omg!!! 是我太小看電視劇主角所出的CD!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT GOT HIGHER THAN ORANGE RANGE!!! 還是應該說 what happened to OR??? 是我去年一直curse他們的關係嗎???? 想不到OR紅的時間只有短短的2年...
wow, but TOKIO still doing good!! and L'arc en ciel的re-release成績很好~ 出現了很好看的景象~ 9到20都是他們 did better than SAS~ but why is "the Fourth Avenue Cafe" so high? isn't "HONEY" their best selling single?? or is that their new single? but that's kinda bad if it's brand new single :p
and i think they are gonna re-release 2 albums, "ark" and "ray" next month... if i'm not mistaken, those are their best selling albums released back in 1999? i can understand that they want to re-release their 8 cm single but albums in 1999?? i mean, 1999 is not THAT long ago.... and they sold like mad back then... what's the point of re-release them?? 超級rip off... 乾脆重出所有的CD算了
just realized that AAA only debuted for an year?? how come i had this feeling that they were around for a long time :p maa 現在雖然還不起眼 但是沒有人知道他會不會成為第2個悻田來未... 畢竟是Avex...
their new single is the theme song of [アキハバラ@DEEP] the movie~ starring by 成功寬貴 + 山田優 ... T____T why can't it be 斗真... and Yamada Yuu will be singing the ending song, making her CD debut on 09.20...
Yamada Yuu, was in one of the 3405803249 groups that have the name of "SPPED接班人" ... but obviously none of those groups worked, so she's one of the few that survived... who is making her debut 5 years later... 好漫長的時間 :p heard her singing on Utawara... her singing is at the same level as 上戶彩 (who is also in one of those SPPED接班人 group :p 所以是同期? 但是比山田優幸運) which is BAD :p
arrr, 最近日本好多電影都想看... [死亡筆記], [日本沉沒], [鬼來電 Final] (這3部最近廣告打的好兇), [Trick], [Honey & Clover], [木根津貓眼], 還有Erika演的鬼片 [オトシモノ] (我超愛看日本鬼片) and ALL of Erika's movies!! :p ([シュガー&スパイス~風味絶佳~], [天使の卵], [手紙])
lol, just feel like putting that as the title for TODAY... no i'm not crazy fan who actually buys a birthday cake and celebrate with the photo of their idol .... (orz)
and he's having 3 shows on his birthday too @____@ fans will probably sing birthday song for him and will be able to see a lot of Arashi LOVE*LOVE =P
@____@ can't believe TOKIO's new single sold so well!! if i'm not mistaken, their previous single sold around 60,000 copies only? well, it is a good song and it's composed by 天后級的中島美雪~ (why cant they get someone big to compose for Arashi too :p) really like it i actually like it more than Arashi's Aozora Pedal
下禮拜是山下智久率領的"期間限定"團 - [GYM] 會賣多少 大家都很好奇 geez, the old men's gotta stop playing the same trick... 同時也很感到同情... YamaP is like a toy, used to sell the new artists... 但是我覺得這次不會賣 cuz i think even most of the Japanese fans don't know who "Golf & Mike" are... 不要忘記山P正式出道的組合NEWS也不賣... and most online shop still have the limited edition available by now @____@ (unusual for 弱手組~) 我想不會超過30萬吧? (而且那首歌超難聽 :p) but it makes me wonder Golf & Mike 是何方神聖?? they are from Thailand (?) but speak perfect Engllish??? 泰國是講英文的喔? and they seem to be able to communicate with YamaP in Japanese too o___O
I wanna own every D-snap products!!!!!! omg, look at that adorable design *o* (and of course, ayu looks pretty as usual~) ummm, kinda look like iPod?? but that screen is 630948503294 times better than the old-technology LCD~ and look at that cool controller!!! (tho it's actually kinda big compare to the player itself lol)
so Panasonic came up with some 獨家 again this time~ this player is got the world's shortest recharge time and this thing called "anti-noise"??? and it's claimed to have better sounds than the older series... so a different compression?? so while Panasonic and SONY are trying their asses off on new compression for better sound, iPod is still sticking with its effortless "drag and drop"... meh, i dont know much about those compression stuff... but i think those 2 Japanese companies spent tons of money and time on it FOR A REASON!!! 好心動 *____* 但是SV100的音質真的有點嚇到我... 不再敢輕易相信了...
sigh... maybe i really should just quit MD... T____T
and i like this cm a lot more than the previous one~ (it's been almost an year since the last D-snap cm??)
as for the song.... like it so-so... totally reminded me of GLAY's "ONE LOVE" lol... so i'm assuming it's gonna be a double A-side single?
