
好討厭玉瑩!!!!!! Part III 
孫白颺 你終於發現這個女人的真面目了嗎? 基本上 這部戲告訴我們2件事
1. 古代男人都是白痴
2. 男人果然只看外表!!!

just watched ep 27~~~ 小格格死的時候超感人的!!!!! 是目前為止最最最感人的part了!!! 如妃教訓汪福壽的那段真是超級正!!! 希望趕快看到皇后and玉瑩pk!!

今天心情欠佳 (又?) 覺得自己一無是處 除了玩 什麼都不會....(常被我媽罵的一句話 只是會多加"養豬還比較好 養大了可以拿去賣 養你一點用也沒有") 無一技之長 任何事都是半調子........ 天生我才必有用? 我活了19年也還不知道我的"才"在哪裡(does it even exist?).........

(hahaha, i realized that my blog is more like 看完電視劇後的"心得感想")


好討厭玉瑩!!!!!! Part II 
她真的應該改姓"賴" 以為地球是繞著她轉動??

那個歐吉桑皇上也是 是非不分 擺明偏心玉瑩.....

其實我一直蠻喜歡香浮 雖然稱不上美麗但很有氣質~

越看越覺得爾淳可憐....... 實在是太偉大了吧... 感覺好像已經看破紅塵了

真的發現自己的中文程度有待加強... 25集裡 爾淳對福貴人說的兩個字 完全不明白什麼意思 連念都念不出來... "囹圄"到底是什麼意思啊???


grrrr..... in really bad mood because of one stupid thing..... (其實沒什麼大不了) went to markville mall to take photo for passport (i used to take it in pacific mall but i find them VERY 隨便 and 不專業) first i thought it was 6.99 for 2 copies.... but after taken it, i realized that it was actually 16.99!!! kinda mad... but it was really my fault..... so cant really do anything (arrr, there's passport photo for only 9.99 at scarborough town centre!!! feel like i threw my money into 水溝!!!)


went to Wonderland today~ it's so good that there r so little ppl and the line up is very short~~ somehow, i think i lost my passion to wonderland... guess i'm too old for wonderland... this year is probably the last year that i'll buy a season pass...

went to eat 東京都 to eat "all you can eat"~ the quality... is so-so but the price is very good XD

aiya, wanna go to Florida so much.... *___*
最近在重看以前的漫畫-[足球小將翼] 很久沒看 現在看覺得還是蠻好看的~ (最近喜歡看一些熱血的漫畫~) hahaha 真是太熱血了 好誇張... 比網球王子還...(勾起許多童年回憶~)


玉瑩是唯一一個我從頭到尾討厭的角色 沒有任何sympathy

看到現在覺得戲裡的每個人都身不由己 (除了皇后明明已經高高在上了還要不放過晚輩)

安茜 - 慘!!!
因為要報仇 被迫和心愛的人分開 做一些違背良心的事

爾淳 - 慘上加慘!!!!
完全是為了別人而活 姊妹相殘 被利用還矇在鼓裡 最慘的是沒有回報的愛情 不像安茜 爾淳 根本沒有第二條路走

玉瑩 - 賤上加賤!!!
明明是自己先暗算別人 結果被反將了一軍 最後惱羞成怒 把所有的錯推到別人身上... 自以為是 但其實一點也比不上安茜跟爾淳 白痴一個~ 如果真的是好朋友 共伺一夫(那個年代)應該沒什麼大不了.....

雖然沒有以前的權利and地位 但至少現在活的比較輕鬆 以前做過許多壞事 但是我相信是環境所逼 始終是我最喜歡的角色~

hahahaha, 我擺明喜歡如妃and爾淳 對她們惡劣的行為完全不以為過 (我應該是不理對錯 偏幫自己喜歡的一方 缺乏正義感的人:p)


雖然平凡 但是平凡也是一種幸福

今天是L的生日 不能為她慶生真是抱歉...

又update[A-snap]了 完了 發現最近迷上照夕陽 (老人家嗜好???) 其實最好的view是再S家巷口 可以連白色的半玄月也照進去...(如果有第3隻手就可以一邊開車一邊照相了)

本來以為今天開車運是negative 因為放學後(正值下班時間(加拿大人實在太早下班了))回家走Brimely竟然開了50分鐘!!! (Brimley "應該"比McCowang少車的...) 原來是因為有3個紅綠燈not working... 回到家才知道原來停電了2小時... McCowan 一定比Brimley更加混亂
and plus, I DO know the difference btw "buffet" and "all you can eat" ... 我就是喜歡用"buffet" 不行嗎??? (不要再吐我漕了!!!)


upadated [A-snap] doesnt that photo look like AYU's CAROLS cover??

