
pic spam 

草莓其實是kiwi的裝飾品 但是我好想吃 所以就很丟臉的拿了



Johnny's Power?? 別開玩笑了!! 
雖說2006年已經算是傑尼斯的天下了 但是也太囂張了!! 從5月到8月就每個禮拜都有人出單曲... GLAY的[G4]會跟堂本光一的solo單曲撞日子... 不過還好是solo不是KinKi Kids :p 畢竟GLAY已經一年沒出過CD 沒有人知道會如何...

Arashi new single - [Aozora Pedal]
theme song of the movie [Honey & Clover]~ to be released on 8.02, the same day as GLAY feat. Kyosuke Himuro!!!! @#)*$+)@#*$ 事務所在想什麼??? 是已經不把其他人放在眼裡了嗎???? 老實說 GLAY跟Arashi應該是勢均力敵, GLAY可能有點危險 就是不知道冰室京介有多大的power... 歌的話希望好聽... (Arashi就算不好聽也一定會賣) 談到marketing 就連Avex也輸! 雖說GLAY也是出3 versions, 但是應該是一般CD+DVD版最多人買(PV+making) 傑尼斯的話是 1)CD+PV DVD 2)CD+Making DVD 3)CD with extra track =___="... hard core fans有什麼辦法不3種都買?? either one gets no. 1 我都開心 GLAY一定要拿no. 1 >___< 怎麼可以輸給小鬼!!! sorry, but this is the only scenario that i don't want Arashi to get no. 1!!!

Tackey & Tsubasa new single - [Ho! Summer]
to be released on 8.09, same day as Southern All Stars' new single... 3 versions, (Venus有4種版本說) pretty much the same as Arashi except that instead of 2 DVD ver, one comes with a cell phone strap @___@ (i like that idea!!!) 這裡也很危險~ 但是如果跟Arashi交換那Arashi一定穩拿冠軍寶座~ my estimation would be: GLAY>Arashi>SAS>T&T (this is 1st week sales! Johnny's only sell in the 1st week :p) 但是我其實很期待看Arashi跟T&T一起上節目~

and OMG!!! 我今天在"完全娛樂"竟然看到我前幾天貼的"整容篇"裡的內容 taking photo directly from that website!!!! 濱崎步 瀧澤秀明 龜黎和也 赤西仁 Kang Ta, Rain 連林志琳都上榜!! $)%*(@+#)$* 5566那個毀容傢伙的還要在一旁BS 不懂還要裝懂 他就算整容100次也沒有瀧澤秀明的十分之一!!! 還說傳聞以前AYU有拍"水裝" 不知道是不是真的... AYU就是有拍過水裝video, SO WHAT?? 所有人都知道但是她還是紅 而且日本女藝人拍寫真集不都是穿泳裝??? what's the big deal?? #$%)*#@)+$*+( 這個節目BAN!!!

然後有看到蔡10提到如何讓胸部變大.... 但是我覺得她身材其實很不balance!! 手腳 身體很瘦但是胸超大!! 看起來很假+噁心 even Koda Kumi is better~ 而且發現她的MV抄的技巧有進步 是抄idea 不再是duplicate了~ 而且每一之都有跳舞 一樣的style, 同一個angle 又不是跳的特別好 幹麼一直跳? 最多只是跟AYU同level...

[無題] 不行嗎? 
watching [離天國最近的男人II] gyyyaaa~~ 翔君 kakoi!! yasashii!!! 跟加藤愛好稱~~ 而且演那種問題優等生超適合~ 就算是演整部戲裡的大壞人 在背後做很多壞事 但是只有對女主角好就夠了!!! haha, ok, enough bs :p

昨天選課一團亂 @___@ 我在start time開始前2個小時才開始想要take什麼課

還有 我昨天在SOGO裡被搭訕!! j/k 是被一對怪情侶纏住 問我包包在哪買的 o____O it's just Fila... it's everywhere... 剛開始我還在想會不會是詐騙集團 (lol Kurosagi看太多:p) 或是要跟我推銷賣東西 但是除了聊天什麼都沒有 後來還說要早個地方坐下來 @__________@ but i made some excuse 最後給了我連絡電話.... wooowa, 那算什麼?? inside SOGO?? i can understand if that happened in 西門町 cuz there are all kinda weird ppl there... but SOGO?? o___O

AYU's total single sales reached 2000萬張~ female artists 第一位~ 下一個應該是GLAY了


had a great weekend, bought an awful lot of stuff XDD

got my AYU single and i actually saw 山下智久的限定版單曲 today, BUT 我已經山窮水靜了 身上只剩$200 :p 看來我果然是無緣

anywayz, get into the topic, found something interesting~ look at this!! Lots of Johnny's~ but i think Nino, Ohno and Tackey are innocent =P and especially for Tackey, he's probably like 12 in that pic, 有哪個12歲小孩會去整容???

