
Upcoming Movies 

前天還為僕妹的trailer很excited 昨天看完大奧的之後 僕妹完全被丟出腦外... level不一樣XD

oh god!! look at that 記者會~ 仲間由紀惠looks gorgeous!! *o* 而且仲間由紀惠看起來很奸 卡司陣容嚇死人了~ trailer好精采~~~ arrr, the music sucks... i wish i can mute the bgm =___=" 右翼不我想敗的DVD... 但是別再出1萬大洋的天價了 5000就差不多了

12月29日要撥出Special [大奥~エピソード0] what a smart idea~ such a good promotion for the movie~ 由恭子美眉主演~ ehhhhh, 深田恭子哪會演這種耍心機的角色... we'll wait and see...深田恭子今年也才24歲??? 好像看了他好多年都不會長大的樣子

Letters from Iwo Jima

the English site is up *o* Nino's name is right after Ken Watanabe's!!! Nino一點也不帥說 :p but that's the point!!! Nino是要靠演技勝出的!!!

柴崎幸跟妻夫木聰(情侶檔?XD) 主演 手塚治虫的作品 據說會在20個國家上演 單然不包括加拿大 T__T 看了trailer 柴崎幸好醜 =P

主題曲由Mr. Children唱!!! 現在果然是要靠tie up

.... Arashi 5人主演的60年代的電影... 沒啥興趣:p 女主角不會是相椎由宇吧??? 暈~~

last but not least..... NANA2... ouch, Mika's single only debuted at no. 5???? ToT 丟死人了 唯一有進步的是真一比較像了


last week of school yet things are not due yet ToT... had my presentation today... a pretty relax one :p a major project due tomorrow but already finished that last Wed!!!!!!!! haha, 看到別人在掙扎 覺得有點心虛(?) 但是MSN還是要繼續放著 "busy"扮忙 要是被發現我其他的courses都due了 把東西丟給我做 那不是很划不來

sigh 我的senior project course還有一個paper, final project, presentation ToT 天啊 我還以為這個星期可以解脫了 T_______T life is so hard...... maa~ 在困境中尋找快樂是我的強項~

ANYWAYZ, Best Artist 只看了Arashi跟Ayu的part, where are the rest? ToT J家藝人的part是我出門前就有了~ so that's like 11PM in Japan, right after the show aired~ Ayu的則是剛剛才出現 (I want better quality ver T__T) Orchestral ver sound so goooooood!!! *o*

接下來是12.06的FNS 再來就是MS Super Live 然後是紅白 (OMG, it's Ayu's 8th year on Kouhaku??? 最期待的是DJ OZMA~ no Goto Maki this year? T__T if Kouhaku wanna boost up their ninki, they gotta start inviting Johnny's) 跟著就是超華麗的Johnny's Countdown Live, Ayumi Hamasaki Countdown Live

Ayu looks so cute with that dress~~ I didn't know that most of her fans are GIRLS.... arr... heard that she's singing BLUE BIRD on Kouhaku??????? WWWWWHHYYYY????? ToT Ayu, you still have [Secret]... or [JEWEL]

my [ALL THE BEST] finally arrived and i watched the DVD already~ =) live唱的超~~~~讚~ 雖然不想compare但是live功力比EXILE好太多了 但是冷場程度跟宇多田有的比 畢竟兩個人比一個人熱鬧 i was just saying, Hikki is the only one i've seen that doesn't use 電視牆 in the concert hall but here comes CHEMISTRY (but CHEMISTRY have better stage design) 但是人家CHEMISTRY至少是實力派 還可以靠歌技取勝 Hikki呢? 竟然可以把[This is Love]唱的這麼難聽冷場 haha, i'll stop being mean

Asayan的片電好令人懷念 5年了嗎? 是我少數從debut開始喜歡的歌星 希望5年後 10年後都還聽的到他們站在舞台上唱歌 ;____;



Week of Horror ToT 
arrrrr, last week!!!!!! yet i still got tons of assignment/project/paper to finish... T___T WAYYYY~~ behind for my Arashi info and shows.... i guess i'll have to catch up during after exam.... but Boku-Imo site updated!! with a really short trailer that took forever to load.. (don't we all love the bike scene)


and I totally fall in love with Crystal Kay's new song~~ (awww, I wonder if Jun is the one that requsted to use Crystal Kay...) but i thought it would sound better if it's sang by Onitsuka Chihiro or Misia

