我也不想一直talk about Johnny's artists.... 搞的我好像花痴 :p but i'm not!!! (來不及了嗎?) 但是決定順求名意 :p
here goes another Johnny's countdown concert, the same song: Andalucia ni Akogarete (the quality is kinda bad.... but i'm too lazy to cut it from the actual concert.... 所以忍耐點吧)
this one is actually a lot more organized!! 但是偏袒the oldies前輩~ so 輩分最小的嵐沒有solo... (News跟KTA-TUN有在嗎?) but LOVE their 拉丁 dance!! 尤其是拍手的部分 (松潤大特寫 :p)
歡呼聲最大的是光一跟森田剛 (之前寫錯了~~) compare to them, 其他人出場的時候一點聲音也沒有
東山紀之 + ?? (少年隊?), 翼, 長賴智也 (TOKIO), V6 guy and some other ppl??, 國分太一(TOKIO), 山口達也 (TOKIO), 堂本光一 (Kinki Kids), 大也智 (嵐), 松本潤 (嵐), 森田剛 (V6), 櫻井翔(嵐), ?? (少年隊), ??, KAT-TUN在前排伴舞 (當年連唱的份都沒有 :p)
光一真是誇張出場啊~ 森田剛的後空翻應該算失敗吧 :p but i dont get why 今井翼 也可以誇張出場...
and notice how this is only HALF of the group? 嵐: 2/5, V6: 3/6, Kinki Kids: 1/2, Tokio: 2/5, 瀧與翼: 1/2 the other half is ready to perform another song at the other endo f the stage~ (that's it!! i'm not uploading anymore Johnny's stuff!!! no more reuqest :p)

oh yeah, another streaming video that i found interesting~
曾幾何時 大家都是Johnny's Jr and our almighty SMAP are in the video too!!!
and am i the last one in the world to know that "KAT-TUN" is named after their names?? 龜梨和也
Kamenashi, 赤西仁
Akanishi... etc :p (dunno the others)
awww, but that is so unfair, 為什麼年紀最小的龜梨排第一 而且看[野豬大改造]的時候 也覺得山下像配角... 被新人後來居上的感覺一定很不好吧 :p 想當年 瀧澤秀明 and 松潤(he's Johnny's "精英" at the time!! 是被Johnny's 高層發現 沒有經過audition就加入的!!!) 出道後 Johnny's Jr 可以說是他的天下了
雖說Johnny's藝人每個都紅 但是 "関ジャニ8" 可以說是有史以來出道單曲賣的最差的吧 我也是今年9月 他們跟AYU同時出CD才知道有他們的存在 (又要跟AYU同時出CD了!!!) 雖說當時超危險 只差個8000張 但是傑尼斯藝人只以第一個禮拜賣 所以長遠來講還是不足已造成威脅
ok i swear this is the last Johnny's video i'm uploading, this topic is coming to an end!! geez, 喜歡傑尼斯就承認嘛~~ :p
傑尼斯藝人成人禮 從堂本光一 到今年的赤西仁~(所有嵐成員都有出現~) 創下最高觀賞者的是瀧澤秀明那年~~ 2800人~~ but i love MatsuJun and Nino's year~ 感覺一點也不嚴肅 :p MatsuJun用擴音器跟歌迷講話感覺很好玩...
我真的是不適合做group project.... 而且我真的覺得自己脾氣不錯... compare to 班上的人... 為了一點小事氣半天 別浪費大家時間好嗎? 我不是來聽你抱怨的 ...
等一下又要去group member家練習... meet meet meet,根本還沒準備好, meet個頭啊 到時候不又是聊天... @#$)#$^I_ 他們自己住的近就說... 但是我住的遠ㄟ!!!
i had a chat with my fd during break today... 原來我們想法相同... 只是沒有人出聲... 一班是非精 自私又自立 自以為是 見人說人話 見鬼說鬼話 .... 是我們這些在溫室裡長大的中國人不知道人間險惡嗎?
等我回來再寫 今天的meet有多麼"efficient".... =____=" 再兩天再兩天!! presentation過後如果還說要meet 我也懶的理他們了 "網站" 是可以自己在家裡做的
haha 是不是覺得這一篇 英文少了很多? well, this is such a small world... 還是小心點好 :p
肥來了~ 如我所料 除了 聊天+一點Photoshop 沒有任何進展....明明就是可以自己一個人做的事(選幾張照片也選半天 要是我選的話 5分鐘就搞定了) 浪費我的時間+油!!! sigh... 中國人的話... 一定是大揪都懶的meet 自己各有各做 然後presentation前一天再說說順序就OK了... 加拿大是個沒效率的國家.... gonna watch drama and do nothing else tonite~