最經典的當然是the almighty 龜梨和也!!! holy crap, how did he get into Johnny's with THAT face?? @____@

當然 這種東西看看就算~ 但是有些看到反而會讓人覺得 有些人就是天身麗質~ ie: 深田恭子, 岡田准一, 錦戸亮 (and you can see he has a little 雙眼皮 when he was a child~ 確實有些人事小時後單眼皮 長大後就變成雙眼皮的~)

倖田來未 - heee, 原來本名叫神田来未子 (好有極道的味道)

掘北真希 - i think she's just 女大十八變~ 但小時後好土 :p

蛯原友里 - i think she looked pretty much the same as the 2nd pic, it's just the power of make up

龜梨和也&赤西人 - again, i dont get how BOTH of them got into Johnny's back then :p 果然是吊車尾團

宇多田光, 倉木痲衣, 中島美嘉, 大塚愛 - i'm sorry, but Hikki looked HORRIBLE XDD and so is Mai!! Mika looked OK, and Ai is ugly too :p


我so far買的雜誌已經可以堆一座小山了:p 快要沒地方藏了 不敢想像被發現的那一天 i hope that day will never come :p

oh, and good news, i (kinda) found a job!!! 一份不用日曬雨林 不用早起的工 =) yeah~~ gonna earn some Arashi 基金~


*o* 好聽~~~ GLAY's new ballad [恋] kinda sound like [逢いたい気持ち] but better!! the PV is directed by 宇多田的老公... but i never liked his style... 女主角是佐田真由美? (花男裡的藤堂靜 我覺得是最有Layla氣質的人~ but i guess she's kinda too old to be Layla :p)

saw AYU's PV on TV few days ago~~ gyaa, 用大螢幕看效果果然不一樣~~ <3


watching AYU's countdown live 2000-2001 now~ what, 是我最近Johnny's聽太多嗎? or is it because of the awsome surounding sound system?? i actually think she sings pretty good!!! 我印象中明明2002年以前的演場會都不能聽的說... [Duty] actually sounded so good *o*

昨天看2000 Arena Tour 第一幕 也覺得還OK, 沒有印象中差~ (所以是第二幕才是嚇死人的?) haha, i guess they just did A LOT of editing when they are releasing it as DVD~ (never downloaded the DVD rip ver, TV ver 就已經嚇死我了 :p)


Hikki's album only sold 50萬張.. so disappointed... T___T i wonder if it can even reach one million... WELL, if AYU didnt reach it, Hikki shouldn't too :p

AYU's single going on sale tmr~ 聽說買台版任何一張就會送海報~ i guess i'll buy the 2nd DVD ver in Taiwan ver then~


arrr, Japan... 是一盤散沙!! T___T (i missed Shounen Club that's got MatsuJun!!!)

anywayz, spent the day with my sis and her fds~ and her fd from japan (混血兒) just came back~ the first thing she said when she saw is "你變好大!!" lol, 中文跟我一樣不靈光~ she's getting marry!! 看了一些婚紗照 *O* PRETTY!!! Japan is just at a different level than the the rest of the world :p !!! (不過那實在是天價:p) we had lunch at 糖朝~ 進去店員還跟我們說日文~ cuz my sis' fd 就是一張日本臉!! 然後去喝飲料~ and the converstation is about how common smoking is Japan~ and why most of Taiwan's restaruants now are 禁菸... (日本餐廳根本沒有所謂的吸煙區與禁煙區) 又說到在日本工作受的氣 男尊女悲 前輩制等... 即使如此 我也還是好像住日本 :p

曾看過有人在討論傑尼斯藝人哪些有抽煙... they are arguing that Ohno... Toma, Tegoshi dont look like they smoke... but i think ALL of them smoke... EVERYONE smokes in Japan :p

oh yeah, yesterday, when i was at 西門町, i saw this guy buying several Utada albums, single collection, distance, and ultra blue~ those old albums (JPN ver) are HALF PRICED @____@ SO DAMN CHEAP!! it makes me wonder how much we got ripped off buying the latest release... 然後我又在想"先生 宇多田紅的時候你在哪?" 我是不會承認哪些First Love之後才成為fans的人 :p

and her live on Music Station.... is so disappointing... and she needs a better stylist!!! but i still hope her album sells good >___< but i have a bad feeling... 第一星期會破百萬嗎? i think it's hard... 大概60~80萬吧... so glad that YUI got no. 1 today tho *o*

oh, and i was gonna see if 跟山P的單曲有沒有緣... 別說限定版了 連普通日版都沒有 只有台版... well, 注定無緣 :p (網上還有的賣)

天氣變熱了... 不想出門了 家裡好舒服 又有大電視... (the stuff i bought on the internet should come tmr =)



don't be so 8!!!


