
i'm so hard working.... i need a life!!! ToT 
my mind's just not functioning properly today, you cant imagine how long i sat in front of the computer today EDIT: spent on doing my project.... 我已經做到快要拿東西砸電腦的地步了

i've been listening to Spitz's new albums non-stop these days~ *O* 好好聽 是現在已經聽不到的J-pop style!!!! Spitz是屬於紅歌不紅人的那種 跟Mr. Children同年代 就像是GLAY跟L'arc en ciel的關係~ (永遠的no. 2 :p) 雖然每一首都很相似 but who cares, as long as they sound good~ 聽了讓人非常relax~ 非常適合解壓的音樂 (我好像在賣廣告 :p)

Spitz - Cherry
Spitz - Robinson
Spitz - Haruka
Spitz - Sora mo Toberu Hazu

in case you didnt know, SMAP hates their 事務所 A LOT!! they are not really considered as "Johnny's" anymore, they semi-deteched, that's why u never see them on those annual Johnny's events like the countdown live, film fest, sports day etc... SMAP is actually the first Johnny's group that debut without getting no. 1 on Oricon!! and their CD didnt sell good in the early days, so Johnny-san basically gave up on them and left everything to their manager~ 所以 其實SMAP是一路苦過來的~ SMAP開始大紅大紫是木村拓哉開始演戲後吧~ 跟事務所的關係有多惡劣... 看木村拓哉先斬後奏的結婚就知道了 (當時木拓宣布結婚的同時 立刻為工藤靜香買了上千萬的保險 @____@ i think it means something...) 完全沒把事務所放在眼裡XD 雖然當時木拓確實有被雪藏 也有傳聞SMAP會解散 但是這些對SMAP一點影響也沒有~ 事務所大概也知道鬥不過SMAP了吧... (畢竟SMAP也是一棵超大的搖錢樹)

so bascailly, SMAP跟事務所 以及自己的後輩都不想扯上關係~ but surprisingly, they have really good relationship with Arashi :) (and Kinki Kids...)

this is a fan vid made by yanie, and i'm hot linking without permission :p (but it's MU... it needs more ppl to dl for the file to survive) it explained the special relationship btw Arashi and SMAP~ AWWWWW, Arashi真是超有禮貌 不像某KT團 經然直呼前輩的姓 還手指指... geez, 赤西仁 你跟斗真 山P熟 不代表你可以跟他們相提並論 你不過是個後輩~ 松本潤跟岡田准一也很熟 也是差不多年齡 可是潤也是好好的叫"准一君" 或 "岡田君"


so why am i screwed? you should already know the answer... cuz i got an email from the prof saying something like "hi all, it's nice that i'll be seeing you tomorrow, and i believe you'll have the major project that worth 25% of the final mark ready by tomorrow"

i think my heart stopped beating for a sec when i read that :p cuz i did not touch that during my 2 weeks break at all!!!!!! @____@ so for the first time in my life i went to class without planning to hand in an assignment!!! well, that's because i know the entire class didnt have it done~ so now we have it pushed till the next week.... but one week really isnt enough X_____X hahaha ... gotta really work hard this week... and the worst thing is that, my friday and tuesday classes will both increase an hour X____________X nnnnoooooooooooooooooo~~~~~~ next i'll have 7 hours of freaking lecture!!!!!

and..... i felt so much better after knowing that there are a lot of people that are even more screwed than me!!! (幸災樂豁是不好的行為)

anywayz, i think i work better under pressure~

so after 6 hours of lecture yesterday, i came home and worked on my project for about 3 hours X________X 想死.. 但是解救我的是松本潤的[世にも奇妙な物語]:p awwwww~ it's so good!! 剛開始是以輕鬆的氣氛進行 但是到最後.... but i love the ending~ 如果是happy ending就太無聊了~ cant wait to see the other episodes now~ 原來友坂理惠今年也有演~ now i wanna rewatch all the older ones before~

然後我發現... 原來我的日文真的非常好!!!!! XDDD haha, j/k i can't speak...

by the way, is it just me... i think EXILE's [careless breath] from their new album sound like AYU's [No way to say] :p (there's one line that sound EXACTLY the same :p)

KAT-TUN KAT-TUN KAT-TUN.... 70萬現在來講確實是非常的多!! 而且還打破了Arashi的最高出道首周銷量的紀錄.... but so what? KT had 7 freaking versions of their single, with different contents... Arashi當年也不過出兩初回版跟普通版 而且內容一樣 賣了100萬~ KT出道前就做了一堆準備功夫 又演唱會 又演戲 大搞噱頭 Tokyo Dome, 單曲 專輯 DVD... 大家都對KAT-TUN不陌生了 如果這樣還賣不好 就該去自殺

最近幾天看著Oricon真是非常開心~ 因為單曲跟專輯都開始往下滑了!! SUCKER!!! 第2週就開始向下滑實在是太快了!! i was so surprised that 清木場俊介 (EXILE vocal who is quitting EXILE...) actually beat KAT-TUN!!! GOOD JOB SHUN!!! that draws a very beautiful introduction for your solo career~ 但是我印象中SHUN的solo不是很賣... 我想第一星期最多也不會超過15萬吧... that makes KT's single somewhere around 10萬 or less??? XDDDD wow~ 之前[Seishun Amigo]第2周也有20萬左右~ 至於album 先輸給SPTZ兩張精選 現在連3星期前出的Koda Kumi Best 2都輸~ booo~ so that means 買他們CD的人都是舊的fans 第2星期開始不賣是因為hardcore fans都買完了??

為什麼單曲比較賣? cuz there are too many versions!!! and their fans are crazy, i'm sure a lot of the fans will buy sveral copies and give them to ppl as present~ i guess it's too expensive to give out album for present??

之前有一些笨蛋KT fans說已經超越100萬了 耍白痴也要有個限度 出貨量也才100萬 要如何賣超越100萬??


bad bad bad bad bad BAD BAD BAD B~A~D~ DAY!!!!!!! 
the first thing i woke up today is to check Oricon, trying to see if there's any mircal... but htere's none... but i don't even have the time/mood to bitch about KAT-TUN right now (maybe i'll come back later :p)

arrrr, today's weather(今天是大晴天) made me really frustrated X____X i hate today's weather... and i realized that i did something really stupid... and it's too late now X_____________X

so after watching Nino's [少しは、恩返しができたかな] (the sub version) 有點提起經精神了~ 但是真正讓我跌入谷底的是一封Prof send來的email.... arrrr, wtf.... i'm screwd!!! and not just my, i believe my entire class is screwed... haha... so this what i get for slacking off hard in the past 2 weeks.... @______@ (代志非常大條了) muhahaha, 未來的日子是我惡夢的開端... haha (苦笑) 事情總會有解決的辦法... 船道橋頭自然直... (<-- 放屁啊)

arrr, Jun's dorama is going on tv soon in japan.... this time i'm not gonna wait for the sub ver... @____@ i really dont have time to fangirl now... gotta do a timetable for this week now


version 8: Murasaki 
guys, hooray, Arashi's gone!! (T__T)

so how do u like about my new layout? acutally, i had this done quite a while ago.... but 實在是捨不得我的Arashi :p... but i guess i have to be fair....

and do visit the "layout 7" at the right hand side, it's got ALL the Arashi pic i did, haha, 我承認這絕對是史上最不公平的一次 :p 28 of them in total!!!

and i'm going back to school soon >____< arrrr~~~~ that's why i had to put this up wheil i still have the time....

about the layout... i don't know what to say... simple? whatever, i'm just lazy :p stick the lyric up there cuz there are too much space left...