Baka好奇心: 一生份的OO
haha, i was watching "D no Arashi"... and those guys are BAKA =P ok, so the episode is about 一生份的OO (from birth to the age of 80)
toilette paper:
female - 6080 rolls
male - 1520 rolls
egg: 26,300
rice: 5t
miso soup: 185kg
salt: 450kg
sugar: 1450kg
shampoo: 192L
underwear: 400
"gas": 36,500L
hair: 9.5kg
11/16 發行Single 期待指數
weee~~ got no. 1! (*claps) i was listening to their single this afternoon.... and i think the best song from their single is the 3rd track: [二人の記念日] 聖誕節氣份十足的歌~
嵐 - 二人の記念日
(com'on, it's YSI... download it and give it a try...給點面子 =P) 明明就是100%的J-pop song 卻還可以加給句rap~ but i like Sho's rap, buecause it's so not hip-hop :p
spent the whole day (actually, started at 3, 起床後 吃完午飯 休息一下 :p) doing school work!! and it's such an efficient day~~ took less time than i expected... 好~ 加油~ 各了星期三我就可以開始休息了~~~~~~~~~~ 萬歲~~~~

Me no Johnny's fan!!!
does that sound convicing?? :p haha, but it's true...
so i downloaded quite a lot of Shuuji & Akira's live....(i only did that because it's is a nice song.... and it's right there, and it's direct link...) and what the hell, 把觀眾當白痴嗎? 只有前面2, 3句有在唱 後面就開始對嘴!! (yeah, it's so obvious, that's when the song starts to sound good) 只唱2, 3句而已 龜梨還會忘詞..... i think i can understand why KTA-TUN still didnt release their own cd yet.... 我到現在還沒看過有歌星上Music Station是lip-synch的... but i find their "野豬power" 姿勢非常搞笑!! haha, and it's amazing how their fans can do the dance!! awww, and even tho their single sold WAY better than 宇多田的[Be My Last] 宇多田還是第一個出場的~~ (下禮拜嵐上Music Station!!!!)

their Utaban talk is so good!! they showed what Johnny's artists are made of =P 山下智久 kinda sucked (he used to be good...), but 龜梨超利害!!! but i think 二宮 from Arashi did a much better job at the age of 16!! (MatsuJun sucked back then :p) haha 其實所有傑尼斯藝人都會說... 沒什麼好大驚小怪
DOWNLOAD: Shuuji & Akira doing 後空翻~ok, here goes the better quality version of the link i posted yesterday...
there's another one from the year before... i'll uplaod that some other time... that one is really good!! the dance~ but Jun gets no solo part and close-up =___="
DOWNLOAD: Johnny's Big Surprise Countdown Concert 2004-2005 - Andalucia ni Akogarete原來我還蠻多朋友喜歡傑尼斯藝人的... 物以類聚? no no no!!! 我只喜歡嵐!!! 其他人都是順便而已!!!
haha 最近真的覺得自己的日文很不錯~ ARASHI的variety show我幾乎都看的懂~ (or maybe it's because they talk about stupid stuff :p)
went to school to do my project today X____X tired... 星期六還要去學校感覺很不好... so have been slacking off since i got home and did nothing :p 明天一定要開始做功課了 T____T

