
花より男子 episode 02 
just watched the 2nd episode!!! gyaaaa~~ it's so good!!! 原本漫畫裡我最喜歡的是花澤類~ 但是線再竟然比較喜歡道明寺!! MatsuJun *o* 台版的言成旭演的"兇"只是講話大聲而已 根本兇不起來 MatsuJun演的就真的感覺的道是在生氣 而且完全有該有的氣勢!! awwww, 花澤類的角色還是很討人喜歡~ 讓我覺得小栗旬 is such a good actor!! 各式各樣的角色都演過(GOKUSEN and 救命病棟24時裡演過不良少年, 電車男裡演otaku) 演什麼像什麼~ 演藤堂靜的左田真由美真是超有氣質~ 超漂亮~~ 演西門的松田翔太原來是台日混血 難怪有點台台的 :p oh well, they are not important anywayz

arrr~ 菜菜子下一集要出場了!!! *o* 日版真的拍的比台版好100倍~ 道明寺家大到可怕!! is that really in japan?

awwwww, and i think 大種愛的[Planetarium] sound a lot nicer now~ even the 輕快版sounded so good!!!

i just read NANA chapter 54~ TAKUMI完全不像他的溫柔體貼!! but i can tell that his plan is 讓雜誌社發現他結婚的同時與知名女演員搞婚外情... 下一集的小八會很慘... T____T NANA也快接近尾聲了吧... 我覺得 到最後 兩個NANA都沒辦法得到幸福...

(cant find my driver's lisense.... 要遲到了 X___X)


one of my greatest Thursday~ 
reason 1: 明明是要上學的日子 卻不用早起~ 心情超好~ (it feels different from weekend)
reason 2: no boring lecture~ we get to do our assignment in the computer lab~
reason 3: 過了最痛苦的星期1~3

awww i'm such a simple person :p

had dinner at the korean resturant at Market Village.... 隔壁桌的韓國人講話超大聲... and 男的感覺讓人很討厭 ... 居然在公眾場所翹腳!!!而且還是地面90度的那種!!! 吸煙 賭博 喝酒 這些都無所謂 但是"翹腳" 真的是讓我從心裡討厭 it's a sign of "自大"

arrrr, but at the end of my perfect day, i was reminded that there's a second midterm next thursday T___T

隔壁桌的韓國人講話超大聲... and 男的感覺讓人很討厭 ... 居然在公眾場所翹腳!!!而且還是那種離地面90度的那種!!! 吸煙 賭博 喝酒 這些都無所謂 但是"翹腳" 真的是讓我從心裡討厭 it's a sign of "自大"

我覺得看了日版流星花園後 真是越來越喜歡松本潤~~~~~~~~~~ 大部分原因是 他演的太好了!!! 100%跟原著一樣!!! 演花澤類的也演的超好~ 第一眼看 覺得外型一點也不像~ 不過演起來 就真的感覺的到 是"花澤類" haha, but the problem with 日版流星is that 不-夠-高!! F4 should all be 180cm+!!! >___< why isnt the episode 2 released yet....


Oricon 年間排行榜~ 
single ranking
album ranking

(by the way, my first impression of Oricon's new layout is that "Oricon被Yahoo收購了嗎? it looks so Yahoo")

before the crazy X'mas release period~ 真正的排名是到11月31為止~ by that time Mr. Children and Koda Kumi should have already beat boa :p 下個月裡比較有potential的artist 有平井堅 and CHEMISTRY~~ 不過應該還是擠不上top 10吧... and noticed that all the top10 singles are MALE artists??? indication of something...?