Dorama Mania 
i was watching [白夜行] 不是一部讓人會想追的日劇 但是真的很deep~ 劇情即將進入高潮/尾聲~ 女主角的養母發現了她原來是殺自己親生母親的兇手 未什麼電視上的劇情永遠都是 "你不要在錯下去了 去自首吧" 為什麼會勸自己的兒女去自首?? 養母明知道其實女主角是一個心地善良 是因為有不得已的苦衷 才會這樣做... 如果是我的話一定是想辦法幫自己的兒女逃亡 :P (i lack something called "正義感")

其實我覺得女主角的生母真的是該死 XDDD 不知道為什麼 我看這部戲裡的男女主角所做的壞事 完全不覺得她們有錯 總會覺得他們是情有可原... (我正踏上不歸路? :p) 尤其是女主角的結婚對象 雖說他確實是為了錢 但是他的結婚對象也不是什麼好人 也是到處拈花惹草 而且為什麼兩人都有工作卻還要女方每天回家做飯 不諱去外面吃啊... 離婚的時候還說女主角利害 一早就在收集對自己有利的離婚證據 這不是廢話嗎?? 怎麼可以打會輸的仗!! 是自己笨 讓人計算了吧

next, [想要成為Cinderella] is so damn good!!!! by Kanjani8's 大倉忠義~ thought he looked like 龜梨和也 in the dorama...

接下來還有深田恭子的[赤色奇蹟]第2彈~ she looks so pretty *o*

然就是二宮和也去Hollywood之前所演的[少しは、恩返しができたかな]~ 是[一公升的眼淚]的男裝版吧~ :p 是講換了絕症的少年不放棄夢想 努力考上東京大學的感人故事~ Nino演高材生ㄟ~~ 而且還為此劇悌了光頭!! can't wait for the sub version to come out!!

最期待當然是松潤演的[世にも奇妙な物語 春の特別編]

2006年春季的日劇已經差不多要出爐了~ my ranking would be

1. [Attention Please!] - 上戶彩, 錦戸亮(NEWS, Kanjani8)~ 講空姐的故事~~ sounds pretty interesting~

2. [黑崎] - 山下智久(NEWS), 堀北真希~ awww, Akira and Nobuta are finally together :p

3. [ブスの瞳に恋してる] - 稲垣吾郎(SMAP) - 講愛上恐龍妹的故事~ 有超級美女蛯原友里!!! (長的有點像濱崎步 跟松本潤傳過誹聞 Shiseido防曬油Anessa裡的那個)

4. [醫龍] - 坂口憲二, 稻森泉, 小池徹平(WaT) - 漫畫改編的, omg, i cant believe 小池徹平 is gonna play 那個沒用+陰沉+"熟剌"的伊集院!!!!! @___@ 跟他的形象一點以不符合...

5. [富豪刑事2] - 深田恭子~ 少根經的偵探片~

so where is 赤西仁的日劇?? 不是說4月是傑尼斯晚輩開戰的時候嗎?? 鬥什麼鬥 反正也輪不到你們這些後輩 一定是SMAP的稲垣吾郎收視最好...


tell me how to 視而不見 
i tried so much these days.... but i just cant >___< arrr, Oricon even get them a special page that had never happened to any Johnny's!!!

算了 有提到Arashi & AYU...


首張單曲+專輯上榜得No. 1

Arashi是出道首周賣最多的~~ i thought Kinki Kids sold more than that in the first week... since their debut single sold 180萬... it seems like KAT-TUN is gonna break my Arashi's record =___=" cher, 出貨量100萬張有什麼了不起 等賣出100萬張再來報導!! 要是只賣了50萬 那就是天大的笑話了~ (*不肯面對現實ing)

but the thing i'm wondering is... where is CHEMISTRY??? their first album and single got no. 1 on oricon too.... and notice how SMAP is not on the chart... @___@

Other Johnny's Data
日期 - 上榜排名 - 首周銷量 - 總銷量 (單位: 萬)- Artist - Song Title
91/09/09 2位  8 15 SMAP - Can't Stop -Loving-
94/09/21 3位 11 52 TOKIO - LOVE YOU ONLY
95/11/01 3位 19 53 V6 - MUSIC FOR THE PEOPLE
97/07/21 1位 32 179 Kinki Kids - 硝子の少年
99/11/03 1位 56 97 嵐 - A.RA.SHI
03/02/26 3位  7 11 タッキー&翼 - To be, To be, Ten made To be
04/09/22 1位  4 18 関ジャニ∞ - 浪花いろは節
04/05/12 1位 27 40 NEWS - 希望~Yell~

some KT fans are saying that KT will break both Arashi and Kinki Kid's record.... it seems like they will break Arashi's first week sale... but not Kinki's!!

I wonder why Takki & Tsubasa did so bad... i thought Takki was the most popular opne back in the Jr. time

and one last thing, the first person that had 單曲 專輯 DVD 3冠王的是AYU!!! read!!! stupid KAT-TUN fans!! stop yelling around "KAT-TUN是史上初的3冠王" like an idiot!!

something interesting about KAT-TUN, their fans' 年齡層是10代跟40代!! 第一次有聽到歌迷的年齡層不是自己同年代的"偶像團體" 他們的fans似乎都是歐巴桑~ 因為是牛郎團? :p

haha, i'm so free lately.. i basically stopped doing all my assignments, cuz i'm expecting the profs to cut most of those 要是現在做了 然後cancel 那我不是做白功??

i'm watching 友坂理惠的[讓愛說出來] 看著看著 覺得跟我有點像 難道我有自閉症??


random stuff~ 
not a big fan of EXILE, can wait until the CD rip ver mp3 release~ i tried their new song because SOMEONE cant stop going fangirl-ing :p and totally fall in love with this pv!!! this is one of the coolest pv ever!!! *o* i love love love that little girl playing the japanese flute~ (she looks like Kilua's sister in HUNTERxHUNTER)

日式建築物 怪怪的日式服裝 有點鬼神說的感覺~ 我全都好喜歡!!! *o*

this is a clip of Arashi's Aiba, i watched this clip so many times, it's soooo cute!!!!! he's reading 桃太郎 to a baby lion!!! Aiba: "Shimuken, 過來 我唸書給你聽" awwwwwww~~~ 小獅子還"miya"了一聲!!! 超可愛~ 果然 只要是貓科動物都很可愛~~~ 最後Aiba還被咬 (ouch)

have been listening to some good old stuff~ *o* 不管聽幾次都還是好聽~ 分別是10年前跟6年前的歌 :p

最近看KT fans的談話已經成為我的興趣之一 他們真是稀有動物說... 果然有什麼樣的偶像 就又什麼樣的fans


首先 everyone are so proud of their KAT-TUN that they get to have a debute concert in Tokyo Dome, 確實是一件很了不起的事 but that's the cheapest dome concert i have ever seen, 而且根本就沒有坐滿5萬5千人 Arena區是空的~ (did i mixed up "stand" with "arena"?) 而且這是我第一次看到 完全沒完燈光效果的演唱會 沒有就算了 至少弄暗一點才有氣氛吧?? don't know about the entire concert... but at least their biggest song [Real Face]是整首都這麼光的環境下演唱的... 還不時看到工作人員走來走去... 這個演唱會只能用一個字形容 - "cheap"


Oricon Album 期待度
Oricon Single 期待度
看到的時候也不算shock 只是有點不悅... 記得倖田來未的精選2的期待度也是200多點 然後第1星期賣了98萬張 >___< KAT-TUN實在是太自大了吧? 紅也不應該這麼囂張吧 也不想想賣的好的一定是只有這一張...

