
Do As Infinity 1999-2005 
Do the A-side
09.28 on sale

Do As Infinity 很多人都不知道我其實很喜歡他們的~~ 第一次知道[Do As Infinity]是看日劇[2000年之戀] 的主題歌[Yesterday & Today] 覺得超好聽的~ 成為fans則是看了Kayusa upload的"[Desire] live片段 身為AYU忠實fans的我 很慚愧 是直到Desire才知道原來Dai事AYU當紅時期(1999年) 的主力作曲者~ 我第一首聽的AYU歌[TO BE] 使我成為AYU fans的[Boys & Girls](110萬張) AYU最高銷售單曲[A](160萬張) 我最喜歡的AYU情歌[SEASONS](120萬張)都是由長尾大作曲的 如果說 AYU是因為有Dai才會紅的 一點也不過份

不過其實我自己也不曉得到底有多喜歡Do As Infinity... 不屬於"最愛"不管出什麼都買型(AUY & GLAY) 也不是"喜歡"只買專輯型(Chemistry, 宇多田光) 也不是"只喜歡歌"只買喜歡的專輯 而且堅決不買日版型(Boa, 中島美嘉, 平井堅) 基本上我了AYU & GLAY 其他人幾乎都不會買日版 可是不知道為什麼 當年會買日版的[Do the Best]... 可是到底是喜歡到什麼程度呢? 雖說Do the Best是日版 但是我庸有的CD也只有[New World], [Deep Forest] and [Do the Best]... (they really dont fit into my category :p) 也有可能那是他們的黃金時期....

出道第6年 宣布解散 真的令人感到寂寞 但是老實說我並不太驚訝 (not like when i heard SPEED is going to disband~ (holy, that's 5.5 years ago!!!!! @____@)) 近年來 Do As Infinity出的歌連fans聽了都不滿意 而Dai總是把比較好聽的歌給別人唱(個人意見) like AYU, SE7EN... 感覺好像遺棄了Tomiko跟Ryo... ;____; 這幾年的銷售量似乎也不理想... AVEX TRAX is one of the biggest 唱片公司in japan, 不過也是最商業化的 their target is not "music" it's to SELL!!! avex 的歌手一定都有相當的外表 包裝 and 大力宣傳...DAI雖然有一定的歌迷 但是出到了6年 peak時期應該算是Do the Best的時候吧 但是卻還是破不了百萬 至今過了4年 知名度不斷下滑 一個從來沒有上到頂端的group是很難再咸魚翻身的了 this is one of the major reason why DAI is disbanding (個人意見...) and it makes ppl wonder 為什麼同樣的作曲家 濱崎步唱就百萬百萬賣 Tomiko唱就... (dont mean to be mean....) 但是"解散" is going to grab a LOT of attention from the public, 可以最後撈一筆+製造新聞... but to be honest, Tomiko as solo singer, 一定不長久 i mean, where's Hiro??

sigh.... 看到DAI的official website 邊聽著Do the A-side邊打這篇entry真的有點難過 陪伴我渡過高中歲月的DAI要解散了.... ;_____; 以後Tomiko將會唱著"別人"寫的歌...
『Do The A-side + DVD』

1.Tangerine Dream (99.9.29)
2.Heart (99.12.8)
3.Oasis (00.1.26)
4.Yesterday & Today (00.2.23)
5.rumble fish (00.8.2)
6.We are. (00.11.29)
7.Desire (01.1.24)
8.遠くまで (01.4.25)
9.Week! (01.5.30)
10.深い森 (01.6.27)
11.冒険者たち (01.9.5)

1.陽のあたる坂道 (02.2.27)
2.under the sun (02.7.31)
3.under the moon (02.7.31)
4.真実の詩 (02.10.30)
5.魔法の言葉~Would you marry me?~ (03.6.11)
6.本日ハ晴天ナリ (03.9.25)
7.柊 (03.11.6)
8.楽園 (04.12.15)
9.For the future (05.1.19)
10.TAO (05.7.27)

21個music video

doing well on Oricon!!! i want it to beat 幸田來未's first week sale!!! (haha, not possible, she sold 55.9萬 copies in the first week!!! and that is more than Boa!!! is this like a "Best Album" year or what?? Yuzu, 中島美嘉, 平井堅, DAI, BOA, B'z(又要出騙錢專輯) but where is Chemistry???)