Music Station Super Live!!! is on 12.22

performing artists:
aiko/Aqua Timez/絢香//アンジェラ・アキ/いきものがかり/伊藤由奈
コブクロ/SEAMO/湘南乃風 /スキマスイッチ/タッキー&翼/DJ OZMA/手嶌葵
TOKIO/中島美嘉/B'z /V6/BoA/ポルノグラフィティ/Mr.Children/mihimaru GT
山下智久/RIP SLYME/レミオロメン

more to be added? no, keep the list short and let the BIG artists sing 2 songs!!!!! EHHHHHHHHHHHHH??? NO AYU????? but there's no way ayu is no on this show!!! (and she better be the last or 2nd last performer, NOT KODA KUMI!!!!) awww, I wish Erika is on the list... but i guess she can't sing live =P and wow, lots of Johnny's (eh, no Kanjani8?), this is like a pre-Johnny's Countdown concert =P 傑尼斯家族?? it's more like an empire now~ i thought Tegomass would be performing... oh well, let's wait and see.... (awww, i still remember last year, 玩通宵->送完某人去機場->回家立刻download MS Super Live~ same routine this year... and perhap the last time T___T)

omg, Best Artist is on THIS WED!!! @____@ so damn fast... i have a presentation that day.... arrrr....

anywayz, end of this 亂七八糟 post

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after listening to [Secret] for the whole afternoon, i think my faith in Ayu is restored!!!!!! I can basically sit in front of the computer doing nothing other than listening to Ayu for the entire day @____@ (haha, but i really dont have time for this, I gotta finish my part by tonighit.... arrr, week of horror >___<)

To be honest, I haven't been so excited about an Ayu album for a really long time.... to be honest, the amount of times I played Ayu mp3 in my winamp has been declining... but I think I can leave this album in my plalist for few more months

songs up in the flash mp3 player, in reverse order.... because I love [Secret] and I want it to be the first track XD

(ok, back to work..........)



long day today~ so much happened... life is hard T___T i'm so damn tired now.... but still wanna dedicate this to Ayu *___* when was the last time i posted something that's about Ayu only?? anywayz, i'm so impressed about her new album!!!!!!!!

01. Not yet
i think i'm really satisfied with this track, I was just saying I hope the first track is not an instrumental one and hoping that it's something cool like [Duty] or [RAINBOW] and here it is!!!!! it's just as cool as [RAINBOW]!!!

02. until that Day...
i tried not to predict how the songs sound like according to the order and the title~ but this one is really out of my expectation~ but i love, I love rock song =) and i think i'm really lacking some real good ones this year

04. 1 LOVE
this is gotta be my least fav new song in this album... well, guess i'll have to wait till i heard the full version

05. It was
mid tempo song, i love!!! 好像好久都沒有聽Ayu唱這種tempo的歌

天啊 我好懷念的Ayu style!!! T____T (喜極而泣) H∧L style!!!!!!!!!

08. momentum
YOU PPL WHO SAID THIS SONG IS A BALLAD SUCKS!!! XDDDD SEE!!! 我就說聽名字一定是快歌!!! again, fast song gets favour easier and faster for me~ awww, and it's arranged by H∧L~ 有點過時的電子arrangement但是我喜歡!!! *__*

09. taskinst
.... nothing much to comment on interlude, but i'm not a fan of the "taskin" series :p

13. kiss o' kill
another fast song by Tetsuya Yukumi~ 我真的越來越喜歡Tetsuya Yukumi (as long he doesn't write another [HONEY]............ (but i still like DAI as my fav Ayu composer)) 我覺得會越聽越喜歡的歌~

14. Secret
Tetsuya Yukumi+HIKARI = ultimate ballad *o* 不對 正確的說是Tetsuya Yukumi+HIKARI+Ayu (*hint*hint*) not that i dont like [JEWEL] but the arrangement is too simple... not my cupt of tea =P why can't this song be her annual balld........

天啊 這是繼[Duty]後 第一次每一首歌我都喜歡的album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T____T Avex果然還是對Ayu不薄

looking forward to this album =)

was just chatting with another 資深 fan about ayu XD it's amazing that we had the same view~ 在台灣/香港的blog常常看到一堆"盲目"fans 永遠的只稱讚 從她們的口中 聽不到任何缺點 which is boring.... 我想大概是西方教育emphasize on "critical thinking" in another word, criticizing~ isn't that what scholars are all about?? 講別人壞話 XDDD

談到Ayu的人氣大概只會減少不會增加 cuz we really don't see why people would fall in love with Ayu NOW, when she hardly go on TV now, when she stopped promoting her image as much as before, when she's not at the centre of the spotlight anymore, when her music started to get ... bad :p and... when she's getting old XDDDD I think people calling themselves "fan" after 2001 really should have a good reason for that... and they really don't deserve to be called "fan" if they don't know how to appreciate [LOVEppears] and [Duty]!! 別說什麼唱的不好 要聽唱的好的去聽Misia, Dreams Come True