KT成員似乎時常講以前受的"委屈" 說"練習不斷失誤,常被責罵" ... does he even know the definition of "委屈"?? 委屈是明明沒有做錯卻被罵 是背黑鍋 "練習失誤被罵" 是應該 是理所當然!!! 難道跳錯舞還要別人說 "跳錯的好!!"??? 他們的logic實在是讓我難以理解... and 原來拒絕讓KAT-TUN伴舞的前輩是少年隊!! 所以也沒辦法出席少年隊的經典舞台劇...

and you know the kind of words KT fans used to decribe their songs?? "驚為天人", "打動了我的內心世界", "起共鳴", "聽的到他們的心聲" ...一堆讓人起雞皮疙瘩的話 真是讓我見識到了 已經瘋到這種程度了嗎?? 不知道該說什麼... 真是一群天真 沒有見識的井底之蛙...


6 people, 5 cars and the worst thing is that there are actually enough parking space!!! avg age: 20, # of jobless: 5... haha, we are so environmental-friendly...

早上8點的空氣好新鮮~~~ 原來8點半早餐店就已經客滿了!! people sure wake up early...

something more about the "Chinese".. my class is a very small one with only 20 ppl, there are 5 (pure) Chinese, 5 White(western ppl?) and the rest are from various parts of Asia... 中國人開車上學的%是100%, 白人是40%, 其他亞洲人是10%~ haha, Chinese = 幸福的小孩 = spoiled!!! :p

grrrrr...... i 討厭 group work >___< actually 我group的人算是好相處 但是有一個非常認真 什麼事都想自己做 信不過別人.. we are in the same program, 別用外行人的語氣跟我解釋每一個detail @#)*+@)#%*+#^(+{(@#_+ 別跟我說你花了多少時間跟心血 花的時間多是你辦事不利!!!!! 而且似乎聽不動別人說的話 只相信自己的way...

我快要瘋了 上個term的group是喜歡meet然後聊天 但是那時候有非常利害的人在~ 這次有非常認真但是頭腦很不好+固執的人 >____< ARRRRRRRR.... my situation right is just like, 有個不會成法的小學生要強迫這個世界上的所有人用加法!!!! 我明明就可以用2*3, 為什麼一定要2+2+2????????? 還要以為我聽不懂他說什麼...

知不知道什叫做"efficiency"??? 為什麼 一個純白色背景+純紫色的title 一定要save as 圖案???? WHY? 只不過是一個非常普通的font, 看起來跟Verdana沒有分別 為什麼分他不可?? 如果是client要求的 當然沒話說 但是這只不過是他心血來潮 選出來的font... why... T____T 把不必要的"white space"變成圖是一件非常愚蠢的事 (i know i did it for thsi layout :p but that's different, this is just for my personal use and my fds, so doesnt matter)

我有預感他一定看不懂我用的CSS 然後要重新code一次... 隨便啦... 我不想浪費我的精神去吵... 他愛怎樣就怎樣 不過別叫我做些降低自己水準的事就行了 "i want my pride" :p 死都要做的話自己做... (這幾天要玩人間蒸發...)

i'm so sick of making websites now X____X

when i woke up today, i saw my brother playing FFXII!!!!!!! *O* the intro movie is so damn good!!!! arrrr, i wanna play too!!!!! 雖然自認日文還不錯 加上講話會說出來 一般對話應該沒問題 但是一講到重點 比較複雜的事 大概就不行了... >___< 好想玩.....


don't get me wrong, i have nothing aginst them (haha, what a lie..) it's not who they are that bothers me, it's what the DO...

today, i went to Pacific mall.... 為了打發時間 所以到處逛 like what i would do usually, checking out all the CD stores :p so i went to "廣播道" there's a Korean couple in front of the small Japanese CD section... 日本CD區已經夠小了 還要2個人都擋在正前面 usually, if i see there are other ppl there, i'll step aside... since i wont be buying anywayz :p 但是那兩人完全把其他人當透明 最讓我吃驚的是 那個korean girl, 竟然是坐在那裡!! SHE'S SITTING RIGHT ON THE 凸出來一塊的櫃上... @____@ 還要以為自己很優雅 一隻腳直放在櫃上 (有點像雜誌封面會看到的那種POSE).... 兩人幾乎把所有的日本CD都拿起來看過 女的看的都是J-pop fans必備 數年前出的CD, ie: AYU的[LOVEppears], 宇多田光的精選... 男的稍微好一點 看的是1年半前AYU的[INSPIRE]... 然後兩人很認真的看起被面的bar code information.... 不用看了 看價錢就應該知道是日版還是港版吧.... 最讓我吃驚的還是他竟然坐著... in Pacific mall.... i guess it's acceptable in place like Chapters, where there are plenty of space and not much ppl... but in a store in Pacific mall?? 今天真是讓我看到了奇景 :P

and i tried to look for C1000 today, but couldnt find it... guess i have to go to J-town... 據說買C1000是現在日本的Arashi fans的全民活動 大家都卯起來買 為了參加抽獎活動(第一賞是9月演唱會入場卷~)... 很多大型超市以賣到缺貨 所以現在限定一人最多只能買3箱... haha, Johnny's power...

and OMG, i cant believe what i've been listening lately... 倖田來未的so-called "best album" vol 2... everyone loves "D.D.D." and "you" 但是我聽最多的是"Somday" (because i saw her live on Utawara that's got MatsuJun in it :p) and "No Regret" (because i saw her live on Utawara that's got MatsuJun in it :p)

倖田來未就算了 since she's the "hot" thing right now.. 但是我竟然聽起了関ジャニ∞!!!!!!!!!

関ジャニ∞ - 大阪Rainy Blues


realized that i never talked about other boyband in japan.. such as W-inds, Flame, Lead (from Vision Factory, 安室奈美惠, SPEED等所屬事務所)... i wonder if there are ppl who actually like both Johnny's and vision factory boybands..

