(Ura is updated) 不想再說一樣的話了... 好累.... 霸佔了某人好幾個小時聊天 thanks :p (I just realized that I tend to listen to a lot of Ayu ballads when I'm in a bad mood... Ayu的音樂對我來說是治療系)
Ayu竟然代言內衣??? 但是還好出來的海報一點也不slutty 非常Ayu style~ but why is this only in Korea, HK, TW and China?? not in Japan??? maybe I'll get one when I get back XDDDD

[Code Geass]真的是近年來非常優的動畫了 看的我超緊張 女主角竟然死了!!! AWWWWWWWWWW~~~ 每個禮拜追 追動畫這種事是高中才會做的事啊 而且通常我追到一半就會開始覺得悶了 但是Code Geass已經第2個season了 還是一樣好看!! [Skip Beat]今年秋天也會出動畫了 希望不要走樣
Chrono Trigger is going to be released on DS........ with the exact same graphic and story..... =___=" I think SE is having some serious financial problem... I mean they already did that on PS and it sucked, it looks exactly the same as the one on SNES, the only thing new was the animation... but I'm not a fan of animation, i want CG movie!!! and it loads so damn slow!!! and why would I wanna play that on DS?? I rather play rom on my PSP with bigger screen and better graphic........ I'm so disappointed in SE... minimum effort....
and I read that FF13 is going to be released on XBOX as well here in North America, but still PS3 exclusive in Japan... I thought SE is SONY's best friend... how can they back stab SONY.... awwww, it's not special anymore if it's also on XBOX... and com'on, if you are a FF fan, you should be playing it on PS3 instead of XBOX!!!!! :p
I've been playing quite a lot of the
Tales RPG.... and I don't get why they are so popular..... the grpahic sucks :p the music is nothing compare to FF series and the story is so straight forward.... the characters ... are OK (there are SOME bishounen XDD FF系列可是每個角色都超級美型說) 還是只有FF系列能讓我感動 *__*

Oh-chan 我對不起你 [魔王]實在是好悶啊!!! 但是Oh-chan好有型 Toma也好帥 <333 somehow I think [Code Blue] is getting a bit boring, I don't like how they made all the girls so useless... one is enough already... and I thought this dorama is not written for Johnny's, since they don't even get to sing the theme song (like Maou) but I think I'm wrong... YamaP的角色會不會太完美了一點... his character reminded me of 黑崎.... 我還是覺得山P沒有什麼表情...
這季的日劇好失望啊 最好看的果然還是[Monster Parent] 米倉凉子身材超好的 不虧是前Can Cam model~ 反町隆史演的中樂透的男人 好無聊... 山田優的[正義的夥伴]也有點太誇張了... 像說很久沒看竹也內豐演的日劇了 沒想到可以這麼無聊 [少年刑警]還不錯 藤木直人眼小混混竟然這麼適合 金髮好帥啊~~~ 超想看[花男F] 預告裡他比松本潤還帥 :p 說道[花男F] 看過的人都說好看~~~~ 我也很期待 畢竟去了Vegas 還住了一晚100萬日圓 半島的總統套房 (Ayu去的時候住的那間) 票房也很好的樣子 首周已經超過 [在世界的中心呼喊愛情] 動員人數超過了HERO~
86.5万人 初動12.37億 踊る大捜査線2 レインボーブリッジを封鎖せよ
80.5万人 初動10.05億 花より男子ファイナル
74.9万人 初動10.09億 HERO
anyway, uploaded some of my Japan trip's photo.... 遊記? lol, it's on the way... I'll get it done sooner or later :p Google's photo album is actually quite good, I find it pretty user-friendly~ and the program too, the upload speed is pretty fast~
I think I'll upload my 2004's Japan trip in the next few days~Labels: Dorama

99% of life sucks
I think life scuked for me in the past few months... I don't have any excitement, anything I look forward to, and I've been worrying about various things and giving myself deadline for a dream that might not even come true.... Waiting is such a cruel torture
anyway, I went to this year's night market again... like I said before, I'M TOTALLY NOT A FAN IN THIS KINDA EVENT (especially in Toronto) and somehow I think it's getting worse every year... 今年人真的多到誇張 吃的基本上每年都差不多 今天是第一天 所以沒有很髒 but still, I don't get why there are so many ppl interested in this kinda event.... 加拿大真的是太無聊了 and even tho I said I'm never gonna go again, I'll end up going every year, I don't know how to reject ppl :p
as usual, it's so damn hard to find a parking space and somehow ALL Chinese malls have very limited parking spaces (P-mall's TV CM makes me wanna laugh when it says "plenty of parking spaces" 屁勒) 今天還以回有戲看 聽到隔壁lane有人很大聲的罵了f字 回頭看 有人拿棒球棍衝下車!!!! 連門都沒關 XDD 但是也沒聽到有吵架聲 很快那個人就回到車上把車開走了 awwwww :p 這種事不是只有台灣才會發生嗎??? (應該是台灣人XDD)
getting a new glasses, saw this Prada one that's pretty nice but it's a bit out of my budget... so I end up getting a Dior (guess what colour it is?) 但是其實我也不應該買太貴 因為我很少戴 想說去了日本要看起來pro一點 XDD 動機不良
(I wanna curse Interac for not giving me a placement yet *$%)^*@)*^%)_*#$%)
another fd of mine said she wanna go to Japan and teach too~ 真的是物以類聚嗎? or is it because Canada is just tooooooooooo boring?? we seem to have the same 煩惱