wooo congratulation to GLAYxEXILE!! [SCREAM] is the no. 4 single of the year!!! ORANGE RANGE, YOU SUCK!! (自稱)比[花]還要好聽的[Love Parade] is only the no.7 single of the year (well....but all their singles are are in the top 10 =___=" 想不承認不是ORANGE RANGE的天下都不行... and i cant believe AYU like their song.... i'm so disappointed T____T) 很想看看10年後他們還能不能出現在top 10裡~ 大概沒有人會記得他們了吧 :p

back to GLAYxEXILE, it's definitely my favourite song of the year!!! (and fav pv :p) 但是老實說 我實在沒想到會賣的這麼好~ 畢竟現在日本CD市場銷售量少的可憐... 我想媒體誇張的報導有很大的功勞 "震撼音樂界的collaboration", "collaboration of the century", "飛越音樂界線"... 等超誇張的形容詞 this is EXILE's best selling single ever~ (all thanks to TAKURO :p) and this is GLAY's best selling single since [Way of Difference] released in 2002

i can't believe she's the no. 1 selling FEMALE artist of the year... X____X thought it's gonna be AYU.... wth..... [GLAMOROUS SKY] seriously doesnt deserve that much sell.... the singing is horrible :p haha, i sound so anti-Mika~ but seriously, she got tons of other good songs that sound better than GLAMOROUS SKY... it's selling good only because of the NANA effect....

awwww. Janne Da Arc的[月光花]背擠到no. 20了... oh, Kobukuro's [ここにしか咲かない花] is such a beautiful song~ should give it a try~~

album chart超沒surprise的... actually, i was so shocked that 安室奈美恵 made into the top 30 O____O.... 45萬!!! holy!! i think her previous album only sold 25萬!!! 咸魚翻身? :p... but i think by the end of the year, ORANG RANGE's [NATURAL] is probably gonna get into the top 10...

anime/movie effect!!!
GLAMOROUS SKY is definitely one of them, and so is OR's [*~ASTERISK~] ... 全是因為[BLEACH]的關係

oh, and i finally got my chane to listen to Southern All Stars' new album~~~ awsome album!! i like it a lot mroe than Mr. Children's.... but... 感覺好old style... sound like songs written in the 1995 :p

weeee 又到了星期3~ even tho my prof skipped class without tellins us again today, still a good day~ went dt with my group members to do my project... (actually, just taking pix today..) my group is actually pretty good~~ (*phew~~) and tml, my lecture is switched to 5pm!!! T_____T 終於可以睡到"自然醒"了~~ thank god!!!

oh, and i started watching [電車男]...... otakus.... 好噁心!!! (*run~~~~)


我的心在滴血 X___X 
上個月的電話費竟然要$64!!! X________________X arrrr, 近兩千台幣!!!!! arrrrr 想我再台灣的時候都過著貧苦的生活 現在竟然講掉了2000元.... 好恨自己為什麼要這麼長舌... 2000園可以吃一餐很好的法式料理, 或日本料理, 或鐵板燒, 數次下午茶, 買20餘本漫畫.... 這個月絕對不超出了!!!


明天將是決定我未來兩個月是哭是笑的大日子!!! i'll be put into group for my next major project due before x'mas..... i dont care if i'm grouped with ppl that doenst do anything, please just dont put me into 討厭的人一組!!! >____< 要我未來兩個月每天跟討厭的人講話 我會發瘋的!!! kami-sama, onegai!!! 請實現我小小的要求...


it's so good!!!!!!!! 果然 講有錢人的故事通常都不會不好看!!!

awwww, 松本潤好帥 *o* 日版真的跟原著一模一樣!! 松本潤真的演的完全是"道明寺" 像是從漫畫裡走出來的~ GOKUSEN裡的金髮不良少年竟然演花澤類 =____=" but i think i'll get used to it... 最讓我不滿的是 女主角!!!!! omg.... 竟然是[孩子們的戰爭]裡超粗魯 沒氣質的女主角 .... so disappointed... but i guess she fits with the character....... (我覺得後藤真希來演會不錯~ 覺得他跟松本潤滿偁的...)