今天超沒勁... even tho i went to 西門町... (超熱 超多人) planning to buy my magazines... 但是竟然賣完@___@ wtf, 那我訂了不就等於沒訂??? 超不爽 問我要不要再訂 當然是不要 跩屁啊 得罪我這個大客是她們的損失 連本來已經拿起來的4本傑尼斯誌都不買了!!

後來去買CD, bought ULTRA BLUE and AYU's re-release DVD... and ordered goodies for Arashi concert... didnt order GLAY's new single tho, gonna order from yesasia... 但是 回到家竟然連CD/DVD都沒拆 @_____@ I THINK I'M SICK!!! 還是一樣花錢 一樣出去啊... 但是就感覺做什麼事都少了什麼.... i need something to cheer up.... T___T

back to TV, Music Station and MTV Japan Award is on now... 要兩邊跳著看


又來了... arrr, 又要出5萬張限定版... 不過這次一定賣的沒有GLAYxEXILE好... 冰室京介... 不太認識... 90年代跟安室, 小室被稱為90年代的[三室]~

... i'll have to wait to hear the song to decide to get both ver or not... TERU better get more singing this time!! >___<

just saw Hikki on tv~ speaking English~ [ULTRA BLUE]在台灣預購破萬?? maaji?? ehh, i better get my poster...

KinKi Kids 要在7月26日出新單曲!!! 跟Koda Kumi同一天出!! YEAH!! 加油, KinKi!! Koda Kumi想學AYU??? まだまだだね~

KAT-TUN真的要在7月19出第2張單曲 我拭目以待 看會賣多少~ 應該40萬左右吧... 第3張20萬:p


這是之前提過的Johnny's聚餐所取的團名:p 史上最強的group?? awww, i wish they can really release a single together...

一眼看過去 誰最帥??? 當然是TAKKI :p



原來確認一件不確定的事 是非常痛苦的... 心情超down... 即使一開始以經做好準備了 姐姐說我臉色很難看 我其實很想翻桌子走人的.. <--想想而已... well, there are ups and downs in life...


saw SHINHWA's 簽名會 on 娛樂新聞 today~ geez, Korean fans are WEIRD :p and lucky, they ask their idol to do all kinda weird things o___O like, they ask their idol to 捏臉頰 在手上畫愛心 一起做怪手勢 etc...有的還想一撲香澤 XD 然後還有再排隊時發了瘋似的大叫大哭!! 在日本一定不可能有這種事發生~

日本追星族其實很可憐 因為規矩一大堆~ 以前我以為傑尼斯fans就算看到藝人要裝做不認識 絕不能偷照相 上前說話等~ 最近聽說如過在電車遇到還要到別的車廂@___@ 連偷看都不行嗎??

有很多fans都對這次潤的台灣之旅不滿 因為一堆瘋狂的fans... 做的事已經算是yarashiki的行為了~ 不過還好松本潤一路都心情很好 (他絕不是會假的人 一有不爽就會擺在臉上)~ 雖說會困擾 但是看到熱情的歌迷 又於心何忍呢 ^^" 而且台灣fans算還好了啦... GLAY去北京 AYU去香港時才叫可怕!! (台灣人是包車追 大陸人是在馬路上跑著追!! 香港人追車還頭伸出來照相)

look at this awsome 送機隊伍!! here

今年傑尼斯家族全員(except for 瀧與翼)都有開巡迴演場會~~~ 本來以為最豪華會是KAT-TUN~ BOO, 看看SMAP, 要開DOME TOUR+STADIUM TOUR!! 光是首都圈就動員47萬人 !! @___@ 預定要在東京巨蛋開4場演唱會 預計動員105萬人!!!!!!!! 搶走了今年KAT-TUN的光彩~ 讓人開心:p (不過SMAP的演場會真的很精采~ 我從小看到大的 :p watch the opening here)

"首都圏公演紀錄"還破了99年開5場東京巨蛋演唱會的GLAY的紀錄 =___="

(Arashi是04年的演場會動員人數no 1喔~ 動員47萬人~)

Oricon Talk

Hikki got no. 1~ only cuz there are no strong competitor cant wait to see how much she sell in the first week >___< better be good...