Disk 1 alone would be worth buying!!! 如果要評分我大該會給11/10 for disk 1!!! my fav DAI song ranking would be...
1. 深い森
2. Desire
3. Oasis
4. 冒険者たち
5. 遠くまで
6. under the moon
7. rumble fish
8. Week!
9. 真実の詩
10. 楽園

(i wanna steal Kakeru的download link so much!!! but 我不能做小偷...)


i know i'm such a big whiner but.... 超火大!!! omg, 他一副自己做最多是的樣子 crap, all she did is copy down the information from website then give that info to me and let me put on the powerpoint.... grrrrrr and she's 不滿意 with the bg i created and used her crappy photoshop skill created something crappy bg.... AND, she throw all the minor works to me cuz she thinks she did all the work... 尤其是用甜美的聲音笑著說"Thank You"的時候 超噁

and please, stop putting PARAGRAPHS after bulleted point!!!! "point form" is learned in like gr. 6 or something and be CONSISTANT about font size.... geez, power point is not that hard to use.... 我由心中祈禱 this is the last time i work with her

seriouisly, 我覺得working in a group, 就一定是有的人做的多有的做的少 you just can't help it~ and personally, i really dont mind, it's a "group work" 我真的不介意做多一點 這種斤斤計較的人真的事有夠討厭 the other girl in my group has class at 1 today, and she just kept on telling the whole world how that girl ditched the group meeting today... i mean like, so she's suppose to skip the class for this project??

搬弄是非的人 好久沒有遇見過了....

I hate working in a group... 
omg.... grrrrr, I HATE IT!!! 說我崎視也好 菲律賓人真的很討厭!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 高中都沒什麼賓賓 所以差點就忘了.... the 菲律賓人 in my elementary school are horrible..... X____X

the difference btw 菲律賓人and 大陸人 is that 菲律賓都很會裝 表面上好像跟你很好 其實背地裡討厭你討厭的要死 whereas 大陸人 表面上就是很不喜歡你 這樣其實還比較好做人 因為你也不用鳥他....

and i dont get why 菲律賓人 LOVE to 說別人的壞話 and 八卦 it's like, 90% of their conversation is about other ppl... com'on, get a life..... and 見人說人話 見鬼說鬼話 剛剛才跟A八完B的事 轉頭又跟B八C的事..... oh geez... i hate small class.... and this is gonna last for 8 months X_____X 不知道在這8個月裡我會看到多少人性醜陋的一面 and i wanna see if i can 學到他們的一成 after 8 months

and i have no idea how did she get into this program.... 連最基本的photoshop skill都不會用 卻又搶著做Photoshop imaging....

上了大學後真是各式各樣的人都見過了 有認識幾天就對你推心置腹 有需要時間去了解對方的 有認識一段時間才看到真面目的 有一些靠近你是看有沒有便宜可拿 最可怕的還是表裡不一的 好噁心.....

ok, back to work...


S.H.E 也終於加入copy-cat行業了!! 

[星光]完全是[About you] edited (worse) version!!! i know SHE 翻唱過很多外國歌星的歌 but this time, it's not 翻唱 是抄襲 因為作曲者是什麼"許安安" not Kazuhito Kikuchi

他真的以為這個世界這麼好混嗎? 把arrangement改改 唱漫一點就沒有人發現?

download SHE的翻版
download AYU的正版


Shibasaki Kou - "Sweet Mom"

weird name, but it's such a beautiful song!! 購買慾望直線上升中


a fd sent me her "Yuki no Hana" live from the concert, it was a lot better than i expected!!! as mika is never a good live singer.... it's making me wanna watch her entire concert

speaking of Mika, she's releasing a best album in december, tracklist:

AMAZING GRACE(produced by 綾戸智絵)新録
Love Addict

but what is she thinking?? cant believe "Helpless Rain" is not on!!! that's such a cool song... i rather have that than "LEGEND"

went to dt's ROCSAUT oreientation yesterday.... there were so much ppl, and ppl in dt are so united, everyone knows each other so well... ppl are all so nice and firnedly, cool game, well organized... but 99% of the ppl lives in dt and most ppl come from vancouver~ and surpriseinly there are several cantonese ppl~ went to bbt after the big party and thanks for nette for giving me a ride home~ had a great day~ but 現實告訴我 as long as i dont liv/go to dt, it's hard to be like that (especially for a 內向 person like me)


thanks~~ 這是我這幾天聽到最具有安慰成分的話~ 大家都只會跟我說 "人生必經之路" "不要一遇到問題就逃避" "別給自己太多壓力" "you will do fine" (<-- 我知道大家都是出於好心 但是這句真的很不負責任) i appreciate them but those really didnt work for me :p

我的確是一遇到困難就會停下來的人 最需要的是別人在後面推我一把

心理學家真的是為你而設的!!! 覺得自己好像看了免費的醫生 有賺到的感覺~ XD


i cant believe it's only the 2nd week of school..... 為什麼有一種度日如年的感覺... it's only the 2nd week of class and i already handed in 2 assignments, had 1 test and 1 presentation (1 more assignment/presentation due tml) why is my first week like end-of-the-term-week....... i know 其實沒什麼大不了 everyone is gonna tell me 是人生必經過程... 但是真的好辛苦.... 最少assignment的course也有5個 最多的有7個!!! and there's still quiz, mid term and final..... 星期2跟星期3有6小時的課 整整對著電腦6小時... 星期一到五都是同樣的教室 同樣的人 未來的8個月也將會是... 前兩個星期就覺得難了 以後怎麼辦.... 一直以為自己應該會讀的很開心 但是一點也不... 如果時間可以重來...

唸書 心境也是很重要的... i think what i need to learn now is 習慣 and learn to like my courses


我覺得我可以明白上班族期待星期5的心情.... cuz that's me.... 原來一個禮拜這麼長 @_____@ 以前的話 上到星期3就像是星期5了 星期天晚上也沒有"又是星期一了"的感覺....

geez, monday's class is the boringest.... tuesday is also boring... and LONG.... T____T wednesday is ok..... but still long... thursday is the most relaxing course i have this term.... friday is fun, but still a lot of work

sigh.... 早睡早起好像真的皮膚比較好...

oh yea, forgot to mention one thing, 放學回家看到哥哥還在睡 每天在家無所事是 就會很火大


version 6: H E A V E N 
new layout~ guess i'm a bit late .... but i'm just too busy lately T___T and this wasnt what i planned before either.... i really dont have the time to spend 2~4 hours on this now T_____T 只好忍耐用這個crappy的版本... cant wait to watch it!!!!! 仲間由紀惠超漂亮!!! *o*


小嘎 and 小米 
the topic of cat seem to 大受好評~ so here we go~

小嘎真的是一隻很可愛的貓 我在懷疑 他說不定是一隻狗 :p 因為胎的行為實在是太不像貓了~ 一般的貓 比較孤僻 可是小嘎喜歡跟人睡.... 會舔人 喜歡跟著人走 有一次我去洗衣服 沒發現他也跟著 不小心把他關在洗衣房 :p 有的時候坐在書房的椅子 小嘎會跑上來做在我的背後的空間 發現的時候真的會嚇一跳 小嘎最可愛的行為應該是看到別人寫字的時候會很興奮的跳到桌上 然後把筆拍掉(因為從小寵壞了 所以不論餐桌 椅子 廁所 床 廚房 都是他們的活動範圍 不過小米比較乖 不會跑到床上或餐桌)

而且 Garfield其事是一隻很任性+個性不好的貓 超容易生氣 又喜歡欺負小米 最好笑的一次 是小嘎偁小米上廁所的時候用手按住門 不讓小米出來....

我對小米可以算是一見鍾情 :p 他真是我見過最漂亮的貓~ 後來不論是電視 或是網上看到的貓 我都會說 "沒有小米漂亮" 而且小米很快就跟我friend了~ less than a week!!! (took me 2~3 weeks to be friend with Garfield) she always slept on my lap when i'm in the living room *o* 不過有點類 因為都不能動 :p 小米睡覺的時候很喜歡摸著人的手睡 超可愛的~~ 小米比Garfield愛吃零食 平常沒事的時候都會坐在零食櫃前 等好心人餵他零食~ 意想不到的 原來他也有狡猾的一面 one day, their mom came over and visit before i woke up :p so when i woke up, usually, 小米會坐在零食櫃前面對我喵 表示"我要吃零食~喵~" 不例外的 小米也做出了相同的事 剛好小米and小嘎的mommy在客廳 看到我打算餵他零食 就跟我說 她早上餵過了~ 然後姊姊說 他也餵過了 姊夫出來說 他也餵過了.... 原來小米一個早上吃了3次零食 還打算吃第4次!!!