花より男子 episode 04
awwww 第4集已經完全是一部"愛情片"了~ 好不想看到松潤演白痴 但是又覺得他演的超好~看得我覺得"道明寺司" 這個角色好慘 (看漫畫的時候完全沒有任何 sympathy :p 從頭到尾都希望杉菜是跟類在一起) 松潤的眼神超棒~
>___< 又要等一個禮拜才有的看... and i'm "suppose" to be really busy this week... got a big presentation on wed......... 捱過星期三就可以休息了!!
接下來有一連串 嵐上各大音樂節目的live~~ weeee~~ and i'm glad that 松潤 straightened his hair on Music Fighter.... and 松潤站中間!! 畢竟是他主演的連續劇主題曲~ 希望不要只唱[WISH] 也唱唱[イチオクノホシ] such a beautiful ballad!!! 11.16 should be safe... their only competitor is probably 安室.... 猜猜看我比較希望誰拿no. 1?? haha 根本不用猜也知道答案 :p (不過如果是AYU that would be another story) 修二 & 彰 still doing good on Oricon... 下下禮拜應不會還拿第一名吧 做後輩的應該要留點面子給前輩吧!!
but to be honest, their song is so addictive.... so i downloaded their live on Music Station... omg Yamapi (aka 山下久智) 看起來老了好多!! blah, but they can't sing and dance... back up dancers中 有個超級大特寫的小鬼原來是 木拓的[Engine]裡的其中一個小孩!! 原來是傑尼斯Jr.. no wonder he gets such a good role in Engine~ 5 年內會出道吧 :p
haha, i just realized that EVERY entry i posted this week is about 嵐... omg.... i gotta stop this.... 再給我一點時間 i'll get back to normal soon :p
for ppl who are bored: Johnny's Big Surprise Countdown 2004-2005 (open link in new window)
喊的出名字嗎? "関ジャ二∞" 成員我一個也喊不出來 :p (松潤有超級大特寫!!!)
出場順序: 光一, 剛(Kinki Kids), 山下智久 (NEWS), ?? :p, 龜梨(KAT-TUN), 松潤(嵐), 大野(嵐), 翼, 瀧, ??, ?? (光Genji), 岡田准一(V6), 長賴等其他TOKIO, V6, 嵐 etc ... 沒特寫...
haha, omg!! I CAN NAME MOST OF THEM!!!!! 是他們太紅了還是我其實下意識的有留意Johnny's藝人? but 上一年的countdown演唱會更好看~ 舞跳的超好~ but there's no streaming ver and i'm too lazy to upload :p oh, forgot to mention, this concert took place in 東京巨蛋喔~ (msg me if u want better quality ver...)