これからも ずっと応援するよ♪



Endless sorrow ToT 
星期四好漫長... 昨天有好消息 但是lead to一個壞消息 就是我們的senior project is extended till Dec 15..... 還以為夏禮拜就可以解脫了 沒想到惡夢還要持續下去... 我的group有病!! >___< 要我們今天晚上回家看完別的group的part 明天要post summary of our research articles 後天交200字的definiton... wtf?? 你們沒課上 不代表我也沒課上 本小姐今天上到8點 回家後根本沒有做功課的打算 你們星期六沒有plan不代表我也沒有plan!!! 以為你們是誰啊?? setting deadline is good, 但是
"明天", "後天"這種時間太沒sense了吧??? whatever, 我明天要照plan XD i'll delay everything by one day :p 來咬我啊 反正我一定不會是最後一個

oh, and i managed to finish my final project last night, at 4 am~ i'm done my project A WHOLE WEEK early!!! *o* so i got 2 presentations, a paper, data analysis (done my part) due.... week of horror has begun X___X

還有 之前說過很慘的mid term, 原來prof算錯分 一次加了8分 =) i guess i'm not that dumb afterall XD

今天在學校發生了一個episode~ 一群懶人 打算從2樓搭電梯到4樓 進了電梯 感覺有點怪 這部老爺機未免太慢了吧?
A: "if we were in my condo, we would've be at the panthous by now!! it's like ~shuu~"
B: "oh really? how many floors are there in your condo?"
A: "21"
me: "you know I got stucked in the elevator once and when the door opened, it showed G on the screen but it was actually the 2nd floor"
A: "oh you know once when i was in the elevator, it just dropped like drop zone, i was freaked out.."
C: "what happened, did the elevator just stopped?"
A: "I think we are at the 4th floor, look at the light"
B: "why wouldn't the door open then"
me: "... are we stucked in the elevator??"
A: "shit, hit the emergency button!!!"
B: "should we?" *push* 聽到撥電話的聲音 但是沒人接
C: "shit, are we stucked?" 大家開始慌了 亂按電梯裡的button 又等了幾分鐘 門開了 回到了2樓........ haha, 以後都不會再搭那部電梯了

前幾天 班上的外國人在show off手機....... 1.3 mega pixle也敢拿出來說 LG也敢拿出來秀 就算是Samsung也未必見的了人... 我還要裝的很impressed的像子 好累

話說 Panasonic的手機真是十年如一日 Softbank (Vodafone又換名字?) 705P好薄~ 紫色好漂亮~ 但是樣子普通 我比較喜歡之前長方形 有角的~ 不隻到會不會減肥 重出



Hamaaski Ayumi - JEWEL 
i wonder why i'm doing such thing when i'm suppose to be doing my project... (因為被叫去訓話 心情有點down 回家後猛睡 起床後猛吃XD 現在在休息) when was the last time i did a PV screen cap?? GLAYxEXILE's [SCREAM]?? and the last AYU one is [STEP you]? well, this one is definitely worth doing, 雖然沒有很多scenes 但是水晶好美~~~~~~~~ 因為會動的關係嗎? 我以期沒有這麼喜歡水晶的說 (the colour looks so familar with Moments) and i really gotta do it before SOME OTHER PPL DOES IT 不能被捷足先登~

水晶燈 *__* 一向不喜歡 覺得水晶燈=old style, but i really want this one!!



水晶花 *___*

水晶樹 *_______*

水晶戒指+ snow white AYU



even her eyes and eye shadow are made of crystal??

AYU一貫作風 有點over的演出

one last thing, i wouldn't be surprised if i see 蔡10 doing that to her eyes, wearing that 毛毛衣 and have tons of crystals in her MV in the future 這麼好的PV 不抄的是白痴



spent the weekend doing my Photoshop project... X_____X (i dont ever wanna see this program again!!) so i thought i might as well spend some time and do a new layout since i've been using this ayu one for more than half year!!! @____@ usually, i'll end up hating my own layout by the time i actually change it but i still get bored of this one by now~ i guess Ayu is too pretty :p so here comes my new 剪貼大作~

HYD2 update!!

so yeah, MatsuJun is probably in NYC now ToT and he will be staying for 9 days..... AND TOMA is mentioned!!!!! *o* i'm so sorry, but i'm more excited about Toma =P but Toma is not 清水, he'll be casting 織部順平, who is a first year in 英德學園 and is a magazine model~ 反正就是為了報復道明寺才接近杉菜的 but the story kinda took place in part 1 already ... @____@ 最重要的是 第一集是2小時又15分鐘的SP!!! *o* aiyo 但是NY故事是我非常不想看到的劇情說 道明寺不認杉菜, 類追去 向杉菜告白 >___< yadda yo.... (雖然漫畫裡我很喜歡這part) 第2部真是很精采~ 有maid篇 有雨中分手 有小滋 有清水 *____*

MS Super Live rumour 演出名單有Arashi, V6, TOKIO, KinKi Kids!!! (they havent been on for so many years) 山下智久, KAT-TUN... no Tegomass? 當然 AYU, 安室最重要的是有GLAY!!! *o* 別給我唱RNR或LAYLA, i want [夏音]!!!


forgot to mention, 星期四看到朋友用Samsung E870的手機 好漂亮!!!!!!!! *____* 是白色的~ and consider how mcuh i hate Samsung but i fall in love with this phone at my first sight...

