woohoo~~ my MAJOR project is finally finished!!! the next (even more) major project will be due before x'mas~
這個weekend終於可以休息了~ (wait, but i got midterms next week.... =____=") such a relaxing day today~ it's a lot easier than i thought, basically profs just came around and look at our work~ and no tutorial today~ weee~~~ (i DID not skip class!! 請不要一在MSN見到我就說我翹課)
又到了我的Panasonic addiction talk time~
D-Dock & new D-Snap Audio
世界第一的HDD音響~ 外觀超好看~ AND Panasonic 出了語iPod Nano差不多大小的mp3 player~ with SD card, not internal memory!!!! 不過我其實很不想看到MD被淘汰的一日... T____T (SONY的Hi-MD似乎還是比不過iPod....)

不過 似乎跟iPod走相同的路線: 專騙對電腦沒知識的無知少女~ look at their SD card!! it's got 3 colors!! so cute *o* 看的我都有點想買了~ and look at their
flash site, 一堆可愛的蛋糕, 甜點... 擺明就是target了女生市場
i dunno why, but i think i hate apple with a passion :p 每天都對著G5 and they are really pretty.... but 我就是不喜歡! 以後我也絕對不會買iMac or iBook!!! i rather buy Sony's VAIO :p
news 1news 2by the way,
AYU NEW Single <未確認>11月下旬release! track includes:
『pride』 D-snap CM Song.
『Bold&Delicious』 D-dock CM Song.
and just when i was at the Panasonic website, i saw
this!!! awww 日本新的3G手機~ Panasonic真是越出越漂亮~ 原來那個LED閃燈叫"光之音" 超好聽的~ *o* 而且有12種顏色~ 我(想買)的VS3才7色

那種考完試立刻問別人考幾分 然後迫不及待說出自己考幾分的人 真的是好噁心.... com'on, it's jsut a "QUIZ"..... 又是從高中之後沒看過的人....

got a major MAJOR MAJOR project due on wed!! and i'm like 10% done?? haha.... i'm so screwed... (苦笑.......)
and i cant believe i read [SHINOBI] the comic last night!! 完全知道故事的內容了 ending好感人 *___* 等不及看我最喜歡的仲間由紀惠演出的樣子 不過沒想到朧是一個這麼沒用的角色.... 時再很難想像如何將那些亂七八糟的忍術拍出來 越來越想看.... and 原來[大奧~第一章]的人物也有關聯~~
speaking of 大奧, [大奧~華之乱]的女主角居然是我最討厭的內山理名(第2討厭: 伊東美崎)!!!! sigh.... but i'll still watch it's 大奧 after all....
watched the first ep of [Ai no Uta]~ pretty good!!! but 管野美穂 is so 柴崎幸wanna-be
[熟年離婚] seems pretty good too... even tho there r no big acters....
then there's 日版的流星花園~ 已經是第2次拍了~ n年前內田友記就演過第一代的杉菜了~ [花より男子] wanna watch it cuz it's got 松本潤~~
i think that's all the interesting darama this season~ pretty much eh~ 最想看的還是大奧~

我終於過完一個禮拜最難捱的日子了!!!!!!!!! (mon~wed) yesterday was such a horrible day..... i dont even wanna talk about it....... 雖然明天有exam~ but that's ok~~ *____*
這個term已經差不多過了一半了~~yay yay yay~~~~ 期待x'mas的來臨 (even tho i'll probably be staying home doing nothing....)
現在真的是我長這麼大 最討厭上學得時候.... (actually, i hate going to elementary school in Canada A LOT too.... (因為班上的人很討厭) then i really liked hs.... and LOVED the first 2 year of university)
back to study.....

my last 20 years old birthday present~

dont u just love the "時間顯示器"? awwww~ wanted to buy it when i was in taiwan~ but was extremely poor at that time :p
it has 12 diff coulors~ look how cool it is~
download..... back to work... T___T

i think i'm serious in love with Panasonic :p
this is the phone i wanna get!!! Panasonic VS3!! why?
1. appearance
2. the one push-open button
3. big screen
4. the slim design
just love the words "日系" *o* and after watching FF7AC i really wanted to get one of those one-push-open cell phone even tho it's totally different model... but i dont care, i want one of those phone :p Cloud聽/開電話的樣子超帥的~ *o* but gonna wait till x'mas see if there's some promotion... gotta at least have free call-display :p
其實論長相我更喜歡Vodafone SHARP 703 Vodafone其實就是早期的J-Phone~ 這真的是完全日系手機了~ *o* 跟日本零時差~ but.... what's the point of getting a G3 phone in a country that doesnt even have 3G network?? sigh.... 我想5年後北美應該會有3G了吧... with an affordable price? (text msg that cost $0.15 is way too expensive!!! in taiwan it cost like NT$1 or something? and cost like 1yen in japan??)
Thanksgiving!!! 我等的你好苦!!! T_____T 每到星期五心情都超好~ (even tho i got midterm next thurs and 10% assignment due on tue)