太久沒練笛 果然退步了 T___T

回家的時候 因為Finch超多車 所以改走McNicoll 記得剛考完駕照時 在McNicoll上曾嚴重跨線 從此以後就再也不敢走 事隔1年半 挑戰成功!!!!hahahaha~ 看來我的技術有進步喔


awwww, i was just watching [東京灣景] ep 4.... 好浪漫啊~~~ the last time i watched something like that (j-drama) is probably [魔女的條件]
one week passed already.... and i still didn't buy any textbooks yet (only need 2 actually...) !!! cuz they r all sold out.... i'm really behind for my readings now X___X

hehe, sold one more textbook today~ muhahaha, got some $$$ coming back in...
放學後半勉強的拉著朋友L 去逛Chapters然後去吃日本buffet-[春葉](因為昨天差點餓死!!!) 真的是我吃過這麼多間buffet 服務態度最好的一間!!! 我們從3點上同一堂lecture開始chat 一直chat到10點~ 從學業聊到工作 從電玩聊到明星 從電視劇聊到八卦.... 偶爾像這樣兩個人出去也很不錯呢~


每當在電視劇裡看到那種 拋棄子女20, 30年 然後突然出現的母親 子女都能不計較過去的原諒母親; 不論母親對自己做過任何殘酷的事 子女都能不計前嫌 一心一意為母親付出.... 看到這種片段的時候 我會想 "真的有這種事嗎? 就因為是生你出來的人就要奉獻自己的一生做為回報嗎? 她這樣對你 你還能愛她嗎?" 我絕對做不到....

電視劇裡 總是把母親的種種行為用"逼不得已"來美化 說什麼 "世界上沒有不愛孩子的母親" 可是事實上 就是有丟下孩子不管的母親, 不論孩子發生什麼事都默默不理的母親, 從不曾為孩子設想 只想到孩子可以為她做些麼 對自己有什麼幫助的母親...

真實世界裡 真的有人可以愛這樣的母親嗎? 相反的 如果孩子這樣對待自己的母親 就會被世人套上"不肖"兩字..... sigh.. 天理何在?

(轉貼來的~ 有人信嗎??? XDDD)

i'm bored... about 1 more hour left... 
i'm in the computer lab right now.... arrr... bored to death.... i got 3 hours of break yesterday and 2 hours break today.... geez, i hate my timetable this year....

and the battery for my mp3 player(my as10 actually) just died X____X i got no music to listen to now.... and more importantly, i was gonna record down my lecture this afternoon ..... (you really cant trust the battery display when it shows there r 2/3 left...)

had my Computer and the Arts class this morning... the lab there uses MAC... it does look quite amazing and fancy.... errr.... but i dont get why all those graphic designers LOVES mac.... I DONT LIKE IT!! i missed the right button on the mouse... and one more thing, MAC laaagggsss like hell.... and instead of "control" they have their own "apple" button which does the same thing.... (me so not use to it... keep on pressing the wrong button...)


watching 日劇-[午餐女王] 炸豬扒 炸蝦 漢堡 蛋包飯 咖哩飯 看的我口水快流出來了... (drool....) 害的我明明不餓 還硬要找東西吃.... 當重頭戲-奶油冷湯 出場時 真的在差點叫出來 (看起來)好好吃啊~~~

明天(tonight actually...)晚餐一定要喝cream & mushroom湯...
so far, all my prof r REALLY REALLY nice... but that kinda scared me... cuz nice prof doesnt mean easy mark... scared... and i'm so not used to the 50ppl classroom.... 看的太清楚了 >___< 看來今年所有科的participation mark都會在及格邊緣 ....


awwww, watched 金枝慾孽 15 today... i feel so sorry for 佘詩曼... her love story is so touching... seems like 佘詩曼's character is the smartest one in the drama so far....

and 黎姿 is getting so annoying (actually, she always is) 明明自己理虧 還要大聲罵人 ....

i actually pre-ordered Hikki's "Devil Inside" single from amazon.ca.... (arrr, but i kinda want to WALK into the store and buy it instead...) pre-ordered that is cuz i need to make it to $39 to save the shipping fee!!!!! one of my textbook, is $13 cheaper at amazon.... and plus i have the $5 coupon ....


haha, something funny happened today......

around 11am today~ i got a phone call (i was still sleeping ...)

and the guy on the phone just started talking without asking who i am "Hi i'm the representative from XXXX Mutual Funds, i have everything written down but i just want to re-confrim with you..." and he just keep on going on and on.... and i was half sleeping and half answering "um hum, um hum..." then he finally found out that he got the wrong number and the WRONG PERSON... haha, i kinda feel sorry for that guy.... 沒辦法 還沒睡醒嘛....