但是真一看到螢幕就遜掉了 mine is so much better :p (i think my phone still have best LCD in the cell phone industry?) 很不想承認 但是我真的超愛這隻手機 even more than my VS3 now

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今天睡到2點才起床 shiawase~~~ <333

昨天玩FFIII玩到game over =___=" 生氣 想摔DS~ geez men, they should knoow that most DS players are elementary students, this game is way to hard :p

new single [100万回のKISS] 2007.01.17 - 有5種版本ToT 4種5萬張限定版+普通版
普通版 - come with intrumental track (no need to get then)
ver 1 - [LAYLA] Special Edition from Budokan Concert 2.6, 8, 9 (perhaps a compilation? dont like the song -> X)
ver 2 - [ANSWER] Ajimoto Live (不是TERU solo的話沒什麼興趣 -> X)
ver 3 - [夏音] 夢人島 Fes (love the song even tho i already have the pirated DVD :p but it's always nice to have official release -> O?)
ver 4 - [100万回のKISS] Re-birth Live (don't know how the song sound like... and don't know if the concert will be released as DVD >___< -> O?)

so yeah, it's either version 3 or 4... any suggestion? :p (如果Arashi也一次出5盤 會全買嗎? YESS!! hell no!!)

new album [LOVE IS BEAUTIFUL] (i love the title =) 2007.01.31
限定版 comes with DVD with 6 video clips - [ROCK'N'ROLL SWINDLE], [戀], [SCREAM], [ANSWER], [夏音], [100万回のKISS]
收錄曲是去年的[SCREAM] (geez, give me TERU solo ver ToT) 今年的[G4]全收錄, [夏音]+変な夢, [ANSWER], [100万回のKISS] + 其他 共14首

天啊 [THE FRUSTRATED] 是2年10個月前出的???? @____@ time flies.... ouch 這次的album要3800 yen... THE FRUSTRATED 才3400yne 說..

seems like it's confirmed that Toma will be in HYD2? *o* 還有 第2部裡的道明寺超帥!!! 果然是髮型問題~ can't wait till jan!!! 1月開始星期五我要做灰姑娘~~~ 不對 是11點~ 要趕回家download =P

Nino跟Clint Eastwood好熟啊~ 果然是歐吉桑殺手~ Clint Eastwood還介紹女兒給Nino XD (one of his daughters actually look VERY pretty!!!! but ehhh, he's in his 70s and his daughters are 10 and 12??.....) Nino還真敢說 竟然叫世界的Clint Eastwood去看Arashi演唱會??? @____@

oh yeah, i was listening to Tackey & Tsubasa's new album... and.... somehow [Slave of Love]sound so much better during Tsubasa's performance.... then i realized that this album has no bass!!!!! how disappointed... even [ARASHIC] had some.... 聽聽看人家[Seaside Bye Bye], [Sayaendou]地板都在震了

昨天作夢到Prof. C..... 在罵我們的project is a piece of crap... ToT 正夢????? nooooooo......

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2.最近在看的漫畫: weekend看了最新的[Skip Beat!]

3.最近在聽的音樂:... 今井翼 - Slave of Love

4.最近在吃的東西: 剛吃完Macdonarudo

5.最近在看的報刊: n/a

6.最近關心的話題:HYD2 =P

7.最近常去的地方:o___O 大學? XD

8.最近常想的異性: ............ Prof. C =___="


10.最近的身體狀況: 沒啥異狀

11.最近理財狀況:窮!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need donation

12.對朋友最想說的話: ....

13.對自己最想說的話: 傳道橋頭自然直


15.做過最瘋狂的事: sa... Arashi con後在門口等 終於黃天不負苦心人 看到他們沐浴 更衣完畢 從大門走出來 (ok i lied, 其實我是在排演唱會商品 剛好看到他們出來~ 大概是結束後30分鐘~)

16.喜歡K歌的程度: 普通 沒事做的話就去摟

17.最喜歡吃的食物: 甜點

18.最喜歡吃的水果: 草莓

19.最怕什麼: 2, 4隻腳以外的生物 + 怕痛

20.現在最想做的事: 去日本看Arashi凱旋con XD

21.你最遺憾的一件事情: 沒看到安室演唱會ToT

22.短期目標: 努力活下去XD

23.現在最想買的東西: いろいろ~ boots, mp3 player, laptop, Ayu album, all Arashi magazines XD

24.睡醒後第一個想念的人: 睡醒?? 上課都沒時間了 哪有時間想人

25.當現實阻攔了夢想你會怎麼辦: ... 認命? :p

26.你覺得傳?你遊戲的人是怎樣的人: huh?

27.踩到SHIT怎麼辦: 先在草地上擦一下 回家後在想辦法

28.阿吉仔和金門王想當哪一個: ... 金門王... dare?