V6 topped the single chart, i thought Ken is gonna ge no. 1... and YUI got no. 3!!! *O* this is her best ranking so far!! 比唱科南主題曲 還在玩"collaboration power"的愛内里菜&三枝夕夏還好~ *claps* and 神話 debuted at no. 9~ not bad... actually, REALLY GOOD... considering they are new... (能夠登場no. 1的只有傑尼斯:p)

今天中午姐姐翹班跟我一起去吃豪華日本料理~ 還點了兩大片黑鮪魚 (大概=一份Haagen Dazs的巧克力鍋 =P) 最後的甜點還特別著名說Haagen Dazs的哈密瓜冰淇淋~ 不用說我也吃的出來=P


日本為什麼會輸 >____< 
ARRRR, WTF IS TODAY'S MATCH??? 一開始只是抱著隨便的心情看 (gotta show some love for Japan you know :p) 沒想到是這種結局 T_____T WHY??? 一開始防守都很好啊 為什麼後面變的一團亂? team work怎麼看都比澳洲好啊... 解說員一開始把川口能活 說的像神一樣 用"不死鳥"比喻 沒想到後來被連進3分... 可惡麼澳洲 最好趕快輸球 :p (<--遷怒)

anywayz, this is the most dramatict match i have ever seen.. T___T ganbare Japan!!!


最近宇多田的廣告打的好兇~ and i changed my order to OS ver :p haha, even tho the difference is only about an issue of Wink Up :p

i watched the entire show of 娛樂新聞 thinking that there will be news about MatsuJun but no T____T (there is Kanjani8 concert tho~) but there is a VERY short interview of him at 星光大道~ 他還是應該講日文 一講日文就超帥 :p 日本人講國語的發音實在是很可愛~ 尤其是女生 超可愛的!!

more johnny's talk, 一個跨團 讓所有fans high起來的news :p 前幾天 松本潤 瀧澤秀明 生田斗真 山下智久 村上信五(Kanjani8) 山口達也 堂本光一 佐藤アツヒロ 一起去吃晚餐~ (awww, 還差V6代表) 一開始是由關8的村上信五在日記裡提到 然後就說 "詳情請看松潤的Enjoy Jun Style" 把球丟給了潤 玩起了接力遊戲~ 潤也真的在自己 十年也不update的日記裡把故事接下去講~ 然後傳給了山P~ 山P在日記裡說自己去了了不起的飯局 見到很多名人 lol 山P才是現在最有名的人吧 :p 接著傳給了佐藤(i thought he would pass to Takki or Toma)~ 佐藤傳給了斗真... awww, so 山P有在看潤的日記?? 不虧是Arashi fan!!! and Jun reads Hina's diary?? awww~~

and i saw YamaP's PV on tv today~ the full version too!! *o* 啊 有點想買說... 好吧 下次去西門町如過還有限定版的話(不太可能...) 就是天意 :p


松本潤 騷動來台 人氣壓SE7EN 
news #1
awww, 為什麼台灣的媒體要這麼過分? (但是其實我看的很開心:p)


("親和力十足" is just not the phrase to desribe MatsuJun!!! why is he so friendly in Taiwan...) @___@ omg, ppl are just crazy... and i read a fan report that they were driving FAST!! 時速差不多快到200km/h!! 真是博命~

i'm so glad that Jun came to the new aiport not the crappy old one~ (那個丟人現眼 下死人的破爛機場應該趕快關閉 or they should at least put JAL into the new airport :p) but i wonder why he didnt take 日航 反而搭華航~

不過台灣真的是很低級 打腫臉充胖子 歐美航線跟自己的華航就用新機場 亞洲航線就用舊的~ 所以亞洲人來台灣永遠都看不到偶像劇裡出現的那個漂亮機場 除非 搭華航...

news #2

台灣的毒舌記者大罵星光大道 and most Chinese artists, 唯獨稱讚松本潤 <3


說說我的一天~ basically, 我吃了every type of food (except for japanese food) available in taiwan one could possibly think of :p

午餐 - 超豐富的法國餐~ (龍君兒開的店) 超多道菜~

下午 - Haagen Dazs~ 本來是要去買蛋糕的 但是因為超貴 :p 加上其實只是ice cream in the shape of a cake with decoration... 覺得划不來 所以只吃了普通的ice cream