It's time to go on to the next stage in life (is it?) I need to start getting used to 離別!!! Today's my last Japanese class , it's probably not a very useful one but I do enjoyed it a lot!! Sensei is such a nice person, my classmates are nice ppl too~ Andy-san, thank you for your advice, Christina-san, thank you for your cookies (tho they are never gonna see this :p). I have approx a month left in Canada (tho I still don't know where I'm heading) but to be honest, I haven't prepare myself for leaving Toronto yet... I think that's what I need to learn in the remaining time
其實我很不喜歡這種感覺 這種一輩子都見不到面的感覺 但是其實我們認識也才短短2個月 加起來不到10天 連20小時都不到 說不定一年後我就會忘了他們... 真懷念唸書的日子啊~ (話說 高中畢業時 想到可以跟高中的同學say good bye 都不知道多開心XDDD) 其實這個世界上並不是沒有誰就活不下去的 孩子總有一天會離開家 就好像我跟姐姐很親 但是即使沒有一起生活 也不會有任何影響...
但是我相信所有的一切都是直得的 我似乎忘了我有多喜歡日本 有多哈日!!! 我想我到了日本一定會很快就忘了加拿大XDDD I hope I don't end up stucked in Toronto next month.....
what, there is no Royal Doulton store in STC??? btw, there are big sales now. Had my eyes on this musical piano (it plays Für Elise, one of my fav song~), the MSRP is $130 but it's now for $41!!!!!! Maybe I should've just get it today... but I want to check out the outlet store first...
anyway, got a lot of shopping to do X____X and my sis just sent me her "wishlist" ... 小孩衣服實在是很貴ㄟ 比我穿的還貴 現在的小孩真是幸福
BTW, is it just me? I think Amuro's new VS image looks HORRIBLE!!! that kinda style is just not for Asian....

I'm still waiting!!!!! ToT saw on some online forum, most ppl who got their placement are in Kyushu area.... read that they are sending approx 40 ppl there.... what about Kanto area?????????????? (hurry man, I wanna go see a-nation!!!)
今天做了一個我一直在逃避的決定... (詳情請看Ura) (我承認我是駝鳥型)
anyway, TB test的result 我是positive =____=" why can't the doctor just let me do x-ray from the beginning? 還浪費我$30 (心痛)
[七日死]好可怕啊!!!!!!!!!! esepcially if you are using headphone!!! 音效太好了!!! 我玩到想大叫!!!! it's those type of games where there are zombies chasing after you 我對zombie非常苦手!!!!!!! 而且被追也只能慢慢走 ARRRRRR but so far I don't find this game like any typical Square RPG.... 好想玩 但是又怕 怎麼辦
夏季日劇開跑了~ [Code Blue]比想像中好看!!! 結衣美眉... is "big"!!! she's almost as tall as YamaP!!! 身高其實不是問題 他的骨架太大塊了 看起來好大一隻....

拿出櫻蘭的anime來看 還是很搞笑~~~ 果然 看看這種不用頭腦的東西整個人都輕鬆了 (話說 這部的動畫真的算是很不錯了 至少畫風沒有走樣 吸血鬼騎士的動畫版實在是可怕) Honey可以這麼可愛完全是靠配音的 那聲音實在是太~~~~可愛了 也就是Fruits Basket裡的紅葉 (兩人是同一個style 其實我覺得櫻蘭的人物設定跟Fruits Basket很像) 從那時就覺得這聲音實在是太可愛了!!!
anyway, 今天去做TB check 原來要付$30 么瘦喔 加拿大不是看醫生不用錢嗎 本來還想試試看能不能ㄠ到跳過第一個procedure 醫生很有耐性的跟我解釋整個過程 結果還是要打針 要打針的時候 還叫我relax 難道我真的看起來很怕嗎? maybe 我是會因為小小痛都大叫的那種人 現在就祈禱他不要紅腫 消失吧 消失吧!!! 不然我還要回去做x-ray... reception的態度超爛 活該一輩子做reception :p
等消息真的是很累啊 趕快通知我吧 >____<
期待已久的[ナナシノゲエム]終於出了啊!!! 別小看他 他可是SQUARE出的喔!!! 玩過那個game的人7天候會死 也就是[七夜怪談]+Dragon Quest XDDDD (btw, I always thought 七夜怪談 is a better translation than 午夜兇鈴, it's exactly what the story is about) 但是重點是 玩不到啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 最近的新game (日本的) 有9成都玩不到 X_____X 但是歷史告訴了我們 "防盜版"裝置 is not going to work (at least not to Chinese ppl) 加油啊hackers!!!! 不知道hack版明天有沒有呢 這就是道高一尺魔高一丈?? XDD

Layout © Pieces of a Dream by
Ayami. All Rights
Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!
Anime: Code Geass
Manga: Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song: almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?,
, HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer: 浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY,
仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木
Flower: Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子,
きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子
[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Ayu! Love!
[+] University of Toronto
[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
[+] May 2004
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[+] July 2004
[+] August 2004
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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...
Fan Listing