AND the biggest surprise is, 演道明寺姊姊-樁的居然是松島菜菜子!!! i can't wait to see her!! 全身名牌 出場破口大罵的樣子!!! :p


speaking of 後藤真希, she formed a group called "DEF. DIVA" with 安倍夏美, 松浦亞彌, 石川梨華~ so i downloaded the pv.... awww, so disappointed.... cuz this is the first time that Maki didnt get any "special treatment" Maki自從出道 從"Love Machine", "Shiawase desuka", 到"Shall We Love?" 都是一看就知道是"主角"!!! 永遠都是站中間, has the longest and best solo part, 最多特寫鏡頭的一個 ... but this time, the 4 members all get equal parts....

she's releasing a best album on 12.14~ kinda wanna get it .... but have to see what songs r on the album :p

TERU and HISASHI are forming this new group with 2 other guy (which i dont really care about) ..... arrrr, why r they doing stuff separetly these days >___< guess have to hear the song first to decide whether i'm buying it or not....

and i wanna get CHEMISTRY's [almost in love] fall in love with the super short preview *o* even tho it's a super SUPER slow song!! i'm so surprised that i actually like it! cuz i usually hate that kinda slow SLOW song~ and the single come with the song that they sang with Crystal Kay - [Two As One] (is there like a part 2 of the song? cuz at the end of the pv, it says "To be continued")

geez, CDs to get...
- DAI best album - [Do the A-side]
- AYU new single - [Bold & Delicious] 2005.11.30
- AYU new album 2006.01.01
- CHEMISTRY new album - [fo(u)r] 2005.11.16
- TERU & HISASHI's new single (?)
- 後藤真希 best album 2005.12.14 (?)
- 中島美嘉 best album - [Best] 2005.12.07 (by the way, what a creative name :p)
- 平井堅 best album - [歌バカ] 2005.11.23

omg... i bett cut down some of them... else i'll be broke before x'mas X____X (by the way, i'll be only getting AYU and GLAY in JPN version!! haha, wanna get oversea ver for DAI now ..... i'm so broke :p)




iPod nano.... 
其實我有一個問題... iPod nano真的有用到"奈米科技"嗎???? or they named it "nano" simply cuz it's small????? if it's the second one, then apple is really stupid.... and is assuming everyone else are stupid


S1P1 done!!! 
woohoo~~ my MAJOR project is finally finished!!! the next (even more) major project will be due before x'mas~

這個weekend終於可以休息了~ (wait, but i got midterms next week.... =____=") such a relaxing day today~ it's a lot easier than i thought, basically profs just came around and look at our work~ and no tutorial today~ weee~~~ (i DID not skip class!! 請不要一在MSN見到我就說我翹課)

又到了我的Panasonic addiction talk time~

D-Dock & new D-Snap Audio

世界第一的HDD音響~ 外觀超好看~ AND Panasonic 出了語iPod Nano差不多大小的mp3 player~ with SD card, not internal memory!!!! 不過我其實很不想看到MD被淘汰的一日... T____T (SONY的Hi-MD似乎還是比不過iPod....)


不過 似乎跟iPod走相同的路線: 專騙對電腦沒知識的無知少女~ look at their SD card!! it's got 3 colors!! so cute *o* 看的我都有點想買了~ and look at their flash site, 一堆可愛的蛋糕, 甜點... 擺明就是target了女生市場

i dunno why, but i think i hate apple with a passion :p 每天都對著G5 and they are really pretty.... but 我就是不喜歡! 以後我也絕對不會買iMac or iBook!!! i rather buy Sony's VAIO :p

news 1
news 2

by the way,
AYU NEW Single <未確認>11月下旬release! track includes:
『pride』 D-snap CM Song.
『Bold&Delicious』 D-dock CM Song.

and just when i was at the Panasonic website, i saw this!!! awww 日本新的3G手機~ Panasonic真是越出越漂亮~ 原來那個LED閃燈叫"光之音" 超好聽的~ *o* 而且有12種顏色~ 我(想買)的VS3才7色


