
i've been asking myself the same question in the past few days, "why did i take this course?????" 天啊 這個選修科實在太划不來了 本來想說 Jazz有多難 憑我這麼多年的音樂 training 一定沒問題~ 但是我錯了 大錯特錯 @_____@ there are 200 pages of reading before midterm!!! around 80 songs to listen (have to recognize the piece, composer, style, music era etc)!!!!!!!!!!!! 然後大概有30個人名要背 我昨天簡直覺德育到大學4年來在難的mid term!!! 完全覺得自己會fail~ 而且還是最後一年 最後一個term ToT my life is screwed....

so damn tired now, slept less than 4 hours yesterday and stayed in school from 11-6 回到家累必了 但是也不想睡覺 半夜1點半 沒事也要找事做 1點對我來說還是太早了 好像這麼早睡會少快肉似的~ (i wanna do my post about A BEST 2 too... but not now, my brain is not functioning properly due to lack of sleep...)

最近好歌一籮筐~ 讓人超滿意~ my first pick will be NANA Mika's new song [素直なまま] awww~ 比 Mienai Hoshi 還好聽~ (not a big of Mienai Hoshi cuz it sounds exactly like [Will]) [素直なまま]真的就像那誇張的description所說的 新的R&B style~ something new to Mika~ 尤其是after那一堆亂七八糟 不知所謂的country style/choral/rock/punk music~

Hikki的[Flavor Of Life] (original ver) 也讚~ 輕快又簡單的arrangement~ 完全改調過去的缺點~ 很耐聽~ i really hope this single can get #1 in the first week!!! 畢竟是HYD2的image song~ and it is a good song.... (ps. Love so sweet第一周賣破20萬^o^ 只有2個version說 花男效應真是利害!! 但是竟然是相隔了5年才再次手周破20萬... 但是今非昔比 現在的20萬等於以前的50, 70萬?)

在來就是レミオロメン的[茜空] 自從他們爆紅後 我也開始注意他們的音樂 但是後來出的單曲都不怎樣~ 果然 現在紅歌比紅人容易 (with the exceptions of Orange Range and Johnny's) 沒想到又來一首好歌~ (by the way, what does 茜空 mean?) 而且利害的是 跟[粉雪], [3月9日]的style完全不同~ (說到3月9日 背後有個讓人 聽了會"o____O" 流傳於J家fans的rumour~ 話說喜爺的外甥女(?? 應該是這種關係吧...) 也就是未來的J家董事長(?) 傳聞他跟J家年輕一輩藝人們都非常熟 當紅的山P 赤西仁 Jimmy 等 都敗倒在這位未來老闆娘石柳裙下~ J加以外的藝人也很多人追這位大小姐 而[3月9日]正是レミオロメン寫給這位大小姐的情歌~ 因為大小姐的生日就是"3月9日" and that's why it's the tie up song for a Johnny's artist's dorama~ 他們當年的名氣 可以做主題曲實在是奇蹟~ anywayz, please note that this is a GOSSIP, dont ask me for source, i dunno where i read it... perhaps some parts are lost in my short-term memory already... 這種東西 看看就算了 ^^" (但是大小姐真的曾在自己的blog撇清跟山下智九的緋聞~))

Mr. Children的新歌[彩り]~ 這個可怕的怪物樂團 竟然可以紅這麼久~ 而且都可以寫出好歌~ 雖說我對他們近年的ballad不太喜歡 因為每一首都是同一個style 但是這次真的不一樣了~ 但其實比起ballad我更喜歡快歌~ 我想我在喜歡的歌應該是[掌] 實在是怪的好聽 =P

and finally [part of Me] I CAN'T BELIEVEI I PLAYED IT 81 TIMES IN THE PAST WEEK!!! XDD 而且是不知不覺的... Tetsuya Yukumi *o*

好了 消耗了一點時間了~ time to read manga and sleep =P



end of my reading week 
my reading week 可以說過的很充實 該玩的都玩了 電動 卡通 日劇 漫畫(我重看了n套漫畫) 吃飯 逛街 一樣都沒少 XDDD 所以從星期四開始狂溫書 X____X 還有點感冒 還好不嚴重

i finally bought 陶喆's concert ticket~ probably the only Taiwanese singer that i'm willing to pay to go to their concert =P even tho i'm only willing to pay for the cheapest ticket sugoi na~ 已經沒剩幾個位了 剩的都是便宜的~

also finished re-playing FFVII~ awwww, 真是經典~ 但是感覺跟AC裡的Cloud像兩個人.... and i actually spent the time to breed a gold chocobo =P they need to put the more chocobo part in the game from now on =P 好 接下來是FFVIII