*********************** something random: Arashi's regular variety show "G no Arashi" is going to come to an end, the new series is called "Q no Arashi" (Q for Quiz) and it will be moved to an earlier slot *o* , at the same time, the famous cooking show "Dotchi no Ryori Show" (中: 料理東西軍") that has been running for 10 years will be ended soon!! errr, so is Arashi gonna take that golden time slot?? :p 想太多
one more thing, this mysterious Arashi single and DVD are listed on Amazon... @____@ could it be their new single and the 2005 concert DVD????
(broke broke broke this year @____@ i dont even wanna count how many CDs I bought this year and how much I spent on Arashi :p)
arrrr, my sis' comp is completely DEAD... can't even load Windos @____@ 早知道就直接format, 還浪費我的時間掃毒... arrrr, i can't live without a computer >___< i mean, i can't live without downloading!!! 好想看[My Boss My Hero], 好想看[太陽之歌] 好想看[秋葉原@DEEP] 好想看Arashi的regular shows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and most likely the stuff that i downloaded before will be gone... sigh... 應該是download的回來 就是Akihabara@DEEP會難找一點 i wanna go back to Toronto ;______;
feel sorry to Yuna and Yui, but those two will have to step aside now (no matter how sexy Yuna's new PV is :p)
我現在可以說 我真的非常喜歡Erika!!! I TOTALLY LOVE THE SONG!!! *O* maybe she's not as good a singer as Yuna but there's something in her that Yuna's lack of :p
and considering she started as a actress and her age, her singing is REALLY GOOD!!! (of course you can't compare her to someone like Shibasaki Kou, she's just... talented :p) she's gotta be the BEST singer among all the other actresses that had a CD debut~ (ie: 綾瀨遙(唱超爛 :p sorry but i like picking on her), 上戶彩(... she should just stick with acting) 松隆子, 深田恭子, and even my fav 仲間由紀惠) and she sings better than 99% of the H!P members!!(ok i guess that didn't say much :p) Whether she's gonna continue her career as a singer or not, I know she's gonna be my next Shibasaki Kou :p
唱歌畢竟是可以練習的 she definitely sings better than Ayu's early years :p
I said before that i don't care how many scandals there are... i think i can see why she's so "popular"... she's half French 所以有點外國人個性? 講話直 不作做 所以大概容易得罪人
move on to her acting~ *I* think, she's one of the best actress among all the rising stars in Japan now
說說我不喜歡的 :p
宮崎葵 - i dislike her the most out of all the new artists... 讓人感覺做作 扮可愛 扮純情... 因為NANA一炮而紅... but i dont see much acting from her (or maybe it's just because Hachi is one of those typical Japanese girls...)
綾瀨遙 - dont really like her... but i do see something special in her... she does stand out in bunch of typical-Japanese-girls... arrr, but seriously, quit singing :p
堀北真希 - yes yes, i know all Johnny's fans LOVE her but i dont!! (she got loved because she stays away from YamaP and declaired that has no interest in him lol) 也是紅的快的一個 但是無演技可言 i watched [野豬大改造], [Kurosagi] several movies, Remioromen's [3月9日] PV... her character is ALWAYS the same... and i watched some of off-stage clips... she's so like Nobuta :p so shy and quite... 這樣還能紅... (我對紅的快的人沒好感 unless she's really REALLY talented)
my ranking: 1. 沢尻エリカ 2. 戸田恵梨香 - one of the few girls who can look pretty without heavy make up~ 3. 新垣結衣 - amazing acting skills!!! from a bitchy girl to the sweetest girl in the world!! 4. サエコ - Sachiko from NANA~ i dont get why i like her either, she's soooo typical!! :p ... (倒數) 3. 堀北真希 2. 綾瀨遙 1. 宮崎葵
awwww, episode 5 is so touching *o* especially the ending... 故事講到薫的手指已經不能動了... 當薰說到自己除了唱歌以外什麼都沒有時 i KNEW Yamada is gonna say that!! "俺はお前のギターになって"!!!!!!! 然後很帥的拿起吉他 彈起了薰的歌!! *_____* 尤其是他在拒絕了幫前女友彈吉他之後 *o* 現在已經不像以前討厭山田了 他的角色實在太好了!!