晚上 - 吃蛋糕

宵夜 - 去夜市吃臭豆腐, 麵線, 愛玉~

然後回家吃零食看金曲獎~ 金曲獎還沒演完 潤的part就有的download了~ 星光大道跟頒獎加起來大概5分鐘 :p but Jun's 國語超~~~~~~~~~~~級好!! 比很多香港人都講的好~ and... i really dont see the point of him coming to Taiwan for 26 hours, for a 5 min appearance on TV.... 大概是為了"秋天 Arashi要來開演唱會 請大家來" 這句話吧... 好慘 我又無緣 T___T

to be honest, this 星光大道 is kinda crappy... there is absolutely no screaming other than MatsuJun!! (I AM SERIOUS!!! 尖叫聲大到 host的解說都聽不太到了) and 整個金曲獎...是走搞笑路線 i actually like it cuz elegant = boring, 但是... 好像有點...低俗

Eason sounded so good!! but 孫燕姿唱的好爛!!! 尤其是唱陳亦迅的歌的時候~ and KangTa sang [Persona] *o* kakkoi!!! ehh, 但是 live 好像唱的不怎麼樣... so out of breath and shaky...

i got cheered up after wtching AYU's PV~ omg, can she look more beautiful than that?? 那個沙灘超美~~ and she's having a lot of fun~ but it kinda reminded me of Amigo's ... PV (lol, i'm talking about her latest single, i cant remember the name!! i'm getting old) 雖然全世界都在說濱崎步人氣不如以前 但是看到這個PV就會覺得 其實本人(應該)一點也不care 一個歌手想要擁有 可以擁有 不能擁有的 她都試過了!! 難道還會care區區一個Koda Kumi?? :p 我放長雙眼看Koda Kumi可以紅多久~ 還記得不久前在日本可以橫著走的Orange Range嗎? 現在竟然賣的比出道邁入第8年的偶像團體Arashi還差 :p

did you guys/gals watched world cup? i only watched the opening and the first 20 min of the first game :p 德國好強!! 還是對手太弱?

"安七炫為金曲獎來台 粉絲擠爆機場"
這句話等明天松本潤來了再說 沒見識過傑尼斯在台灣power嗎? SE7EN應該也是明天早上來~ 明天機場一定擠暴了

明天好像要下雨 要撐著傘走星光大道??

speaking of which, my dad just came back from hk tonight (9號) 因為香港下大雨 所以班機delay~ 老實說 一瞬間 我在希望雨勢太大班機取消 改到明天早上 這樣我還有機會見到松本潤 (不孝女 XDDD)


and lastly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO!! (i know i'm one of the first person that greeted your B-day :p) and whoever remembered my b-day (due to whatever reasons...), thank you =)

厚(<---超台 XDDD) 剛剛在看康熙來了... 來賓是新人何以奇 陳亦等... 我從沒看見這麼不會說話的藝人!!! i bet she wont have her 2nd CD released!! 連蔡10都比他好...

何: "我才18歲埃"
... 18歲不小了!!!

康: "你要小心 今天的來賓後台很大"
何: "還好啦"
... 一般人會說"沒有啦"吧???

小S: "你為什麼不唱台語歌?"
何: "因為我還年輕啊 而且台語歌的市場一下就沒了"
小S: "不會啊 人家孫淑湄賣的很好啊"
何: "可是我沒買"
....... 這就是草莓族嗎? 說話不經過大腦.... 以前打著五月天師妹名義的那個超會講話!! (haha, i cant even remember he name now)


康: "你(小S)聽到他說網站上一天有3萬多人去看心理想什麼?"
小S: "屁勒"

小S: "那你覺得你比傑尼斯所有人都帥嗎?"
陳: "... 我比他們高"
前面"..."是什麼意思=___=" 他應該是所有傑尼斯迷的公敵了 那髮型就是典型的傑尼斯髮型!!! (雖然傑尼斯裡確實沒幾個比他高... 但是那個答案令人不-滿-意-!!)


some REAL music 

not a big fan of the song but love the pv :p kakkoii~~ really hope this single sells good...

and heard that Koda Kumi will be releasing a 4 A-sides single in July @____@ WHAT?? isnt that what AYU usually do?? AVEX在搞什麼啊 >___< are they really trying to make Koda Kumi the next AYU????

is AYU's BLUE BIRD really compsed by 長尾大?? 安室有要出精選嗎? where's the tracklist?