我12月看中的外套終於入手!!! T_____T with a $20 decrease and they still have my size!!! 還好當初沒有一時衝動~ 我真是越來越喜歡Markville Mall~ things dont sell there =P (i gotta stop spending money, 我下個月的帳單會非常可怕ToT)

最近除了Ayu的[part of Me]還迷上Remioromen的[茜空] 越聽越上癮 <3333 ("茜空"是什麼意思?) 還看了Morning Musume 10十周年的special project [Bokura ga Ikiru MY ASIA]的PV (ok that was released a while ago...) awwww~ 後藤真西還是好漂亮~ she has the special characteristic that stands out in bunch of girls~~~ but that magic disappears when she's alone, 也就是說需要別的丑女的陪牚 =P 還有那個什麼Risa 竟然強調自己14歲 把平均年齡拉了下來 #$%(+#$(%+_@%* 怎麼有人可以這麼討厭???? 幾時輪到她這個小鬼說話了?? 以為自己很可愛嗎?? Maki最紅的時候也沒有講過這種欠奏的話 果然長的一副討厭的樣子 =___=" Tsunku should teach these brats how to behave before putting them into a group

今天發現presentation延後一星期~ 整個開心啊~ 所以又開始混 =P (<- i don't seem to learn from my mistake)



恭喜發財 萬事如意 心想事成 步步高升 身體健康 豬年行大運~ (又到了考中文了時候 汗")

so how's everyone's new year?? 紅包拿的開心嗎? 我的新年一點新年feel也沒有~ actually, i didn't know it's this week until last week~ i was wondering why the traffic at Pacific Mall was horrible, then i realized that this week is Chinese new year~ (and i didn't know that this is the year of pig until i watched Johnny's Countdown concert =P) 我的除夕夜 在考試中度過 =P (i thought they can't have exam on ethnic holidays?? or that's only for high school?) 晚上11點從奶奶家回家 Steeles竟然大塞車 @___@ 還有警察在管理秩序 一堆人在接上走.... all of them look so ML geez, is this the Toronto that i know?? 接上然後年初一還要去上theory course~ maa, 無所謂 it doesn't really mean much to me anywayz~

haha, i'm so glad that 我們家過香港人習俗~ that is 紅包收兩次XDD 除夕夜的叫壓歲錢 年初一的才是真正的紅包~ 台灣人是沒有壓歲錢的 (應該...) 還有 台灣習俗結婚後要給父母的~ 但是香港不用(應該...)

收到錢當然就會想花啦~ 終於下定決心要在ebay上買我的mp3 player 但是竟然漲價了ToT is this fate????

reading week 好棒!!! 我現在的心情就像在放X'mas holiday一樣!! (even tho i actually got tons of work to do) 明天的plan是: 寫resume, grocery shopping, play video game!!!! and.... some reading... T___T ok, gotta at least read 30 pages tomorrow..............



i need $$$$$$$$ 
so many things i wanna do, so many dreams to achieve.... yet all of them require money... T____T i need a part time job!!!! 有人可以介紹給我嗎??

好想去旅行 好想去埃及啊!!! 而且是很奢侈的想做郵輪XDD (but it's my grad trip) haha, i'll need a part time job before that dream can come true~ 剛剛拿出我n年前買的旅遊書~ 埃及+希臘~ aiya~ 超想去~ 而且cruise的行程真是太棒了 Rome出發 Turkey, Isreal (Jerusalem), Egypt, Greece!!! 天啊 這個團是為我設計的 每個地方都是我想去的!!! haha 但是沒錢...

anywayz, 陶喆下個月來開演唱會~ 我打算去看~ 一開始還怕找不到人陪我去看 (畢竟他不是香港人的那杯茶 香港人的茶是周杰倫 (ewww)) 彌補我沒的看Ayu... T____T 當然 是買最便宜的票啦~ 我是去聽的 不是去看的~ awwww, for those who dunno, i do have a crush on him XDDD 自從看過本尊以後~ 而且他live唱的超好~ 不看是一大損失~

Spring Break Reading Week 要做的事超多~ 要收紅包過年啦~ 我還要去剪頭髮 要弄好我的resume 要找summer job 要做project 要study 要打電動 要逛街 吃飯+看電影... @____@ ONE WEEK IS NOT ENOUGH!!!

