no 56k modem user here right? :p and this is an Arashi post, so you can close your window now~
actually... i don't know where to start.... i'm just bored :p
so i guess i'll start with Sho's new hair style... i think asian looks horrible with curly hair (except for 松本潤 & 木村拓哉 :p (the Momo hair not 道明寺 one)) and it's not just Sho, 長賴智也 looks horrible with curly hair too X___X
i'm a weirdo who likes most of the female artists that worked with Arashi members BUT THARE ARE EXCEPTION SOMETIMES!!!!! ARRRR, i dont know why, but i can just hate ppl for no reason!!! 安城良紅 STOP CALLING SHO "sho-kun" AND STOP CALLING HIM "kawaii" AND GET YOUR HANDS OFF SHO!!!!!! =P
Jun looks way better with that hair style :p
must get the latest "LOOK at STAR!"~ it's got Anne and Jun!!! *o* (thank god that have everything~) Jun x Anne~ awwww~ 鈴木杏好可愛~~ haha, but 他的手臂好像比潤還粗XD but that's ok~ she's too cute~
so today's topic is Jun x Non-Arashi!!! gonan do a Jun hair style next time, he's the guy who tried all the hair style one could possibly think of on this earth (except for bald :p (Nino did!!))
5 years ago~
Jun x Yukie awww~
Jun x Okada
Jun x Takki
Jun x Tsubasa
Jun x Yuki
Jun x Toma
Jun x YamaP XDD 放學後一起去鬼混? the one Jun's talkin to is probably HaseJun while the one YamaP is talking to is probably Toma? geez 狗仔隊 get everyone into the picture
Jun x Ryo
Jun x Akanishi... 多少有點交情吧 =___=" (but how come Akanishi looked a few years older than Jun?)
[Attention Please!] OMG!!! 上戶彩實在是好吵 我從沒看過這麼吵的人 又吵又沒氣質 first time watching a drama that i actually wanna tell the character to "shut up" 錦戸亮居然要演喜歡上這種女生的人.... @____@ 真是演壞了這部戲~ 也證明了不討人喜歡~ 松島菜菜子在[大和撫子]裡的角色如果由其他人來演一定會被討厭 因為"櫻子"其實就是一個見錢眼開的爛人~ 但是因為是"菜菜子"所以沒辦法讓人討厭
gya~ 錦戸亮的角色真的是很kakoii~~ 但是戲好少~
[富豪刑事2] Kyoko is sooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!! *o* haha 還是一樣白痴 but that's why i love it~ 而且好有錢!!!
and i watched [赤色奇蹟] 深田恭子真是超級超級可愛~~ *o* 是上戶彩一輩子都去不了的境界
and as for [醫龍].... i cant even finish watching the first episode... it's so boring... :p 稻森泉看起來老了好多!!! @____@ i don't know why i dont like it either... cuz i know the story already? or maybe just because it's not exciting enough....
watched [Top Caster] since the rating is so high... and it's actually REALLY good!!! :p 有點像[美女或野獸]的感覺~ 但是以報新聞為主題的日劇還是鈴木保奈美的[新聞女郎]最好看~
so i guess my ranking for this season's dorama would be 1. Gal Circle 2. Top Caster 3. クロサギ 4. ブスの瞳に恋してる 5. Attention Please!
awww, i didnt evne plan to watch the first 2 at the very beginning... and something about Kurosagi... 為什麼開頭曲第一幕 山下智久要裸體 (top only :p)??? is that some kind of fan service??... 不解...
and i watched [笑っていいとも!]新春SP a while ago~ (did i mention that Japan have the best variety show in the world?) awwww~ 中居擺明偏心美女~ 還幫錦戸亮加油~ 司儀應該要公正吧 :p (but he likes Nino even more, kept on playing with Nino and calling Nino "Arashi" when he was on the show) 相反的 很明顯不喜歡加藤成亮~ 訪問了所有人 但是竟然跳過加藤成亮 @___@ 錦戸亮玩"必輸的剪刀石頭布"時反應超快 sugoi!! 天海祐希玩比手畫腳遊戲 演的超級好!!!! 錦戸亮玩射箭又中紅心~([1公升的眼淚]時就射中過了~) 好利害~
Upcoming Dorama and did you know that 2001年 木村拓哉演的[HERO]在7月會有特別版~ not a big fan of HERO... i want [GOOD LUCK!] special more >___<
[金田一少年事件簿] 7月會開始上演第4部 龜梨和也跟上野樹里主演~ 金田一真是越長越大~ 由堂本剛版的16歲到松本潤的17歲到現在的20歲@____@ and i dont get why 上野樹里可以這麼快演主角~ 一副陰沉的樣子 沒看過這樣的美雪... and as for 龜梨和也... 從不覺得他有什麼演技... oh well... 演金田一也不需要什麼演技
but i cant believe they put 加藤成亮 in it too.... 居然讓比龜梨和也早出道的加藤成亮演配角... that is so rude :p
so today's my last day of school~ my prof is as "inch" as usual... i'm so glad that i wont be seeing him again!!
today's such a busy day~ did a lot of stuff~ didnt even have time to take a nap :p went to J-town after i my exam and a short FREE lesson from my prof... i had "Omu-Rice"~ it's pretty good, and i saw Popolo May issue on sale.. but i only want the June issue... and bought some snack and a super expensive chocolate tiramisu.... X____X 算了 今天心情好~ (and i bought C1000)
then i had to go to the gathering dinner at Jack Aster =____=" 老實說我一點也不想去 但是過去8個月裡我只出席過3次他們搞的活動... 好像很不合群... 想說是最後一次了 希望可以早點"la"難... arrrr but i really hate going out with a lot of ppl.... X___X 外國人又很喜歡叫自己的important other half來... 一桌裡有快一半的人都不認識 X____X 算了 當作是應酬... and i feel so sorry for my fd... SOMEONE broke her camera without even appologizing... 還一直說"wicked, wicked".... =______=" and we got made fun of for being too fobbish Japanese!!!
8個月終於過了~ 8個月裡一個星期4天都對著同樣的人 坐同一個位置 對著同一部G5... 我快發瘋了... 奇怪的是 我現造真是超開心的~ 一點不捨也沒有~ 相處下來 其實大家也不是我想像的不堪 人性就是這樣吧 就是會講別人壞話 就是喜歡比較... i think i got used it.... 跟班上的人感覺很"微妙" (<-- for proper meaning, please check a Japanese dictionary) 說熟的話也不熟 但是大家都知道我父母不在加拿大 知道我放學回家會睡覺... 基本上外國人真的是什麼都可以說 有話直說~ 但是我卻還是不覺得跟他們"熟"... 然後知道我5月要回台灣還說要舉辦BBQ大會!! かんべんしてよ~~~~~~~ 饒了我吧 我一點也不重要 please don't dedicate it to me!!! >___< 今天不是最後晚餐了嗎???