那種考完試立刻問別人考幾分 然後迫不及待說出自己考幾分的人 真的是好噁心.... com'on, it's jsut a "QUIZ"..... 又是從高中之後沒看過的人....


got a major MAJOR MAJOR project due on wed!! and i'm like 10% done?? haha.... i'm so screwed... (苦笑.......)

and i cant believe i read [SHINOBI] the comic last night!! 完全知道故事的內容了 ending好感人 *___* 等不及看我最喜歡的仲間由紀惠演出的樣子 不過沒想到朧是一個這麼沒用的角色.... 時再很難想像如何將那些亂七八糟的忍術拍出來 越來越想看.... and 原來[大奧~第一章]的人物也有關聯~~

speaking of 大奧, [大奧~華之乱]的女主角居然是我最討厭的內山理名(第2討厭: 伊東美崎)!!!! sigh.... but i'll still watch it's 大奧 after all....

watched the first ep of [Ai no Uta]~ pretty good!!! but 管野美穂 is so 柴崎幸wanna-be

[熟年離婚] seems pretty good too... even tho there r no big acters....

then there's 日版的流星花園~ 已經是第2次拍了~ n年前內田友記就演過第一代的杉菜了~ [花より男子] wanna watch it cuz it's got 松本潤~~

i think that's all the interesting darama this season~ pretty much eh~ 最想看的還是大奧~


我終於過完一個禮拜最難捱的日子了!!!!!!!!! (mon~wed) yesterday was such a horrible day..... i dont even wanna talk about it....... 雖然明天有exam~ but that's ok~~ *____*

這個term已經差不多過了一半了~~yay yay yay~~~~ 期待x'mas的來臨 (even tho i'll probably be staying home doing nothing....)

現在真的是我長這麼大 最討厭上學得時候.... (actually, i hate going to elementary school in Canada A LOT too.... (因為班上的人很討厭) then i really liked hs.... and LOVED the first 2 year of university)

back to study.....


my last 20 years old birthday present~ 

dont u just love the "時間顯示器"? awwww~ wanted to buy it when i was in taiwan~ but was extremely poor at that time :p

it has 12 diff coulors~ look how cool it is~ download

..... back to work... T___T


i think i'm serious in love with Panasonic :p 
this is the phone i wanna get!!! Panasonic VS3!! why?

1. appearance
2. the one push-open button
3. big screen
4. the slim design

just love the words "日系" *o* and after watching FF7AC i really wanted to get one of those one-push-open cell phone even tho it's totally different model... but i dont care, i want one of those phone :p Cloud聽/開電話的樣子超帥的~ *o* but gonna wait till x'mas see if there's some promotion... gotta at least have free call-display :p

其實論長相我更喜歡Vodafone SHARP 703 Vodafone其實就是早期的J-Phone~ 這真的是完全日系手機了~ *o* 跟日本零時差~ but.... what's the point of getting a G3 phone in a country that doesnt even have 3G network?? sigh.... 我想5年後北美應該會有3G了吧... with an affordable price? (text msg that cost $0.15 is way too expensive!!! in taiwan it cost like NT$1 or something? and cost like 1yen in japan??)

Thanksgiving!!! 我等的你好苦!!! T_____T 每到星期五心情都超好~ (even tho i got midterm next thurs and 10% assignment due on tue)


Paradis Kiss 
Paradise Kiss is animated!! and it going on TV on Oct. 14!!!

official site i love the design of the site~~

but compare to ParaKiss, I want NANA to be animated more....

such a bad day~ 早上好不容易克服睡意 大老遠開車去上課 結果Prof居然因家裡有事無故缺席.... 結果又開車回家... waste of gas man~ i should trust my 直覺 and skip class today...


i can't believe that this phrase can be used on "Hikki"!!!

her "Be My Last" single only sold 8.0萬張!!!! 沒打錯吧? but she still manage to get #1 on oricon, and Oricon gave her a news page about her new single after 17 months!!