基本上日本並沒有非傑尼斯的"偶像團體" 因為會活不下去~

Da Pump是最成功的一組吧~ 因為是安室奈美惠+SPEED全盛時期出道的 基本上當年 只要是"冲繩"出生的藝人都會紅~ W-inds剛出道時還頗有人氣~ 得了[日本唱片大賞]新人獎 + 出席日本最有歷史的音樂節目[紅白歌唱戰]~ (yeah, these 2 shows seem to hate Johnny's a lot~ no matter how much Johnny's artists sold, they never get any award (nowadays) or get to go on Kouhaku) but so what? 紅也只有一開始 有發現Music Station, Utaban是完全看不到W-inds, Flame, Lead的嗎?? 因為傑尼斯對各大雜誌, 電視台施壓~ 有WFL就沒有傑尼斯藝人 這樣的意思... i believe DA PUMP & W-inds 曾上過HEY!HEY!HEY! 所以Kinki Kids跟Arashi早期都是不上該節目的!! the first time that Kinki Kids went on HEY3 is in 2004, the first time for Arashi is 1999, but the the 2nd time they go on the show is 2004!! @____@ 隔了5年!!!! (2003年W-inds等就沒有在上HEY3了...)

ohh, somethign about W-inds, 原來其他兩個成員超~~~~級矮!!! 最紅的慶太有180cm!! while the other 2 are only about 161cm @____@ and something about Flame and Lead.. i think one of their leaders are used to be in Johnny's!!! he quited and joined vision factory...

最近傳的很大的rumour就是 W-inds的新專輯[thanks]有意味著解散的意思... (他們的concert tour是跟KAT-TUN同一時間開始... 跟関ジャニ∞同一天出專輯... 真是不知死活 )

但是為什麼傑尼斯事務所會讓現在的WaT紅呢??? 而且還讓小池徹平出現再傑尼斯藝人所主演的日劇(不良少年回母校, Gokusen 2, 龍櫻), 雜誌裡... because he's best friend with Yamashita Tomohisa??

speaking of 小池徹平, he'll be starring in a movie that's made from manga (again) called [Lovely Complex]~ and of course i read it!! 日本會拍成日劇或電影的漫畫我應該一定都看過~ :p 是講很高的女生+很矮的男生的搞笑愛情劇~ 7月就上演?? that's so fast...


KT 真的是很讓人討厭 ... i downloaded thier talk on HEY! HEY! HEY! because Johnny's are (suppose to be) funny and Downtown are funny! but all they talked about is how they 經過千辛萬苦的加入傑尼斯... 以前受過的苦, 壓力... 想過要退出事務所等... bs, 真是讓人做噁 難道你以為這個世界上只有你們才苦過?? 不要把自己講成悲劇裡的男主角!!! 不要老是把n年前的事掛在嘴邊~ 人家Kanjani8比你們受的苦更多 也不見他們在電視上向觀眾訴苦啊...

然後還要很囂張的說 前輩裡"只"喜歡瀧澤秀明!! omg, there are better way to express your love to Takki... KT團一定不受前輩喜歡... 還要不忌諱的 說 "其他的前輩看到我們戴太多首飾, 服裝 都會叫我們改 只有瀧澤秀明說 "just keep the way you are"" 作為backdancer 當然不應該穿的比台上的明星還要出眾 叫你改有什麼不對??? now they make me wonder who those 有威嚴的前輩 are~ it's gotta be V6 or Kinki Kids!! Arashi因為年齡相當 應該不會用前輩的口氣跟他們說話...

又說什麼 入事務所後 看了3組人出道 (Tackey & Tsubasa, NEWS, K8) 真的有想退出的時候 etc... 發什麼瘋啊? Tackey & Tsubasa是前輩, NEWS是同輩(山下智久是前輩), K8 也是前輩!!! 當然是要等所有的前輩出完了才到你們吧?? 有沒有想過到現在都沒的出道的3Tops, 他們才是眼睜睜的看著自己的後輩一個一個出道...

oh yeah, and 他們非常沒有默契! 在一起5年還可以這樣... 跳舞跳不齊就算了 節目還要6個人同時講話 被Downtown罵吵 而且自儤私底下6人會打架

Arrr, and the HEY!3 special in April... 沒有AYU (cuz she's having her concert tour?), 沒有安室(cuz she has no new song?), 沒有Arashi, 沒有伊藤由奈, 沒有中島美嘉, 沒有宇多田光, 沒有B'z, 沒有EXILE.... 這樣也叫豪華?? 唯一比較有名的是Orange Range, Every Little Thing, 倖田來未(ewww), 大塚愛, BoA, and my behated KAT-TUN... =___="


SHINOBI/fangirl high/停電/MSN... 
eventho i got no class today but so much happened today... 感謝上帝讓我過了多滋多彩的一天 :p

首先~ Arashi的新廣告~~~~ 看起來不太好喝的碳酸飲料 C1000 but i'll still buy it when i see it :p (cough*cough, just to be fair... since i tried all of Amuro, GLAY and AYU's CM's food products~ i even tried AYU's mon-blac even tho i don't eat 栗子)

算了 反正大家都知道我fangirl了~ 豁出去了~

i made the cm into flash after doing my assignment...so why Flash??
- since i have the program open already
- it's harder to steal (is it?)
- it has sound
- so i can force all of you to watch it and listen to the song XD

awww, dont you just love the part the the camera go around a circle?

and i finally changed my calendar page to the guy who's in Hollywood~

funny how was just talkin about "cover" the other day~ here comes a cover that i really love~ it sound just as good as the original!!!

二宮和也 - 3月9日
レミオロメン - 3月9日

*O* DOESNT IT SOUND GOOD?? awww Nino's voice suited this kinda song so much~~ i wish he could singthe entire song.. and this song is he 自彈自唱喔~ (雖然我還是比較喜歡錦戸亮版本...) by the way, what does "羊雲" means??

so after i checked out Arashi's CM after i woke up.... i checked Oricon... i cant belive my eyes... Koda Kumi's 2nd best album sold 98萬 in the first week?????????? WTH??? what's wrong with the japanese ppl????????? 12星期出12張單曲 確實是很有噱頭 但是其實就是騙錢 我不認為在這麼短的時間裡做的plan, 寫出來的歌會好聽到哪裡 大概就是把剩下的歌全部都拿出來賣... 已經不知道該說什麼了 but yeah, Avex better do this fast, 最紅的時後拼命出CD 才是賺錢之道~

her 1st best album (the real one) only sold 1.6 million so far, which is not so good considering it's a "best album" most ppl's best album will sell over 2 million~ (AYU's sold 4 millions~~)

看到AYU's first week sales 真是讓我有點失望... but you really can't compare the 2... will Koda Kumi ever get 26 no. 1 singles??? i dont think so... AYU's total single sales is 1977萬~ 加油~ (應該)已經超越SMAP了~~~ 歷代第4名

got my SHINOBI DVD today~~ the bag is so cute *o* and it fits my phone so well!!! 但是我捨不得用... and i'm sorry about my poor photography skill.... that's why i dont need a good camera (or maybe i do need one?)

so yeah, 停電 happened around 9:30 when i was practicing my flute... 無可奈何之下 開始練scales... 不知不覺把144種都練完了 @____@ wow, i'm so proud of myself!!!

電還是沒來... 於是拿起停電時的救星 - my Dear Phone(兼手電筒) 找陪我打發渡過漫長的時間的犧牲者 XDDD (thanks~~ i'll be there if that happens to you :p)

by the way, why is "telephone" translated into "電話" when it doesnt need 電??