不過他門跟你要零食的時候真的是非常可愛~~ 用可憐的眼神一直看著你 跟著你走 用尾巴掃你 故意走到你前面把路堵著 尤其是兩隻已起來的時候 再鐵石心腸的人也會不忍心!!!

雖說小嘎常欺負小米 但是其實她們感情非常好~ 一天晚上 小嘎沒有跑到我房間跟我睡~ 我還在想為什麼 原來是小米生病了~ 得了中耳炎... 小嘎一整晚都陪著小米!! 第2天 雖然看了獸醫 但是小米晚上還是一直哭 小嘎就坐在他旁邊看著~~ 好有義氣喔~~ 平常的小嘎 晚上都是囂張的睡在我的床上的正中間 偶而會起來上廁所或是吃東西 然後回來繼續睡!!!! (當貓好幸福) 不過小米真的是好可憐 連最愛吃的零食都不吃 晚上都會哭 他每哭一次我就會起來摸摸他 但是隔2,3個小時後又會哭


- 用頭撞你是在跟你打招呼
- 翹屁股是代表高興
- 呼吸大聲是代表對你沒有戒心
- 接近貓一定要蹲下來 不然會嚇到他們
- 眼睛咪起來是高興
- 一直直視著貓的眼睛是一種挑撥
- 一定要跟貓講話才能增進感情 (他們真的聽的懂!! 都不能說Garfield的壞話 因為他聽到會生氣 有一次只不過說他胖 他就氣的跑到餐桌下不出來)

柴崎幸 is releasing a new single on 10.05!!! called "Sweet Mom" weird name but it's such a beautiful song!!! (thinking if i should get the single or not.. but i'm so broke lately.....)

listen to the preview

i'm such a big sucker~ umm but at least i found out something~ 無論是YUI, Ito Yuna or 平原綾香 我都還是最喜歡柴崎幸!!!


我真是一個容易安慰的人 學校還是帶給我很大的壓力 但是我還是會咬緊牙根捱過的~~


almost forgot to blog aobut her

還在台灣的時候 跟姊姊的朋友們一起吃飯 一桌的多倫多人, U of T graduates 聊到了這個話題...

"is she really from Toronto?"

姊姊的其中一個朋友是跟林志玲同年的 而且大學4年也都有修日文 which according to 林志玲, she took 4 years of Japanese too!! 多倫多就這麼大 台灣人就這麼多 一個身高174的美女麼可能沒有人知道!?!?

- maybe she's from York University, cuz they also have 日文
- maybe she's from some place like new zealand, and said Toronto ineastead cuz it's so small that ppl wouldnt find out
- maybe she's from UTSC or UTM

說著說著 大家拿起手機開始找證據 還有call long-d到多倫多..... 最後終於問到說原來林志玲以前的英文名叫Linda, 姊姊的朋友的朋友曾追過林志玲, 還每天Linda Linda的說個不停 and 姊姊的朋友說曾看過照片....

雖然這麼說 但是這麼多年前看的照片 真的還記得嗎? maybe it's just a random tall girl with long hair

haha i got nothing against 林志玲, i acutlly kinda like her~ and 多虧了林志玲 台灣人才終於知道"多倫多"不在美國 :p

then finally~~ my sis come up with a suggestion "去問劉阿姨, 如果劉阿姨說認識 林志玲就真的是多倫多人!!!" (haha, but i asked my fds, non of them knows 劉阿姨.... msg me if you know who i'm talkin about :p)

oh oh~~ and guess what~ 林志玲 is actually 3x or 3x (depend on if she fast tracked or not...) doesnt look like eh~~ she looks like 28 the max

usually, i always say 我明年不回台灣 but this year, 課一上玩我就要飛回去 過3~4個月的暑假!!! this is just my most terrible year in university >____< 一年而以 捱過後就沒事了...... and i still cant believe that i'm sleeping at 1 everyday now.... i miss the days where i slept at 4 and take a nap after school......