還在持續發瘋中~~ :p
ARASHI在我心中的地位已經上升到跟AYU & GLAY 差不多的地方了 :p
awww, MatsuJun *o* ARASHI裡最小 最愛扮酷 最自戀 最常罵人的一個 對前輩講話最不客氣的~
i was watching this game that MatsuJun played with KAT-TUN, 明明就是同年 甚至有年紀比較大的 還要擺出一副前輩的架子 還出手打現在人氣十足的赤西!! :p 不過赤西也太沒大沒小了 始終都是前輩說... ohh, and but 龜梨唱歌超爛 嚴重走音!! @____@
不過說到ARASHI跟KAT-TUN, ARASHI真的是很好運~ 出道時是16, 17, 18歲!! 應該是傑尼斯藝人最年輕 "正式" 出道的其中一組~ (i think SMAP debuted around that age too?) KAT-TUN 也不過是比ARASHI小個1~2歲 有的還同年 但是到了05年都還沒出道... 而且KAT-TUN擺明捧龜梨跟赤西 其他人真是很慘...
so i was watching 歌笑HOT Hit 10... i can't believe they put so many Johnny's artists with 早安家族 artist~ haha, 早安家族成員不是出名喜歡倒追傑尼斯藝人的嗎?? awww, but 松潤 跟本很少上鏡... 沒想到KAT-TUN唱歌居然是唱對嘴!!!!!!! 耍人嗎? 要知道日本上音樂節目是沒有人會對嘴的!!! 讓我對他們的實力感到懷疑... now i really want to see Shuji & Akira's live!!!
說起來 為什麼傑尼斯藝人會這麼紅呢? 從小開始訓練 唱歌 跳舞 演戲 各方面都要有一定的水準 才能出道 能夠出道的都是從Johnny's Jr 萬中選一的 :p 所以出道的時候也不覺得像新人 因為已經有豐富的經驗 not like 早安家族 隨便 audition完後就可以當歌星了
omg, did i just "稱讚" 我討厭的那個"傑尼斯"???.... haha, 討厭是一回事 實力又是另一回事... 不知道今會不會有有count down演唱會~ 期待ing~ (haha 我完了 :p)
Johnny's artists caldenar won't be released till April.... awww 要開始存錢~ 不過傑尼斯是出"日歷"不是"月曆" 感覺比較划算 :p
今天下了今年第一場雪~ haha remind me of 中島美嘉的[雪之華] :p
我今天... 要檢討... i'm totaly broke this month 所以要開始省吃檢用 (平常是絕對不會在"吃"的方面省 可見我現在有多窮) 但是又受不住誘惑 出去吃晚飯 既然決定要出去就不應該太cheap!! 搞的自己很窮酸... 很討厭的感覺... ok, next time, 我一定要鐵下心腸 絕對不出去!!!
花樣男子記者會~ aww, i love how they described matsujun~ "天下無敵的野獸王子" haha 好貼切~ but i dont like his curly hair in HYD >___<

"各位庶民 大家好" XDDDD but of course he's just joking~

there~ u saw the topic, u can close the window if u r tired of my madness
let me start with my lucky day first~ just had my midterm that worth only 10% today :p haha, and i did amazingly well!!!it's my best midterm this so far~ considering the amount of effort i put into it~ haha 昨晚10點才開始溫 還要是一邊chat, 一邊看我的ARASHI演唱會~~ 完全是看不起他只worth 10% :p 想說 there's not a big difference between 6% and 8%~ 不過debug question i only got 10/15 X____X 好慘 沒辦法 天生粗心大意... (JavaScript is so much harder than Visual Basic...a space, period, or semicolon can ruin the whole thing....)
but my prof really did the retarded grouping system for our in class assignment today... he grouped the students with highest mark and the student with the lowest mark~ so i ended up doing all the work... but that's ok~ i'm lucky that my members are all nice ppl~ so the atmosphere is nice and calm~
you have no idea how much ARASHI stuff i downloaded and watched these few days... i'm just downloading like mad :p
awwww, 不是我偏心 但是嵐真的是傑尼斯唱的最好的+跳的最好的!! 一開始真的只是抱著 "看看就好"的心態 and never expected to be able to sing... com'on, they are "Johnny's" afterall.... but i was totally wrong!! 他們可以比其他同期的傑尼斯(ie: 龍澤秀明, 今井翼 etc) 早出道是有原因的!! haha, yeah... i'm totally in love with them now 而且連其他member都開始喜歡 :p (my entire winamp playlist is filled with "ARASHI") and 他們是唯一一個 上電視 沒有帶一大班 Johnny's JR 伴舞的group!! i really hated that...
i LOVE the part that they dance 拉丁舞(拉丁風格的舞 to be exact...) 超帥!! 尤其是Johnny's count down concert裡跳的~ 大家都好利害!! haha, i'll upload the file in the future :p
有人說松潤像木拓... 會嗎? 我覺得只有髮型有一點點像... and 我想我真的瘋的很嚴重 松潤跟木拓同台 我居然覺得松潤比較帥!!!! omg.... :p