主打歌[タイヨウのうた]終於披露了~ arrr, i was expecting a very sad ballad.... >___< why dont they let Erika sing "Wish" instead.... but i think i'll learn to like that song :p arrr, i should place more order now... but... 現在還沒喜歡到買 >____<
official site (by the way, this site sucks!! 沒看過這麼爛的navigation design!!! the scroll bar at each page is located at different place, have different colouor, are transparent sometime... the layout didnt consider ppl who are using different resolution... geez, hire me :p)
i dont wanna use its Chinese name... because to me, that only represent the Japanese one by 堂澤壽明 and 江口洋介 even tho they are 2 totally different stories (which i blogged about 2 years ago!! crap, time flies :p)
the TW version is based on the novel by 台灣才子侯文詠~ (從不看小說的我 他的書我卻從小看到大~ my sis is a big fan :p) 同樣是講醫院裡的黑暗故事... 為什麼人家香港/美國拍的就是救人的故事 台灣/日本就是拍醫院裡醜陋的一面
the drama is VERY GOOD, very attractive, 感覺有像到日本版 連醫院裡的system都有像~ 言承旭的演技一般 有一點進步吧(?) A-mei的親戚Saya (演總統的女兒) 很不會演 還要裝可愛 the one that really shined in this drama is 吳孟達!!!! 超有架勢~ 還會說台語 XD 非常期待 但是還是比不上日本拍的!! SPOILER: unlike the Japanese one, 這部片裡沒有好人 連現在看起來有點阿呆的言承旭都會墮落 :p HE'S GONNA DUMP HIS CURRENT GIRLFRIEND AND MARRY 院長的女兒!!
自從瘋上傑尼斯後我就沒有時間跟精神在去追漫畫了 so i finally read [Death Note] up till vol 12..... OMG, 兩個男主角都死了 而且月還死的非常カッコ悪い!!!! 幻滅... but i'm guess that they are still playing some tricks, 裝死??? i mean, the story is not ended yet, is the author gonna put someone else to be the main character?? that would be ridiculus
ohh, [Death Note] the movie going on theatre in Taiwan on 09.08!!!
********************** please check [Ura] about 12 hours later XD **********************
..... in a bad mood (again :p) and it seems like the only way for me to cheer up and forget everything is to turn my attention to the Johnny's world =P
eeetto, something i wanted to say a long time ago: most english speaking Johnny's fans address Johnny's artist, the agency and basically everything related to Johnnys as "JE", short form of "Johnny's Entertainment". Technically, THIS IS WRONG!!!! Johnny's Entertainment = one of the record label under the Johnny's agency (aka 傑尼斯事務所) and ONLY few Johnny's artists such as KinKi Kids, NEWS, Shonentai are under "JE", Arash has it's on label called "J-Storm", KAT-TUN is under "J-One" whereas V6, Tokio and Tackey & Tsubasa are in Avex~ so when you used the term "JE" that actually only covered KinKi, NEWS and Shonentai... and... you are actually talking about their record company.... errr, so stop sound like an idiot amature by saying stuff like "JE has an excellent image in Japan's music industry...", "KAT-TUN contributed the most to JE..." etc... (by the way, Johnny's Juniors = Johnny's "Jr.", it's not "JR" that's Japan Railway XD)
ok, move on to Tackey & Tsubasa... they are gonna broke Johnny's artists' consecutive no. 1 single ranking on Oricon this week lol
I think you all know that I once loved Takki and he is the reason why I started to "dislike" Johnny's artists so much!!! (but i like him again now :p)
Takizawa Hideaki, someone that ALL Johnny's fans have an agreement on for having the best face ever!! and yes, everyone looks ugly when standing beside him. He's one of the "elite" ones and the leader during their Jr. times. The so-called "Golden Age" of the Johnny's Jr. (starting from T&T, Kohara Yuki, Osaka Shunsuke, Arashi, Kanjani8, ending at YamaP/4Tops (KAT-TUN and NEWS members ARE NOT INCLUDED!!! 當時他們根本沒有出頭天)). Under Takki's leadership, Jr. had several concerts around Japan, including places like TOKYO DOME!!! they also have several variet shows running at the same time and of course dorama~ (現在的Jr.辦不到的事) The only reason why Arashi debuted before they did is because they need to stay behind to take care of the younger Jr. They were the ONLY Jr. that had their 成人式 with Sakurai Sho during 2001 (Shibutani, Murakami and Yokoyama from K8 who were at the same age didn't get to attend (actually, the only K8 members that had such treatment were Ryo and Ohkura)). So fact told them that they will debut eventually :p