grrr, i hate seeing the exact same people, sitting in the same room everyday!!!! >____< and i hate small class.... ;_____; (but i do love their G5 :p)

and my room is still a mess... 超沒心情整理... got lots of research and assignments to do this weekend.... T_____T 我覺得這好像是我前兩年太輕鬆的報應

AYU finally got her daily #1 on oricon!! i was so worried, and i just cant believe that 中島美嘉's single for NANA did so well!!! 全是NANA的功勞 cuz i really dont find what's so special about that song.... and her singing is pretty.... bad (*run)


sigh... did something bad today... called rogers to ask about my bill from last month (no my bro didnt change the address for me) and since we got no home phone right now, my bro used my cell a lot when i was in taiwan..... and guess what, my bill last month was $70!!!!! i was so shocked that.... my 語氣有點差... sigh.. 我EQ好低喔...

i saw my dream phone - Panasonic VS3 at p-mall today!!! (i just watched FF7AC yesterday~~ awwww, that's the phone!!! (w/o the external screen :p)) blah, but 360 with 2 years contract.... not gonna spend so much on cell phone... hope there will be some promotion during x'mas

oh yea, speaking of Final Fantasy VII ADVENT CHILDREN, it's gotta be the best CG movie i ever seen!!!! lots of action and the grpahic 真是無可挑剔!!!! 只有SQUARE才做的出這種水準~~~ got awful lot of action, but the story.... is only so-so... FF7 is still my all time fav RPG!!! i wanna re-play it.... but i got absolutely no time this year >___<

arrrr, got lots of assignments, presentations, tests, one after another..... X_________X dont wanna face them.... i'll start tml.........................


時差時差時差 (?) 
cant believe i woke up at 6..... wondering if it's 時差 or it's because i slept too much in the past 2 days... cuz my jetleg is usually not this bad!!! i usually sleep at 11 and woke up at 8 in the first few days....

thanks to the ppl that sent me msg to cheer me up~ i appreciate it~ there are ups and downs in life~~ just gotta learn how to face them~ and please understand~ 笨的人是比較容易有壓力的~ (and my brother 除了打擊我 什麼都不會)

okie~ gonna go have my breakfast and strawberry tea~~~



沒有小嘎陪我睡覺 好不習慣 T____T 據說現在小嘎都跑去跟姊姊睡... 真是忘恩負義的貓

每次從台灣回來都會有一段心情彽落期... 覺得自己像孤兒... 雖然哥哥也在 但是總覺得不太一樣... 怎麼覺得長大了反而越來越沒用

轉眼間 已經要升大3了.... 好快... 畢業後會是什麼樣呢? 完全想像不到... 算了 反正我也沒什麼大志 只要可以養的活自己就好了

i still feel kinda guilty for taking the mast room.... but, ONE of us will take it.... :p and actually, he gets 2 bedroom and the living room....

感冒好的差不多了 i guess i'm ready for school... (?) 希望今年也能認識新朋友
currently in love with YUNA ITO's "ENDLESS STORY"~ lovely song~ and her singing is a lot better than Mika (no offense...) which is suppose to be the case according to the manga~



慘.... 一回來就病 車子拋錨.... 還有什麼就一次來吧

and i realized 我真的是一個不知如何說"不"的人...... i'll turn off my phone next time

oh yea, my last day in taiwan was awsome!! 從早吃到晚, had 日本懷石料理 for dinner~ then had afternoon tea at Starbucks, 晚餐吃了泰國料理, 宵夜吃鹹酥雞 then had 元祖雪餅 in midnight while watching DVD with my sis and 小嘎.... 然後半夜起來看一直哭的小米

寂寞是可以習慣的....i'll recover soon

no wonder my life in canada is about internet, manga, and TV cuz there's really not much to do here.... sigh.... maybe it's time to find a bf (j/k :p)


back to the boring city......... 
omg, there are just too many things to say.... dunno where to start.... so many things that pissed me off....