但是這種聚會還是不要缺席的好... 因為通常沒來都人都會成為我們的target topic~ 今天談到大家對他的不爽 最不爽的part是 某女prof在最後一堂課時大讚x同學 說他永遠都準時 從來沒有遲到早退過~ "that's because he gets a ride from his daddy everyday" LOL (不是我說的!!!) 還因此拿到prof的禮物~ 因此遭到全班的公憤 :p 另外 他是比我還要少出席活動的人~ 原因通常是"i have night class", "my dad can't give me a ride" etc.... "he doesnt have a life" (不是我說的!!!)
speaking of that prof, 一把年紀了還這麼花痴!!! @___________@ 他本人有意識到嗎?? she actually got 2 jobs for 2 of his favourite MALE students in the class and ignored everyone else in the class... he grouped his fav students into 1 group and gave them a client that is just up stair while everyone else's are in downtown etc 反正就是對著年輕人時就是笑臉迎人 對著女生的時候就是一副不耐煩的樣子 =____="
再談談那位讓我羨募不已每天有專車接送的x君~ 他是個話不多的典型中國人 長的有點Akiba係 有著嚴重的"戀日情結"~ "哈日"已經形容不了他了~ 絕對比我嚴重數萬倍 已經到連我都受不了的地步了~ 我哈日是由J-pop開始 是漫畫 是台灣的culture害的:p but i have no idea where this x-kun's addiction came from, since he's born in Canada... 他沒有特別喜歡的日本歌星 不是anime fans 喜歡的只是單單"日本"兩個字... 他會帶烏龍茶或是綠茶上學 並且跟所有人講~ 說綠茶有多麼的健康 有多好喝~ 看到我用日本產品會問我在哪裡買的 會強迫性的幫我們全班上免費的日文課~ 有一次 他看到我在上網看Oricon 就走來說"I can understand most of these Japanese"... well then, good for you, and what would you think i'm doing if i cant understand most of the Japanese??? 我的漢字程度一定比你這個CBC高~ and he basically started reading out the text in Japanese to me......
說外國人假有點失禮 that's just part of their culture... 他們就是習慣了做人要圓滑~ 但是可以的話我希望下一年都不要再跟這些人同班 and i dont wanna use Mac again in my life!!!! (haha, kinda hard tho... i can see myself buying one in the future T____T)
接下還我要watch tonnes of dorama, play a lot of video game.... and of course, study for my RCM exam T___T
next post: dorama report next next post: PIC SPAM!!!! of various stuff
after a bloody working week, i'm finally done with ALL of my assignments T_____T i'm so proud of myself!!! seriously, if i can study like how i treat my projects, i think i can get really good marks on my exams =p (have been working from 3pm~3am with about 3 hours of break in between for almost the entire week)
one more exam then i'm done!! wait, not yet, still have to study hard for my RCM history exam T___T
AYU is releasing her summer maxi single on 06.21~ which is gonna include [Beautiful Fighters] from the Panasonic CM~ and maybe another A-side song?
and rumour saying that KAT-TUN is releasing their 2nd single on 07.17~ i cant wait to see the sales of their 2nd single~ another rumour saying that Arashi will be releasing [Aozora Pedal] in mid Augest and maybe an album too (?)
anywayz, here are some up coming songs~
05.03 伊藤由奈 - Precious i totally fall in love with this song after a few listen *o* YUNA!!!!! she looks so pretty on her official website~~ i think i'm gonna claim myself as a "fan" from now on!!! i cant wait for her to release her first album~ but seriously, she's really the luckiest girl ever~ not only her debut single had a big tie up (NANA the movie), she's been releasing single like mad, her 2nd single is the theme song of the dorama [Unfair] and the bgm of a CM, now her 3rd single is the theme song of the famous movie [海猿]~ (加藤愛 still looks soooooooooo pretty *o* after so many years!!!)
and speaking of 加藤愛, did you know that she worked with almost ALL the popular Johnny's artists??? (what a lucky girl :p) including: 木村拓哉, 稲垣吾郎, 長瀬智也, 松岡昌宏, 国分太一, 櫻井翔, 松本潤, 相葉雅紀, 二宮和也, 山下智久, 渋谷すばる, 横山裕
awww, that's all the Arashi members except for Ohno :p 跟櫻井翔&二宮和也都傳過誹聞
me and my fd started talking about "cat" during class, this is a topic where we can go on forever :p then the girls behind us complained and told us to stop talking secrets in chinese~ so we had to turn the channel into English~
A: "All pets are spoiled" B: "no, it's just the few at this table" A: "no, it's only the Chinese, they spoiled their pet like mad" B: "cuz they are spoiled themselves" C: "no, pets are either spoiled or abused" A: "at least i dont spoil my fish" XDDDDD
LOL, 外國人的幽默真的很與眾不同~
to think about it, i think i really did spoiled Garfiled and 小米 like mad last summer~ 現在想想 如果有個小孩在我的床上走來走去 坐在我的雜誌上 趁我寫字的時候把我的筆搶走 故意坐在我的拖鞋上 從我身上走過 吃飯吃到碗外面, 我一早就把這個臭小鬼吊起來打了~ 但是是Garfield的話就是"KAWAII!!!!!! *o*" 我好像從來沒有大聲對Garfield & 小米說過話~ 連語氣不好的時候都沒有!!!
and it reminded me of what happened last summer... my sis' fd came over and we were about to leave for afternoon tea then she asked "冷氣要不要開著 他們會不會怕熱?" apparently, "他們"=Garfiled and 小米~~~ 據說她家夏天的冷氣是24小時開著~ 因為養的狗會怕熱 :p
awwww~ gotta go to the pet shop and see what i can buy for them before i go back to Taiwan~
i wonder how long i worked yesterday and today X_____X haha but my project 越來越偷工減料了... 沒辦法... lack of time :p
anywayz, i was gonna 先斬後奏的 buy this (日文雜誌不能等 they are limited quantity...) then ask my sis to pick it up at 7-11 for me, but i saw this adorable thing *O* VOODOO DOLL!!!!!
isnt it cute????
so i ended up buying my mag and 2 voodoo dolls~ *o* now i just hope she doesnt open the package... else she's gonna yell at me for spending so much on a Japanese magazine.... oh, and i didnt buy the mag cuz of the cover, (please refer to my Arashi Love Meter, i bought it only cuz Jun looks gorgeous in it :p and yes i have the scan already and yes it's my cell phone wallpaper at the moment :p)
now i just hope i can find the latest Marie Claire in Taiwan or Japan airport... why? this is why :p
and that Russian model Jun's holding is only 15 years old!!!! O____O and Jun is the first Japanese male artist on the cover of Marie Claire Japan edition~
*************************** this is the top 30 single/album in Japan according to Oricon
aww, why cant Arashi release [WISH] 2 weeks later, then they are gonna be at the no. 8 spot instead of 26... and ayu's only at 16??? beaten by Koda Kumi????? ouch.. x____X
and did you notice that 前10名裡 有一半是傑尼斯藝人... Johnny's power....