up until early this year, they hold the record for having the grandest debut in the Johnny's history. They had their debut concert hold in Tokyo Dome, instead of releasing debut single, they released a debut album~ the album is released in 6 countries at the same time within Asia. 電視牆 (lol, "電視牆" what do you call it?? TV wall????) all around Tokyo broadcasting their PV. They had ALL the Johnny's Jr. to backdance for them during their debut concert (how come Arashi didn't get this treatment?? :p), they had a special TV show about their debut where most of the Johnny's artists commented... with all these works, their debut album only sold barely 200,000 copies... (I think Johnny-san was expecting a million copies!!! imaginage all the money he spent!!!)
So it always makes me wonder WHY this unit doesn't sell??? they look good, they can dance, they can sing, they can act and they are very WELL KNOWN !!! WHY?? I guess it's the wrong timing... they should've debut in 1999 instead of Arashi (but i dont want Arashi to be in their position :p) when everyone started to know the name "Takizawa Hideaki" (because of Majou no Jouken)... passion with no return can't last 3 years :p
Oricon's no. 1 single ranking from May
05.22 - Arashi (05.29 - Fukuyama Masaharu - no Johnny's artist releasing a single this week) 06.05 - Yamashita Tomohisa = 06.12 - B'z - Kanjani8 got no. 2 this week 06.19 - V6 = 06.26 - Hamasaki Ayumi - Tokio got no.2 this week 07.03 - Domoto Tsuyoshi (07.10 - Mr. Children - no Johnny's aftist releasing a single this week) 07.18 - Domoto Koichi 07.25 - KAT-TUN 08.01 - KinKi Kids 08.08 - Arashi = 08.15 - SAS - T&T getting no. 2? or 3?
I feel so sorry for Kanjani8... their single sold even more than Arashi!! they will get no. 1 FOR SURE if they didn't release it on the same week as B'z~ Arashi跟山P, 堂本剛跟光一都避開了 為什麼不幫關8避呢??? i think the agency really don't give a damn about K8, as long as they can still make some money... (but it's different for T&T, if Arashi can sell more than GLAY, then T&T "should" be able to sell more than SAS too :p)
Ladies and gentlemen, I AM GOING TO THE ARASHI CONCERT!!!!!!!! the seat... 不算好也不算壞 it's at the really end of Arena section 但是是碰的到Arashi的地方 (omg, imaginage all the money i can make if i sell it on auction, j/k :p) as for HOW, 詳情請看[Ura] (還沒有pw 但是認為我會給的人請email我)
awww, 山口達也 wasn't there... sometime i really think Satou Atsuhiro looks a lot like Okada Junichi!! i really hope this group can release a song together... and kick KAT-TUN's ass :p
double A-side single [夏音/変な夢] c/w "Lock on you" to be released on 9.13~ I will cry if another Johnny's artist is releasing a single on that day!!!!!!!! T____T 別再打擊我了
first of all, I LOVE THIS SONG!!! *o* LOL, i feel like those idiots who claim that "this is my favourite song" whenever a new single is released~ but... this one is different!!!! i LOVE this song more than any of Takuro's composition after 2000!!!! more than [SCREAM] more than [White Road] more than [ANSWER]!!!!! 是一首我光聽preview就讓我感動的歌!! 這才是GLAY!!! this song is SOOOOOOO GLAY!!!!!!!!
interesting that this single called [夏音] is going to be released at the end of summer :p
seriously, i'm gonna cry if this single doesn't sell!! no. 1 就算了 我對傑尼斯藝人甘拜下風 有他們在 其他人都沒有機會 but i really hope this single can sell 20萬 at least...
this hk girl is selling Arashi's ticket on auction: here
Arena seats (where the "moving stage" will be moving on your head :p) row 7, starting price NT$15,000 and there is reserved price @____@ ok, i know everyone's trying to make money on auction but NO ONE set the start price sky high like that!!! pfft, 可恥的fans!!