剛剛看了一下Oricon上半年的ranking... 傑尼斯全員都上了單曲榜 @___@ Top 30 裡有1/3是Johnny's... Top 10 裡更佔了一半!! 接下來這個月每個禮拜都有Johnny's出CD...

sorry, but i just feel the need to rant about this...few years ago, before i started my Arashi madness, i heard this Tackey & Tsubasa song on TV or something... and i totally fall in love with it!! but i have no idea what song they were singing... so i ended up downloading the complete discography of them :p 然後聽每一首歌!! (but good that there were only 2 albums and few singles, Arashi was such a pain for me :p haha, but now i can sing most of Arashi's single songs and tell you which songs is from which album)

anywayz 終於找到了~ and to be honest, i... actually listen to this song A LOT!!! (good that i dont use last.fm) 但是今天我終於可以大聲說 I LOVE THIS SONG!! lol, cuz i just found out that it's actually composed by 松本良喜!!! 不陌生的名字吧? it's the guy who composed 中島美嘉的[雪之華], RUI的[月之點滴], 安室的[ALL FOR YOU]... so i guess i do have good taste XD

anywayz, watch the live here~ this is the album ver, which have the cool japanese instrumental into *o*

someone askemd me how many Arashi video i downloaded... before i left Canada, i burned around 90 DVDs, and i think i still have around 40-50GB of files in my computer... i guess that's quite a lot of files i downloaded in half year :p
read this

台灣Haggen-Dazs去年的營業額高達8億!! 吃掉了高達1200棟101的份量的冰淇淋 LOL


潤好像真的要來了... T___T 
不過是10號早上來~ 前幾天在電視上看到以前的片段 看到今井翼帶著MA走星光大道 氣勢十足~ Jun should bring some juniors with him too XD

sigh... 我只有看電視的份 T____T

speaking of Arashi, 又追加公演了 現在有37場 X___X 而且還是加場不加日 一天有3場公演... Johnny's 真不好當... 想收買人命啊

and Hirai Ken!!! look what he said during the Oricon interview 喜歡的歌是嵐の「きっと大丈夫」!!!!!!

some kickass translation~

wow, 這種爛名字還可以翻的這麼好!!


stay home day 
actually, i'm already bored to death in taiwan now... arrr, 6月初都還沒開始減價 原價我買不下手... and my only fds in tw are in exam... 沒空理我 AND 至於我最關注的金曲獎 我沒的去 >____________________< not because i dont have tickets, there are tonns of tickets on sale on Yahoo auction... (damn those 無良商人 明明就是免費拿到的票 還賣這麼貴 but the funny thing is that all those auctions emphasize on "嵐 松本潤" more than anything else, one of the auction even posted Jun's photo :p)

為什麼我沒的去?? 因為那天剛好是我生日 and my dad said we should go eat dinner as a family... (which we havent done in so many years...) arrrr "不用了 我那天沒空 我要去看金曲獎" 這種話我說不出口 >___< arrr 討厭啦 我想去看松本潤... 我看不到的話就不用來了!!! (<-- 個性扭曲+自私的人:p)

而且以Arashi的schedule來看 要來台開演唱會 暑假中好像不太可能... 要開也是要等到9月 >____< 我注定無緣嗎ToT


oh, but i saw Shounen Club on TV on Sunday, 好好 可以跟日本零時差~ i saw YamaP's live!!

and i watched [新堂本兄弟] the ep where 福山雅治 was the guest~ it's sooooo funny XDD
光一: "YOU-們 今天頭髮為什麼弄得這麼漂亮?" LOL

i guess 福山雅治 是那種所有女性都喜歡的 type~ 松嶋菜菜子 would be the female version~

光一: "要結束摟 YOU們有什麼問題想問嗎? 3 2 1"
恭子: "hai hai~ 可以請福山先生臉向這裡看嗎?" LOL


can't wait to see AYU's episode~

and me still chasing 天國的階梯~ haha, i'm watching it for the 2nd time~ but it's still so good~ this is probably my fav k-drama~

and omg, YamaP's single sold 40萬 @_____@ with only 2 versions too!!! 這, 賣太好了吧~ 我真的很矛盾 很希望他賣的好 又很希望賣不好 不想看到日本音樂市場一片Johnny's...

好了 NEWS可以解散了~ 一個會拖累人的group 留著幹嘛? 這大概是史上第一次 待過group的人出solo賣的比group還好~

and i actually find their music station live kinda interesting~ (but how many years have ABC back-dance for YamaP?? 應該是跟KAT-TUN同年代...) tho they are using "Shuji to Akira" to sell this single again... but seriously, "Shuji to Akira" really is a smart strategy~ there are ppl who wont buy NEWS single, there are ppl who wont buy KAT-TUN single but these ppl would buy "Shuji to Akira"~ even Johnny's 最終的秘密武器 - KAT-TUN couldnt sell more than this unit~ but i dont ever wanna see a come back of this combination~ give me some other unit!!!


