
好好聽!!! 連平常不太聽中文歌的我都覺得很好聽!!!!!! *O* 最喜歡[就是愛你]

好想看[鬼]的mv 為什麼被大陸禁播呢...

BGM - GLAY - Winter, again (live ver)
2分鐘的濃縮版~ (GLAY紅翻天時期的歌~) music station超小氣 應該給兩首歌的時間啊..... 女子十二樂訪的live非常好!!! 非常非常好聽!!! 因為歌曲本身好聽 :p

結果功課一個都沒做完....... essay 快了..... 另外兩個則是拿出來看看 然後就丟一邊了.......



today's my lucky day~ 超開心的~ 跟上個星期比 簡直是天差地別

waaaa~~ my DVD finally arrived!!! (有史以來 最貴的DVD!!!!! 算了 偶爾奢侈一下沒關係吧....?)
到家以後連看5個小時@____@..... EXPO超讚的~~看完後覺得其實也不是很貴 還覺得物超所值 :p

*感動中* 所以來個特別版吧~ (雖然 the colours doesnt match at all...............)
2月2號.... 是什麼黃道吉日嗎? 竟然有3個assignment同一天交.... 2月8號 有第一個exam... 2月9號 有兩個.... T___T 好慘...

明天是做功課日!!! 至少要做完一個半!!!!!!!!


看了2集的[仙劍]............ sigh....失望..... 不要亂改啦!!!!!! 我想我現在的心情就像以前先看金庸小說後看電視的人吧.....

awwwww 好 sweet~ 不過有點sweet過頭了... 特效........ 很爛!!!!!!
不過音樂很好 我一開始還很怕會是很中國風的音樂.... 不過我還是會看完的~ 就算再怎麼改 始終是[仙劍]啊!!!

hehe,因為要借給人 所以拿出來照張相~ here

是出回限定版喔~送手帕 兩種cover 月如版是CD盒上的... 前幾年好像有出了什麼"完全版" 擺明騙錢...

身為中國人的你 如果沒完過這個game...... shame on you!!! :p


Kitty-chan~ 你好厲害~ 
Hello Kitty進軍名牌??

好漂亮哦~~ 一套要6000台幣@____@ 後來才發現原來30週年出的產品一件比一件貴.....說不定哪天真的會有Hello Kitty LV, Gucci, Tiffany etc....

Kitty-chan 應該是全亞洲 進軍國際最成功的"貓"了吧.... 每個新聞網站都看的到Kitty-chan的30歲生日.... 一隻不會說話 沒有表情的貓.......(原來Kitty-chan是出生於英國 有優良血統的存種貓!! 不是日本貓喔) 我真佩服你啊, Kitty-chan....
arrrr, when is my stuff from yesasia gonna arrive?????? >____< why is it taking froever.....以前的話 星期一寄 星期五一定收的到的啊.......


症狀1) 竟然10就起床了!!! 只睡了8小時就自然醒@____@ (我平常如果不set鬧鐘應該會睡10~12小時吧)
症狀2) 今天一天都沒有聽音樂!! 一放音樂就覺得很吵..............
下了一天雪 一整天都待在家裡....


要拍成電影了!!! *o* 好期待~ 唉? 又是成宮寛貴? (下玄月還沒看說.... 2月26出DVD~)

and讓我意想不到的是 女主角竟然是中島美嘉!!! 那一定是他唱主題曲了.... haha超適合的... 不過Mika又演同樣類型的角色?? 其他的沒有一個認識.... omg.... 蓮的真人版好 T___T 其他都還OK


真人版............ 連圖也懶的post了... here


気持悪い..... it's friday again..... 我知道人生有起有跌 而且這種事實常發生 應該早已習慣 可是還是辦不到.......... 算了 還好我算是樂天派 很快就會不記得煩惱...... 只好對自己說"頑張ります!!!"

official site (if anyone's actually interested :p)

原來拍好了啊? 真不知道要不要dl.... 怕看了後悔....

TV版好像亂加了一些人物... 不過還好李消遙不是林X穎演... 不是傳靈兒是由林心如演嗎? 算了 劉亦菲也很有氣質(<---我唯一認識的大陸演員) 天啊... 那"隻"是要演阿奴的人嗎??? 最搞笑的應該是王小虎吧!!! 他好歹也是2代男主角 不能找個像樣一點的人嗎? 不過剩下的角色就真的很像~