and SMAP are so funny~ haha, 居然說是ARASHI的fans~ 感覺好像傑尼斯旗下藝人感情都很好~ 不過不我在說... SMAP真的很不會唱!! 中居是我見過走音最嚴重的歌手了!! SMAP 也是我見過跳舞跳的最不整齊的group... well, maybe it's because they are getting old :p
this is ARASHI's new single [Wish] (ordered my copy from yesasia yesterday :p) promoting poster~~ arrr, i want it so much >___<

maybe it's time to turn my blog into a ARASHI fan site :p j/k


01. Seishun Amigo
02. Colorful
03. Kizuna
想說看在是嵐的師弟份上 勉強聽聽... (i always skip the ending when i was watching 野豬大改造) 沒想到越聽越好聽 :p haha, but i'm sure i wont like them, they are just not my cup of tea :p 龜梨的樣子實在是太女生了.... 山下... i dunno, just dont really like him
track 2 is 山下 solo track 3 is 龜梨 solo that he sang for Gokusen 2~ 我覺得故意不讓KAT-TUN出道 然後出什麼期間限定組合 完全是Johnny's 的陰謀 KAT-TUN從03年就曝光率超高 04年上了Music Station, 龜梨and赤西都演過連續劇主角 沒出過CD卻開過自己的演唱會and出DVD 卻遲遲不正式出道... (PS. i'm NOT johnny's fans... i'm not.... i just happen to know................)
edit: haha, actually, this single did not sold 1 million copies!! :p 之前懶的唸完 the entire article... 是"出貨量" :p it sold 55萬張~ that's still amazing!!
hahaha, seems like a lot of ppl are shocked that i'm so in love with 嵐 now... 沒錯 做的出就不怕認!! 我就是像個fan girl 不行嗎?? :p 說我漫半拍? 我一點也不覺得 現在看到剛出道16, 17歲的嵐 我也還是比較喜歡現在的嵐~ 16歲實在太小孩了 :p
but the more stuff i dl.... i more i realized 要收集他們所有的live 是不-可-能的!!!! 多到可怕 X_____X but i trust myself... 世上沒有不可能的事!!! and i was checking out their discography.... 14 singles 7 albums and 3 dvd @____@ ok, not THAT bad .... grrr.. but almost all their singles and albums have 初回限定版 看的我超生氣的
back to study......

誰來敲醒我 :p
i burned about 20 GB of stuff from my computer this weekend, so i have space to dl my ARASHI stuff :p
guess what, i downloaded more than 15GB of 嵐 files!! @____@ 我真的發瘋了.... downloading 金田一, 寵物情人, GOUSEN DVD quality version now...... i'm watching 金田一 now~ 第一次看的時候還不是很喜歡松本潤 現在重看 覺得比以前好看多了 :p 松潤kakkoii!!!
haha 成宮寬貴好ㄘㄨㄛˊ :p 我覺得如果日版流星花園 由成宮寬貴演西門會很適合~ haha, 不過他現在大概不會再演配角了 (想不到以前總是演嵐身邊的配角現在可以當主角)
so i was watching this Johnny's joint concert clip i downloaded.... haha, it's actually a lot more interesting than i thought~ and 我居然可以說出大部分的人的名字 @____@ (i'm not Johnny's fans... i'm not >____< i'm not i'm not i'm not) haha 結果歡呼聲最高的是Kinki Kids的堂本光一 and V6的三宅健~ 原來傑尼斯成員(except for SMAP) 真的每個都會後空翻 *o* SUGOII!!! 而且 其實傑尼斯 沒有我想像的差 嵐跳舞跳的很齊~ (not like SMAP) 後空翻 車輪翻 什麼都會 *o* haha, i cant believe i just said that... 以前聽到別人說喜歡傑尼斯 一定會用鄙視的演神看他
but it makes me wonder.... 為什麼SMAP會這麼紅... 唱的不好 跳的不好 傑尼斯裡比他們好的團體多的是...