台灣追星族可怕? 香港更可怕+無知!! 台灣如果包車追星會被人鄙視 但是在香港不會 cuz that's what EVERYONE does!! 前幾天看新聞 Kang Ta & Vanness去了香港 記者訪問到一名fans 她哭著說他摸到Kang Ta... 這是直得高興的事嗎?? 在混亂裡 他們快速走過 這樣很容易抓傷他們的!!!
the last time that a Johnny's artist visited Hong Kong was in 2001 (if i'm not mistaken) KinKi Kids' concert~ they brought all the popular Jr. likes YamaP, KAT-TUN etc with them... 在台灣還可以悠閒的走 有足夠的空間 but this is HONG KONG:
whereas Arashi in Taiwan:
so basically that was the last time a Johnny's artist ever visited Hong Kong!! 一直吵為什麼不去香港?? this is why!! China? 千萬別去 會被踩死!!!!
maa, 雖然台灣也好不到那裡 秩序比不上韓國 (好像離日本越近 秩序越好) 但是喜爺就是喜歡啊 怎麼樣~ we got favoured :p Taiwan is a place where 上致SMAP下致Ya-Ya-Yah都來過的地方!! 演唱會的話只有TOKIO, V6 (X2), KinKi(X2), NEWS and now Arashi!! (ok that's actually a lot :p)
我想近期內傑尼斯藝人都不會再去香港~ so seriously, Taiwan fans 如果不希望台灣落的跟香港一樣的下場 就behave yourself!!!
(我最近話超多 XD shoganai, 晚上超閒 and plus i'm out of money so i stay home quite a lot now :p)
********************* ohhhh, and something i find really cute, 台灣人喜歡用中文~ Rain = 雨 L'arc en ciel = 彩虹 GLAY = 灰 w-inds = 風 Arashi = 暴風雨 XDD
1) 我錯了 I underestimated my Arashi T___T 我再也不會相信Oricon的"人氣ranking"了 LIAR!!! T_____T 我對日本音樂好失望... and Oricon even wrote an article about "Johnny's Power" 想不到將傑尼斯家族帶到高峰的不是木村拓哉 不是瀧澤秀明 是山下智久跟KAT-TUN...
今年 37周裡 傑尼斯藝人拿下no. 1就佔了20周@____@ 銷售前10名更佔了5個名次.... ok, whoever sees Johnny's, PLEASE re-schedule your release date T____T that includes GLAY, Ayu and basically EVERYONE (maybe except Mr. Children)
aiyo, 但是Arashi怎麼越賣越少 從WISH的17萬 然後16萬 現在15.5萬... 這次有3個版本說... (but geez, Sho的那句高音... 真的好難聽 XD should let Ohnon sing that line)
2) omg OMG OMG~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [情人交響夢]要拍日劇了 而且是月9!!!!! 但是不是准一演 是玉木宏... well, 他也算過關 很有王子feel :p 但是也田ㄈㄟˋ竟然是上野樹里X_____________X 年紀就差了一大輪.... 而且新手憑什麼演月9!!!! 上野樹里 is not on my "hate list" yet... but.... arrrr, i want someone else to be Nodame... like 鈴木杏 or Erika... 他們比較有傻大姐的感覺
3) Ito Misaki will be the main lead in 高橋琉美子的經典名作[相聚一刻]... nothing much to say... you all know i don't like her.... never liked her when i first saw her in [Gokusen 1]
4) NANA2 the movie, 八子要換人演了 never really liked the old one (what was her name?? Miyazaki something??) 大概是演NANA後紅了 所以ditch NANA2 :p anywayz, the new one is by 市川由衣~ Johnny's fans should be familar, 在[Gokusen 1]裡演松潤妹妹的(i liked her since Gokusen!!) 在[Kurosagi]裡演喜歡山P的... and seems like Mika and Yuna will be singing for the movie again~ other than the songs, i have no interest in this movie anymore... Mika can't act and i don't expect any improvement from her XD the first one was so low-budget and that's what i'm expecting for the 2nd one :p now i just hope both Mika and Yuna will get some good songs~
5) 亀梨和也 and 綾瀬はるか will be casting 北川悦吏子's latest dorama called [たったひとつの恋] (譯: "唯一的戀愛" :p) a love story of a rich girl and a poor boy from a factory... wonder why this is not 月9 huh? 大概Fuji被嚇到了吧 不敢再讓某龜在月9出現... but why KAMENASHI??? i thought 北川悦吏子 loves KimuTaku... or does she also think that Kamenashi is the next KimuTaku?? ewww... 但是我還是很想看 畢竟是北川悦吏子...