(好冷 好冷 好冷!!!!!!!!!!!!! my hands are turning purple!!! 家裡的暖氣好像壞了 怎麼開都不暖 @____@ 人老了就會開始怕冷....)



濱崎步魅力驚人 台北演唱會門票2小時售罄 

(中央社記者黃慧敏台北十二日電)日本流行天后濱崎步魅力驚人,三月二十四日亞洲巡迴演唱台北場門票今天中 午十二時開賣,不到十分鐘特區座位全部賣完,兩小時內全部九千多個位子銷售一空,創下台北小巨蛋的銷售紀錄 。

濱崎步這次來台只唱一場,由於向隅的觀眾太多,台灣主辦單位超級圓頂打算和日方洽商增加演出場 次。

另外,主辦單位為了答謝「步迷」的熱情相挺,原訂十二日到十四日三天,每天在網路購票的前一百名觀眾都可獲 贈濱崎步限量海報,但因門票在今天就全部賣完,主辦單位正在討論要如何送出這三百張海報。


Ayu i'm so proud of you!! (even tho you broke Arashi's record) holy shit, and it's 100% sold out!!!!! @____@ (there are fans who are eager for thsoe sucky 3rd floor seat?????) Arashi的到演唱會當天3樓都還有空為~ haha, this is just crazy!!! 不虧是Ayu!!! the number 1 selling Japanese artist in Taiwan~

太了不起了~ 2個小時~ 我覺得這個record沒有人破的了~ haha 雖然有點丟臉~ 台灣本體藝人都賣不出這種成績 (it showed how "哈日" Taiwanese are)

買了extra的人~ 黃牛票賣出去的錢幫我買演唱會商品吧 XD (j/k)


even tho i listed tons of "must read" manga the other day, this one really deserve a higher rating~ 因為一定沒有第2個類似的~ most of the ones on the list is because they are the first one (ie: Hana Yori Dang, really shouldn't have such high rating) but Kaguya Hime is the first and only one!!

連續看了兩次~ 啊~ 好感人~ 這麼棒的故事~ 基本上是[竹取物語]+[Island] =P 在日本的一個荒島上住著一群孤兒 這些孤兒活不過16歲 因為他們是被詛咒 要獻給輝夜姬的祭品 但是時這只是表面上的事 其實這些孤兒都是世界上有錢 有權利的小孩的clone 等本體需要的時候就會被抓走 殺害... so where does the [竹取物語] comes in?? 男主角由是輝夜姬1000年前和人類所生的 而輝夜姬的轉生就是女主角晶~ 島上其他的孤兒 在被殺害 奪取生體的器官後 竟然霸佔了主體 用新的身體活了下來~ 而這些人就像[竹取物語]裡向輝夜姬求婚的貴族 著了迷

ok, enough summary (i just realized how much Chinese sucks when i was trying to type the summary =P) 這個故事看到後來讓人覺得難過+無奈.. 看前10集時會覺得這些clone很慘 從出生 命運就已經被決定了 為什麼世界上會有這麼自私的人? 但是看到後面 如果同樣的事發生在自己身上 你可以保證自己絕對不會做出這種事嗎? 看到後來竟然會覺得"情有可原"!!

整個故事裡最幸福的應該是米勒~ 不像其他人 他的situation事相反 他的本體因為得了重病 所以將自己的眼睛換給了他 並且是真的把自己的clone當作是弟弟~ 米勒第2個幸福的事就是 最後可以根晶在一起 雖然我比較喜歡由 但是看到這種ending也不討厭 (雖然不滿意)

至於碧的死 一開始覺得很無謂 但是其實他的死是mendatory (geez, lack of vocab XD) 由的死也是 月量都已經離開了 他不可能再留在地球 要是碧沒有死的話 他是離不開的~ 由最後竟然是被昂的弟弟殺死 好像在告訴我們"冤冤相報何時了" 最後由離開了 留下晶跟米勒 月球離開後 其他donor的本體都甦醒了 只剩下晶跟米勒(ps. 米勒是英國王子 後來繼承王位) 他們後來結婚 過著幸福的日子 晶似乎已經忘了由 只是偶而會尋找月亮的影子... 50年後 由來接晶回月球 米勒這時已經變成老頭了 求著由不要帶走晶 最後只剩下米勒一人

the sotry end with the quote from 竹取物語:

很久很久以前 有個叫"竹取翁"的人 雖然失去輝夜姬之後痛苦哭泣 但是也於事無補 "為什麼我要愛惜生命呢? 他不在了以後 我要為誰而活 一切都沒有意義了" 這麼說完之後 他連藥都不吃 就此一病不起

i really like how the story ended, 但是這種ending實在是很傷感 而且是個讓我非常矛盾的故事~ 我很喜歡由 但是我不討厭晶跟米了在一起 我討厭那種愛的死去活來的故事 但是也不喜歡這種不清不楚的 一開始覺得人性實在是很醜 但是後來又覺得情有可原

害的我好想看[竹取物語]!! (you won't believe it, but i acutally tried to ready 源氏物語 after reading the manga) can't remeber when was the first time i read this manga... 但是長大了後重看 感覺真的不一樣 (不過近期內我都不想在重看了 感覺好沉重=P)

(ok, really gotta start working hard tomorrow, i got 2 exams this week and and assignment due on Tue XD)


ok, this is gonna be very very very random post =P

why are all new songs tie with some kinda movie or dorama nowadays??? geez, ppl gotta learn that it doesn't work ALL the time... NANA2 is the biggest failure!! anywayz, Yuna's new song "I'm Here" sounds awsome~ so she CAN sing fast song afterall ^__^(and yes, after a few more listens, she does sound A LOT like BoA @___@ the string sound like Shine More tho~) it's gonna be the theme song for the movie [Unfiar] i tried to watch the dorama, it makes me wanna sleep after watchign the first 10 min and since i never really liked 篠原涼子... but they added 江口洋介~ 果然 target audience是師奶吧

any Crystal Kay fan here? is [こんなに近くで] gonna be released as single? it's the theme song for Nodame the anime~ sounds pretty good~~~~ it's more like her style~ even though i do like [きっと永遠に] i think the song is a bit too hard for her (?) it only showed how bad her singing is :p 如果是Misia唱會更完美

再來 [陰陽師]的作者的新作[大地之劍]的主題曲是GLAY唱的~ ^o^ in case you didn't know, I was a big fan, ok that's not the point 陰陽師電影曾在日本造成轟動~ (我去日本時還去了[安倍晴明神社] 看到一條戻橋實真是超感動=P 還去了源氏物語裡出現過的場景... 京都 is a place you can't enjoy unless you know some history~) 第一集真是超~~~~~好看~ i'd say it's one of the best Japanese movie ever~ CG跟畫面美的不得了~ 但是第2集.... 實在是太SF了 太誇張了... 至於這個[大地之劍] 天啊 好誇張 @____@ but i still hope this movie will sell well, and boost GLAY's single sales =P

speaking of GLAY, their new album is actually really good!!! haha 比我想像中的好~ but it's pretty like Ayu's, i skip single songs XD [I Will~]真是越聽越好聽!!! [サラギの灯] 跟[僕達の勝敗]也是好讚!!!!!!!!! this is the old school GLAY T___T 唯一可惜的是快歌不怎麼樣~ but that's ok, there are enough fast songs from their previous album~ 新歌[鼓動]也是超好聽!!!!! *___* (even tho some fans say it sound like "enka" but i decided to ignore those idiots (and those idiots are the ones who criticized [SCREAM] like mad, saying how it's one of TAKURO's worst composition... 而且是從歌罵到PV =___=" but it turned out to be the 5th best selling single of the year), 我才很難明白what's so great about [MIRROR] i'm not saying it's a bad song, just that i prefer other tracks more...)

new [TSUBAKI] CM is out~ omg, 和服 *O* 好美~~~~ arrrr, Nakama Yukie is sooooooooo pretty!!! awww, 廣末良子也好漂亮!!! 還下雪 *___* 但是不過是30秒的廣告 有必要到這麼多地方拍嗎??? (if you watch the making, you'll see) 還有竹內結子 我一開始完全任不出來!!!! 瘦了好多!!!! 而且是連臉都瘦了 @____@ 嗯 瘦了好看很多~

finally~ amuro's concert DVD preview on youtube: here
awww, she finally got some new clothes =P ehh 但是那身運動服 did she just dye the white one from last year??? and i just realized that 不知何時開始 我比較excited about Amuro's concert DVD compare to Ayu =P even tho i don't buy them XD 我想還是因為安是會跳舞~ Ayu的 you can pretty much expect what she'll do~