應該說是因禍得福嗎? 還是苦盡甘來???

this is the story.... (continues the previous post)

本來已經有心理準備今天要搭巴士上學 但是起床以後 看到外面的天氣 不爽指數直線上升!!
後來媽媽來敲門 天真的我還以為她會破天荒的說要載我上學 但原來是叫我出門前先洗碗 .... (我果然是還沒睡醒)

真的是f***.... 就這樣 我一身殺氣的走去巴士站 心裡一直罵 f字, b字, a字, s字....

本來想拿去年的書去賣 但是看到雨勢太大 放棄了....

不知道是我帶"賽" 還是怎樣... 我出門的時候 風雨交加 連傘都折斷了!! 但是當我到學校的時候 風平浪靜的 一滴雨都沒有.... 放學時還陽光普照!!! 有種被耍的感覺....
回家的時候其實氣以消的差不多了 但還是決定假裝生氣~ 誰知道回到家竟然有Final Fantasy Tactics Advance !!! (<--- 哥哥買來賠罪的...吧? 反正是我的~) hahaha, 瞬間就把 骨氣, 尊嚴 丟到一邊去了~~~

p.s. for those of you who dunno... i got a GBA for my b-day present~~


arrrrrrr~~~ back to school tml >___< NOOOOOOO~~~

又要開始忙碌+痛苦的日子了 (haha, 其實也還好 就是exam前一兩個禮拜比較累)

今天本來是本人精心策劃的[開學前大吃大喝 打牌 看鬼片 放縱的最後一天party]... 但是後來計畫有變 有一半都沒達成(想說大家一起看鬼片應該會很有氣氛... but...)

and all thanx to my brother~ i have to go to school by bus tml..... he was suppose to move in today but he didnt ... cuz he couldnt wake up.... %)(@#+_$()+_#$^)


太無聊了 寫點無聊事吧~

第一次聽就深深愛上 直到現在也是我的最愛 (一"聽"鍾情的那種)
Utada Hikaru - Wait & See~risk
RUI - Tsuki no Shizuku
GLAY - Special Thanks
GLAY - Mermaid
Changin' My Life - Eternal Snow
Namie Amuro - Can You Celebrate
Do As Infinity - Desire

omg.... i can't believe none of ayu's songs fit into this category....

第一次聽覺得還不錯 越聽越好聽
Hamasaki Ayumi - Moments
Hamasaki Ayumi - Seasons
(and a lot of other ayu songs...)
Mr. Children - Tomorrow Never Knows
Hiari Ken - Hitomi O Tojite
GLAY - However
Do As Infinity - Yesterday & Today
Do As Infinity - Fukai Mori
(and most of GLAY and Hikki's songs)

第一次聽覺得超普通 但是越聽越好聽
Shibasaki Kou - Katachi Aru Mono
Mr. Children - Sign
Utada Hikaru - Dareka no Negai ga Kanau Koro

第一次聽覺得"這是什麼怪歌啊?????" 但是越聽越好聽
GLAY - Heavy Guage
GLAY - Fatsounds
Morning Musume - Renai Revolution 21
Utada - Exodus 04

第一次聽覺得"這是什麼怪歌啊?????" 到現在仍然覺得是怪歌
Utada Hikaru - Traveling
all songs from Utada's Exodus album

第一次聽深深愛上 但是越聽越難聽
Kuraki Mai - Time after time~Hanamaiu Machide


Addicted to You 
雖然之前罵半天 但是.... Exodus 04 真是越聽越好聽!!! listening non-stop now!!! (but that's the only song i like from the album) this song is sure hard to sing... @___@

[Exodus 04]

With you these streets are heaven
Now home feels so foreign
They told me I was mistaken; infatuated
And I was afraid to trust my hunches
Now I am ready

Daddy don’t be mad that I’m leaving
Please let me worry about me
Mama don’t you worry about me
This is my story