- 2 assignments - a major project which i only had like 10% done - a 2 page essay - 2 exams~
woohoo~~ i'm going to die this week~ whatever, Friday is my slack off day
interesting?? haha, it's a trick they taught at [USO!? Japan] XDDD this pic is actually taken with my 1 megapixle camera phone~ i'm so proud of its quality~ i'll show you guys more tricks later on~~
i cant beleive i took out AYU's Arean Tour 2005 DVD to watch again... first i was just gonna watch a few songs... but ended up watching all of the performances :p 看著看著 就到了我練笛的時間~ i cant help but played [walking proud] with AYU~ AWWWW, my playback skill is not that bad afterall :p but my fingers kinda just moved by itself.. i couldnt remember what notes i played and write down the score afterward...
so what am i doing here when i'm suppose to be practicing my presentation? well, i meet up with my group members and practiced till 9:30~ i dont care anymore i need a rest :p and i offered to drive my group members home since it's so late... but got rejected... they wanna stay till 11 @____@ sorry, but there's no way i'm staying there till 11!! (我趕著回家看[Attention Please!] :p)
overal, this time's working experience is not bad~ evne tho i stil complained a lot :p 這個世界上真的是什麼人都有 有的人可以做好朋友 但是不能一起工作 有的人可以一起工作卻做不到朋友~ 有的人嘴巴很會講 其實什麼都做不到 有的人除了自己其他人完全不相信... but i guess my group is really not bad... just that 有人 is not capable but still wants to do everything... 不喜歡聽別人講話 基本上我不喜歡他的coding 他也不喜歡我的coding~ but the fact that i code faster 不就證明我的方法比較好嗎??
************************* My Arashi is having concert tour this summer *o* 北海道, 広島, 横浜, 大阪, 長野, 福岡, 福井, 名古屋, 新潟~ 共28場公演~ WHERE IS TOKYO???????? but i bet they will 追加公演 for sure~ 代代木? or 東京巨蛋? :p
做傑尼斯還真不容易~ 事務所簡直就是收買人命 如此大型的巡迴演唱會一天竟然有兩場公演...
so i'm assuming they will be releasing their new album in Augest? woohoo~
Download 嵐 - ファイトソング (G no Arashi live ver) this is the live ver from yesterday's G no Arashi, it's longer than the previous uploaded ver~ i really dont wanna say this but... Jun sounded BAD!!! :p
福山雅治 - 桜坂 some good old school stuff~ the super hit song back in 2000~ 就當事5月新單曲前的前奏吧~ speaking of which, i downloaded the CM early this year and totally fall in love with the song *o* 等不及要聽了~
[クロサギ] 萬眾期待的Kurosagi... it's not bad~ but not as exciting as i expected~ but the rating is actually pretty good, 18.8%, right after Busu-Koi~ (so far) 但是其實漫畫改編的日劇收視都不會太差~ 網上有兩種fans 1)漫畫fans and 2)山下智久 fans:p ~ the manga fans are being VERY harsh (as always), they criticize the dorama like mad :p the biggest point is that the trick in the dorama is way too simple compare to the manga... well, what can you expect, this a Friday 10 PM dorama, by a Johnny's artist... considering target audience which most of them are probably (most likely) financial ignorant... making the story too comlpicated will only bored the hell out of the audience...
and basically, the comments i saw from Yamashita fans are all like, "好帥" "好有型"之類的 :p
雖說第一主角是山下智久 but the one that really shined in the dorama is actually 資深演員 - 山崎努~ 非常有氣勢 一出場就感到 "不一樣"
[ギャルサー] I LOVE THIS DORAMA!!!! i'm pretty sure this will be my fav dorama of the season (even tho i havent even watch the other 3...) omg, i never expect it to be so good, as i didnt even include it in my list last month!!! 故事是講一個美國印地安部落的日本人 來到了東京的涉谷~ 超級搞笑~ (yes, i always love stupid dorama) awww~ i miss Shibuya and 109!!! and they still dance ParaPara?? i thought it's "out" already... 但是日本的gal真的是好囂張 竟然可以坐在路邊開餐 XDDD 打扮的漂漂亮亮但是滿口髒話.. 不過真的好會打扮~~ 頭上帶朵大花在街上走也不怪~~ i love the scene where 藤木直人用繩索把女主角拉上來~ *o* (但是我覺得福山雅治會更勝任這個角色)
[ブスの瞳に恋してる] rating: 19.9%~ ummm, not as godo as i expected~ but enough for me to "chase" it~ Ebi-chan真的是很可愛 但是就是不討我喜歡 :p
(first off, today's such a progresive day for me~ gonna go do some study after watching [Gals], and happy birthday to whoever that is :p)
i dont get why 99% of the KimuTaku fans HATE Kudo Shizuka to death... well then, you girls sucks and don't give me your excuses, 妳們只是希望自己的偶像一輩子都單身的笨蛋fans~ 到底為什麼會這麼討厭工藤靜香?? just because she's older than Takuya (she is only 2 years older!!)???? but I thought everyone loved [Long Vacation]?? 工藤靜香以前年輕時超~~~級漂亮!!! 是當時最漂亮的歌星吧? and she has some good songs too~ i watched some of her dorama before~ but i cant remember where i heard her songs :p
其實一直到木村拓哉跟工藤靜香結婚後我才真的覺得木拓是一個好男人~ 他可以為了工藤靜香跟交往9年的model女朋友分手 (有人說她酷似工藤靜香) 然後立刻結婚, 可以在東京巨蛋當著5萬fans面前宣布結婚, 可以如此大膽的公開違背傑尼斯社長與事務所~ 基本上只要社長一句話 就可以讓SMAP解散 甚至從演藝圈消失~ 那些討厭工藤靜香的fans有沒有想過自己的偶像是抱著什麼心情結婚的??? sigh... shame on you
and those of you who hates Yukie suck too!!! 潤這輩子可以交多少個比由紀惠還要漂亮 還要紅的女朋友???