(and i found somethng really sugoi on youtube, Amuro singing with 伊能靜!!!!!!! *o* ehhh, is she popular in Japan?? and is it just me or what, i hear a big accent from her Japanese =P i thought she moved to Japan in elementary school or something? from Amuro's style, that's from 1997 [CAN YOU CELEBRATE?]時期~ 感覺那個時候更有天后的架式 why is she all shy and quiet now...)

oh, and i dreamed of EXILE last night XDDD 夢到去他們的簽唱會~ 然後還跟SHUN要簽名 但是他不理我 很酷的 一句話都沒說就走了~ 然後TAKAHIRO很好心的說會幫我拿到全員的簽名 LOL then i dont remember what happened next =P

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說到漫畫 曾是我生命中最重要的一部份 =P 我看過的漫畫有多少?? 不知道 但是通常別人問我有沒有看過xxx 99.999999999% 我都看過~ 家裡的漫畫也有上千本(and i'm serious =P) 說起來 我買漫畫的習慣要怪我家爸爸 一般(台灣)人都是去書店裡租(台灣的漫畫店跟便利店差不多多) 但是我家爸爸從小就告訴我不要租 因為不知道有多少人看過 很髒~ 所以我從小漫畫都是用買的 XD 小時後常跟爸爸逛書店 每次去都會買一本~ 一個禮拜去個2-4次吧~

最進很看不爽一堆NANA fans (基本上 一般fans是不會承認看了anime或是電影後才開始飯的fans的~) 自以為有多了解 我開始看矢澤愛的時候你們說不定還不知道anime是什麼呢 我開始看[偷偷愛著你]的時候SHE根本還沒出道)

但是年紀大了 以前追漫畫的熱情已經不在了.... 昨天無聊 開始重看[輝夜姬] 真不虧是經典~ 跟現在的少女漫畫不能比~ so i decided to come up with a list of the manga that one MUST read!! =P

(in random order)
多拉A夢 (this is THE manga that should be passed down in human race XD)
灌籃高手 (Slam Dunk)
棋靈王 (棋魂 i prefer the old name cuz the japanese name is "Hikaru no Go", Hikaru is the main character, it doesnt make sense to make Sai the main character...)
Bleach (<- ok, some bias here =P)

魔界傳說 (我們一家都是鬼)
尼羅河女兒 (王家之紋章)
Skip Beat!
夢幻遊戲(不思議遊戲 haha, bias again :p)

很多舊漫畫~ 有些紅的時候我都還沒出生~ but you really gotta know how to appreciate those gold ones~ 人家紅不是沒有理由的

冷門 but totally deserve more credit
天使之聲 (從某角度看來 我覺得比NANA還好看 =P 當年band氾濫~ 主角有抄TERU的嫌疑=P)
KISS (NOT [惡作劇之吻] i dont get how it get translated into KISS/一吻定情 in HK/China ver when the Japanese name is [Itazura na Kiss]) (<-- i totaly love 松本友's style!! her 男主角是我看這麼多漫畫最帥的XD)
Skip Beat! (this need to be drama-ized!!!!!)
芳鄰同盟會 (從某角度看來 我覺得比NANA還好看)
下玄月 (<--- 正!! 電影比NANA好10000000萬倍!! (雖然hyde超不會演戲))

this is the the list of best selling 少女漫畫 in the history~ i think they really should rank it as the amount each volume sold instead... if that's the case, NANA would top the chart~