深情密碼 *o* 
原來大潤發的CD很便宜~ 而且可以用禮卷~ 不用錢 so i bought Hirai Ken's "Utabaka" and CHEMISTRY's "fo(u)r" (gotta keep my complete album collection)

and 我狠下心買了綠茶口味的Haggen Dazs~ so freaking expensive X____X but there is no Green Tea flavour in Canada... but Haggen Dazs 真是超好吃~ 味道夠重 夠苦又夠甜~

and i went to 五大唱片 today, the 買CD送金曲獎入場卷 event ended already T____T and all the other 送票 draw/games/event ended already!!! 我要去金曲獎 >___< 看來我唯一的出路就是Yahoo拍賣... T___T 但是還是要等星期一 確定松潤會來再說 i have absolutely no interest in this show w/o Jun

gyaaa, 我還是好期待Arashi來台開演唱會~ NEWS來的時候帶了Ya-Ya-Yah 嵐會帶哪些Jr.來呢~ (我完了 我連Jr.都開始注意 已踏上不歸路?) 不過還是KinKi Kids來的時候最大牌 帶了整團的KAT-TUN, 山下智久等當紅的Jr.~ 所以同代裡就只有嵐的松本潤 櫻井翔 大野智 沒來過台灣~ haha 想當年而二宮跟相葉來台時我都有看到他們上電視 還想"又是傑尼斯 不帥嘛" 看到那些瘋狂的追星族 還很難理解為什麼一把年紀了還喜歡小孩 :p

不過傑尼斯藝人真的是非常敬業~ 日本藝人來台灣一向都是高姿態 但是NEWS來台開唱真是搏命演出!!!

oohhhh, and i watched [深情密碼] today, it's SOOOOOOO DAMN GOOD!!! 我一向都對台灣偶像劇沒什麼興趣 but this one is different!! it's so much better than [惡魔在身邊]!!! AND 仔仔 can actually act now!!!!!!! (但是國語還是很不標準)

and most importantly, 仔仔在戲裡超有形!! once upon a time, i used to like him :p lol, no, i like the drama not because fangirl 發作!!! i only watched the first episode of [Mars] even though i loved the comic~

好看因為他不做作 (ok, compare to most 偶像劇 this one is a lot better!!) 夠自然 夠搞笑 又夠浪漫~ (非~~~~~~常有韓劇的味道)

所以仔仔演的是要拋棄未婚妻的負心漢? but.... isnt 許志安 too old for 偶像劇???

不過還好我因為日劇 所以訓練有數 等一個星期早就習慣了~

the other drama i watched is [東方茱麗葉] (aka 東京茱麗葉) 看了一下 男女主角都不夠好看 換台~ 但是真的有把肉麻的台詞都說出來~ 任達華把整個氣勢都演出來的~


errr, this is no Arashi fan site... (...) 
yeah, like that is so convincing :p lol, shush, stop complaining, this is MY BLOG, i can write whatever i want!! 我也不想一直寫 but... fan girl high的時候很難控制 :p and ALL Johnny's fans love seeing the rabu rabue "interaction" btw their idols~ 聽到A團的某某某跟B團的某某某去吃飯 就是會莫名其妙high起來~

i bought something really quite expensive today X____X (回家時還要做小偷 怕被發現 :p i'm such a bad fan 但是如果被發現我喜歡傑尼斯 我一世英名就毀了 一定被罵死 因為不久前我都還很瞧不起傑尼斯) and i still have 4 more to go :p lol, i dont have money for their normal edition album or AYU's 2 DVD versions... what a lie

oh, and i pre-ordered Hikki's new album~ JAPAN version!! haha, gonna be my first Jpn Hikki album~ not because i have faith in her, but because it's so damn cheap 買到賺到的感覺 :p it's only about CDN$19!! (somehow AVEX and EMI import cds in Taiwan are VERY cheap!!)

look at that 白色毛毛 *o* soooo cute!!!

kept on forgetting my camera these days... missed quite a lot of good food... (that Snoopy cake is sooooo tasty!!! 原來生兒子要送油飯+蛋糕喔~)


[白夜の女騎士] 観劇情報 
Complete list~(偷來的list :p from Jessie)