MSN... it was fun XDDD how come everyone are so free these days?? :p


.... Jun fans are made of gold!!! O___O 
first thing, WEEEE~~~ no class tml *o* due to the strike... but the funny thing is, only half of my prof are on strike... so i still have class on tue and friday~ >___< but i dont want strike.... i want my summer holiday... (then what's with the "WEEEE" at the beginning?) anywayz...

omg, take a look at this

that's the ticket for Jun's latest 舞台劇, ended with 11萬日圓!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's like CDN$1100!!!! @____@ 原價也只不過才9000日圓... how come i'm not made of gold?

some random stuff...

everywhere i go, ppl are talkin about how to stalk Nino in LA :p 今年真是Johnny's大展拳腳的year~ Nino這次光芒似乎比瀧澤秀明(跟成龍拍電影)還要略一籌
Eng News 1
Eng News 2
last but not least, japanese newspaper article...

how come it emphasize "Nino" more than anything else??? :p

this week's 歌笑 wasnt as exciting as last week's, but they showed all KT members tv appearance back in 1999/2000~ and i KNEW they would show this~ haha 鬥嘴是從小就開始的? then Bakanish said "最近真的很不想站在他(松潤)旁邊 因為髮型實在是太像了 之前都是捲髮 最近開始學我 " 潤:"你這傢伙 別開玩笑了" yeah, Jun 好好調教這個臭小鬼

and KT members all did this very VERY 噁心的 drama!!! EWWWWw...... the topic is 高中最後的告白 最噁心的是田中聖的... 選擇在保健室告白 因為"如果被拒絕的話 可以立刻消毒傷口" EWWWW.... 好假 KT團 you make me feel sick!! then they were saying "潤君下次也跟我們一起演吧" 潤:"可以嗎? 我也演出的話一定是我贏喔"

before, they were talkin about how they got into Johnny's... Jun said that he never went through an audition, he got a call from Johnny-san and got in...then Bakanishi said "所以是靠臉進去的呢 潤君... 難怪有被寵壞的感覺" geez, watch your attitude!! 當初audition落選的人 不會後空翻的人(back flip is one of the requirement at the audition) 有什麼資格講話 Jun可是以飛快的速度超越所有的前輩 走到瀧澤秀明旁邊~

dont you think Bakanishi is so Jun-wanna-be?? that's Jun's signature look!!

and there are some really 白目, 沒常識的KT fans 說什麼"重金屬很適合KAT-TUN唱"... (汗).... sigh... 真是一群小白... 現在日本根本沒有多少人在唱"重金屬"rock... [Real Face]怎麼聽都像pop "勉強"稱的讓是"J-rock"吧... (if they take the rap out)


where is my "Delete" key? 
>___< 人的頭腦如果可以像電腦一樣 可以把不想要的記憶消除該有多好.... i just read something that i dont want to know~~~~~~~ arrrr.... 為什麼我要這麼8? >___<

時間可以平淡一切 但是發生過的是要如何當作沒發生過呢? 不管多少年後 都會有一條刺在心裡吧? "排擠"這種事 我小時後也玩過 :p sigh, 但是受保護動物 從小被寵到大的人 果然都不會耍心機...

10個聰明的人10個都是自大的 但是那也是沒辦法的事 從小養成的習慣 大概是沒遇過什麼挫折吧... 無聊的自尊心作祟 使的自己容易受傷 也讓周圍的人受傷... 做人真的是一件很難的事...

i need some 醫療系的音樂...

anywayz, talk about something else.... My Johnny's Talk :p

又看到有人評KAT-TUN了~ 看的我不知道多高興 XD 又看到人評[青春Amigo] 其實 [彰與修二] 到底是在捧誰?? [修二と彰]最大的賣點 既不是亀梨和也也不是山下智久 而是"期間限定" + "跨組合合作" 少了這個噱頭 這張CD一定不可能有百萬銷量 (and by the way, 他們被稱為"洋娃娃" & "牛郎一號" XD)



再來說說龜梨和也... 是最多負面消息的傑尼斯藝人 沒禮貌+假... KT成員出席前輩的演唱會的消息幾乎沒有聽過~ KT fans似乎都堅信所謂的"赤龜王道" 但是全世界都知道 赤西仁跟龜梨和也感情普通 是因為工作關係才表現出"感情好"的~ 要說到感情好 赤西仁應該是跟山下智久比較好吧? 私底下都在傳 說龜梨其實是非常討厭山P 因為他覺得山P沒有能力什麼都要靠別人 但是就是受捧... 傑尼斯不就是看長相嗎? 不要做到處吠的喪家犬... 但是在公共場合裡卻可以跟他們玩的像兄弟一樣... 實在是太假了 另外 在[青春Amigo]宣傳期時 龜梨上的每一個電視節目 都要強調"KAT-TUN到現在都還沒有出過CD" 這種話從自己嘴裡說出不覺得奇怪嗎?? 你到底是想跟觀眾說還是跟公司說?

龜梨和也算是在傑尼斯裡 家境清寒的那一派 加上進傑尼斯後不順 (98年入社但是完全比不上山下智久 一直到2002才開始受到注意 其他的"出道組"都是入社後1年內就開始曝光率超高) 所以拼了命的想上位 所以才會develop這種行為吧 傑尼斯不是最忌諱這種有心機的Jr.嗎?? 果然 高層變動後就不一樣了 是看誰討的Mary老太婆的喜歡的時代了

KAT-TUN宣布出道的時候 所有人都在說他們終於等到了 是用辛苦換來的 確實 他們不像Arashi那樣幸運(Aiba, MatsuJun, Nino to be exact 完全是受矚目的出道 NEWS也算的上是lucky 但是也是不balance) 但是在我看來 也是非常幸福的 至少他們5年都在一起 至少他們是一起出道 至少他們有的出道~ 比他們更加安分守己 更適合做藝人的Jr. 大有人在... 可以以這種不balance的組合出道就該偷笑了吧 不要把幸福當成是一種理所當然

感覺好像96年加入的Jr. 是最沒有心機的... 還是應該說現在的小孩越來越利害?

before i get into the topic... as requested... this is the only au theme song i have...
仲間由紀惠 with Downloads - 恋のDownload

大陸抄襲[American Idol]的節目[超级女声] 的某參賽者安又琪出了CD (i think she kinda look like Hikki), and guess what, she covered AYU's [TO BE]!!!! (it's the very first AYU song i have ever heard)

the China ver sounded AWFUL, HORRIBLE, DISGUSTING AND BAD!!! the lyric sux, it's just keep on repeating the same line... and it's so everyday life... crap, i can write better than that~ 什麼"幸福超越了快樂" <-- wtf is that?? "傳簡訊", "心裡有你陪著我 就不需要理由", "一路是你陪著我"... 大陸人寫的歌詞=LAME!! and what did they do to the arrangment?? it sounds bad... especially the intro... 像是CD被刮壞了的聲音... another reason why i hate it, it sound so "China" :p with that China accent~ but i guess she sound better than the girl that sang GAME...

why do they let her sing AYU's songs when AYU is not even her 喜歡的歌手?? she probably dont even know who AYU is... 大概只知道周傑倫, F4, 張惠妹?

雖然不喜歡 但是至少承認是AYU的[TO BE] not like S.H.E....
記者: "有網友指出你們的新歌友抄襲AYU的成分..."
S.H.E: "不會啊 一點也不像啊" ... screw you...