woo, surprised that i actually have Kudo Shizuka's song?? haha, i'm kinda surprise too... i think i donwloaded this after watching the live she shang with Suzuki Ami few years ago ok, i mean 7 years ago :p
Download 工藤静香 - 慟哭 嵐 - きっと大丈夫 this ver is in very high quality, and it's longer than the previous one that i uploaded, it's pretty much the entire song~ enjoy~
山下智久 - 抱いてセニョリータ (TV Rip) and OH GOD!!! Arashi 5人盡然輸給一個山下智久 @_____@ this is the order/pre-order ranking at amazon Japan
listening to some REALLY old sammi CDs while doing my assignment.. and damn, it brought back all the good old memories... (me and my sis probably have all of Sammi's CD until [聽聞])
10年前 剛來加拿大 英文超燗 這裡的小學簡直是酷刑 they treat you like kindergarten kids... 每天上學就期待早點下課~ 因為下課後姊姊都會帶我去"wet"玩~ 10年前 對一個小學生來講 放學後有一輛Acura Integra來接放學是一件很直得驕傲的事 :p
當時真的是很瘋 印象中當時常去Mississauga, 去做什麼已經不太記得了 反正就是逛街 吃飯 唱K (actually, 我第一次去Karaoke是小學3年級) 半夜沒人的Highway真的很舒服~ (我以前超愛游車河~) 還試過March break去Waterloo住~ 當時姊姊還常幫我簽請假紙 :p 每個禮拜都去租錄影帶~ 已經熟到 店員會私下幫我們留起來~ (當時"租帶"是非常"in"的事 :p) 跟親戚約飲茶 但是沒有時間觀念 所以非常敗家的開407 XD 當時剛建好 一架車都沒有~ 結果帳單寄來被媽媽看到被唸了好久... 當年 uptown還沒有bubble tea店~ 最近的是Yonge的[綠的小窩] (my sis know someone who worked there, 所以常常讓我看免費漫畫~ 現在還活著) 後來開的是Market Village的[輕鬆小站]~ 當年 我真的是什麼地方的玩遍了~ Downtown也是常去的地方之一 (當然是開車:p) Yorkdale, Sherway Garden, Fairwiew, Eaton Centre, Holt Renfiew 每個月都會去個1~2次~ 基本上 姊姊就算跟朋友出去 90% 都會帶我去(else i'll be stucked with my mom at home... =__=") so i ended up knowing most of her friends pretty well~ 還剪過非常貴的頭髮 是明星都會去的店~ (at Time Square 不知道還在不在...) 還在Downtown的A|X見到羅文~ (還記得當時非常大的Motorola手機嗎?)
所以我以前是名副其實的"跟屁蟲" :p
反正 我當時就是過著非常典型的spoiled中國人生活 :p (the first time i been on a bus and subway in Toronto is around Gr. 10) haha 現在的我連買bubble tea都覺得貴 XD 不過我確實覺得多倫多越來越... less cool... (大陸人越來越多...) 如果可以回去以前多好~ (也許我真的該感謝我媽對我經濟封鎖 才讓我養成現在的小氣節儉的個性)
(bored... waiting my [Kurosagi] to finish download... it's been there for almost 3 hours already T___T i want good internet speed..... but wow, now i'm pretty sure SUBPIG LOVES Johnny's artists~ it came out about 12 hours after it's aired in Japan!!! whereas other dorama like [白夜行] came out 4 days after it's aired... 會看中文真是幸福~~~)
if you have visited Oricon in the past month, you should have noticed the super big, eye catching banner on the top~~
so while i was bored and is surfing around... and saw quite a lot of SHINHWA news... 只不過是要出日文單曲 不用開記者會吧? (i know some must be excited about it)
their single is going to be called [僕らの心には太陽がある] (my crappy translation: "我的心裡有太陽") and it's gonna be a ballad, composed by Yoshi (誰啊? ) scheduled to be releas on June 14~ 將會再6月15日再日本武道館舉行演唱會 並且8月出專輯....
anywayz, my point is.... 他們口氣太大了吧?? 居然大大聲聲說目標是SMAP 並且希望可以像SMAP一樣在東京巨蛋舉行演唱會 =_________=" 不要以為東京巨蛋演唱會這麼容易開.... 而且就連傑尼斯裡都沒有人敢說目標是SMAP 因為知道不可能... "想在巨蛋開演唱會" 這種話在日本應該沒有什麼人敢說
確實 韓流在日本現在確實是很紅 但是只是以外國人的角度來看... 但是就連最紅的BoA都還沒有紅到可以在巨蛋開演唱會 =___=" 我拭目以待他們的日文歌曲~ 最好日文練好一點再來 else i'll start making fun of their Japanese for sure :p and 別再給我脫衣服了!!
(>___< it looks like my Kurosagi is not gonna be done by tonight.... going to sleep then)
i tried so hard to concentrate.. but failed, i just cant do work on Friday :p
anyways... 去過香港的台灣人會說 香港比不上台灣, 去過台灣的香港人會說 台灣比不上香港... what is this called in psychology? "ethno..." something? 有什麼好比 反正兩個都比不上日本~ 何必搶著做五十步?? 本人香港已經去了n次 從小去到大... Hong Kong is just as good as Taiwan Taipei, and Taipei is just as good as Hong Kong...
but before you make any comments... 至少搞清楚一些facts吧?? - 八達通/悠游卡 這種東西是香港先發名的!! (但是本人認為日本"fleica"才是王道 卡片實在是不方便 又容易丟 但是電話就不一樣 大小剛好 而且一定是放在最容易拿到的必方~ but i do think "悠游卡" sound better than "八達通" :p) - the only reason why HK's subway is dirty and have no air condition is because it's built a LONG TIME before Taiwan's!! (i think at least 10 years??) - [無印良品] 在n年前就有在香港開分店了~ 比台灣早 - 香港確實沒有一堆日系餐廳 such as Jpop Cafe, Mo-Mo Paradise, Shabu-Shabu etc... 但是香港有代理一堆日本青少年服裝品牌~ - 香港確實沒有大規模 像[誠品]的書店 - Taiwan has better and bigger CD stores - 台灣的7-11比香港還略勝一籌~ it's almost as good as Japan's - 台灣沒有所謂的 "簡體版" 或是 "繁體版"~ 繁體 is THE and ONLY writing system used in Taiwan (i'm so surprised that ppl thought TW = China... geez, ppl should learn their history) but it's ironic, cuz the word "台" is simplified Chinese!! i wonder when it became simplified Chinese... is it named by Japanese?? :p - 本人個人認為 台灣的101比香港的海港城還要漂亮~ - 台灣沒有像半島的超豪華酒店 但是有世界第一高的建築物 - "台北101" ~ - 台灣的生活指數不是跟大陸同等級!! (i'll be so happy if everything in Taiwan is as cheap as China..) 吃飯的話一定是台灣比較便宜 但是買東西就一定是香港便宜~ - 台灣的連續劇大多是垃圾 但是綜藝節目超讚~ - 台灣的飲食/服務業一直以日本看齊 論禮貌 一定是台灣比較好 就連夜市 沒有裝潢的餐廳的態度都是超好~ where as Hong Kong's 茶餐廳... - .... 香港沒有西門町!!! :p
but personally, i still like Taipei more~~ 因為台北是這世上"哈日"的最佳地點~ (所以我喜歡的是日本 :p) 因為日本以前佔領/帶領 (whichever one you prefer :p)過台灣 所以哈日指數超高~ in fact, 我不認識一個不聽日文歌或是 小時後不看漫畫的台灣人 and my fd in Taiwan 雖然不像我哈 但是去karaoke也可以隨便唱出幾首日文歌~
but something i must admit, Taiwan 只要一出"台北"就完全比不上香港 XD
(when they are gonna have Kurosagi subbed >__<)
********************** haha, this is not a mp3 rotation site... well, but i guess i dont mind ppl making requat... so here are up coming new Arashi songs~ (they are SOOOO Johnny's style :p but i guess i like [Fight Song] the most~ it's the least Johnny's style one, composed by Nino~)and YamaP's [Yubiwa] composed and written by himself~ i'm surprised that his works are actually not so Johnny's style~ (of course, he grew up listening to Southern All Stars and GLAY!! :p) and finally, SMAP's [Triangle] from last year... whoever requested it :p
woohoo~ today is MY DAY!! :p gotta work my ass off this weekend T____T
04.14 - 5% assignment due - DONE 04.17 - test T__T 04.18 - 15% assignment due - half way done...? 04.21 - 25% assignment due + presentation T___T - pretty much done, but gotta practice for presentation, another 15% assignment due 04.25 - final exam 04.26 - final project due - which i havent even started yet :p 04.28 - final exam
05.12 - RCM theory exam
other stuff to do before going back to taiwan: - hair cut - vision check - party!!! :p
"mou kimi igai aisenai~~ hoka ni donna hito ga arawarete mo mou kimi igai aisenai ima koko ni kimi to yakusoku suru yo"
ran ouot of j-dorama to watch, so i downloaded 堂本光一[天使が消えた街]~~ and i realized I CAN ACTUALLY SING MOST OF THE SONG!!!!!!!!! @_____@ wait a min, i thought i used to hate johnny's... 我患了失億症嗎??? it just reminded me how i used to love this song~~~
anywayz~ this is another Johnny's update XDDD
山下智久 he's releasing his first solo single on May 31~ awww, does he Johnny-san actually think he stand a chance againse Mr. Children??? even tho i really want him to get no. 1 on Oricon, it's just not possible :p 但是如果賣的太濫不是很丟臉? 就像[青春Amigo]是靠龜梨何也在賣一樣... =___="
the song is called [抱いてセニョリータ] it's by the same composer of AYU's [is this LOVE?] and Koda Kumi's [Butterfly] (why cant they get someone big to compose for Arashi too >___<)
and it seems like the c/w song is going to be [指輪]~ composed and written by himself~ one of his best work!!!