Through mountains high and valleys low
The ocean through the desert snow
We’ll say goodbye to the friends we know
This is our exodus ‘04

Through traffic jams in Tokyo
New music on the radio
We’ll say goodbye to the world we know
This is our exodus ‘04

Landscapes keep changing
His story teaches something
I know I could be mistaken but my heart has spoken
I cannot redirect my feelings
The waves have parted

Daddy don’t be mad that I’m leaving
Please let me worry about me
Mama don’t you worry about me
This is my story

Through mountains high and valleys low
The ocean through the desert snow
We’ll say goodbye to the friends we know
This is our exodus ‘04

Through traffic jams in Tokyo
New music on the radio
We’ll say goodbye to the world we know
This is our exodus ‘04

I’m listening to a music never-ending
My baby don’t you know I’ll never let you down
You’ve opened me to so many different endings
But baby I know that you’ll always be around

Through mountains high and valleys low
The ocean through the desert snow
We’ll say goodbye to the friends we know
This is our exodus ‘04

Through traffic jams in Tokyo
New music on the radio
We’ll say goodbye to the world we know
This is our exodus ‘04

Through mountains high and valleys low
The ocean through the desert snow
We’ll say goodbye to the friends we know
This is our exodus ‘04

Through traffic jams in Tokyo
New music on the radio
We’ll say goodbye to the world we know
This is our exodus ‘04
forgot that today is labour's day ... and went out like an idiot....


visit their official site

me currently in love with that song.... had it stuck in my head then went crazy searching it online...
是我疑心病太重嗎? 我覺得FIR的[You Make Me Want to Fall in Love]超像Misia的style.... arrangement很像 (Everything, Kokoro Hitotsu, Namae no Nai Sora O Miagete)...調調也很"Misia"

沒錯 我就是看FIR不順眼~ 覺得他們是從頭抄到尾+live唱功超爛
haha, and i just found out that i actually have more readers than i thought.... 大家都 來無影 去無蹤??

宇多田的英文專輯只有一個字能形容-"sux" (而且歌詞怪怪的 完全不像他日文歌的style)...... 唯一比較好聽的是"Exodus 04"..... 但是以hikki的程度來講 還是不夠好.... 為什麼不直接把日文歌翻成英文呢? 至少可以放個幾首嘛...

Easy Breezy的mv很不錯 不過我實在不喜歡他的make up 太美式了...好濃 (i prefer日式make up....)
watcehd [着信アリ] (aka: One Missed Call, 鬼來電) yesterday (this morning actually :p) 真的很恐怖!!! 一開始會download完全是想看明星(柴崎幸) 沒想到這麼好看!!! 個人認為比[七夜怪談](Ring)恐怖~~ 劇情比較緊湊~~ 不像Ring前面好悶 只有貞子出現時比較緊張...



每天過著重複 安定的日子

說著無關緊要 卻只有彼此才能分享的事

一邊看現實世界不可能發生 擺明騙人的少女漫畫
一邊聽著Mr. Children的情歌


考試前看著呆呆 少根經的怪怪日劇




phew~ today's such a meaningful day~ got a lot of things done....

-went to UTSC to get the parking pass this morning... haha, 多虧了機伶的Joanne+Cat才讓我節省了許多時間~ (also special thanks to Janice!!! 讓我們大家都能早1個小時離開~) but 不幸中看到了hs時期令我"嘔象"(嘔吐的對象), yuck...(就是那個自以為是 除了英文沒有一科是真材實料的P君) 他不是讀downtown的嗎? 混不下去了嗎???? XDDDD

-went to Time Square+黃金商場 and did some volunteer work....

-went to Futureshop to pick up my free photo~~~ (ok, i admit that i have the characteristic of "貪小便宜") the quality is REALLY REALLY good!!! looks like postcard!! 真是覺得我的dc買的對啊~ 照出來的相真是"一級棒"!!

click here for free 5 4"X6" photo~~

-after dinner@"新城市", went to Markville mall (finally the last stop)... bought a Converse bag... 看中了一件Esprit的外套 不知道是否該買....

arrr, and didnt call back my flute teacher... X___X
when i was in China, i always thought this: "圣" is the simplified form of "怪" and i was like "what a weird name.. 怪寶???" haha, but i finally found out that "圣" ="勝" (those 2 words doesnt look alike at all!!! i wonder how they transformed traditional chinese into simplified chinese....)


Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