6) 我想我99.999999999999999999999%會買這個 沢尻エリカ as 雨音薰~ i loved her when i was watching [1 Liter of Tear]!!!! loved her even more now!!! 又會演 又會唱 *o* ([太陽之歌]看到第3集 已經開始哭了 :p) ok, gotta make my correction, i think i like her even more than Yuna and YUI :p my next Ayu??? (lol, i said that when i started to like 柴崎幸)
果然 連續劇裡出現過的歌 很容易讓人喜歡!! now i get why [青春Amigo] sold so well :p but i wonder if 松下奈緒 will release her single.... isn't she he real singer??
(and stop asking about my Arashi con ticket >____< 不要在我的傷口上灑鹽)
item 2: MatsuJun poster~ somehow ppl don't like buying poster... 但是我超愛 :p 我費了九牛二虎之力才把海報塞入海報套裡~ (the damn poster protection bag cost about the same as my Amigo CD :p)
for who?? not Arashi this time, it's 陶喆!! i went to his 簽唱會 when i'm not even a fan :p ok, correction, i do like his music the best out of all taiwan singers but i'm not a "fan girl" of him~ 加上我對中文歌手一點興趣也沒有 (i don't even think i would go to 潘偉伯's 簽唱會) proved how much i liked his music :p
其實是因為我又被拉去台南=___=" geez it's so damn hot there and i can't believe how 台南人 can live without a/c @____@ (我當然是躲在房間吹冷氣啦~) so me and my sis were discussing how to get out of the house what we can do there... "ohh~ 去陶喆簽唱會!!!" so we went!! :p
(but even tho it's 鄉下, the ppl there 很有禮貌~ i'm talking about 服務業~ 不像台北 :p no, i mean 香港的服務業才叫臭臉 :p)
he sang "忘不了" and "太美麗" live and played some games... his live performance is soooooooooooooo good *O* sound better than the CD!!!
不知不覺 開始簽名後 人越來越多!! i didn't get there until he arrived :p but i think i'm one of the first 20 ppl who got signed~
i didn't just got his autograph, 我還有跟他握手!!! *o* (一邊簽名還要一邊握手 真是辛苦了 :p) 握手時他對我笑了一下(暈~)還說了"thank you"!!! and he said "謝謝" to everyone else but "thank you" to me!!!! i feel special now XD do i look like i don't know chinese?? :p
anywayz, pic tomorrow, so tired now, can't do anything other than watching TV :p
(by the way, the song that he sang with Jolin, sound like 兒歌!!!! lol, 看不起Jolin?? 我懂 我懂 :p and how Jolin tried so hard to sound "Amelican" made the song "ewww"...) *******************
- #@%$)*(#+$(% Arashi演唱會的門票在yahoo上標到近萬元 @____@ and it's not even the best seats..... #$%*)@_#$*@)# stop using Arashi to make money!!! 說什麼臨時有事不能去?? 聽了想吐!! but 台灣有錢人怎麼這麼多... >___< that's not within my budget...