YamaP is actually the first Johnny's that released a solo single after KinKi Kids!!! but I guess it's because if Arashi were to release solo, all 5 of them would have to release on, wherease NEWS, YamaP is probably the only one that will get to release a solo single (ok, maybe Nishikido Ryo too...)
嵐 they will be apearing in the new [ザ少年倶楽部プレミアム] the program is re-organized after KAT-TUN's debut, and guess what, it's no longer hosted by Johnny's Jr. but 國分太一 from TOKIO who is in his 30s :p... so sad eh~ Johnny's Jr. system are disappearing... there used to be so many Jr. program back in the Takki/Arashi time... Johnny's Jimusho is coming to its end? :p oh well, not that i care, as long as i get to see Arashi *o*
[歌笑] is now renamed into Katakana [ウタワラ] (because the Japanese teenagers sucked and couldnt read or write 漢字 anymore?) and it's returning this week!!*o* finally!!!
Johnny's Artists Recent Single Sales since last November (unit: 萬) 01. 修二と彰 - 青春アミーゴ - 158.7 02. KAT-TUN - Real Face - 84.1 03. SMAP - Triangle - 33.7 04. KinKi Kids - SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! - 31.7 05. 嵐 - WISH - 30.4 06. タッキー&翼 - Venus - 28.6 07. NEWS - サヤエンドウ - 19.5 08. ENDLICHERI☆ENDLICHERI - ソメイヨシノ - 16.2 09. TOKIO - Mr.Traveling Man - 13.4 10. TOKIO - 明日を目指して! - 9.6
the first 2 ranking really shouldnt be included, cuz KAT-TUN is debuting... of course they will sell good.... (cuz once up a time, Arashi used to sell better than SMAP and KinKi, and once up a time, NEWS used to sell better than SMAP, KinKi and Arashi :p) so basically~ Arashi is the 3rd best selling Johnny's group after SMAP and KinKi!! ^o^ cant believe they actually sold better than NEWS, who have only debuted for 2 years.... @___@ and it's interesting how 堂本剛's solo sales is about half of KinKi's sales!!! haha, 真是even的fan base~
speaking of KAT-TUN~ their first wekk sale is around 78萬~ but their 2nd week sales is 9萬!!! and 3rd week is 5 萬!! hehe, i hope this week it drops to less than 2萬 :p 基本上他們所謂的限定版一點也不限定 因為到現在amazon japan都還買的到... yeah, i guess their "限定" stand for "on sale within 2006"....
********************* and AYU's new single oly sold 17萬, ranked no. 10 on Oricon for this year's single sales so far X__________X what?? she usually have a very steady 30萬 sales!!!! she lost half of fans because of [Bold & Delicious]???? T____T
grrr, sorry that i just cant stop whining... but 有人.... is really pissing me off >___< 3 weeks ago, she showed me this roll-over drop down menu (* i personally HATE roll-over drop down menu as much as i hate apple) 雖然我已經告訴過他 roll-over會有很多問題 (ie: compatability...) and i hate how it blocks the content, how your mouse HAVE to be their and how it's going on and off... 但是完全被當作耳邊風 換來的答案是 "That's the one we are using!!" 既然已經決定了 那何必問我意見??? 算了 隨便啦 我懶的吵 又不是我的site... 然後上個星期 she's so 不爽 cuz i couldnt help her figure out 為什麼 IE裡不work, which is something i said 3 weeks ago... 用很不爽的口氣跟我說 "it has to be working in not just one browser but in ALL browsers!!!" .... 然今天說的是"it's not working in IE and i dont give a damn anymore"...
既然完全不聽人講話 那你就安靜的自己想辦法搞定啊??? sigh.... (sorry if Chinglish is hard to understand, 但是世界實在是太小了 為了以防萬一...)
oh oh~~~ and i got scared today!!!!!!@_____@ when i came back from afternoon tea today, around 6, in the elevator, there's this guy saying "hi" to me... and i'm like "... hi..." and he asked which unit i lived in, 超不想答 但是又好像不太好 然後還問我名字 @____@ omg, 第一次覺得2層樓的電梯竟然這麼久... 嚇死我了 @____@
ok, today's weather is pretty good for working~ gotta ganbare~
so is THAT the CM?? they are not going to have their individual ones?? *o* how disappointing... but Yukie looks so pretty~~ in that 3 seconds.... but i'm glad that the CM started with her~
everyone's saying SMAP's new song sounded good... but i was kinda disappointed... i was expecting something more ... "grand" and maybe a ballad? not something so "genki" and Johnny's style... doesnt really fit the cm....