FIRST, i must say, Canada's airport suxk!!! it's the worst airport i ever seen in the world, no wonder we 我門上不了台面 no wonder Americans 看不起我們 the airport has no rule, usually, there's a line up place in front of the custom counters, but in Canada, each counter has its own line, and what's wrong with those ppl, it's the simplest form in the world, how come 1 out 5 ppl has to fill it wrong?? oh geez...

THEN, at the baggage claim place, i kinda expected that i'll wait at least for an hour for the baggage to come out.... but the problem this time is that there's no more carts left!!! and those europeans are so damn cheap, they stole my cart =____=" so i waited for the cart for like more than half hour....

.............. sigh, back to this horrible place....加拿大人就是沒效率...沒有管理 越來越討厭北美... i cant imagine living here for the rest of my life.............. T____T

oh, and i was suppose to go to school today (right now) but 發動不了車 cuz my brother didnt turn it on once in the past 2 months, and he left the a/c on...... isnt it common sense that you shouldn't turn off the car with a/c one??? geez..... i just cant leave anything to my brother

my flight was pretty good~ no delay.... and i get to use 2 seats~~ JAL is so good!! the service, the food and passenger!!! the 歐吉桑 beside me is so nice :p oh, and in Chicago airport, 幫忙我拿行李的是好心的日本叔叔... damn that american, he's right beside me =p

miss taiwan so much..... miss 小嘎 and 小米 so much!!! 小嘎是坐在門口看著我出門的 i miss him so much... T____T and so worried about 小米 she was so sick before i left, 晚上都會哭 而且哭的好大聲 出來摸一摸她就不哭了 但是沒隔多久又開始哭 超可憐...


HEAVEN [非官方中文歌詞] 
words: ayumi hamasaki

只是 過剩的綺麗
無法強忍的淚水 滿溢而出
想必也曾觸摸過 愛
我們 互相探求著彼此
有時 就連自己都迷失
La La La... La La La...
化作閃耀的星光 溫柔地
留在我身旁 我愛的人啊
因為 兩個人尚未遇見的未來
無論如何 都會殘留在 這裡
留在我身旁 我愛的人啊
相信 兩個人尚未遇見的未來
會殘留在 這裡
所以 從此以後
想必也曾觸摸過 愛


前天 是帶小嘎去美容院的日子.... 因為Garfield的髮(毛?)質不好 很容易打結 所以過一段時間就要幫他剪毛 (小米不用)

姊姊從樓上拿籠子下來的時候 兩隻貓就嚇的一直躲.... 終於把Garfield抓進籠子了 他在車上一直發出前所未有 可憐的哀嚎聲!!! 聽起來像在哭... 到了寵物美容院 Garfield 從籠子裡用很悲哀的眼神看著我們 好像在跟我們說 "不要把我丟在這" 跟Garfield住了一個多月 第一次看到他這麼害怕 當Garfield對我們叫的時候 我眼淚都快流出來了 (seriously, i am NOT a 愛哭鬼!!) 如果我是他mommy的話 我一定說 不剪了 我回家自己想辦法!!!

在家裡等的3個小時真是度日如年 大家都好擔心小嘎!!!! 回到家後Garfield立刻躲到床下 超可憐的... 太自卑了 沒臉見人... 已經有兩天沒有'喵'了...

現在的Garfield超瘦的!!! ummmm 很像貴賓狗 (只有頭, 手, 腳 and 尾巴有毛.... you imagine that yourself) and 一直躲人 T_____T 想不到這隻皇帝貓也有今天... 可憐的小嘎 希望毛趕快長出來

oh, and by the way, i just learned that his nickname is "小嘎" not "小ㄍㄚ" nor "小Ga"

went to a lot of places~ not much time left, so gotta 爭取時間

糖朝: it's just like Honh Kong's!!! even the menu! cant believe they used "士多埤梨" :p 不虧是吳宗憲耗資5千萬的餐廳

鼎泰豐: 真是什麼人都有!! but there were soooooooooooo much japanese!!!!!

Mr. Donut: 失望.... 口味少 and 不怎麼好吃... omg 我們怎麼可以輸給大陸

Mo Mo Paradise: i had Green Tea Tiramisu for dessert~~ and speaking of 壽喜燒 其實日本人是要沾scrambled的生雞蛋吃 但是我覺得有點噁...

oh, and i went to 台灣最頂級的"春秋烏來" 泡溫泉~ 非常讚


Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