- ALL MatsuJun goods are sold out in 西門町 (as reported in 8/3) !! @___@ the goods just got in like Sept. 26... awww, but i don't want them to see that "MatsuJun is more popular than the rest of the members" in Taiwan... (by: 買了所有松潤周邊的人)
- 8/18 要重播松潤版的金田一~ they probably plan to show all the MatsuJun dorama :p
- ohhhh, watched Arashi on Music Station, holy crap, 松本潤的檯風, hand gesture 跟木村拓哉超~~~~~~~~~~~~~像!!!!!!! 一直到現在才發現是因為Arashi很少要這種不跳舞 站著走來走去的歌 :p
- looks like GLAY is gonna top the Oricon chart this week?? 還不確定說 but i want GLAY to get no. 1 >___<
雖然Nino在HEY3說過"全面性地否認跟關八很要好" but that only means, 他們的感情已經好到可以開這種玩笑的程度
and another reason why i don't like KAT-TUN? they NEVER appear in any of the Arashi concert or butai!! =___=" and they used to back-dance for Arashi too... 對前輩真是尊敬啊...
oh, and rumour says that Yukie went to one of their concert at Yokohama on 22 and 23
before i get into the topic, 那位ok小姐/先生 在台灣用hinet卻不承認自己是台灣人 用中文PC Windows resolution 1280 x 1024 x 32bit 有用Alxia Toolbar (什麼東東?) 來過16次 疑似有把我的blog加入bookmark, IP 218-169-137-222 的那位不敢留名字的ok 於7月31日 從上午11點到下午2:44共來了7次~ 也就是說在看完我寫的東西後連屁都不敢放??
before i get into the point, 終於知道傑尼斯事務所現在的領導人Julie歐巴桑的長相了!!! (Julie歐巴桑全程陪同~) 其實我一點也不討厭喜多川~ 至少他比較有眼光~ 他看重的都紅了
台灣人真的是很會吵~ 如果要說到排隊 全世界沒有人比的上日本人!! 你以為她們不想排嗎? 如果可以的話她們一定是從一個禮拜前就開始排 但是日本傑尼斯演唱會大部分都是fan club ONLY 採用抽票制~ 座位也是 第一排跟最後一排都是付一樣多的錢~ 有錢 有心 有熱情又有什麼用 還不是要看有沒有運 再說 台灣那些要去看演唱會的人 有多少人是真的Arashi歌迷?? 有多少人可以用日文說出5人的名字 或是生日 血型 或是唱的出一首完整的[A.RA.SHI]??? i bet more than half of the ppl are just 湊熱鬧 那讓真正的Arashi fans來看又有什麼問題???? 明明就買到票了 還要吵... 好可悲的民族...
when we were flipping thru the channel tonight, we saw YamaP performing at Music Station (the one that he dropped his microphone)
sis: "這個人妖是誰啊??" me: "look at his muscles 哪裡像人妖???" sis: "... 唱的好濫" (其實已經是對嘴的了) me: "這就是傑尼斯" sis: "O____O 你要去看這種小白臉??"
haha, anywayz, the folowing MONTHS, 每個星期都看的到Johnny's artists~ next week is Shuji to Akira, i mean, YamaP and Kame...
watched some news clip of Arashi's conference in Thailand.... geez 泰國話真是我聽過最難廳的語言 好吵 :p and Golf & Mike were there too~ (有沒有好好的打招呼啊?) seems like GYM Kitty will also be performing in Thailand~ with Arashi
原來Arashi這次飛3國花了1億日圓 (在花KAT-TUN, Shuji to Akira賺的錢XDD) @____@ 事務所包機 還請了日本媒體人員共30名一同飛3國~ 喜爺果然還是很愛松本潤 :p
but geez, look at this
台灣fans 你們被比下去了啦!!! 人家韓國有1500人去接機!!!!! @____@ but i'm glad that Taiwan is still favoured by 喜爺~
************************* congratulation to KinKi Kids!! for their 23rd consecutive no. 1 single on Oricon~~~~ and i'm so happy that they just had to release the single on the same day as Koda Kumi XDDD 差了3萬張~ 是足以拿no. 1的數量了~~ i really don't want to see the legend broken, I hope KinKi 還會一直紅下去~
i rushed back home after having lunch with sis~ 轉了一天的新聞 嵐的訪台消息都只有短短的幾分鐘 >____< 全都是貧民出生的第一家庭的消息 煩死了 從5月報到現在 這種人最好抓去坐牢 然後家產充公~~
anywayz, back to Arashi, 這次保安很多人 Arashi沒有被擠到 是悠閒的慢慢走出來的~ 去的人都說他們非常有大將之風 (翔很會電人XD) 有展現member love 都會幫說話下手組解圍~
some main point: - Aiba said there weren't much fans when he visited Taiwan last time so he's surprised thta they have so much fans in Taiwan (那次明明是他自己偷偷來的 還敢說 XD (recording for the show "Shimura Doubutsu En")