Paradis Kiss
Paradise Kiss is animated!! and it going on TV on Oct. 14!!!
official site i love the design of the site~~
but compare to ParaKiss, I want NANA to be animated more....
such a bad day~ 早上好不容易克服睡意 大老遠開車去上課 結果Prof居然因家裡有事無故缺席.... 結果又開車回家... waste of gas man~ i should trust my 直覺 and skip class today...

i can't believe that this phrase can be used on "Hikki"!!!
her "Be My Last" single only sold 8.0萬張!!!! 沒打錯吧? but she still manage to get #1 on oricon, and Oricon gave her a news page about her new single after 17 months!!
awwwww~ 想不到大家都刻意避開跟日本天后同一天出CD 結果大家都想多了 可惜 如果AYU跟Hikki同一天出 就真的OFFICIALLY贏過宇多田了~ beat Hikki's first week sell by DOUBLE!!! If hikki release on the same day as AYU, she would only get #4!!!!! @____@
but seriously, 8.0萬張真的是少的可憐... 連大塚愛, 中島美嘉這種新星都賣的比較好~ Hikki的時代已經結束了嗎? 不果老實說 我看到的時候 有點開心 因為日本fans終於脫離盲目崇拜的階段了~ Hikki也可以因為這次事 開始認真的寫歌了吧(?)
YUI's new song for "Bleach" is pretty good~ but it's so anime feel :p kinda disappointed... havent watch any episode since july....

一個禮拜終於過了 i can't beilieve it's only the 4th week X____X it's the first time in my U life that i'm actually counting the weeks!!!
雖然最近超忙的 但是過的好充實~
星期四 - went shopping after class :p (my first time shopping after i came back from Taiwan), flute lesson, dinner with Li 然後混到11點多才回家
星期五 - had sushi for dinner with cat and sally, starbucks@main street with jo and kk joining us
星期六 - no frills + (tried) to clean my room
星期天 - 飲早茶 (but got ditched by someone :p) then went to T&T, went home and took a nap, then HW time till now T____T
i got 6 assignments due this week!! but thank god that i finally got no presentation this week
hey~ let's keep the tradtion of going out!!! :p
(gonna bring stuff to class tml 用免費的printer print my lec notes :p)
i still dont get how Koda Kumi did so well X____X and when did she debut again?? how can she have 2 disks of songs while BoA only had 1 disk?????
yeah, her album is very so-so to me...... Boa's [Best of Soul] is so much better (<-- i cant believe i said that :p)
最近狂聽的歌: Ito Yuna - ENDLESS STORY
by the way, it's ayu's birthday today~~ she's officially 2X years old now :p 光輝的日子沒剩幾年了?? i'm so worried ;___;

Hamasaki Ayumi~~
i finall got my DVD yesterday~ (tho i got charged for tax =___=" i'll never buy from yesasia again if they ship form hk!!!!)
omg, i feel like watching 舞台劇!!! her satges are SOOOOO cool this time!!! and i love how she had a LOT of dancers onl almost all of the songs this time!!!
fav performance:
1. STEP you
the singing is SOOOOOO perfect!!! and i love how she counted the "1 2 3 4"!! *o*
the dance is awsome!! (i mean, her dancer's dance :p) and the intro movie is sooo lovely~
3. flower garder
live version is so good that i started to like that song after watching her live~ actually, the entire encore part is awsome~~~
4. walking proud
her singing is not as great as her countdown live, but it's such a beautiful 在玩空中漫步的那part 真是超美~ and the part that AYU grab 掉下來的布也好讚~~~~ it's grabbing my attention away from her singing :pperformance!!!
5. Surreal
i just simply love this song~ (even tho her singing wasnt that great)
also watched her A-nation live~~ again STEP you is awsome!!! 氣勢十足!! 近年來AYU的live越來越多dancers~ 以前ˇ的話通常都只有AYU一個人+band
remember how i was saying SHE's [星光]是抄AYU的[GAME]? in fact, i was wrong!!!! 其實是[About you]!!! 因為mv是抄[GAME]所以我也被confuse了~~
let me repeat, MV抄[GAME], 歌是抄[About you]
so here, 再聽一次~~~~~
download AYU的正版
download SHE的翻版
in case you are interested in the mv
About you PV screen capture
dl SHE's 星光 mv

Layout © Pieces of a Dream by
Ayami. All Rights
Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!
Anime: Code Geass
Manga: Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song: almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?,
, HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer: 浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY,
仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木
Flower: Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子,
きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子
[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Ayu! Love!
[+] University of Toronto
[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
[+] May 2004
[+] June 2004
[+] July 2004
[+] August 2004
[+] September 2004
[+] October 2004
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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...
Fan Listing