29.天天都會想做的事情是什麼: 翹課XD

30.最近常講的話: maa

31.在耐力大賽,被一鍋沸水潑在身上,請問你的反應是: 大叫

32.想不想打先開始這個遊戲的 : 看不懂

33.哪一牌的粉餅好用: saa.... SHISEIDO的高階級line應該不錯 (沒用過XD) Fasio便宜又大碗

34.你的好朋友誤會你是偷他東西的人,你怎麼辦: 是朋友就不該懷疑!!

35.最浪漫最適合約會的地方是: ...... Disneyland? =P


37.如果明天地球毀滅,你最想做什麼: 搭噴射機去日本 XD

38.如何告知喜歡的人暗示方法三種:...... 不會

39.如果可以,你要選擇愛人還是被愛: 被我愛的人愛XD


41.你能接受姐弟戀嗎 : 可以...吧

42.推一首最近一直聽愛死了的一首歌 : Mr. Children - しるし

43.豬除了吃、喝、拉、撒、睡還能幹嘛: 被當成寵物養~

44.你想加入微笑老人俱樂部嗎: nani sore?

45ㄚ罵啥時能去坐地鐵阿: 看不懂



48.如果有一顆流星從天上掉下來你會許啥願望: 請告訴我下一期649開槳的號碼

49.現在最想對誰說什麼話 : 無

50.現在最想得到什麼: 可以中奬的649彩卷

51.家人、友人和戀人同時跟自己約同一時間要出現,你會選擇哪一個呢: .... saaaaa.... 看先跟誰約的吧

52.好朋友有幾位: define "好朋友" first...

53.有一天遇到一個你喜歡的人,你要怎麼跟他說: 這種是等發生了再說吧

54.給自己打幾分:ehhh? 剛剛pass吧?

55.妳愛我嗎: o__O



58.說出你最討厭的人的名字: *****e C***

59.要怎樣才能罷免總統: 暗殺XD 對付低級人就要用低級的手段

60.你點名了那7個衰蛋: 不點 ~ take it if u want


AND WHY IS NINO'S [Letters from Iwo Jima] GOING ON THEATURES on 12.20 IN LA AND NEW YORK ONLY ??? >____< while the rest of the North Americans have to wait till Feb 9... all those ppl who lived in LA and New York, I HATE YOU!!!!!

ohh~ forgot to mention, 我今天拿到一個很酷的東西~ "可蘭經"的英文翻譯~ isnt that cool??? :p 免費的 the Prof said that it is the only scripture he could get without having to give us some kinda "advertisement" =P he's gotta be one of the coolest prof i ever had, you can't believe he said stuff like "the dates that are in the bracket are NOT IMPORTANT and I don't recommend you to memorize them" or "the textbook is for learning purpose, not for the exam" lol



Arashi Korea Con update 
stuff i read on the internet....

- Korean con is pretty screwed =P there were big sound system error, staff are not familiar with the songs, in another words - 不專業
- there are no middle stage, no 花道 but yes moving stage (even tho tbe hall is so damn small)
- Fans seem to be clueless to Japanaese (台灣fans幾乎每個都會日文 而且美一首歌都會唱)
- Fans 不夠 high, encore sound lame and ppl were actally packing and preparing to leave during the encore @____@ (geez, Arashi encore is so damn short already!!! did they not watched enough Johnny's concert??)
- Ohno seems to be the most popular one in Korea (yeah, he looks the most Korean XD)
- concert and the goodies sale started late

感覺韓國fans不夠hardcore... 好像是去湊熱鬧的 (lol 別罵我 this is my own interpretation) but they do get the best fan service T___T and seems like the DVD will be a compilation of Taiwan, Korea and Tokyo con.... which means it wont be released anytime soon? ToT

anywayz, time to nap



Just like the Jump game, Ciao also had their own game now~ too bad that i'm not a fan, i would be more excited if it was Ribon (used to be a big fan) or Hana to Yume (still a big fan)

i played an awful lot of games this weekend, all kidna games.... 結論是 most comic derived games = crap.... (that's Prince of Tennis, Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach, Naruto and Doraemon) except for the Jump Super Star :p [Yoshi's Island DS] is exactly like the super nintendo one but it's fun~ Mario RPG is pretty much like the GBA one~ but the story is much more interesting now~ 感覺像Chrono Trigger~ travel in time~ 再來就是[Cooking Mama], 最高!!! lol [Animal Crossing]也很可愛 是因為我的game不用錢 所以覺得不好玩嗎? 我覺得最好玩的還是[New Super Mario Brothers]

the amount of work i did this work?? it's not really countable XD aiyo 我每次都這樣 沒功課交就slack 交功課前就弄得好像世界末日 what is wrong with me :p


ohh 昨天才發現 原來[WON'T BE LONG]是90年的歌!!! 原唱唱的一點R&B的味道也沒有 但是當年這首歌好像很紅 而且是日本很具有代表性的R&B歌.. へ~~~ 有點聽膩了說 (all koda kumi's fault :p)


lots of Arashi news... 我看的好酸 first, Arashi's concert in Korea sound like exactly the same as the taiwan one~ even the concert goods are the same but instead of yellow, Korea=red~ hehe, which is good that means i didn't miss anything and don't have to rebuy all the goods from auction