- they were asked about how they feel aout "七夕" (which is today!!) and they all talked aboout "chocolate" XDD 超會避話題~
- they were asked about how they feel about "台灣" and all of them answered "小籠包" lol, i wonder what they think about 上海
- so in conclusion, to Arashi "七夕 = 巧克力, 台灣 = 小籠包"
- the last question is asked by fans, "大宮SK會出現嗎?" 全員都笑翻了 and gave this "為什麼會之的" face
- when they were about to leave, Jun turned back and grabbed the microphone and told the fans to buy their latest single
騙人!!!! @____@ 最不可能真人化的漫畫要拍成連續劇了~~~~ 由松潤的大親友小栗旬主演 還是被青山剛昌指名說~(恭喜 第一次當上男主角) aiyo, so does that mean he won't be in the same dorama as Jun anymore?? >__< (Jun look more like 新一 tho :p)
ehhh 主角應該是柯南吧??? well, this is only the prologue... 但是柯南到底是誰演呢~ Ayumi的話我希望由白夜行裡的那個小女孩演~ 柯南除了神木隆之介也外沒有人能勝任
3月開始裝了shinobi 才發現原來我有這麼多visitors!! 嚇了一跳 也有點開心~ i dont mind about that~ but if you hate me and is still visiting this blog... 我以後也還是會說一些欠扁的話 要來的話 歡迎 但是請不要亂吠 不要說一些"be careful after you died", "GOD will forgive you" 這些讓人有聽沒有懂 沒有point的話~ 最好笑的就是 一邊說神啊神啊的 一邊自己也在罵髒話 XD (而且 而且 我說的髒話根本不是在罵人... i never said "FU*K YOU KAMEN*SHI"!! 好難解釋 反正就是要要住過國外的才能明白) errr, do you know something called "以身作則"? (ie: 明明是在台灣用hinet 卻不承認自己是台灣人的那位ok小姐/先生 (and i bet she's not from HK, 香港人英文水準比較高))
Anime: Code Geass Manga: Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁 Song: almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?,
, HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ Singer: 浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY,
柴咲コウ Actor:
仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&#
26449;拓哉 Flower: Sakura!!! Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry) J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子,
きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子
[+] Hamasaki Ayumi [+]
GLAY [+] Arashi [+] Shibasaki Kou [+]
Chemistry [+] Ayu! Love!
Ayu! [+] University of Toronto
[+] March 2004 [+] April 2004 [+] May 2004 [+] June 2004 [+] July 2004 [+] August 2004 [+] September 2004 [+] October 2004 [+] November 2004 [+] December 2004 [+] January 2005 [+] February 2005 [+] March 2005 [+] April 2005 [+] May 2005 [+] June 2005 [+] July 2005 [+] August 2005 [+] September 2005 [+] October 2005 [+] November 2005 [+] December 2005 [+] January 2006 [+] February 2006 [+] March 2006 [+] April 2006 [+] May 2006 [+] June 2006 [+] July 2006 [+] August 2006 [+] September 2006 [+] October 2006 [+] November 2006 [+] December 2006 [+] January 2007 [+] February 2007 [+] March 2007 [+] April 2007 [+] May 2007 [+] June 2007 [+] July 2007 [+] August 2007 [+] September 2007 [+] October 2007 [+] November 2007 [+] December 2007 [+] January 2008 [+] February 2008 [+] March 2008 [+] April 2008 [+] May 2008 [+] June 2008 [+] July 2008 [+] August 2008 [+] September 2008 [+] October 2008 [+] November 2008 [+] December 2008 [+] January 2009 [+] February 2009 [+] March 2009 [+] April 2009 [+] May 2009 [+] June 2009 [+] July 2009 [+] August 2009 [+] September 2009 [+] October 2009 [+] November 2009