濱崎步 - TO BE "2003 ReBirth Mix"
安又琪 - 有你陪著我 (TO BE Mandarin ver)

i guess 林曉培's cover of [End roll] is still the best... geez man, to 廣大的大陸歌手, stop singing ruining AYU's songs!!!

talkin about craziness?? haha, i think i used to be even more crazy about AYU few years ago... =P

(*put AYU's [TO BE] into playlist)


music station is about unfairness 
i got home super late (early?) today, but i just cant keep myself away from the computer and i had to type this before i forget it tml... the first thing i downloaded is of course AYU's live at Music Station (Japan's biggest, most famous music show) THEN i downloaded KAT-TUN's live, not because i like them (eww), nor because i like the song... just because i wanna check out if they sing live or lip-synched.... (they sang live...)

i think i said this many many MANY TIMES before, i hate how KAT-TUN gets all the special treats... not only they get to sing the entire freaking song, they get a talk segment too!!! Music Station are inviting mroe and more people nowadays and each ppl only get a really short time slot... you know how many people actually get to sing the entire song nowadays?? Southern All Stars, SMAP, GLAY, B'z, Hikki, did i miss anyone?? not even AYU get to sing the entire song sometime.... you know how long is most newbie's performance?? probably just a little bit longer than 2 min with no talk segment! AYU should refuse to appear on MS from now on.... (haha, no, i'm just kidding, please don't do that :p)

KAT-TUN's performance? average..... consider that they have been apearing on music station since 2002... 龜梨和也實在是太女生了 每個動作都讓我發抖.... (尤其是撥頭髮的動作)

the pv?? 是一個非常"不傑尼斯"的PV... usually, johnny's artists' pv are just a lot of close-up and SMILES :p 這一次讓我有點感覺像 what GLAY would do... 又有點avex感覺 一定有抄襲AYU的[Bold & Delicious]成分!!! 反正就是東抄西抄 and there we go~ this pv, is to sell SEX (which is something different from all the other Johnny's songs)... i wonder what Tak Matsumoto from B'z feel when he see this guys dancing unnecssary and weird dance moves (taking off jacekts, twisting their body, grinding, showing their lips etc....) "semi strip dance" XDDD that's exactly what it is!!! if it's something like "RIGHT BACK TO YOU" then it at least match the song more....

and about the song? i mentioned this more than hundred of times already, it ruiend the song by putting the stupid rap into it!!! and i do mean "STUPID" i'm usually not that stricted to japanese ppl's werid English in songs, "it's miracle, so miracle", "you don't need say good bye", "i cry for you and you cry for me" 這些都OK, at least i get what you are trying to say, but can ANYONE tell me what da heck does "The die is cast. So we have to go" mean?? 英文不好就不要出來丟人現眼...

for the talk part, they TRIED to be funny like all other johnny's artists, but failed... 算是最不會搞氣氛的Johnny's group (i think i watched enough Johnny's artists to say this :p) yeah, Kame is a good speaker but what he said is too formal and boring... and considering that they have been hosting shows, going on tv since like 2002.... booo....

whoever said that "KAT-TUN is the best" after this week, they are blind. i like Arashi but i'm not 盲目崇拜 i know their strength and weakness and i wont go shouting out in forums like an idiot

upload the file?? nah... i dont have the speed.... but MAYBE :p, screenshot?? are you crazy?? ok fine... MAYBE later tml......

(muhahaha, i swear my blog is gonna get hacked ONE DAY)


人生真的有很多無奈... i finally finished watching [大奧~華之亂] it's amazing how japanese history never really put the title "壞人" on anyone, (unlike the stupid Chinese history... ) 看到後來 真的覺得所有的人都有自己的苦衷... 是環境 是人的野心逼出來的... 連一開始很討人厭的將軍 我也覺得同情... now i wanna re-watch [大奧~第一章]

i watched the first 2 episode of [翼の折れた天使たち]~ it's the by the same author of the famous [Deep Love]... which i didnt like.... the story is about sex i mean, 為了愛 可以不顧一切~ it's about a typical high school girl who does 援交 and has no goal in life... one day she met 老婆婆 who actually cares aboout her and started living with her... later on, the 老婆婆 died and she realized that the 老婆婆 has a grandson with some serious ill and needs money for surgery... the girl decided to take care of the guy and earn money for his surgery... unfortunagely, the girl died after the guy's surgery, the guy then found out what the girl did for him and became a 男公關 because he wants to understand the life that the girl experienced... 這是被現在的年輕人認為最美的愛情故事... but it sounds stupid to me

anywayz, my point is that i really liked [折翼天使]!! it's short and sweet (雖然還是少不了一點色情成分) so download it if you have time~ (and the theme/insert songs are all by Nakashima Mika~ including her old hit song [RESISTANCE]!!)

Arashi Time
- Nino要進軍Hollywood!!!! he's going to be in a Hollywood movie [Red Sun, Black Sand] (japanese name: [硫黄島からの手紙]) directed by Clint Eastwood with Watanabe Ken (from [The Last Samurai] and [Memoirs of a Geisha]) the story is about WWII (The Battle of Iwo Jima to be exact... sorry 我是歷史白痴) and Nino is going to be a Japanese soilder~ other actors include: 伊原剛志, 加瀬亮, 中村獅童

so they'll start filiming this month... but what about Arashi's regular TV shows??? T___T anywayz, the movie will go in theatre this December~ it's time for Nino to show the world who he is

it's first time in history that they are making two movies on the same story in the same year!!! yes, there will be 2 different versions about the same story, the first version which is the American's point of persepctive, called [Flags of Our Fahters] which has already finished filming, the Japanese one would be [Red Sun, Black Sand]

i really like this idea of making a movie from both side's perspective... 但是真的會有人兩個版本都看嗎?? it's the same freaking story :p (sorry, but i'll only watch Nino's ver :p)

雖然對這種戰爭片不是太喜歡 but i'll go watch it in the theatre for the sake of Nino!!! (yes yes, i'm a fangirl, i know it...)

- [花樣男子]DVD今天發行 >___< i want it so much.... but i'll have to pretend i didnt know about it.... 我什麼都不知道...

i'm listening to 中島美嘉的[MUSIC] i wonder why i didnt buy this cd... it's such an awsome album =P


I GOT MY CALENDAR!!! *O* it's so nice, 超級豪華!! 是今年8款最有質感的!


all the photo are so "kakkoii"!!! *o* 不像一般日本明星的月曆 poster制 只有6張, there are so many pages!! 感覺好划算 :p Johnny's事務所實在是很聰明 did you notice that all of their calendars are in different forms/size?? 沒有一種是完全一樣的 這樣fans買超過一種的機率一定很大

so yeah 本來想照每一頁 but due to my laziness... i'll take a photo of the page that i'm currently using and post it here~ so the first one is of course... my favourite MatsuJun:

i put up most of the posters i have~~~ 原來我有這麼多啊~ 有些根本都忘了他們的存在... i'll take photo of them later~~~ *fangirl-ing* (haha 我真是超偏心 i saved the best spot for my future-Arashi-posters :p)

while Oricon has this 閃閃發光的女演員排行...