5/7 (日・初日)野田秀樹 松田美由紀 二宮和也 Gの嵐Producer 萩尾 望都
5/8 (月)井上真央 津川雅彦 内藤剛志 Hyde 松岡和子
5/9 (火)相葉雅紀 いのうえひでのり 岩松了
5/10(水)藤原竜也 江口洋介 羽鳥アナ(日テレ) 櫻井翔 大野智
5/12 (金)加賀まりこ 榎本加奈子 大魔神佐々木 勝地凉 井上芳雄
5/13(土)小雪 西岡德馬 石垣佑磨 宇津井健
5/14(日)行定勲監督 滝沢秀明 鷲尾真知子 麻実れい
5/15(月)鈴木裕美 佐藤敦啓 松嶋菜々子 
5/16(火)唐沢寿明 軽部アナ 笠井アナ 加藤あい
5/17(水)鴻上尚史 筑紫哲也 田山涼成 平幹二朗 リリーフランキー
5/19(金)佐田真由美 草笛光子 EXILE 堺雅人 原田芳雄
5/20(土)中村勘太郎 大林素子 東山紀之 森光子 寺島しのぶ 久世星佳
5/21(日)中村七之助 西田尚美 松原智恵子 篠原ともえ
5/22(月)中村堪三郎夫婦 西尾まり 椎名林檎 中川晃教 高橋克実 G2 三池崇史
5/23(火)市村正親 榮倉奈々 高橋由美子 大島蓉子 原千晶 秋山菜津子 松本まりか
5/24(水)仲間由紀恵 生瀬勝久 ともさかりえ 長塚圭史 白石美帆 松尾 貴史
5/26(金)坂本昌行  井ノ原快彦 成宮寛貴 小栗旬 吉田鋼太郎 真中瞳 高円宮久子妃殿下と護衛の方々
5/27(土)風間俊介 銀文蝶 松田翔太 塚本高史 須賀貴匠  
5/28(日)長谷川純 横山裕 錦戸亮 大倉忠義 夏木マリ
5/29(月)松たかこ 深津絵里 生田斗真 三宅健 手塚とおる
5/30(火・千秋楽)蒼井優 森山直太朗 長野博  松岡昌宏 市川実和子 山崎一 一青窈  佐藤めぐみ 妻夫木聪

oops, 我錯怪了Takki, he did go :p awww, Ryo-chan went too?? pfft, where's YamaP?? 4Tops理3個都去了... oh well, he didnt even go to Toma's [Azumi]...

西岡德馬 石垣佑磨 宇津井健 仲間由紀恵 生瀬勝久 成宮寛貴 小栗旬 塚本高史

鈴木杏 内藤剛志 長谷川純 成宮寛貴 ともさかりえ

井上真央 加賀まりこ 松嶋菜々子 小栗旬 松田翔太 佐藤めぐみ 佐田真由美

小雪(寵物情人) 寺島しのぶ(tokyo tower) 榮倉奈々(Boku-Imo) 加藤愛(新宿少年偵探團) 仲間由紀恵 井上真央 鈴木杏 松嶋菜々子

滝沢秀明 佐藤敦啓 生田斗真 長谷川純 横山裕 錦戸亮 大倉忠義 松田翔太 風間俊介 長野博 坂本昌行 井ノ原快彦 三宅健 松岡昌宏 東山紀之


ARRRRRRRRRRR >____< MATSUJUN IS COMING!!!! why cant they announce this earlier!!! now i wanna go to 金曲獎!!! I WANNA GO I WANNA GO I MUST GO!!!!!!! >___< 但是現在已經很難弄到票了... 點算... 我不要看轉撥 我要看生松本潤>___< Kang Ta and SE7EN也都是我喜歡的!!! 也是我"唯一"喜歡的韓國男歌星!!! (ar, but Jun is gonna look short standing beside them...) and i hard that Jolin wont be attending!! @___@ 這是神給我的生日禮物 :p

is Jun gonna sing?? 會走星光大道嗎???? aiya, 我要去... ;______; 會在西門町開握手會嗎? 如果真的有的話 就算擠儤人我也會去!!! 去機場接機?? 做taxi追車? nah 我窮 做不起這種事~ 雖然去機場才是最近的接觸 >___<

然後有其他傳聞說嵐會在暑假來台開演唱會 @___@ but their schedule in summer is already very packed.... arrr, but if they do, DO IT FAST >___< I CAN ONLY STAY TILL EARLY SEPTEMBER THE LATEST... 如果我看不到的話 那不如不要來>___<


Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
[+] May 2004
[+] June 2004
[+] July 2004
[+] August 2004
[+] September 2004
[+] October 2004
[+] November 2004
[+] December 2004
[+] January 2005
[+] February 2005
[+] March 2005
[+] April 2005
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[+] November 2009


version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