Arashi's "凱旋記念公演" will be hold in Tokyo and Osaka~ 2会場9公演で13万5000人を動員予定!! 日飯慘了 there are so many fans but only 9 shows... 而且台con的曲目真的是讚的不得了... now i'm praying they will have the same concert goods XD 當然不太可能

and Arashi are being so nice to the Korean fans!!! JUN (最沒有fan service 最討厭被人碰的人)did this thing called "嵐さわり放題"!!! which means "TOUCH all you want"!!!!!!!!! ToT.... maaa 在台灣的話會被拉下台吧 (但是韓國fans應該也是恨很瘋狂的啊...) and Jun had better hair style in Korea... *jeanlous* but even if i do have the chance 我大概也是呆呆的看 不敢摸吧 :p Arashi講韓文好像比講國語流利

還有 韓國的那個"Olympic Hall"好像是在郊區 附近都是樹 沒有什麼建築物... 台北Arena比較漂亮 :p The Olympic Hall is so damn small!!! yet they still have the moving stage =___=" but i cant see if there's 花道

another thing that ppl said about the "Koreans" is 動作慢+遲到成習慣 both the concert and the selling of concert goods started 30 min later~ (台灣演唱會是準時開演~) fans在排演唱會商品時 "staff們很悠閒的在聊天 並不是因為準備而延遲 感覺很隨便" 台灣的工讀生超pro 非常日本style :p



scenario A) 有個日本的狂熱份子 因為anime愛上日本 在art work裡加了漢字 but when ppl said it's Chinese, he corrected everyone and stated it's Japanese....

scenario B) part 1 - a girl who is about twice the size as me, sitting a row behind me 把腳放在我旁邊的椅背上 這就算了 居然還要脫鞋 @_____@ 世界竟然上有這種沒sense的人... 我想了一下 決定換位置 那隻肥豬說 "does it bother you?" 我看了看 不想回話

part 2 - 人肥聲音大 沒辦法 肥豬跟她的同類在討論midterm 肥豬說"I think i did bad on this exam, i probably got 70s.... cuz i didn't study" 5分鐘後 Prof來了 肥豬上前拿midterm 回來時一直說很低分 還大聲的宣布自己的分數 40% !!!! LOL 然後就課也不上就走了 我想我當時很努力的忍住不笑~ 但是心裡在大笑 想的是"活該!!!! serve you right, bitch!!! 真是無知的first year" =P

scenario C) A&W 來了個新人 中國人 講話很快我還在想 終於來了個醒目的人了~~~~ 沒想到找錢找錯了 多找了我$1 我好累 有點神智不清 懶的講話 所以就A了那$1XD 但是 原來她是個大花癡!!!!! 完全不記得客人的順序 小姐 你沒事吧??? 頭殼壞掉????? (<-台語發音) 竟然先給了剛剛才來的人 when there are like 5 ppl waiting!!! @____@ 一次就算了 第2次也是!!! 我的火已經上來了 第3次 那個死八婆又想給一個比我晚來的小白臉 我終於用非常有殺氣的語氣+臉孔 開口說"Excuse me, I was here first"

平常我會說"Thank you" 今天我超想跟她說一句 "死八婆 要發花癡去別的地方發" XD (actually, i was thinking in Cantonese, dunno how to type the word "hao")

好累 今天遇到一堆白痴 @___@

還以為blogger beta有什麼了不起 不就是多了category...



如果星期四是physical torture, 那星期三就是mental torture.... @____@ 每個星期二晚上都會很大壓力.. 明天要group meet... i better get my notes doen tonight... 去年一整年都同班 跟班上的人還算熟... 但是一做project 就一定會出現問題 我是跟2個緊張大師 一個slack off但是會做事 一個slack off 完全不做事的人一組 @_____@ (and no, we dont get to choose our group, it's base on our individual project's topic) (part 2 at [Ura]

另外兩組 一個有非常會BS 老師很buy的白人 另一組則是什麼人都有 有會講話的 有會規劃的 有會design的 有很努力的 也有會slack的 =P 最重要的是 其他兩組都是喜歡線上meeting 只有我這組是喜歡face to face.... orz..... 只剩3個星期了 here are my 死期:

(* indicates hardness)
11.09 - paper
11.22 - Presentation **
11.29 - Presentation *****************************
11.30 - Final Project ******
12.05 - Data Analysis ***
12.08 - Term Paper **************************