100 Questions of Johnny's Entertainment
today's such a big slack off day for me X___X it's all kakeru's fault... geez, i got tons of work to do, stop disturbing me =P and can someone please PLEASE spare me Sammi's "我們的主題曲" album??? actually, the songs that i really want are "唉聲嘆氣" and "一夜成名"
so wanna skip tml.... 不想被group members當司機 :p
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ anywayz, get into the topics... since everyone are doing it, i might as well :p
1. Which Johnny band is your favourite? Arashi
2. Why? MatsuJun!! well, they are the group that has the best relationship~
3. Who is your favourite Johnny? Matsumoto Jun.
4. Why? because of his acting (i'm serious! :p)
5. When is your very first contact with a Johnny? back in 1993 or 1994?
6. Who was it? Kimura Takuya
7. How did you know him? from the dorama "愛情白皮書"
8. When actually did you really start listening/liking the JE? 1998, Kinki Kids
9. What incident brought you into JE? Matsumoto Jun :p
10. Do you have a favourite JE song? SMAP's "Yozora no Mukou"
11. Do you listen to them the most? nah~ Johnny's are not about music :p
12. If not, who is your favourite band/artist? AYU, GLAY, Hikki, CHEMISTRY and a lot of other Jpop singers
13. Which band/singer did you listen/like the most before JE? same as above
-Kat-tun- ---> SKIPPED
27. Who is your favourite in NewS? YamaP
28. Why? cuz i watched most of his dorama
29. Do you have a favourite song of NewS? Sayaendou
30. Do you have a favourite live of NewS? (solos counts, too) no
31. Do you have a favourite show appearance of NewS? their appearance on Domoto Kyodai
32. Who do you think can sing the best of NewS? Tegoshi
33. Who do you think can dance the most of NewS? YamaP
34. Who is the girliest of NewS? Uchi
35. Who is the manliest of NewS? Koyama
36. Who is the cutest member of NewS? YamaP
37. Who is the funniest member of NewS? Ryo
38. Who is the most prettiest in NewS? YamaP
39. Who has the best apperance in NewS? YamaP
40. Do you have a favourite PV of NewS? Cherish
-KanJani8- ---> SKIPPED
55. Who is your favourite in Arashi? Matsumoto Jun
56. Why? .... refer to question 4 :p
57. Do you have a favourite song of Arashi? Tomadoinagara
58. Do you have a favourite live of Arashi? (solos counts, too) Iza, Now Summer Tour 2004
59. Do you have a favourite show appearance of Arashi? D no Arashi
60. Who do you think can sing the best of Arashi? Ohno-kun
61. Who do you think can dance the most of Arashi? Jun~
62. Who is the girliest of Arashi? Aiba-chan
63. Who is the manliest of Arashi? Sho
64. Who is the cutest member of Arashi? Nino
65. Who is the funniest member of Arashi? Nino
66. Who is the most prettiest in Arashi? Jun
67. Who has the best apperance in Arashi? Jun!!
68. Do you have a favourite PV of Arashi? PIKANCHI DOUBLE
-other units-
69. Who is your favourite younger unit? (ABC, Ya-ya-yah, Kiss my ft, Question...) n/a
70. Who is your favourite older unit? (V6, T&T, Smap, V6, Kinki Kids...) ... if i HAVE to choose one.. SMAP then..
71. Do you have a favourite member of any younger or older unit? KimuTaku
72. Do you have a favourite song of any younger or older unit? Yozora no Mukou
73. Do you have a favourite show with any younger or older unit? SMAPxSMAP
74. Do you have a favourite live of any younger or older unit? n/a
75. Do you have a favourite actor in JE? Matsumoto Jun!
76. Do you have a favourite dorama starring with one of JE? Good Luck
77. What was your very first dorama staring with one of JE? 愛情白皮書
78. Which dorama of JE do you watch recently? 愛と死をみつめて, 少しは、恩返しができたかな, 世にも奇妙な物語
79. Which dorama of JE do you want to watch? Attention Please!, Kurozagi
80. Who do you wish would should start acting, who hasn't yet? Ohno!!
81. Who do you wish should stop acting, because he sucks at acting or he should do something else instead? no one?
-Questions for fun-
82. Do you think that you are JE addicted? no!
83. Why do you think so? i only like and care about Arashi :p
84. What will you do seeing your favourite Johnny standing infront of your door? shake hands, ask for signature :p
85. What advantages does starting liking JE give you? ... none
86. What disadvantages does it give you? ... empty wallet
87. How many times a day do you think about JE? ehhh... depends...
88. How many times do you have the face of your favourite Johnny around you? (Poster or Photos on wall, computer layout ect.) vary... not often :p
89. If your favourite Johnny or your favourite JE has to grant you a wish what would it be? .... o___O what kidna weird question is this...
90. If you have a wish about JE, what would it be? i wish the rumour btw Jun and Nakama Yukie is true :p
91. If you are reborn, you wish to be who? ... Johnny-san's grand daughter XDD (j/k)
92. If you are a Johhny's right now, who do you wish you are? go yakiniku with Arashi members :p
93. If you can ask your favourite Johnny or your favourite JE band a question, what would it be? 消音******
94. Did you ever had a dream with a Johhny? no
95. If yes, when was it and what was it?
96. Do you have any realizeable goal in your life that has to do with JE? no...
97. Do you like JE BL fanfic? no... but i dont mind :p
98. If yes, who are the best couple of JE? (Jun x Ohno)
99. If you are Johnny-san what would you change about JE? screw KT :p and let Arashi have their DOME TOUR
100. Do you like this survey? ^.^ yeah, the questions are short and simple~
i wonder why my posts are always so random... not a very efficient day, but i did a little bit of everything today~ :p please give me a 陰天 T___T
Arashi it's pretty much confirmed that they will be releasing their new single on May 17~ phew~~ safe~ :p
so that means i'll be buying this single in Taiwan... which reminded me my bad experience with one of Taipei's most well known Japanese CD store [95 Music].... (yeah, their website is like crap) =___=" last year, I ordered my GLAYxEXILE limited cds about 2 months before the release day, and they told me they couldnt get ANY of the 5萬限定版!!! and tried to explain to me how "limited" it is in Japan... bs, 5萬張一點也不少!!!!!!! 一定是留給熟客, 訂不到就不要接一堆訂單啊 雖然Yesasia也令人討厭 但是至少你按的到"order"就一定買的到!! 但是 我還是很沒骨氣的 bought most of my Japanese CDs there... cuz they are the cheapest store afterall >___< 開了數十年 位於西門町的老店 所以態度囂張 但是真的是"什麼都行" 幫客人加入fan club, 買演唱會票 etc...
but something interesting, they got like more than 100 copies of KAT-TUN's so-called "限定版Box Set"..... so that makes me wonder... 到底那所謂的"限定"有多少個 連這個無能店都拿的到這麼多... (or they are just better at buying Johnny's stuff?) ************************ Skip Beat awww, i just read the latest chapter.. it's getting SO GOOD!! *O* WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE DRAMA-IZED??