([仙劍奇俠傳]是我小4的時候玩的PC game 是我認為最最最成功的chinese game!! 前幾年重出了 CG很不錯~ 故事跟音效都很有水準~ 論故事的話 我覺得不會輸給FF7!!! 總之就是我最愛的RPG之一啦)


i lost my 信箱鑰匙!!!! 
normally, i woudlnt even care, cuz i'm not the one getting the mail anywayz... but since i might be recieving my order from Yesasia anytime this week, so i volunteered to get it!!! BUT i LOST IT TODAY !!! >___< 長這麼大 第一次不見鑰匙.... WHY?? 為什麼在我最需要你的時候離開我??? 我一向都很小心收著我的鑰匙 因為我非常喜歡我的"鑰匙圈" (Hello Kitty北海道限定版) but then, i just put my mail box key on the "temporary" position which is actually not that safe........ T______T
今天早上天氣超差!! 下大雪 從16樓看出去真的很~~~~~~~~~~~大 so i end up going to school by bus... the traffic was pretty bad... everyone's driving like 10km/h and it took me about 50min to get to STC!!!!!!!!!! the worst thing is that the bus i was suppose to get on at STC is out of service........ so i had to wait there for like 30 min..... arrr 深深體會到撘公車的痛苦 and 開車的幸福..... (but heard from 友人M 她出highway的時候整輛車打滑 and 轉圈.... so scary.......

so much stuff to dl today!!! X___X Gokusen2 ep 1 is out!!! and a lot a of other J-drama...


今天再hallway看到一個人手上拿著coffee跟報紙... 突然 他的報紙飛了一張出來 我很好心的去幫他撿 誰知道 他竟然給我一副很"不爽"的臉 要我幫他丟掉......... 我這樣算是多管閒事嗎???????
cant believe 開學已經3個禮拜了... so fast... but not so many works yet :p only have 1 text book this term!!! but will be very busy in feb...... i got 3 exams BEFORE the study break!! 2 on the 9th, and 1 on the 10th.... X____X fine, i'll actually have a "Spring Break" this term~


再也沒有比"自然醒"更幸福的事了 (幸福) 
昨天天氣超差..... 冰雨, 大雨, 閃電 然後又起大霧!! 多倫多真的沒事過這麼大霧呢~ 昨天還要跑一大堆地方的說....

but driving in the "fog" is such an "interesting" experience 感覺好像有鬼會出現 (ha? "浪漫"? 那真是不好意思 坐在你隔壁的是我:p)
昨天 我非常難得的舉手發言 但是卻因此被套上了一個非常不想理的責任...... 早知道就不要自己找自己麻煩了....


ayumi hamasaki 2004-2005 LIVE A 
i have class at 10am tml, and i'm still not asleep now? haha, cuz i'm watching ayu's count down live~

i'm actually only watching the 冷門歌曲.... "WHATEVER" and "Immature" were great!!! and the "希特勒"style costume looks great!!! "flower garden" 好可怕.... "independent" 好可怕...........

Duty was so disappointing.... but "INSPIRE" was GREAT!!!!! and she actually 清唱 for a part.... her 清唱 was awsome!!! (haha, 說不定她的耳機裡有偷偷的play music :p)

結果只唱了3首新歌...... walking proud was sooooo good!!! *o* it's definitely the best song from the concert..... "Key" was really good too~ 雖然有小小走音...

the song choice this year is so weird.. she usually sing a lot of new songs on CDL.... 有一大堆我很喜歡的歌 也有一堆我不喜歡的歌.....

GLAY今年也有開count down演唱會... 好想看... T___T

i just dropped a 釘書針...... 
and i cant find it!!!!@______@ i guess it's time to do some 吸塵....

just done my first assignment of the term.... so crappy :p haha, oh well....

i think i'll try the octopus next time... the elephant is just too hard...


arrrr 今天早上8:45的時候 樓上的construciton又開始了.... grrrrrrrr it's really pissing me off!!!! 難得12點才上課可以多睡一點 又一早被吵醒.... 然後我就陸陸續續半睡半醒的... 終於 起床的時候已經11:30了!!! ............

看來我還是要早睡早起 prepare for每天9點的"morning call" T___T........
lunch time的時候談到中文的"單位"詞.... find it really interesting..... fill in the blank~

一__牛 (A: 頭 i always use "隻")
一__CD (A: 張 廣東話好像"隻"比較通...)
一__魚 (A: 尾 i always use "條")
一__馬 (A: 匹)
一__車 (A: 輛, 廣東話好像是"架"...)



一個月前我自己說過的話 "preview好好聽喔 好像很日式~" 原來我覺得好好聽的preview就是TAKURO作曲的............ 我剛剛才發現..... (am i kinda slow or what?? but之前網站上真的沒說...)

不過還好我的耳朵還不遲鈍.... 要是那時候說"preview超難聽的"現在就糗大了... :p


柴崎幸 - 月的點滴 

鮮豔的底色 低吟著愛情的嘆息
戰禍的聲音 是喧囂蟬聲的風

在時間的盡頭 漸漸冷卻的愛情溫度
逝去的虛幻無常 漸漸照耀著回憶

悄悄的 現在變成心願
悲傷的月兒點滴 今天也又漸漸濡濕


悄悄的 現在 在天際彼方
悲傷的月兒點滴 今天也又漸漸濡濕

悄悄的 現在變成心願
悲傷的月兒點滴 今天也又漸漸濡濕

柴崎幸2月16日發新單曲~ 對嘛 1年出1張才是體貼歌迷的行為~ :p

今天一大早(9am) 被樓上construction的聲音吵醒 一開始只是希望趕快點finish 不要打擾我睡覺.... then i really cant stand it anymore and took out my MD.... 但還是睡不好.... 翻來翻去大概在12點決定放棄 早點起床吧.... 然後一直到我出門 快3點的時候都還沒完 被疲勞轟炸了連續6個小時 ... 非常頭痛....(<--- literally) 痛到後來我覺得再不出門我就要瘋了... (haha i actually 對著空氣大叫)

still cant think of anything for my sis to buy for me in Japan.... (other than Hello Kitty stuff....) haha, but i'll come up with something eventually.... 是那種 "反正不是我的錢 不要白不要"的想法 :p


all thanks to my lazy prof~ from now on, the Thursday lecture will be canclled!!! (resumes after mid term tho... T___T) muhahaha, so i only have school Mon, Tue and Wed from now on!!!