"驚異" 看了後真的是超shock.... [野豬大改造]裡的亀梨和也(KAT-TUN)and 山下久智(NEWS)唱的主題曲(typical Jonny's song) 短短4天內賣了一百萬張!!! 成為今年no. 1 單曲 @____@ 讓我覺得有點.... 其他人辛辛苦苦的promote 每個禮拜慢慢賣... 就這樣輕易的被打敗了... 傑尼斯超強!! 還是說現在的年輕女生最會花錢??
不過其實 我覺得KAT-TUN 跟NEWS都是很失敗的group... 以前的group: 嵐, V6, SMAP, Kinki Kids 如果問哪個member最紅 一定沒有人答的出來 也不會永遠是某幾個站中間...每個member都有當過電視劇的主角 連非fans的我都可以隨便說出幾個member的名字來... 但是如果說到NEWS 一定是只想到山下久智 其他的members 別說名字了 連長像我都想不起來 and 山下久智 is ALWAYS in the middle!! and so is KAT-TUN, 一定是只知道赤西仁and亀梨和也
and 其實Johnny's 每個團體的出道單曲一定都有100萬~ Kinki Kids的debut single還有160萬說 所以以Johnny's來說 這是很正常的現象吧 (這樣想比較好:p)
AYU's new single [Bold & Delicious] preview is out at her official site .... sound OK, she never had that kinda style before.... but i relaly dont like the cover.... she looks... old....
went to this Chiense super market today... they are playing this really scary China songs that's like 10 or 20 years old... 正當我在想"他們應該多considerate一下現在的年輕人 放一點正常一點的歌"時 旁邊有個年紀比我小的女生 居然在sing alone!!! 超shock...

花より男子 episode 03
又到了我的感想篇 第3集超好看!! (haha, i say that every week) 道明寺好白痴!!! (even tho i really dont wanna see MatsuJun 耍白痴... 很破壞形象...) but yeah, he's suppose to be dumb, stupid and all that.. 台灣版根本沒演出來
跟台版差太多了~ level就不一樣了 松潤跟小栗旬都演的太好了~~ 不過感覺還是小栗旬略勝一籌畢竟花澤類的角色真的很難演(周瑜明演的像在唸對白...) 第2集裡 類看到靜的時候 眼睛在發亮!! 第3集裡 即使生氣 罵人的時候還是斯斯文文的 有氣無力的罵 :p
當然松潤可以破壞形象的演出也很了不起~ and most important, 他居然可以讓我喜歡"道明寺司"多過"花澤類"!! ("松本潤" is NOT the reason why i like 道明寺 more!)
演杉菜的也演的很好~ 她跪在地上哭的那一幕好感人 連不太喜歡她的我看的都好心酸
菜菜子的演技當然是不用說的~ 再也沒有比菜菜子更適合演樁的人了~ 看起來就是有氣質的貴婦 我行我素... 松潤雖然口氣很差但是從眼神可以看的出來 他是很想念姊姊的~
不知道為什麼 他們打麻將的樣子感覺好高雅!! 好像麻將是一種高尚的娛樂
進展超快~ 第3集演到漫畫的10集了吧 下一集類大概就回來了吧 :p another thing that i like aobut the Japanese version is that 西門跟美作擺明是"配角"
最後一幕 松潤的打扮真的是跟漫畫裡的道明寺100%相似!!! dont have a good pic... but here it is....(台版的道明寺只有前面幾集是捲髮...)