夢幻演員陣容: 敦賀蓮: 木村拓哉 or.... 藤木直人 不破尚: 松本潤 or 松本潤!! :p (潤實在太適合演自大男了 :p) 恭子: 鈴木杏 or 沢尻エリカ
i'm pretty sure Jun wouldnt mind being 第2男主角 when it comes to 木村拓哉~ haha想太多了 :p but i wonder what happend to [Nodame Cantabile]? i thought Okada Junichi from V6 was gonna be casting that dorama... >___<
and i hope one day [桜蘭高校ホスト部] will be drama-ized too, acted by ALL Arashi members and some other Johnny's!! XDDD
************************ NANA the anime & 桜蘭高校ホスト部 the anime official site
i watched the first episode of NANA.... 一點也不想追下去... 是不好看還是我已經到了不喜歡看anime的年齡?? (i used to 追 "Hikaru no Go" like crazy :p) and Nana sound like a guy!!! @___@ noo....
and wow, Olivia still sound awsome to me after so many years :p (當年沾安室光 紅於一時的沖繩藝人)
桜蘭's anime is pretty good!! it's so cute!! *o* (i want dorama of it T___T)
************************ GLAYxEXILE
so they lied about their "first" and "last" performance at Music Station eh~~ :p but.... SHUN & ATSUSHI are both so out of breathe!! (or they breath at the wrong place?) in another word, they cant sing live?
damn it, i wanna watch this video in full screen >___< (hey, how come EXILE didnt go to GLAY's Budokan concert??)
************************ lastly, i finally went to 新開的[Chaku]日式燒肉放題 on Wed!!!! i got so excited when i saw the real "炭" :p
如果說是第一次去 waiter會幫你烤"西冷牛肉"~~ 超好吃~ 但是自己烤就烤不出來 :p
有待加強的地方: - give me that super loud and unison "Irasshaimase"!!!! (like Mo-Mo Paradise) - offer more "Japanese" food... like... 飯團 (<-- my favourite!! :p)
i was suppose to be working hard today... but there's very little progress.. it's all weather's fault >___< i cant concentrate when the weather is so good...
so i end up watching [脳力探険クイズ!ホムクル]~ someone finally re-uploaded them!!! *o* (only had the chance to grab all the MatsuJun episodes before :p)
how come Japanese always have such fun tv show?? haha, but i finally realized how dumb i am, as i dont get most of the quizzes :p and TOKIO's 城島茂 is so smart!! he even answered more questions than Sho!!!! anywayz, thought it's fun to share with you guys~
click the picture to see the ansewr~
Question 1: ... 看圖示字吧~ 總之就是如何用兩塊木板從A大樓到B大樓
and by the way, my guess was like every other baka in the show:
which is obviously WRONG :p
Question 2: 如何將此面積平均分成4份 (i actually got this one!!! :p)
arrrrr I HATE GROUP WORK!!! >____< 我從沒見過這麼討厭的人!!! 為什麼有這種自大的人呢??? 如果真的聰明就算了 那叫做實力 但是明明很遜 還要搶著事情來做??? ARRRRRRRR~~~ so this afternoon, after class, she insisted to try to fix the bug, 我問了兩次"不如我來做" 但是都被拒絕 算了 i wanna relax on Friday too~ 他愛做就給他做吧~ 但是其實我會問是因為看死他做不出來 結果到了6點 追魂call來了 不出我所料 搞不定~ 還不是要我來收拾爛攤子... "can you have it done by tonight??" @#*_)@#*$_)*@#$ 有病啊 又不是明天交 WHY DA F*CK 一定要今晚做好?? 算了 我認了... 打開code一看 omg 完全不聽我講話!!! 就跟他講不要用一個table 3個column 然後set死width嘛 用1個table floating in the middle is so much easier!!! ARRRR so i have to fix all the stupid coding BEFORE i can go on and do the real job....X________X 好慘... 居然再寶貴的星期五晚上哈了2個小時做這種白痴事... 結果現在"今晚"的最後 也不見他上MSN... =____=" 我被耍的好慘 T_____T anywayz, time for j-drama now..
and just in case you didnt know, school didnt end for me yet T___T i still have 3 more weeks of class....
XD omg, 我從沒想到自己也有這麼一天... i always call ppl fangirl when i see them posting idol/actors' photo on their blog and start screaming "好帥好帥好帥好帥!!!" ... anywayz, since everyone's doing it lately, here :p (be prepared)
anywayz, i'm back with more Arashi news!!! (*claps)
CONFIRMED: Arashi will be releasing a single this summer, a theme song for Sho's movie [Honey & Clover] called [アオゾラペダル] composed and written by: Suga Shikao~ the one who wrote the lyric of my all time fav Johnny's song [夜空ノムコウ]~ (just had to take out my CD in the middle of the night) Spitz will be singing the opening song~ 再也沒有比Spitz更適合的人選了~~ 他們的歌實在是太輕快 太有春天味道了~ and ppl say that [Honey & Clover] will be 2006's [NANA]!!! but i doubt it tho :p and the making of the movie will be released on July 14~ (i think i'll end up buying the making of Jun's "Boku-Imo")
anywayz, what's with my "confirmed" up there? cuz i saw some "自認"資深的fans saying "it's considered as rumour as long as it's not posted on the official site" =___=" what?? the news is on ALL the japanese news site and the official site of the composer..... 這樣還叫rumour?? ok then... 這世上還是有很多ignorant...
and some other rumour about Arashi's single in May... some ppl are saying that they are releasing something like Koda Kumi @____@ they will each release a solo single in 5 weeks... something like that.... i hope that's not true... cuz no one has 實力 to release solo other than the Leader... and plus, i dont have $$$ to buy all 5 of them X___X
i was totally pissed off last night.. for the same person, same kinda thing... just before the day that i'm going to have 3 assignments due and a test.... i've been working till 3, 4 am for the past few days... but it's over.. i'll be slacking off till this weekend, then i'll have to start working on my other/last major project T___T
and i wonder why i even bother to have the "busy" sign on when i just keep on replying msg, and why ppl just ignore that "busy" sign... (haha, i'm j/k, thank you for entertaining me~)
i'm jus so freaking pissed right now... it's the same person, same kinda problem @#%*_ 位什麼世界上會有這種人??? arrrrr i cant understand!!! 已經什麼事都不做了 還要一副裡所當人的樣子 跟他說要做的事 也是聽完就算 一副不關他的事的樣子 arrrrr, wtf @#%)*#$)!@#$* 我的事就跟他一點關係也沒有 他一有事就說什麼"a favour" fuck up, 只不過是順便叫你加個油 不要以為是多大的恩惠 還敢跟我談條件 @#)*%$)+@)#$* i can live perfectly fine without you!!!!! 而且還不能講 你有麼這麼了不起 有做過什麼了不起的事嗎? 什叫做"你還真閒 又翹課" @#)$*_@#*)$) HELLO?? 我是已經上完課 回到家 還睡完午覺了 @#%*_@$_ (i remember my mom saying the same thing to me before... 真不虧是母子 頭腦是一樣的) 再跟這種人住下去 我一定會發瘋 從現在開始我是一個人住 我什麼都看不到也聽不到 ************************** omg, i cant believe it... EXILE's new album sold less than 30萬????? *_______* an album that has [SCREAM] and their best selling single [ただ…逢いたくて]... why is it selling so bad????? well, not bad BAD, but definitely bad compare to their last 2 alubms, which sold around 90萬~100萬 in the first week?? what is happening in Japan?? X____X cuz SHUN quited EXILE?? and SHUN's solo didnt even sell good ...(he's only doing SLIGHTLY better than Yukie with DOWNLOADS) SHUN... how can you drag your entire group down like that.... 仔細想想 其實EXILE真正開始紅的時間不到2年... 這麼快就開始走下坡了??? 日本人到底再搞什麼 最近大紅的都紅不久... Orange Range... now EXILE.... i'm waiting to see Koda Kumi's turn to come
anywayz, Hikki's releasing a new album~ it's been 4 years since [DEEP RIVER]?? (haha, i almost typed Deep Forest :p) but shoudnt she do something before she releases an album?? i mean, this is going to be her first NON-double million Japanese album for sure X____X actually, 我覺得連破百萬都非常有問題
finally downloaded melody's new album... awww, what a nice voice she has... Download melody. - realize (日劇[龍櫻]主題曲)
*****Johnny's 分隔線******
rumour saying that Arashi will be releasing a single won May 17~ the same day as Nakamshima Mika and Suzuki Ami~ but that's ok, 他們根本一點威脅也沒有 :p so i went on Oricon to check out who is releasing a single on that day... and turns out that Amuro is releasing a new single!! (just found that out :p) Amuro... 也是一點威脅也沒有:p
but if they release a week later, May 24, there's Koda Kumi... (and maybe AYU?) well, i think Arashi can still sell more than both of them in the first week (due to HanaDan effect) but i dont want to see that happening to AYU >___< and if they release on May 31, there's 桜井和寿 from Mr. Children, which they dont stand a chance against :p (and wow, 小柳由紀is releasing a single??)