上課好辛苦 T___T 但是放假的時候又會覺得上課來不錯


AYU專輯封面越看越好看~ ^o^ i can't believe she's 2x already =P



原來我並不討厭韓國人(girls only) 
搬上的兩個韓國女生 真的是非~~~~~常韓國feel!!! 穿著打扮 彷彿是從韓劇裡走出來的!!! (用的是最新的Samsung手機!!! 果然愛國 =P) 兩個人都非常friendly~ 一點也不怕生 但是一天到晚skip =P 今天其中一人來問我要MSN 說要對功課 老實說我們交談的次數沒幾次 但是他卻適用跟很熟的朋友講話的口氣~ 用非常韓劇的動作+語氣 只不過說出來的是英文 XD 拍了我一下 說"you have to get online tonight" 讓我覺得非常好玩~ 我的功課是星期五晚上跟L出去時就一起做完了的 (our regular routine)~ 所以其實是我送答案給他 haha 助人為快樂之本嘛=) (lol, yeah right, tha'ts not the words to descibe me) 照常理來說 一個不熟的人 跟我要msn 還要擺明是問功課的 我應該是不會理的 但是不知道為什麼 我今天人超nice XD

but that's only for GIRLS, 非常討厭韓國男那跩翻的臉孔=____="

orz, 明天要教笛... 累~ but i really need money now =P Yesasia finally have all my product in stock, better ship them tomorrow.... then i can order CxDxG no Arashi with the $5 coupon

done my essay, gotta proof read tmr, then i better start research for my gorup project >___< X'mas 來之前還要捱好久...

我覺得自己最近很可怕 我 我 竟然.... 很喜歡[WON'T BE LONG]!!!! (不准叫我closet Koda Kumi fan!!!!) 越聽越好聽!!! 還有想買CD的念頭 我被詛咒了嗎?? CD ver的封面其實還不錯~ (image if it was Ayu sitting there *o*)

"demo soba ni wa omae ga iru
nani mo kowakunai"

沒有Shun以後 突然覺得Atsushi唱的好好 聲音也好好聽 XD!!! but why can't they sing something more creative....


最近拿出了[魔女的條件]來看 AWWWWWW~ 想當年 我可是愛死這部日劇的說 當時回台灣 每天都追 (姊姊的日本朋友回來還很大嘴巴的把結局說了出來) 所有看過的少女都為龍澤秀明瘋狂過吧? :p 其實也不過就是一不愛的死去活來的love story 但是真的有很經典的對白 *O* awww, 青春就是這麼回事嗎? (我的青春呢?) 一轉眼已經7年了 @___@ 這才是純愛 [Tatta Hitotsu no Koi]完全沒的比 speaking of which, 北川阿姨的style實在是太predictable了 前女友出現 誤會 父母出面阻止 但是兩人還是突破障礙在一起 最後女主角病死 the end~ "唯一的戀愛" XD

Arashi is having their concert in Korea this weekend >__< 討厭...

最後 GLAY心單曲[100万回のKISS] 2007.01.17發行 new album [LOVE IS BEAUTIFUL] 也是明年初發行 破產了 ToT



how did 長澤まさみ topped every single ranking that have to do with "女優"?? not that i hate her but i wish Erika can top the chart instead....

finally watched [Death Note] the movie~ WTH??? it's so damn short!! how long was that from the manga? 2 volume? 3??? @____@ 戸田恵理香, i actually kinda like her~ 但是他真的不適合演Misa... 完全不夠可愛(他是屬於滿智慧美女型) 也沒有日本女孩的娃娃聲... 我不懂為什麼千挑萬選會選到她... Saeko, 新垣結衣都比較適合... 演月的是藤原竜也~ 雖然感覺不像 但是以演技勝出 (看外表的話 翔應該滿適合 但是演技不夠:p) 至於L 不認識... search一下 原來是1公升裡的低級男!!! 化妝超像 但是沒演技... 這個腳色應該由漥塚洋介來演 :p 最後是月神的爸爸 太威武了吧 漫畫裡只是一般的歐吉桑說... 最後 i dont get why 香椎由宇 get to play such an important character!!!! 一點也不漂亮說 今年才19歲 但是看起來像29歲 @___@

剛剛看完[愛情全保] 好好笑!!!!! it's so much better than i expected!!! 如果竹中直人是我最喜歡的日本歐吉桑演員 那香港的就是石修 又可以搞笑又可以帥~ 現在開始看[亂世佳人] 看到日本人打中國人 我也不覺得討厭 中國人最會灌水 事實是怎樣也沒有人知道 更何況打仗本來就沒有分對錯 我果然是漢奸XD

原來Nino在[Letters from Iwo Jima]是很重要的腳色!!!!! 他就是寫信的人!!! *o* 這是他第一次(最後一次?)演人家老公+Papa吧 =P

明後天要努力做research.... 星期天至少要死出800字... ToT 星期四有group meet and i got nothing done X____X 還好都是認識的人