domyoji from the manga~

oh, someone asked me how 小栗旬 looked like in Gokusen...
here.... (open at ur own risk :p)
by the way, this is Jun at [Kimi wa Pet] 跟漫畫一模一樣吧!!
spent too much time watching tv/monitor last night... my eyes hurt so much thsi morning!!! (lily, it's time to get a lcd, ur monitor is killing my eyes :p)
如我所願 今天不用下down town~~ weee~~~ but i have to go on my own this weekend T___T
今天回家又狂開始download.... downlading 花樣男子第3集now~ haha, i'm so crazy, i got the torrent 3 min after it's posted :p the speed is so slow now.......
and soemthing unbelievable... i've been listening to 嵐 for the whole day today!! @____@ (*hide in shame) and i checked yesasia if they have their albums, dvd and stuff.....
looks like my NANA is gonna be finished before 花樣男子....
安室奈美惠的新歌[White Light]超可愛~ and she looks soooooooooooooooooo pretty in the pv!! *o* love how she whispered "Merry X'mas" at the end~ that better be part of the song....
Boa's new single [抱きしめる] sound so korean to me (which i dont like) but she looks so skinny and pretty in the pv~
and lastly, found SMAP's [夜空ノムコウ] orchestral version~ *o* so good!!! it's my all time favorite SMAP song!!
"サクラ咲ヶ 君の胸のなかで
揺れてた 小さな 蕾よ
負けないように くじけないように今

grrrrrr, my IE crashed!!! and i had to retype everything now T____T
anywayz, let me shorten this.... just had my mid term today.... did horrible, but that's ok :p another midterm on uesday ~ 到時候再說吧 :p 明天好不想上課.... 明天好不想下down town... T____T
things to do this weekend....
- wash my washroom
- unpack my stuff
- go to ikea (?)
- study for midterm (?)
- 星期5晚上要呆在家裡等流星第3集~ :p that's what i did last week, i was sitting in front of the computer, refreshing the page every 30 min since 11~
- 星期6出去混?
我想我著了迷... 前幾天狂downloaded[嵐]的mp3+live+pv @____@ i cant believe it myself too!! i'm supposed to be anti-Johnny's!!! but i guess the good thing is that i only like 潤~ 其他人閃一邊去啦~
開始不討厭松潤是看了[GOKUSEN]後~ 開始覺得有點帥 不過離"喜歡"還有一段很遠的距離~ 然後看了[寵物情人]就開始"喜歡"了~ 他演的"小桃"真是超可愛!!!! *o* 然後開始非常非常喜歡當然是[花より男子]後啦~~~ let's see how long my passion can last~ i just hope i dont start buying ARASHI cd (*run~~ and hide in shame)
等了好久的[大奧~華之亂]終於出了第一集!!!!!! T____T 不過只有簡體版... 看的我好辛苦....第一集好慘~~
音樂超好聽~ 好有氣勢~ 跟大長金那可怕+嚇死人的韓國音樂沒的比~
還是不喜歡內山理名 藤原紀香看起來好奸 and the 將軍是個大賤男!!! [大奧~第一章]裡的將軍可以說是gentlman~~ so basically, 華之亂 is about 內山理名的上位+復仇記~ still seems to be pretty good~

omg, why do they have to do some kinda gather EVERY WEEK???? 可不可以不要在叫我去了 >__< 一個禮拜見足4日 從早見到晚 這樣還不夠?? i have my own life to go on.... 就算不問我 我也不會覺得left out的 >____< 想藉口想到我累....
found my birthday bear today at T&T today!!! 可以說是命運~ 以前早了好久都早不到的 居然今天讓我看到 (even tho i kinda 懷疑是翻版的...)

my recent addiction:
CHEMISTRY - almost in love
CHEMISTRYxCrystal Kay - Two As One (Male version)

Layout © Pieces of a Dream by
Ayami. All Rights
Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!
Anime: Code Geass
Manga: Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song: almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?,
, HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer: 浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY,
仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木
Flower: Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子,
きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子
[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Ayu! Love!
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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...
Fan Listing