one of my prof showed us this clip in class XDDD, I LOVE IT!! if you have used a mac before, you should be able to know what that guy is talkin about... and do you know how to make a screenshot on mac? "mac key" (it's like PC's ctrl key) + "shift" + "4" + "space bar" AT THE SAME TIME... i started to hate "drag & drop" because of mac =__="
move on, next topic: iPod
iPod到底有什麼了不起?? 他除了一個"小"字 還有什麼??? 除了聽歌 什麼都做不到 也不能錄音 而且其實也沒多小 也不過是比我的D-snap AS10再薄一點而已... and i hate how it's internal memory...
and can someone tell me, WHY do you need a colour LCD screen on a audio player???? W-H-Y??? ....
guess what, Panasonic is releasing a seires of new mp3 players~ and they made me *o*
why D-snap rules - it's the SMALLEST mp3 player - it's got fantastic design - it can record - 可以接受radio - 最長可以連續play 110小時!!!! (compare to ipod's 14 hours.... lol) - 超快充電時間: 1.5 hour, 充10分鐘可以聽3小時!! (compare to ipod's 3 hours...) - it's promoted by AYU XD
i dont know when and why i started hating apple so much :p but another reason why i dont like ipod is that they aren't specialized in audio at all!! 我不相信做出來的東西會有多好 it's just like, SONY相機不好 是一樣的道理
the only thing i dont like about D-snap is that you have to go thru a convert process.... not just Panasonic, 之前SONY也要 但是去年開始終於妥協了~ SONY MD終於可以drag & drop mp3了~ but i dont think Japan's 2 biggest companies are that stupid, the conversion is there for a reason!!
完了 之前才決定我要效忠於MD 但是我現在超想買D-snap的... sooner or later 我所有的電器都會便成Panasonic :p
*********************** the rest of the stories of [世にも奇妙な物語] aren't as good as i expected... and i'm not too fond of the 1min special... it's way too short :p
and i think TVBT subgroup likes Jun more than Nino, it took them 5 days to sub Nino's special drama, but 3 days for Jun's XD and the description is "主演: 松本潤等" XD they dont even bother to put the other ppl...
haha, but i must say, they love Johnny's, all Johnny's dorama came out really fast!!
and plus, i'm not worried about my project anymore, cuz i know i can finish it on time~ :p
Music Station Special is it just me? who think that AYU looks so damn fine in it??? jean, t-shirt, blonde curly hair, ther's nothing special but SHE LOOKS SO PRETTY!!!
and... just in case you didnt know... KT is also there.. haha i heard so many criticism from some anti-KT ppl~ 唱的爛 跳的爛 默契爛~ 在一旁 B'z的松本孝弘臉色超難看 "一輩子英名就這麼毀了~~" XDDDD
KT團已經成為所有Johnny's出道團fans的公敵了~ i dont get why everyone kept emphasizing that "they were groped for 5 years"... 成組多少年一點也不重要吧 重要的是加入了傑尼斯幾年吧?? 山P, 瀧與翼都是入社第7年才出道, KT也是第7年出道啊~ 一點也沒有被虧待吧? 關8裡的3個前輩是入社第10年才出道的說...
V6的岡田准一之前上Hanamaru Cafe提供的照片~ 5人一起去吃飯時照的~ interesting how none of them is in the same group~ that reminded me of the pic of Jun and Takki... (頗喜歡看到Jun跟Takki一起~ :p)
草彅剛的新春特別劇[愛と死をみつめて] is so much better than i expected!! it's actually so touching~ and the music is so good too~ Nino's drama? ummm, 完全哭不出來!! and i prepared to cry hard for that drama too :p i think the problem is that it's too short!! they should elaborate more.... or maybe i had too much expectation...
Anime: Code Geass Manga: Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁 Song: almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?,
, HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ Singer: 浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY,
柴咲コウ Actor:
仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木
26449;拓哉 Flower: Sakura!!! Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry) J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子,
きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子
[+] Hamasaki Ayumi [+]
GLAY [+] Arashi [+] Shibasaki Kou [+]
Chemistry [+] Ayu! Love!
Ayu! [+] University of Toronto
[+] March 2004 [+] April 2004 [+] May 2004 [+] June 2004 [+] July 2004 [+] August 2004 [+] September 2004 [+] October 2004 [+] November 2004 [+] December 2004 [+] January 2005 [+] February 2005 [+] March 2005 [+] April 2005 [+] May 2005 [+] June 2005 [+] July 2005 [+] August 2005 [+] September 2005 [+] October 2005 [+] November 2005 [+] December 2005 [+] January 2006 [+] February 2006 [+] March 2006 [+] April 2006 [+] May 2006 [+] June 2006 [+] July 2006 [+] August 2006 [+] September 2006 [+] October 2006 [+] November 2006 [+] December 2006 [+] January 2007 [+] February 2007 [+] March 2007 [+] April 2007 [+] May 2007 [+] June 2007 [+] July 2007 [+] August 2007 [+] September 2007 [+] October 2007 [+] November 2007 [+] December 2007 [+] January 2008 [+] February 2008 [+] March 2008 [+] April 2008 [+] May 2008 [+] June 2008 [+] July 2008 [+] August 2008 [+] September 2008 [+] October 2008 [+] November 2008 [+] December 2008 [+] January 2009 [+] February 2009 [+] March 2009 [+] April 2009 [+] May 2009 [+] June 2009 [+] July 2009 [+] August 2009 [+] September 2009 [+] October 2009 [+] November 2009