i couldnt recognize the no. 1 girl until i read the article... she's the main character in [在世界的中心呼喊愛情]電影版, no. 2的綾瀨遙則是電視版的~~ 第3名的沢尻エリカ則是[1公升的眼淚]+[SHINOBI]!!! 我最喜歡的新一代女優!!! 超級可愛~~ i can't stop crying when i was watching [1公升的眼淚]~ but how do you read her last name in chinese?? no. 4 是因為[野豬大改造]一袍而紅的~ 有出現在Remioromen的[3月9日]PV喔~ no. 5 石原さとみ是最近開始演女主角的~ 以前跟潤演過[寵物情人]~~~ 井上真央則是去年跟潤演出[花樣男子] 應該算是紅的快的吧 雖說小時後演過[孩子們的戰爭] 但是一下子就可以晉升女主角... no. 7 是[NANA]裡的小八~ 一開始看還覺得很可愛 但是越看越覺得普通 :p no. 8是[危險姊姊]演出配角 身高170cm的榮倉奈奈~ 今年要在[僕は妹に恋をする]演潤的雙胞胎妹妹~ by the way, 綾瀨遙以前也有跟潤演過戲!!! 她曾演出[金田一少年事件簿]裡的小配角!!

list of new movies this year...:

主演: YUI
if you visit the official site, then u'll see that... SHE CAN ACTUALLY ACT!!! YUI患有色素性乾皮症是一種不能直接接觸陽光的難病 因此白天時份都在睡覺 到了晩上便抱著結他在街頭賣唱她所擁有的,就只有音樂 偶然下認識了跟自己相反的塚本高史 一個喜歡在陽光下到海邊SURFING的男生 在不知不覺間兩人的愛意萌生之際 病情也惡化起來.... 天啊 這是第幾個了??? X___X 還有 為什麼每次都是女生患病? 不能有是男的得了不治之症嗎?? (有 Nino 3月的短劇 :p)

着信アリ ファイナル
since i already watched the first 2.... guess i have to watch the final too... 1 is awsome (not because it's got Shibasaki Kou :p), 2 is long and boring... hope 3 will have a good ending



another love story...

but WOW, Erika's got 3 movies coming up this year??

2006年我最想看的電影... haha 不是潤的[僕は妹に恋をする]也不是翔的[Honey & Clover] 是[TRICK]!!!

公開日: 6月10日
主演: 仲間由紀惠, 阿部寬

by the way, 2005年的special 收視率高達24.7%!! 堀北真希 is going to be a guest in the movie~ i just can't express my love for this series in words... it's really my all time favourite dorama~ and it's how i started to love Yukie~~~~

(沒有assignment交的日子好舒服~~~~ haha, but i better start working tml)


do you hear "One Piece"? 
NEWS - Sayaendou

i have totally fall in love with NEWS' new single - [Sayaendou] the theme song of this year's One Piece Movie

i first heard it as background music.... didnt know that it's NEWS and already started to like the song!!! what a catchy song and i like how the lyric is closely related to "One Piece" (even tho i'm not a One Piece fan) 越聽越喜歡 然後上網查一下 原來是"青春Amigo"的作曲者(作曲群:p) no wonder it sounds so good!! *o* (and i love Ryo's voice) 似乎能了解為什麼NEWS會被公認為Johnny's最會唱的... 實在是比KAT-TUN好太多了 :p

by the way, "Sayaendou" is some kinda of "peas", haha "peas" and "piece" 還完全唱出了"one piece" 感覺很有心~ and when you look at hte lyric, it's as if it's written for "One Piece"!! not like other artists, 雖說是唱主題曲 但是根本找不到共通處 (ie: 宇多X光, 倉木麻X, L'arc Xn Xiel etc...)

and there's a cute comic about the "peas", click here

and something about the Johnny's fan... they dont seem to give a damn about information like who the composer it... i cant believe no one mentioned that this song is composed by the composer of the super hit "Seishun Amigo"... and everybody were so surprised that it got no. 1 on the requesting chart and thought it's a miracle that it actually beats KAT-TUN...

再讓我多說一點KAT-TUN... 團裡有rapper 不代表每一首歌都要加一點rap吧?? [REAL FACE] will sound A LOT BETTER if they take the rap part out... 已經有整個band - guitar, bass, drum 再加上5個vocal 還要再加上rap 實在是太吵了 聽起來亂七八糟的 白白浪費了一首好歌... 兩首歌比較起來 [REAL FACE]實在是不-耐-聽! it sounded awsome the first time, but it's not a song that you can put in the playlist for the whole day... 我衷心希望NEWS賣的比KAT-TUN好 但是那是不可能的 不管KAT-TUN的歌好不好聽 都一定會大賣的

what about Arashi?? >___< 什麼時候出新單曲啊 歌都錄好了 還沒有要出CD的消息... 算了 等KAT-TUN出完再說吧...


Utawara is getting better and better!! 
now i cant wait to watch next week's episdoe~ i love the "松本潤 VS 赤西仁" segment~ so this week, they were talkin about 買東西會不會殺價 and they asked Akanishi...

赤: "不會殺價..."
潤: "你以為這樣別人就會對你加分嗎?"
赤: "(怒)"
赤: "松本 你到底想怎麼樣?" (or "What's wrong with you") Akanish, watch your attitdue
然後 當然被後面兩個比較有禮貌的打
潤: "果然 決定要出道以後就不用理前輩了"
字幕指著松潤: "出道第7年"
赤西仁被講到沒聲出 XD
字幕指著赤西仁: "離出道日還有17天"
赤西仁不服輸的 沒大沒小的指著潤說 "今天早上 我跟你說[早安] 你完全無視我 一開始我以為你在開玩笑 但是剛剛在電梯裡 我說完[今天起多多指教]後 對話就結束了"
Akiko: "電視機前的觀眾 這是真的喔!!!"
最後Jun還要再玩一次: "好了好了 握手和好吧"
當赤西仁伸出手的時候 潤調頭走了 XDDD

but then, later on, when they were talkin about 失敗的戀愛... 潤說以前不會跟女生相處 總是跟喜歡的女生吵架 或是在喜歡的女生面前不說話... then Akanishi said he can totaly understand it and Jun walked up to him and hugged him!!! haha 為什麼傑尼斯藝人這麼愛玩抱抱?? XDD

this is probably all scripted, but who cares :p 不過還是Utaban的"大野VS中居"比較精采~ (omg, why did i caputred more Akanishi pics than Jun?!?!?)