01、5400萬部 36卷+完全版  花樣男子(流星花園)【完結】
02、5000萬部 42卷 119萬部/卷 玻璃假面(千面女郎)
03、3600萬部 49卷 073萬部/卷 尼羅河女兒
04、3450萬部 15卷 230萬部/卷 NANA
05、3103萬部 15卷 207萬部/卷 櫻桃小丸子
06、2800萬部 30卷 093萬部/卷 我們一家都是鬼【完結】
07、2650萬部 76卷 035萬部/卷 咸蛋ㄚ頭
08、2290萬部 19卷 121萬部/卷 有閑俱樂部
09、2200萬部 76卷 029萬部/卷 巴得利奧!
10、2160萬部 12卷 180萬部/卷 愛心動物醫院【完結】
11、1770萬部 18卷 098萬部/卷 天才寶貝【完結】
12、1600萬部 28卷 057萬部/卷 闇河魅影【完結】
13、1560萬部 21卷 074萬部/卷 地球守護靈【完結】
14、1500萬部 10卷 150萬部/卷 凡爾賽玫瑰【完結】
15、1500萬部 18卷 083萬部/卷 網球爭霸戰【完結】
16、1500萬部 27卷 056萬部/卷 BASARA【完結】
17、1400萬部 13卷 108萬部/卷 源氏物語【完結】
18、1380萬部 18卷 077萬部/卷 夢幻游戲【完結】
19、1300萬部 09卷 144萬部/卷 小甜甜【完結】
20、1300萬部 23卷 057萬部/卷 一吻定情 惡作劇之吻【完結】
21、1200萬部 12卷 100萬部/卷 魔卡少女櫻【完結】
22、1200萬部 18卷 067萬部/卷 蜜桃女孩【完結】
23、1200萬部 18卷 067萬部/卷 美少女戰士水手月亮【完結】
24、1115萬部 17卷 066萬部/卷 彼氏彼女的事情
25、1100萬部 14卷 079萬部/卷 水果籃子
26、1100萬部 17卷 065萬部/卷 惡魔的新娘【完結】
27、1100萬部 22卷 050萬部/卷 偷偷愛著你
28、1000萬部 22卷 045萬部/卷 青春男孩

除了[咸蛋ㄚ頭] & [巴得利奧!] 沒看過之外 每個都看過~ 我家書架上有... 10套 @____@ 天啊... (by the way, 上面除了我沒聽過的兩套 每一套都download的到~ haha, i have all the digital ver of the manga that i owned that's why i can pretty much sell all of my colleciton

(if there's a category for over-rated, it's definitely gonna be [Card Captor Sakura] i'm sorry, but i just dont see the magic =P i'm not a CLAMP fan and i dont get why every piece of their work get praised)


in computer lab again~ reading some ayu news... arrr, cdjapan are giving out prizes @____@ hoshii.... but i dont wanna pay for shipping and customs... >___< stupid yesasia and i'm gonna email them and ask they'll give out prizes...

and saw some news saying that HK concert's ticket sold out in split seconds?? pfft, wait till you see Taiwan's news =P i'm sure it's gonna get crazy in Taiwan, even worse than the Arashi concert~ no offense, but HK ppl's 哈日 level is no where close to Taiwan's!! i'm expecting to see news about people queuing over night~ and it really sucked that there's no website for HK's ticket selling???

and it's that shitty 超級圓頂 again, they got flamed very badly last time, for giving poster and draw ticket for meeting arashi to the first 300 people in TAIPEI only =____=" for those who missed the HK show, you can try TW one, they actually ship the ticket oversea~ and you can order it online~

ayu's HK concert is held in HK Coliseum?? where all the big artists had their concert... but the style is kinda like Budokan? the stage is in the middle? umm, I prefer Taipei Arena more =P which is like typical Japanese stadium

and just in case you didn't know, so far, the ONLY foreign artist that had concert in Taipei Arena is Arashi =P Ayu will be the 2nd one~

arrr, why am i looking at these news??? ToT i can't even go... now i'm so glad that i attended Arashi's concert last year...

(hope my GLAY album will arrive today T____T)



woohoo~ first presentation is done~ 沒有被老師刁難~ *phew~* 一開始還覺得很慘 被點到 結果後來時間不夠 pre完的可以先走 覺得超lucky XD

back to my topic, 一堂最無聊的課今天竟然讓我感到非常interesting!! 因為今天講到埃及!!! *o* 如果問我最想去的國家 我一定不用考慮的回答"日本" 但是如果說除了日本的話 就一定是非埃及莫屬!!! 比起歐洲 我更想去埃及!! 超愛那種神秘 有歷史的地方~ 總有一天我要去玩!!! (one day...) 嗯~ 去重溫[尼羅河女兒]的漫畫好了XDDD (其實[闇河魅影]好看多了)

(第3想去的國家? 希臘 再來是土耳其 再還是義大利... 一點也不想去的有英國+其他亞洲國家-印度 大部分女生很喜歡的法國我也只是還好 oh 還想去阿拉伯 但是應該這輩子都去不起XD)


我想再過10年 我對這個game也還是會印象深刻~ (我完全不記得Star Ocean, Xenogear, Xenosaga, Crono Cross再講什麼了 一點印象也沒有 連主角叫什麼都不記得) 其實overall 不算是最好的RPG但是我超愛那個twisted ending *____* 音樂方面也是好的不得了~ i still remember how hard i cried when i was playing it!!!