好像還沒從放假中調整過來.... 最近睡超多的.... 今天已經睡足了8個小時 回家後又小眠了2個小時....


昨天我終於了解到the meaning of"人善被人欺"

yesterday is the first day of school la.... then after school, i went to the post office to pick up some stuff for my brother and to check something (#@$%*^@#)&$)*%^&()@#$) then, there's this person with 30+ of package to send out (probably doing ebay business or something) which took a REALLY long time ..... 我知道跟post office的員工無關 但是當一個人在不耐煩+睡眠不足的情況下 就自然會"遷怒"的啦 :p since the men in front of me is taking forever, this other 員工got my package without using the computer and had me sign on paper instead of those 電子簽名-thingy.... then, i asked him about this other package that my bro didnt get....... the 員工told me to line up again cuz she's not in front of the computer... and if i wanna check, she has to use the computer..... then i got really pissed, and replied with a really really bad attitude saying "i just did and i waited for a long time already, the computer is right there, it only takes you few second to check it. Why do i have to line up agian??" 然後他就真的乖乖的立刻幫我check! :p

如果是以前的我 應該是會去乖乖的排隊的....

haha 當時真的很想罵髒話 (even tho i know it's not their fault...........) 脾氣越來越差....
oh, and today, there's this really really 自以為是的日本仔 超破壞我對日本人的印象, 穿著像剛剛來的"中國人"(hint*hint*.... i hope i dont offend anyone...)

先不要以貌取人... (talkin to myself :p) 自以為是? why? 上課時 prof問大家的first language是什麼啦 他的回答實在是.... "I speak Japanese, but i can speak and understand English very well"... 我心想 "廢話 everyone in this room can "speak and understand English very well""

完了 完了 我不僅是脾氣越來越差.... 個性也越來越壞....


今天去友人C家裡打PS2.... we were playing this 打鼓遊戲... it's sooo interesting (even tho we dont have the drum and were playing with the controller instead....) i played 平井堅的"Hitomi Wo Tojite", Exile的"Choo Choo Train" and "Linda Linda"(<--誰唱的啊?)

甜品後又到J的place to continue... then we ended up playing 中國傳統遊戲 - "麻將" ... 真是一門博大精深的學問..... (but...我今天又說錯話了 >____<)


new layout!!! did this last night..... approx an hour only!!! 這根本稱不上"design" 是連小學生都會的剪貼 :p 我的layout真是越作越隨便... 這是我花最少時間完成的....

anywayz, 祝大家新年快樂~ (天啊 今年我將脫離 "teenager" 了.... 從"1"到"2"感覺好大壓力喔...)

uummmm, 今年(發生在我身上)的大事有....

1. 日本關西(京阪神)遊~
2. 親身感受GLAY演唱會的氣氛 (我就在USJ門口!!)
3. 登上萬里長城~~~
4. 買了D-snap
5. AYU終於出了一張有以前水準的好聽的single - Moments
6. Orange Days好好看!!! 從此愛上了柴崎幸
7. GLAY的"White Road"是繼2000年的"Special Thanks"讓我感動的ballad~
8. Hong Kong悠閒購物+吃喝遊~
9. 可怕的上海之行
10. Haggen Dazs巧克力火鍋

天啊 這就是我所謂的"大事"嗎???? 我的人生原來這麼plain.... 好可悲.....
i got my CDs from yesasia today!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO~~~~ I DIDNT GET HTE COVER THAT I WANTED!!!

the one i want is the top right one... but what i got is the bottom right one.... T______T sigh.... but at least i didnt get the first one... the first looks so similar to the original, normal edition..... (ps. those 4 covers are limited, first edition only ver!!!).......................... 我會努力去學習喜歡這個封面的.... 頑張ります!!!

好想買!!!! all because of the POSTER!!!!! arrr..... 但是買日版的DVD跟把錢丟進水溝根本沒有分別..... >____< (雖然GLAY的live超值得一看再看........)


Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
[+] May 2004
[+] June 2004
[+] July 2004
[+] August 2004
[+] September 2004
[+] October 2004
[+] November 2004
[+] December 2004
[+] January 2005
[+] February 2005
[+] March 2005
[+] April 2005
[+] May 2005
[+] June 2005
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[+] August 2005
[+] September 2005
[+] October 2005
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[+] November 2009


version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