Johnny's Taiwan
have no idea what it's for.... 大概是賣周邊的吧... really like the design~~ 尤其是那個預告 超級日本風 :p (我今年一定會卯起來買Wink Up :p)

so the [イマキヨさん] that i mentioned before is actually a 座敷童子-like 的神/鬼(?)之類的東西~ Jun飾演一個到鄉下讀書的大學生 (haha 終於脫離高中生了 :p I LOVE his character in [tokyo tower]!!!) 所以應該不是可怕系列 (awwww, how disappointed..) 應該會是溫馨系列吧~

awww, 好久不見的topic~ 嵐的[WISH](主題曲)因為花男效應大賣30萬張!!!!!!!!!!! *O* 好利害!!! 如果晚一個星期出的話就可以算到2006年了... 應該會進前20名吧... 比出道2年的NEWS賣的還好 (*claps)

順便一提 大塚愛的[Planetarium](插曲) 也賣了30萬!!!! (花男效應, 花男效應...)

and guess what i was looking at lately... this

好想要!!! 但是對我來說是天價 X___X and geez, i gotta stop buying Japanese DVD.... i'm not made of gold (但是初回版有送寫真集等特典.... T___T)

龜梨和也好像真的有在拍[金田一少年事件簿] >___< .... 3個金田一最不像就是他了 第一代的堂本剛是最神似的~ 金田一就是應該看起來呆呆的 長的不帥~ 潤長的實在是太聰明了 又帥 :p 但是確實有把金田一白痴的一面演出來~ 龜梨和也版.... 完全就是"自己"... 跟Gokusen 2裡的演技有什麼不一樣嗎??? 沒有 完全是同一個人 感覺不出來是金田一


If I had a million dollars 
i would buy this , this and this and decorate my room like this

haha 我好小家子氣 那根本不需要"million dollars" :p

anywayz, KAT-TUN的出道單曲preview已經出了 聽了幾次後有點膩了(which is a good thing :p) 但是以傑尼斯藝人來說 算是非常好聽的歌 X____X 老實說 我頗喜歡 it's so J-rock!!!! (祈禱 千萬不要破百萬) here:


大家都說赤西仁唱的有多好多好.... 但是到底有多好?無法體會... (大野智唱的好多了...) 那個破音的嗓子就是所謂的"sexy"???? "OK"... and KT的兩個Rapper...都不好聽... Sho is so much better! solo part我只聽的到2把聲音+rap... 其他人是back up singer? 好慘

Johnny's Calendar Rainking!!
01. 堂本剛
02. K8
03. 嵐!!!!
04. 堂本光一
05. NEWS
06. Jr.
07. V6
08. 瀧&翼

意想不到的竟然會輸給K8!! 算了 除了Jr.(aka KAT-TUN) 輸給誰都可以~ and it's so irconic that, 瀧澤秀明是公認傑尼斯裡的no. 1美少年 但是calendar卻不賣


i had so much fun chatting about some Jpop rumor/scandal with my fd(s) today!!! by the way, 看看就好 我也是聽/看回來的 不代表本人立場 :p

01. 倖田来実
first, i never know that Koda Kumi tried to join Morning Musume *O* 而且還跟後藤真希同年代!!!!!!!!

OMG!!! HER FACE IS BIG!!!!!! and so is her nose~ 我一向都不太理會什麼整容之說 this is the first time that i believed from my heart that 他一定有去整容!!! she's not fat at all, her body is so slim.... haha, 相比之下後藤真希實在是太漂亮了!!!

02. 亀梨和也
there were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many rumours about him... bad ones too!!
- 叫媽媽"老太婆"
- 傳跟KAT-TUN某成員喜歡上同一個人 鬧不合
- 因為拍GOKUSEN 2時的差別待遇而感到不滿(差別待遇: 女主角仲間由紀惠的便當價值2000日幣 但是演學生的只直800日幣... BIG DEAL!!! :p 沒出道的人有什麼資格不滿~ here for detail)
- 拍GOKUSE 2的時候 NG也只說"不好意思"... 態度惡劣... 要赤西仁代表道歉/解圍~ (赤西仁有認真的道歉)

haha, no wonder MatsuJun給KAT-TUN的出道建議是"好好的打招呼" :p maybe it means something.... 的確 亀梨和也上電視確實給人的感覺是訓練出來的 一點也不真... Arashi的話就真的是本性 實在太白痴了 (MatsuJun spent the entire talk segment on "丁字褲" at Music Station!!! @___@ Aiba送的生日禮物 :p) and i hate how 亀梨和也 kept on mentioning "KAT-TUN到現在都還沒有出過CD" when he go on TV... ok, stop telling the whole world every time...

03. 二宮和也
嵐成員的其實都沒什麼大不了 最多只是拍到跟女生約會... awwww 我想看他們的負面消息都沒有 :p

居然有照到相!!! 後藤真希跟Nino!! 不是有傳後藤真希倒追山下智久嗎? (i swear i saw their kissing picture long time ago...) 但是其實好像是山P, 赤西仁都喜歡過後藤真希~ 去karaoke都會唱Ai no Bakayarou

04. 瀧與翼
一堆重傷瀧澤秀明新聞 傳跟今井翼不合... 傳今井翼是長谷川京子的fan 因為Takki跟長谷川京子拍日劇[僕だけのマドンナ]所以不合... haha, how stupid... 還說Takki未成年喝酒(事務所用錢買了消息etc)+態度惡劣... that is just not true.. he's the nicest sempai and take care of all the johnny's jr....

05. other Johnny's
岡田准一 - 同性戀 XDDD

草野 - 傳態度惡劣 所以轉校

山下智久 - i wasnt gonna post this... but since ppl asked...

看不到臉 但是那怎麼看都像山下智久... 某知名模特兒~ 在我看來是很漂亮的一幅畫 :p 以前我看過類似 跟後藤真希的大頭貼!!!

06. 矢田亜希子
i cant believe it!!! *shock... 自己看吧


Space of Hip-Pop -namie amuro tour 2005 
really wanna get the DVD now!! after watching clip from the concert... someone said to me "when is the last tiem that you posted an entry for Amuro ONLY? without mentioning AYU or GLAY?" (haha, who said that??)

that's just so mean!! :p 雖然 確實我不像以前一樣喜歡 但是我還是很喜歡"安室奈美惠" 祇是不太喜歡她的歌而已... and, i still listen to all her songs (including c/w!!!) and (try to) download all her video... 10年的喜歡 算不錯了吧? 最近真是覺得自己老了... i don't download as much jpop video as i used to, and i don't listen to as much singers as i used to too...

安室最近的歌果然是要"看"的!! 看完後覺得好聽了數10倍!!! i didnt really like Put 'Em Up and WANT ME, WANT ME at first listen, but i started to like them after watching her performances~ i still love her dancing so much *o* 這次的演唱會感覺跳的比上一次好~ 唱的也比較好了~ and she sang all the old songs that i wanna hear!!! T____T

i really wanted to upload the video..but since my speed is like crap lately... sorry...

and wth? KAT-TUN 要追加公演 還要再開2場巨蛋演唱會 =____=" 我還是那句"SPEND MONEY ON SOME OTHER PPL TOO!!!!!" 要破百萬了啦... >___< 討厭... (yeah, i'm jealous)

出道沒幾天就要參加[Japan Gold Disk Award] (@____@ 有多少傑尼斯藝人參加過...), 2週連續上[MUSIC STATION] 還要跟東京巨蛋演唱會連線 X___X 誰能告訴我 為什麼 KAT-TUN會這麼紅??? 不過這也表示 以後的傑尼斯Jr. 慘了 不擺到20歲都無法出道吧 (except for Ya-Ya-Yah, i bet they are going to debut next year... the World Volleyball Cup year)... by the way KAT-TUN是最高齡 唯一一個所有人都成年才出道的傑尼斯團體~

如果說NEWS是斗真迷心中的一條刺 那KAT-TUN就是第2條吧... KAT-TUN出道真的是會讓人想起Toma... 人生裡還有多少個10年呢? 斗真什麼時後才能出道呢? 會有這一天嗎?


Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
[+] May 2004
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[+] July 2004
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[+] January 2005
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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