基本上從招喚獸開始消失時我就快哭了 they are the soul of Final Fantasy series, don't make them die!!! 直到Yuna撲個空的時後 眼淚終於流出來了 而且流不停 i had to pause the game and wipe off my tears to go on~ 最後Tidus抱著Yuna (很出名的"愛情白皮書"抱法XD) 日文版其實是說"謝謝" 英文翻成"I love you" which make soooooooooooooooo much more sense *___* 其實讓我哭的罪魁禍首還有音樂 i think FFX has the best music ever!! 而且其實我一點也不喜歡Tidus+Yuna but i still cried~ imagine if it were Squall+Rinoa or Cloud+Tifa... they made Tidus jump into the the cloud and disappeared.... but i think it would be even better if they make him vanish in front of everyone!! =P


ladies, please proceed with your own risk~ haha, if you are Arashi fan you know what i'm talkin about =P 這個link是18禁的喔 XDD


yup yup, it's the topic that i see at every Arashi fans' blog~ anywayz, 其實我不是太想看到這種東西 =P 但是看了後鬆了口氣 沒有准一成宮寬貴的誇張!! 其實看不到什麼XD 我的感想竟然是lucky girl 那個model身材超好~ 這麼瘦說... 臉也好小 (所以才是model啊)

oh, and Nino will be going to Paris for Letters premier??????? what? but he didn't even come to America... =____="

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awwww, dont you just love this title? "台湾新幹線1番列車 MADE IN JAPAN 台北~高雄間 最短90分"

"台湾新幹線"!!!! *o* haha 在台灣不是這麼叫 叫做高速鉄路 簡稱是"高鐵" (有夠難聽) 海外的第一個新幹線 就在台灣 *____* 我好想坐!!! 還要買紀念品XD ehh 但是日本70年代就有了不是嗎? (看[浮華世家]的=P) 整整晚了30年!!! oh well... 其實大陸比我們更需要~ 不過他們大概坐不起 不削日本的科技~ 是啊 他們引以為傲的磁浮列車 也只走短短7分鐘 只有一站 有屁用啊??

"中國已掌握磁浮列車核心技術" 噁 這種話虧他們說的出口... anywayz, i didn't get on it when i visted Shanghai, 因為爸爸說危險~ 說常常發生事故 停車 還有什麼下雨天開不了之類的... doesn't matter~ 我一開始就沒啥興趣~ (話說回來 有沒有這麼快都不知道 中國人最愛灌水了 XD 演唱會明明只有5千人 卻說成有1萬人 人家日本都是盡量把數字報小) 這個科技根本就還沒有成熟 做短短一段一點意義也沒有 (爸爸說的) 日本怎麼可能會輸給大陸 人家只是不想做這種imperfect的東西 (我說的XD)

anywayz, 台灣的新聞網很喜歡抹黑大陸 常常看到很interesting的標題 like this 大陸代理孕母 分9級不同價

didn't know Gacket is having a concert in Taiwan this week!!! in some really small stadium? awww, i would go if i'm in Taiwan now =P 我也曾經OK喜歡過Gackt說=P (我那年代的人沒有人不知道Vanilla吧) 但是自從他開始紅後就沒有聽他的歌了 (我其實還瞞金髮控的~ 加上有人說Cloud是照著他design的...(Squall是Teru, Tidus是瀧澤秀明(<-連個性都有像)))

Ken really do love Arashi!!

awww~~ Ken is trying so hard to keep his i-am-so-cool image~ basically, Ken is saying that he really wanna dance along while watching Arashi's performance (probably on FNS or best artist??) but there's a camera right beside him at that time and he tried really hard not to get excited... while TOKIO beside him is dancing along XD and he's saying how it really doesn't fit his image XDDD awwww~ Ken真的會跳ㄟ~ 連rap都會!!! *___* i wonder if he knows that Oh-chan sang "Hitomi wo Tojite" during their concert....