awwwww~ 想不到大家都刻意避開跟日本天后同一天出CD 結果大家都想多了 可惜 如果AYU跟Hikki同一天出 就真的OFFICIALLY贏過宇多田了~ beat Hikki's first week sell by DOUBLE!!! If hikki release on the same day as AYU, she would only get #4!!!!! @____@

but seriously, 8.0萬張真的是少的可憐... 連大塚愛, 中島美嘉這種新星都賣的比較好~ Hikki的時代已經結束了嗎? 不果老實說 我看到的時候 有點開心 因為日本fans終於脫離盲目崇拜的階段了~ Hikki也可以因為這次事 開始認真的寫歌了吧(?)

YUI's new song for "Bleach" is pretty good~ but it's so anime feel :p kinda disappointed... havent watch any episode since july....


一個禮拜終於過了 i can't beilieve it's only the 4th week X____X it's the first time in my U life that i'm actually counting the weeks!!!

雖然最近超忙的 但是過的好充實~

星期四 - went shopping after class :p (my first time shopping after i came back from Taiwan), flute lesson, dinner with Li 然後混到11點多才回家
星期五 - had sushi for dinner with cat and sally, starbucks@main street with jo and kk joining us
星期六 - no frills + (tried) to clean my room
星期天 - 飲早茶 (but got ditched by someone :p) then went to T&T, went home and took a nap, then HW time till now T____T

i got 6 assignments due this week!! but thank god that i finally got no presentation this week

hey~ let's keep the tradtion of going out!!! :p

(gonna bring stuff to class tml 用免費的printer print my lec notes :p)
i still dont get how Koda Kumi did so well X____X and when did she debut again?? how can she have 2 disks of songs while BoA only had 1 disk?????

yeah, her album is very so-so to me...... Boa's [Best of Soul] is so much better (<-- i cant believe i said that :p)

最近狂聽的歌: Ito Yuna - ENDLESS STORY

by the way, it's ayu's birthday today~~ she's officially 2X years old now :p 光輝的日子沒剩幾年了?? i'm so worried ;___;


Hamasaki Ayumi~~ 
i finall got my DVD yesterday~ (tho i got charged for tax =___=" i'll never buy from yesasia again if they ship form hk!!!!)

omg, i feel like watching 舞台劇!!! her satges are SOOOOO cool this time!!! and i love how she had a LOT of dancers onl almost all of the songs this time!!!

fav performance:

1. STEP you
the singing is SOOOOOO perfect!!! and i love how she counted the "1 2 3 4"!! *o*

the dance is awsome!! (i mean, her dancer's dance :p) and the intro movie is sooo lovely~

3. flower garder
live version is so good that i started to like that song after watching her live~ actually, the entire encore part is awsome~~~

4. walking proud
her singing is not as great as her countdown live, but it's such a beautiful 在玩空中漫步的那part 真是超美~ and the part that AYU grab 掉下來的布也好讚~~~~ it's grabbing my attention away from her singing :pperformance!!!

5. Surreal
i just simply love this song~ (even tho her singing wasnt that great)

also watched her A-nation live~~ again STEP you is awsome!!! 氣勢十足!! 近年來AYU的live越來越多dancers~ 以前ˇ的話通常都只有AYU一個人+band


remember how i was saying SHE's [星光]是抄AYU的[GAME]? in fact, i was wrong!!!! 其實是[About you]!!! 因為mv是抄[GAME]所以我也被confuse了~~

let me repeat, MV抄[GAME], 歌是抄[About you]

so here, 再聽一次~~~~~
download AYU的正版
download SHE的翻版


in case you are interested in the mv

About you PV screen capture
dl SHE's 星光 mv


Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
[+] May 2004
[+] June 2004
[+] July 2004
[+] August 2004
[+] September 2004
[+] October 2004
[+] November 2004
[+] December 2004
[+] January 2005
[+] February 2005
[+] March 2005
[+] April 2005
[+] May 2005
[+] June 2005
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[+] November 2009


version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