^o^ 趕完功課了~ 
其實根本不用明天交的說 (因為我有特權XD) but i managed to finish in time

剛剛一邊做一邊chat, not that i dont wanna concentrate, 電腦太慢 Photoshop每動一下叫要等個30秒左有 filter更久.... i need a new comp... T___T

anywayz, i'm back with more HYD2 update!! heard even more RUMOUR!!!! ARRRR 傳聞斗真要客串演出花男2!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRR, please be true please!!!!! 而且演出的腳色是假道明寺 就是那個假裝是司的表弟 跟司長的很像的那個!!!!!!! omg, that's such a good character, at least it's not some made up character~~ AND, 我一直都覺得斗真跟潤長的很像!!! 兩人都是出名的濃眉XD (小時後比較像) well, 應該說是散發出來氣息很像 while Toma gave ppl this 超好人 feel and Jun gave this 囂張 feel


Arashi's [CxDxG no Arashi] DVD only got no. 2 and 3 on the Oricon chart!!! well, guess who no. 1 is, AYU!!! 很好很好 對這個ranking很滿意~ =)

原來下一季有很多強檔好片 *O*
1. 花樣男子 RETURNS (can't they come up with something more creative??)
2. 華麗なる一族 - 木村拓哉主演 必看!!
3. 恋愛物 - by 仲間由紀惠!!! FINALLY!!!!!! T___T Awww, 要跟潤比收視??
4. 前略おふくろ様 - 二宮和也主演的日劇~ 什麼樣的故事都還不知道 (怪名字)... 女主角是黒木メイサ嗎?

月9是[Tokyo Tower] 沒有Jun的話我一點興趣也沒有 (如果又是黑木瞳演 還有可能看一下) 天海祐希, 米倉涼子都各有新戲... 還有[Kuitan2]... 傳聞[夜王2]也是明年一月........ haha 我明年回忙死 (忙著追日劇XD)

有人覺得BoA的[Candle Lights]跟Vlenti裡的某一首歌很像嗎??? 總之就是覺得好像跟他的一首舊歌有像到... anywayz, it's a nice song, i like it way more than [Winter Love] (by the way, 有人覺得Ayu的[Duty]跟BoA的[Discovery]像嗎? they are by the same composer~)

剛剛才發現EXILE & Koda Kumi的[WON'T BE LONG]有official site了~ 乍看之下覺得那個cover很美 很華麗 i like the design, the sparkle, the clothes and that chair!! 男的帥 女的美~ 但是仔細一看 WHY IS KODA KUMI SITTING LIKE A SLUT??????? ...................... ok... that's the guy's version, i guess that's the pose that guys like??? (but i have to admit, the girl's ver does very grand!!)

ARRRRRR, but what is this??? why are there 2 versions??? WHY DIDN'T THEY DO IT FOR [SCREAM]??? =__________=" GRRRR, 氣死我了 ehh, and why is EXILE's new vocal not in this collaboration??? whatever, EXILE應該也快玩完了 and most importantly, the song doesn't sound good at all (the pv seems cheap too)

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yesasia SLAVE 
yesasia is having some major discount and the $5 coupon deal now!!!! arrrr, damn it, they have Aozora Pedal, ARASHIC, and Kitto Daijoubu on sale!! ^)*@#+)$%*!)$* arrr, maybe i should get my normal edition of Aozora Pedal now? save about CDN$4

and Amuro DVD is on sale for $7.99... Mario Kart DS is $26.99 (Japan version too~) arrrr, 好多東西想買!!!! and i'm still waiting for yesasia to ship my Seasie Bye Bye, ordered a Arashi photobook to make it reach $50, it's taking forever T___T ....

蠟筆小新的mini好精緻!!!! 欲しい~~ hope it's not sold out until i get my coupon =___="

原來駝背的日文叫"貓背" 好可愛 :p BoA上歌笑也好可愛~~BoA真的是越來越好看~ and i really liked her hair~ 原來跟Ayaya很熟啊? (我好像對跟MatsuJun上同一個鏡頭的人都越來越有好感XD)

剛剛看完Nodame Cantabile 第3集~~ 這集好好看~~ 尤其是在小櫻家開密道的時候 XD 超搞笑~ 真的完全跟漫畫一樣!!!! 音樂也超正~ 聽到"Flight of Bumblebee"時好懷念 於是把譜拿出來吹 arrr, where is my speed?? T___T

花男2第一回好像會有"大人物"當guest~ i'm hoping it would be 木拓 since their drama are both under TBS~ 但是據說那個大人物跟潤很熟... well, 木村說不定跟潤很熟也有可能啊 (擺明希望是木拓) lots of rumour about HYD2, 有人說道明寺會留直髮!!!!!!! i dont care if it's like the manga anymore, 我不想再看到那個泡麵頭了

關8的新單曲有7種版本+普版 每個人一個版本 這次要大賣了吧? 關8最近人氣好像很旺~ 我好像也越來越喜歡他們 (Ryo-chan~~~) (我對努力型+捱苦型很有好感 很討厭一炮而紅的) 是為一一團可以單曲越賣越好的~ 我只希望Arashi不要也來這套 不然我的變態收集心一定會發作... (tho i can see that coming at their 10th anniversary...)

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Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