花より男子2 episode 05 
i didnt post this late because i find the dorama boring (*eye rolls*) it's because Rogers started doing some evil thing to us again... and i just dont seem to learn my lesson, 每次都說要換bell但是也是講講而已 (因為 因為 "一般"來說還是Rogers比較快啊) my bt speed was about 5-10kb/s this weeek =________=" it took me about 5 hours to dl ep 5... usually, my speed is around 200+kb/s it takes less than half hour ToT

anywayz, nothing special about this ep that i really wanna talk about... 好拖 杉菜, 道明寺, 類之間完全沒有進展... sigh... 跟第一部比起來差太多了 但是諷刺的是收視一直往上升~ 我想 松本潤紅了吧? 瞬間收視竟高達27%!!! 天啊 我有不好的預感 木拓說不定這禮拜要輸給花男了!! 日本人真是沒有taste, [Good Luck!!] (even though i love it :p) [Engine], [Hero] 這種沒內涵的東西竟然收視這麼好 [浮華世家]這種真的有深度的故事卻沒人看 好啦 結論就是這種戲不適合傑尼斯演


i actually worked hard today!!!! haha 不能再混下去了~ 加油 明天 後天還要繼續努力!!! I HATE PRESENTATION T____T 今年竟然有4個... 天啊 I rahter have exam or assignment or paper than having presentations......... i hope i dont die from heart attack...

最進晚上不聽Ayu 睡不著覺~ i'm preparing myself for A BEST 2 :p 發現 it's time to get back to Ayu~ 最近真的是聽太多Johnny's... and.... Koda Kumi了 @___@ almost forgot how great Ayu was is :p 但是還是很怕看的銷量.... 首周至少要有80-100萬each吧????? >___< com'on, it's best album... speaking of which, Koda Kumi又要出精選!!! 兩年內出3張精選??? 我等著瞧看這張惠賣多少 (Black Cherry還沒破百吧?)

(and wtf?? GLAY's album dropped to #2 today????? ToT it's a good album......... Yuna, don't make me hate you...)

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here's me bored in the comp lab... 
i told myself not to go to the computer lab this morning cuz i really need to get some work done... but i failed... (listening to GLAY's Drive best album... *o* seriously, this is a MUST BUY album for all Jpop fans)

been surfing for almost an hour now~ Yesasia just added a lot of new JapanMini *o* arrr, really gotta place my order before the Super Mario Bro. one run out but i can't make up my mind of how to order all the CDs i want with the maximum amount of coupon i can get... the total of all the CDs i want add up to US$140 (shit, i deserve a VIP card from yesasia) and i need to purchase US$55 per order in order to get my next $5 coupon... but i'll get an additional $3 off if i buy the 2 Ayu (rip off) albums together.... and yesasia totally ruined my plan cuz [Arashi Around Asia] photobook is sold out ToT now i can't make my order over $55... doushiyo???

and just let me whine a bit more about how inefficient Canadians are... some ppl are suppose to come to my house and check the window since like Monday but they didn't come... i got pissed (cuz i actually cleaned my room every morning XD) then i went to the mangement and asked when da hell those lazy asses are coming... the answer i got is "they should be coming in the next few days... probably around 9am to 4pm" =______=" wtf? i can't believe they even gave me that kinda bs reply... sigh... Canadian sucks... i just hope they don't come tomorrow... i wanna sleep till 12 pm.... T____T

by the way, this is the Best Selling Books of 2006 ranking from Oricon

wow, i never know Nodame's manga is THAT popular in japan... or is it just because of the dorama effect? NANA sold good just like usual.... but i'm surprised about Honey & Clover... the story is kinda... boring =P and how did Death Note sold more than ONE PIECE????????? movie effect? honestly, the story really isnt all that great... (*pretending* to be smart and all that... is it really necessary to spend like 10 pages to explain why the main character is hiding a small TV inside a bag of potato cheap????) nothing compare to the other titles on that chart... really, the only reason why ppl started to read that series is because it's by the mangaka (art only) of [Hikaru no Go].... the characters are identical to the ones from Hikaru no Go

finally, turn your attention to the photobook chart, i just cant stop laughing when i see KT's photobook at the bottom of all other Johnny's sempai XDD KimuTaku's is released in November? which really only had 2 months of time~ geez, why am I comparing KT with KumuTaku?? :p

ok, time to get some work done



Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
[+] May 2004
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[+] July 2004
[+] August 2004
[+] September 2004
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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
