu's "Life is like a Boat" is growing on me tho~


hahaha, you msut watch this clip if you have played Super Mario Brothers before~~~ it's AMAZING!!! waaaaa~ 原來真的可以閉著眼睛彈.... 千萬要看完喔~ 因為最後一段才是經典 (可能因為本人沒有看過什麼鋼琴演奏 那對我來說已經很了不起了)

omg, i never know my memory is THAT bad.... @____@ i was watching The Lord of the Ring at a fd's house today... and i felt like I was watching a totally new movie ..... can't remember anything.....

and i always thought i have good memory on stuff like TV show, drama those kinda 沒用的東西..... i'm only getting 20..... why is my memory capacity decreasing as if i'm turning to 50??? :p


好大隻 Toro!!! 

KAWAII!!!! and the proportion is really good~ compare to 大隻的Hello Kitty :p

arrrrr 一堆麻煩事要除理...

- 驗車: >___< 我根本不懂車 根本不會.... 一定會被騙.... 煩喔 我媽就這樣拍拍屁股走了 什麼都不理... 哥哥藉著"不會開車" 也是什麼都不理.....
- 整理家裡的垃圾: 我媽跟哥哥都是屬於捨不得丟東西的人(其實我也是 但是我的症狀比較輕微) 所以家裡堆了一堆垃圾(they call it "有紀念價值的東西" but在我看來都是垃圾).... 光是要丟的大件家具就有4, 5 樣了X_____X

還要看房子+搬家, 5月中底要考G牌 所以要忙著練車 6月要考RCM所以要開始跟鋼琴練習..... arrrr 好煩 一想到就煩 T____T


so freaking bored.... and somehow... and i realized that MSN 上的人越來越少.... ehhh 大家跑去哪裡了??? 一天過的實在太快了 而且根本什麼都沒做.... 起床都已經3, 4 點了 根本就不想出門 :p

i was watching the j-drama called [anego] and it's actually pretty interesting~ 是為了友坂理惠看的 但是他的戲份少的可以.... T___T 這一季都沒什麼好看的日劇... 長賴智也演的日劇本來還很期待 是講黑色會.... 但是跟我想的差太遠了 是不太搞笑的搞笑-wanna be片...

and i totally ran out of manga to read.... and started reading [日式麵包王].... 是幾年前聽了名字而放棄他的漫畫... 現在竟然淪落到... :p

ohh~ and 一青窈's [影踏み] is soooooo good!!! i fall in love with the song when i heard it for the first time!! and also tried Rie Fu's songs.... her style it's sooooo western!!!(廢話 從英國來的啊) but sound like those country style :p

download 一青窈's [影踏み]

it's got some interesting photo..... 日本還真多適合拍鬼片的地方~ AND~ when i saw "No.6" ohhhh ~ 好眼熟 沒錯 是GLAY得Heavy Gauge PV拍攝地 so i decided to take some screenshots of the PV~ such a cool PV~~~~

the end of the world...










and the 十字架

心願完成, 化成粉狀...


2000年的CG... 這已經算不錯了~


arrrr 本來今天是很好的一天~ did quite good during my driving lesson in the morning~

then, by the time i came home, my bro is suppose to get ready and we leave within an hour... but... 他一個小時後都還沒起床... 我用很不爽的心情去叫他起床 結果還是拖了 30分鐘... 然後他用很慢的速度get ready又花了30分鐘... 當時心情很不好 為什麼這麼大個人 完全沒有時間觀念 為什麼我還要去叫他起床? 我又不是他媽 #$(*%_*%+*(+!#@($ (雖然我的睡覺時間也是亂七八糟 但是要早起的時候是絕對不會遲的!!) 然後還叫我要"tolerate"他 說什麼睡眠不夠 @$^*(+@#(*$%+(@$ 如果知道今天要出去 就應該自己control時間 早點睡啊 一大堆bs藉口

就這樣一路吵 一路開車... AND I SKIPPED A "STOP SIGN" >____< arrrrr...... 好guilty... arrr, feel so bad 月底該不會收到罰單吧??? oh noooooo~~~~ >____< 我人生的污點.... and it's at a busy intersection too.... and during 放學時間.... i'm so scared....(all my brother's fault <--遷怒)


不明白... 為什麼日本人這麼愛搞什麼 "初回限定版", "完全生產限定版", "預購限定版"... 每次看到"限定版"這3個字 就有無形的壓力...... 雖然說買CD是回去聽的...但是如果知道有所謂的"限定版"存在 而自己卻沒有 相信會是一種很痛苦的感覺吧?? 不過說實在的 我的日本版CD 大多都是拿來"看"的... 因為他實在是太~~~~~~貴了 通常都是買回來聽1個星期 看一次歌詞本 然後就把他封印(放回盒子&塑膠套裡) 然後把MP3燒的version拿出來聽... (haha, good that i dont have good ears, cant really tell the difference btw MP3 burned CD and original CD :p)

所以其實日版CD反而是我聽的最少的CD.... 因為日版CD根本不是拿來聽的... 所以就更想要收藏"限定版"!!! .....

昨天爸爸打電話來 我跟他說我訂了JAL的機票~ 因為便宜CDN$400 但是爸爸卻說JAL要轉兩次機很麻煩 如果delay就趕不上了... 叫我乾脆訂國泰... 但是差CDN$400耶!!!! (就是台幣1萬*o* 3萬多日幣.... 可以買一部MD walkman有找...或是Panasonic的Lumix digi-cam... 或是10張日版album 或是30張日版單曲 @____@) 很想說不如那差額給我 我辛苦一點沒關係 但是當然沒說出口啦:p haha, 不過我真的覺得多轉一次飛機無所謂 (只要飛機不delay就好) 而且還可以到我最愛的日本~~ *O*..... haha不過如果JAL沒位子 我可能就真的要坐國泰了......


something's missing.... 
..... 這幾天過著悠閒的生活... 但是好像怪怪的... 實在是太閒了!!! 起床後 開始看電視/漫畫... 然後到吃飯時間 然後練笛... 然後又看電視/漫畫.... 一天就這樣過了.... 這就是我嚮往的生活?? 好像不是這樣吧..... anywayz, 星期一要開始學車... 然後等其他人考完試 上完班 再出去玩吧~

so I was running out of comic last night, and decided to read 風之谷 that i downloaded long time ago but never had the chance to read it....

and it's SOOOOOO GOOOD!!!! the movie is only about 1/5 of the comic... 漫畫裡詳細的解釋了為什麼世界會變成這樣 巨大的怪蟲是從哪裡來的 終極兵器 黴菌森林等... 電影完全沒的比~ they should make TV anime of it... the story is too long to squeeze in 2 hours!!!


Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
[+] May 2004
[+] June 2004
[+] July 2004
[+] August 2004
[+] September 2004
[+] October 2004
[+] November 2004
[+] December 2004
[+] January 2005
[+] February 2005
[+] March 2005
[+] April 2005
[+] May 2005
[+] June 2005
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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
